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Three Things You Believe About The Zodiac

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no, sorry can’t share, he’s alive and liability

Posted : September 4, 2016 5:19 pm
Posts: 55
Trusted Member

But You have a good nose because of your assumption Zodiac may be in the construction field..
The Mt Diablo code is really just the top of Mt Diablo is a possible referenced starting point formally used by area surveyors

and the Zodiac hood? well I believe that’s just a old black painted welding hood with leather chest protection he stole out of the base shop


Posted : September 4, 2016 5:29 pm
Posts: 94
Estimable Member

How about you post a timeline of your poi and some non identifying personal details such a basic height , weight estimate and age during the attacks.
The top secret section in the POI topic thread is a wonderful place to post that info and get some feed back by seasoned zodiac researchers here.

Posted : September 5, 2016 12:01 am
Posts: 1197
Noble Member

I believe the Zodiac was a blonde young guy in the Army, a frustrated army clerk or construction engineer and stationed at the Presidio, FT Ord or Travis AFB.
I believe the Zodiac sign is actually a 35th division Army patch, used the first time under the words no address, which was a lie, It WAS his address.
I believe the Zodiac was out of the country in Vietnam or Korea during the 7 mos the Killings stopped.

3 more for you too..
I believe the composite drawing is not accurate.
I believe he knew Donna Lass, a Letterman Nurse, and for reasons of self preservation he killed her since he may have previously borrowed her car or obtained drugs from her. Zodiac is also the reason Donna left a good Army nursing job.
I believe he was also bi sexual

This would mean your poi new my poi

Posted : September 5, 2016 12:34 am
Posts: 1197
Noble Member

I believe he kept killing.
I believe he wrote the Gaul Sharp note
I believe he delighted in teasing LE with subliminal clues.

Posted : September 5, 2016 12:50 am
Posts: 55
Trusted Member

"This would mean your poi new my poi"

I have no idea..

I do believe the following,

The Zodiac is a very a intelligent psychopath. His early personality traits and quirks made him a social introvert

But for his deeds as a notorious killer HE knows he will just be another name on a headstone.

He wants his fame, He READS THIS BOARD and others. He knows my identity and the Zodiac in him wants
to taunt society and declare his success at outsmarting law enforcement. Which HE DID!

He also realizes the last chapter of this almost 50 year case is in its final stages. He also knows that I am close to catching him. When I do, I steal his fame

Zodiac, I remind you of what you already know and fear, You will die a nobody UNLESS you come out and claim your fame.

Do it now. Your dying anyway and we both know it.

Unknown and buried for eternity in Nicaragua is not the proper ending for you


Posted : September 5, 2016 6:53 pm
Posts: 13
Active Member

1. Zodiac did not kill Bates
2. Zodiac lived in the Vallejo area
3. Zodiac was investigated by LE

Posted : September 6, 2016 6:19 am
Posts: 53
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Topic starter

1. Zodiac was responsible for Lake Herman Road, Blue Rock Springs, and Presidio Heights. It was an imposter at Lake Berryessa.

2. The description those teenagers gave at PH, including both the sketch and size estimates, was dead-on accurate. So accurate in fact that it drove Z underground as far as committing more crimes as Z.

3. He was either military or ex-military, and/or in some no-nonsense type profession like plumber, brick layer, construction, etc. Maybe even a mail carrier or delivery driver. The short crew-cut would be consistent with military and a redneck personality, and the stocky build would imply heavy work which kept him in good shape. I think he was the kind of guy who had little patience for the Hippie Movement and young people in general.

[warning: Marshall is about to cheat with a #4]

4. He has not been identified as a POI yet. This guy was a relative loner, moderate to heavy drinker, unpleasant to be around.

BTW I approach this whole thing with an open mind and look forward to opposing views that are persuesive. 6 months ago I was a Ross guy, for instance. Best argument wins in my book and so far, this is where I’m at.

When you start grouping killings you have two where the killer is very efficient (Lake Herman Road and the Presidio) and two where he isn’t (Blue Rock Springs and Lake Berryesa). I’m not convinced there was just one killer.

Posted : September 9, 2016 5:42 am
Posts: 27
Eminent Member

1. He isn’t a known poi
2. Zodiac hated the lust that young couples represented. He didn’t just kill them because they were isolated in quiet areas, as he later killed Stine in an urban setting, retaliating to the papers questioning his sexuality and motive. I also believe the first three couples were doing more than holding hands before they were killed.
3. He must have driven the areas of the murders many times, stalking and fantasising on weekends. During this time Zodiac likely aborted potential murder opportunities and must have been seen by others, or at least stopped on occasion by the police.

I also think law enforcement have withheld (for obvious reasons) a lot more than we could possibly imagine.

Posted : September 11, 2016 7:31 am
Posts: 810
Prominent Member

1. I believe he killed Cheri and stopped his physical killing with the death of Stine.
2. I believe he continued his writing to at least 90′ and wrote many of the unconfirmed.
3. I believe what happen to John’s was not Zodiac related.


Posted : September 16, 2016 9:09 am
Posts: 553
Honorable Member

1) Zodiac is totally insane.
2) Zodiac is still alive.
3) Zodiac still kills.

Posted : September 17, 2016 9:04 am
Posts: 57
Trusted Member

1) Zodiac killed 5 people and wounded 2, thus his killing career lasted from December 1968 to October of 1969.

2) Zodiac died around 1975 after being in failing health for several years. He barely had the strength to write the Red Phantom letter.

3) Zodiac was never investigated by the police because he fit into society perfectly well.

I suspect he had a tag along at Berryessa, but this partner was a very minor figure and maybe was only a lookout.

Posted : September 19, 2016 1:09 am
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

1) Zodiac is totally insane.
2) Zodiac is still alive.
3) Zodiac still kills.

I totally agree with you and to add to your 3 beliefs.

(#1 )I believe that it was Zodiac who stole my coil wire in Vallejo then after some guy friends took someone else s coil wire and put it in my car, so I could get home to Napa , he followed me home in the winter of 1968. I was able to get a very good look at him that night for a brief moment before he contorted his face in an insane way.He is for sure the same man who is still following me from time to time and continues to call me.

(#2) I have no doubt that it was Zodiac who took most of my clothes "white hollow cored plastic clothes line"the summer of 1969 in Napa and then planted his killing costume in the back seat of my car shortly after the Lake Berryessa stabbing( Like with in a day or two).

(#3)That he is still having fun trying to torment me, knowing that most of you and LE believe that if he were Zodiac, I would have been killed already.
But the fact is that if he killed me he would be caught, because almost everything that he has done has been documented with LE and they have his picture that I took. He is using what I believe is" reverse psychology" and it is working to his advantage . He loves playing the "I can kill you anytime" game!
He has told me how he will do it and for him to do what he said he would do to me, he would have to be very close to me to do that. I carry a gun and mace and I am not afraid to use them, he knows that I am a excellent marksman. Letting me live keeps him from being caught. and makes me look like a crazy old lady. That is ok by me LOL.

Posted : November 6, 2016 7:06 pm
Posts: 273
Reputable Member

I believe Z is a chameleon…

Would have the ability to be able to put most at complete ease if they were in his presence.

I think he enjoyed his Z persona, hated having to give it up. He enjoyed the hunt more than the killing, and he loved the killing….

Posted : November 6, 2016 11:40 pm
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

That the confession letter is authentic. That the desktop poem is authentic. That the 340 is solvable.



Posted : November 13, 2016 9:34 pm
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