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Z13 solution: my name is KAY

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On the extreme ends of handwriting, I think something can be said. It’s surprisingly hard to suppress certain traits, and disguising ones handwriting is a pain in the butt with little payoff. Constructing ciphers is fun, well worth the effort. If he wanted to go to a great length to hide handwriting he could have found easier ways. So I think he might have gone to some effort to disguise it, but really was he ever at much risk of having his hand writing recognised? I don’t put much stock in handwriting matches, but when a suspects handwriting is remarkably different, I feel it’s at least a small mark against them.

Kane has been scrutinized for years and it seems the more you look at him the less he looks like Z.

I was thinking a little about the accent, it’s so over the top that if he was Zodiac he would almost be forced to suppress it. So in a kind of cockeyed way, maybe that could explain Zodiac’s monotonal drawl. But that’s a pretty cockeyed way of looking at it.

26 years after that recording, didn’t live in NY for a long time, has accident leading to serious brain-injury and supposedly partial paralysis of the face.

Posted : January 16, 2021 10:35 pm
Posts: 1266
Noble Member

On the extreme ends of handwriting, I think something can be said. It’s surprisingly hard to suppress certain traits, and disguising ones handwriting is a pain in the butt with little payoff. Constructing ciphers is fun, well worth the effort. If he wanted to go to a great length to hide handwriting he could have found easier ways. So I think he might have gone to some effort to disguise it, but really was he ever at much risk of having his hand writing recognised? I don’t put much stock in handwriting matches, but when a suspects handwriting is remarkably different, I feel it’s at least a small mark against them.

Kane has been scrutinized for years and it seems the more you look at him the less he looks like Z.

I was thinking a little about the accent, it’s so over the top that if he was Zodiac he would almost be forced to suppress it. So in a kind of cockeyed way, maybe that could explain Zodiac’s monotonal drawl. But that’s a pretty cockeyed way of looking at it.

26 years after that recording, didn’t live in NY for a long time, has accident leading to serious brain-injury and supposedly partial paralysis of the face.

For what it’s worth, I think a slowed down, "monotone" New York accent could sound like a "drawl" as Hartnell described.

Posted : January 16, 2021 11:41 pm
Posts: 418
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Or a slowed down Boston accent, or a Russian accent slowed down. I mean you know the New York accent is only one of the top 10 strongest most outstandingly distinct accents on the globe, but I’m sure if you slow it down it would be quite unremarkable :D . Holy moly, you’re not giving Brian Hartnell much credit if you believe he couldn’t recognise so much as a trace of a New York accent. :D

Posted : January 18, 2021 2:21 am
Posts: 1266
Noble Member

Or a slowed down Boston accent, or a Russian accent slowed down. I mean you know the New York accent is only one of the top 10 strongest most outstandingly distinct accents on the globe, but I’m sure if you slow it down it would be quite unremarkable :D . Holy moly, you’re not giving Brian Hartnell much credit if you believe he couldn’t recognise so much as a trace of a New York accent. :D

What I meant to say is, if you take Kane’s preexisting accent and head injuries possibly causing voice changes into account, it could explain the unusual yet indistinct speaking quality described by Hartnell.

Posted : January 18, 2021 8:10 pm
Posts: 418
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I think a better hypothesis would be, could a brain injury have caused a more general speech impediment? The idea that a brain injury could surgically remove just the right part of Kane’s speech function to result in the outcome you’re talking about is not remote, it’s profoundly remote. I’m not sure that this syndrome would truly result in a perfect change in accent and even if it does, that’s not what Brian describes, he describes a monotone and a slight drawl, but specifically a drawl he couldn’t place to any particular accent. A brain injury can cause any number of problems, I suppose speech problems aren’t so very uncommon, but loosing your NY accent, it’s so remote.

I actually have a harder time with the physical appearance than the accent. The fact that no witness ever said otherwise leads me to believe that Zodiac was a pretty "white" looking guy. I think in a high stress situation peoples primitive minds often latch on to their attackers racial appearance. I think people would at the very least recall a general sense of racial background. Kane is super distinctive looking, his face is a rich tapestry. Just ask yourself, if Kane was coming towards you in a dark alley, would you think "woah who is this Welsh guy coming towards me?". I don’t put much stock in sketches, or eyewitness descriptions. Things like the exact shape of the eyes, the size of the head, lips, ears etc. I’m not convinced people remember that. But race? Yeah, I bet people remember that.

Posted : January 21, 2021 3:05 pm
Posts: 48
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I think a better hypothesis would be, could a brain injury have caused a more general speech impediment? The idea that a brain injury could surgically remove just the right part of Kane’s speech function to result in the outcome you’re talking about is not remote, it’s profoundly remote. I’m not sure that this syndrome would truly result in a perfect change in accent and even if it does, that’s not what Brian describes, he describes a monotone and a slight drawl, but specifically a drawl he couldn’t place to any particular accent. A brain injury can cause any number of problems, I suppose speech problems aren’t so very uncommon, but loosing your NY accent, it’s so remote.

I actually have a harder time with the physical appearance than the accent. The fact that no witness ever said otherwise leads me to believe that Zodiac was a pretty "white" looking guy. I think in a high stress situation peoples primitive minds often latch on to their attackers racial appearance. I think people would at the very least recall a general sense of racial background. Kane is super distinctive looking, his face is a rich tapestry. Just ask yourself, if Kane was coming towards you in a dark alley, would you think "woah who is this Welsh guy coming towards me?". I don’t put much stock in sketches, or eyewitness descriptions. Things like the exact shape of the eyes, the size of the head, lips, ears etc. I’m not convinced people remember that. But race? Yeah, I bet people remember that.

Not sure I get your point. According to his military enlistment physical description, he was considered "white".

Source: https://lawrencekane.wordpress.com/

Posted : January 22, 2021 1:29 pm
Posts: 418
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I’m really worried about saying something insensitive :? , so I’m not being judgmental, I’m nobody, these are just my uneducated observations of American culture and really I probably shouldn’t even weighing in on this, hell I’m not even American myself, but screw it. I just have to say it, I can’t hold it in anymore.

Klein is common Jewish name in America. I know this because I like Jewish comedians and I recognised the name as Jewish immediately. 8-) Also he was born in NY, need I say more?

It’s my understanding, based on watching far too much American TV :D , that Anglo-Saxon Americans distinguish between Anglo-Saxon Americans and everybody else (Jews, Italians, Poles, Greeks and most famously African Americans). Incidentally the country I’m from does the exact same thing, so I do feel somewhat confident in this. You’ll notice that most of those cultures are associated with the Mediterranean, or in the case of Poles, Jewish culture. It’s clear too from watching American TV and films that these cultures identify as distinct from Anglo-Saxon American culture.

I think it’s fair to say Kane is of extremely Mediterranean appearance (I know because it makes me extremely jealous) :D . I simply cannot accept that no eyewitness ever noticed, or mentioned Kane’s obvious racial appearance. And do you really think the police didn’t ask? Remember Foulkes and Zelms, they were out looking for a black suspect because the dispatcher reported Stine’s attacker as black. Sure, it could have been an innocent mistake, or it could have been because in their minds cabbie shot = black guy. Can you imagine a sketch artist wouldn’t ask about racial appearance?

This is 1960’s white America, the first question the police ask is "was he black?", the second question they ask is "was he Jewish?", the third question "was he Italian?" and if all else fails they assume he was a schizophrenic homosexual… which is exactly what they ended up doing because it was the only way they could deal with the cognitive dissonance caused by having an Anglo-Saxon murder.

At some stage someone even commented that the Zodiac using Groucho Marx’s lyrics in the Little List, could have been a clue from Kane… :? I’m not sure if that’s humorous, or a bit awful… I do like the Marx Brothers though.

Posted : January 22, 2021 4:48 pm
Posts: 48
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Then how come these 3 people, who said he could be the Zodiac, did not mention his "race" as a discriminating criteria:

"Kathleen Johns, who claimed to have been abducted by the Zodiac Killer, later picked out Lawrence Kane in a photo lineup. Patrol officer Don Fouke, who possibly observed the Zodiac Killer following the murder of Paul Stine, said that Kane closely resembled the man he and Eric Zelms encountered."

source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zodiac_Killer

Posted : January 27, 2021 11:21 am
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