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What are the odds?

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The tablet seems to read: "Riverside Community/City College". And even though this has never been an official name (as far as I know) it does seem to be a fairly common way of referring to the institution: "RIverside Community (City) College" is another one I’ve come across both here and there.

Could be due to the name changes (from what I can gather "city" was the original one, then followed a "community" period before they changed it back to "city" in the 60s): You include both "community" and "city" as it was known as both at various times.

I have seen it referred to by both names but not at the same time. To me it seems strange that a student would write it that way. If that is how Cheri referred to the school I would imagine that one of her friends or her brother would remember it.

Posted : December 10, 2014 9:42 am
Posts: 1764
Noble Member

If that is how Cheri referred to the school I would imagine that one of her friends or her brother would remember it.

Yes – or anyone who attended RCC around that time for that matter. Should be possible to establish whether this was indeed a common thing.

It seems to be if not common, then at least not unheard of, to use BOTH when referring to the college these days: Doing some brief searching just now I came across several people who list courses taken at "Riverside Community City College" under "education" (Facebook stuff and various other profiles).

Posted : December 10, 2014 9:59 am
ace ventura
Posts: 435
Honorable Member

the only writing done on the cover by her was her name IMO, unless she worked in the art dept on the tablet .
all the printing on the tablet cover was done with likely a carved linoleum stamp I and the artist that did the sketch think it was anyway. by a student in the art dept.
the design on the cover was way more psychedelic ,fisheye effect than the sketch I had done ,the artist just didn’t follow my instructions . It must have been a slap in the face to RCC staff by the students that made it IMO very drug culture associated back then ( acid )
i think not many of them were made ,at least at a time , as they would have to be thrown away after that school year ,and they were intended as a art / sketch tablet ( no lines for writing , she had scribed hers ) and the pages were perforated to tear out easily and were of a manila type gray tinted white,stiff paper.
the 45 cent part was not printing or a foil sticker but a convex tin stamped, gold plated badge of a thing very odd tabbed or riveted to the cover I almost pried it off.
I have sent a earlier sketch I made to a few places that would know and get no answer, i believe police out there want to control or be the ones talking to me about it and did 2-3 times What I found odd was the Sgt. at riverside did not want it described that much but wanted to know where i found it exactly , like he already knew it was real

Posted : December 10, 2014 9:18 pm
Posts: 567
Honorable Member

Ace, do you know if a list of her classes was ever released? I would like to know if she was taking an art class and the rest of her courses. Some of the students should remember this notebook as well as her brother or her friends, imo.

Posted : December 10, 2014 10:19 pm
ace ventura
Posts: 435
Honorable Member

Ace, do you know if a list of her classes was ever released? I would like to know if she was taking an art class and the rest of her courses. Some of the students should remember this notebook as well as her brother or her friends, imo.

No I never tried to research it either The school should still know and police . But freshman are required to take math and English classes for almost any course path . I said I believe the other math book was titled – Intro into Calculus ,trig , and advanced geometry If I could get a article in a big city news paper or TV someone as you describe might view it but no luck doing that yet . Cheri had a small circle as the dot on her i
Also her necklace with it in the satchel had a unique clasp, i could describe / draw , someone close to her would know of . Is her boyfriend still around ?
the work / problems/ writing she was doing in the tablet was done in mechanical pencil.

a RCC school paper called Viewpoints ,I sent info of it to, but then stopped emailing me might have quickly solved it

Posted : December 11, 2014 4:57 am
ace ventura
Posts: 435
Honorable Member

Also something of note
I handled Stines wallet, opening it a crisp ,pristine , coupon fell out , it had many food coupons in it

This one was for a steak dinner with baked potato and okra or green beans for $2.95
and expired on Dec 19 /69
The graphic’s on the top on either side of the name were of a blue / white checkerboard … like a table cloth
I only remember the name as " something.. Inn ..Cafe "
but think it was on or on the corner of Tennessee st. which I believe was near the cab company .

anyone out there know of it ?

Posted : December 23, 2014 7:22 am
Posts: 567
Honorable Member

Ace, did you save this coupon? How would you be able to remember all these details about it if not?

There could be fingerprints on it. As for Stine’s wallet, it is surprising that it would be in that shape. I’d think he’d have a shabby old wallet bulging with receipts and other paper work.

Posted : December 23, 2014 7:56 am
ace ventura
Posts: 435
Honorable Member


The coupon was mint cond . not the wallet… like it was just put in the wallet.
and like I said in the book I took nothing from the satchel. I now think it is good I didn’t.
most peoples brain store a video of things they concentrate on for more than seconds
so if you can recall it ,it is as you are there seeing it again, this is what i did .

If one of the members here that were in SF around that time remebered the cafe ,it could prove something .

Posted : December 25, 2014 5:39 am
Posts: 567
Honorable Member


The coupon was mint cond . not the wallet… like it was just put in the wallet.
and like I said in the book I took nothing from the satchel. I now think it is good I didn’t.
most peoples brain store a video of things they concentrate on for more than seconds
so if you can recall it ,it is as you are there seeing it again, this is what i did .

If one of the members here that were in SF around that time remebered the cafe ,it could prove something .

I thought I had a good memory but you have me beat.

Posted : December 25, 2014 7:22 am
ace ventura
Posts: 435
Honorable Member

well capricorn it was 2011 when I started thinking of it . you must be relaxed and replay the memory you have of it over and over .

BTW …I know the place , the cafe that issued the coupon now ! 99% sure

Posted : January 1, 2015 1:02 am
Posts: 567
Honorable Member

Yes, relaxation and thinking about bits of memories and then remembering other things that happened around the time are what helps me put these together. I think of it as a form of self-hypnosis.

I also wonder how many people today will be able to do this in the future. I find so many people do not really listen or pay attention and observe people and their surroundings as they are too busy talking on their cell phones and/or texting.

What is the name of the café btw? I doubt I’d remember something like that unless it was from the area where I lived or had been to or heard of.

Did you attend the Paul Stine anniversary?

Posted : January 1, 2015 1:58 am
ace ventura
Posts: 435
Honorable Member

The place is still going … I emailed them about it ,asking if they would research it
I’ll post the name soon but maybe give them time to answer the email 1st
it ‘s in the mission district… or close to it
no to the Stine anniversary , I am near KC & was only in San Fran for 2 days ,40 + years ago as a young kid

Posted : January 1, 2015 5:25 am
ace ventura
Posts: 435
Honorable Member

it doesn’t appear they will answer the email about the coupon so here is what I know of it.
I remembered some of the type on it – the $2.95 price of the steak , the baked potato and okra or green beans because I starred at that the most, also it stood out on the white paper, as did the address below it_ and the -on the corner of-
After my 12/22 post about it ,when going to bed i would concentrate on the name area to see if it would come to me.
i remembered it as a graphic design between the blue white checkerboard , like blue lettering on a gray or greenish background. I remember looking at it that day seeing if I knew the restaurant thinking it was here in KC ,then noticing the exp. date of 1969 so i put it back in the wallet .
I remembered the first name as a 8 letter word starting with B then later Br. I had 3-4 words that seemed possible one was broadway. I searched google with Broadway cafe SF but found none only many on Broadway st. Also Broadway cafe did not seem like the name ,like some part was missing.
I kind of gave up looking .
Days later just after getting in bed not really trying to think of the name one came to me – Manor Inn
I then remembered there was a Inn before the cafe ,but didn’t think the name was- Manor Inn Cafe – as i was certain it started with a B
A day later I tried Broadway Inn Cafe SF CA
A- Inn on Broadway- in San Francisco came up , this place looks to be built in the 50’s with little changes since so it certainly could be there in 69, also I saw it had a restaurant area I started scrolling down looking at pictures then I saw it
it used to be called- Broadway Manor Inn- it is at 2201 Van Ness Ave or on the corner of Broadway and Van ness
I will work on a sketch or digital drawing of the coupon

Posted : January 4, 2015 6:13 am
Posts: 567
Honorable Member

OMG WHAT ARE THE ODDS? I stayed at this place during semester break my freshman year of college which was 1961-62. As a child, I’d driven through San Francisco with my family while visiting relatives in Oakland but walked all over the tourist areas on this weekend.

My girlfriend and I stayed at the Broadway Manor at Van Ness and Broadway! There was a Catholic Church right across the street which was visible from our window. From the pictures shown, our room looked much the same. I really don’t remember a café there; it was probably next door and we just didn’t eat there or if we did, I’ve forgotten. There was a bus line running along the street IIRC and there was a pretty nice restaurant across the street and a couple of blocks away where we had dinner the first night we were there (Grisson’s Steak House). I can remember that as we thought we were so sophisticated and got served a daiquiri without being asked for our id’s and we were only 18 at the time! We got more pleasure out of being served than we did the actual drink btw and tried this with luck at the Top of the Mark and at Fisherman’s wharf where some guys at a table sent us drinks! And again, the waiter didn’t ask for id’s and we just said "thank you" in the most sophisticated tone of voice we could muster, trying to act like this was an everyday occurrence!

Then we walked all over Chinatown and North Beach, went shopping and rode the cable cars. We really covered most of San Francisco as we also took a tour of the city and of course, went shopping at all the famous dept. stores of the time. The Emporium was one and Macy’s was another one.

Sorry to go ot but we also visited the Keane art gallery where I bought a poster of a kid with those big eyes and I may still have that packed away here somewhere! Mrs. Keane has been in the news very recently as she was the artist rather than her husband.

We flew on PSA airlines and the flight was about an hour then as it still is today from Los Angeles. We took a Greyhound bus from the SFO airport to downtown where there were storage lockers. This is why I speculated Zodiac could have done the same or similar when posting about Paul Stine and how he could have escaped and why he could have lived many places other than Vallejo.

Posted : January 4, 2015 7:21 am
Posts: 567
Honorable Member

Ace, are you thinking what I’m thinking? Zodiac could have stayed at the Broadway Manor Motel and simply walked there very easily as it is close to the Presidio.

What I simply can’t understand from reading your book is how your poi (the park ranger) could be Zodiac since he’s been in Missiouri for such a long time. Why would he have evidence like you found out in the open where other people could have come across it accidentally just as you did? If he actually worked and lived there, wouldn’t you think he’d have plenty of other places to keep these things.

What do you think he was going to do with all those things you found (in the tent IIRC)?

I’m thinking again that your poi could have acquired this stuff through a sale of storage items where the rent hasn’t been paid or whatever it is that happens with the goods in these abandoned units.

I’d sure like to see a list of Cheri Jo’s classes posted by RPD somewhere…classes she was actually enrolled in. It is so strange this hasn’t evidentally been done imo as fellow students in those classes may have remembered something or fit the sketch or had the initials "rh."

It seems a little unusual to me that she’d be taking a math class in her freshman year. I wonder if she had a full load of classes or was just attending part-time as she reportedly worked part-time at a bank.

Posted : January 4, 2015 9:05 am
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