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Zodiac Killer Psychics

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Yes, here is everything I felt around the Zodiac Killer. I’m just now seeing this, as I haven’t had time to login lately. If I feel anything else (which I haven’t lately) I will post it. Mainly, I’m posting everything I feel, because it very well could make sense to someone, who has studied and investigated this case for years…. you never know, when it comes to these cases.


These are the the things, I sense and pick up off the Zodiac Killer, or events surrounding it. I’m only human, and even though I have a gift, it doesn’t mean I’m perfect. However, I do feel I’m a good 80-90% correct:


He liked writing dark expressions, something symbolic ONLY to him. He liked coding, cartooning, words, languages, puzzles, reading, movies, post cards, small toys, model cars and so forth. He also had a way with words. I call it “word salad”.

He had a childish side to him, where a part of him never grew up. A part of him wanted attention, and he never got that from people around him. Not in a way that was satisfying. I feel a very hollow, desolate and “yellow” feeling inside of him. It is a feeling of doom and a love for deriving pleasure from people’s misery. YET, a very childish side to him.

Here is what I felt concerning his Astrology chart. It’s a bit interesting to say the least:

8th House — Scorpio, 5th House — Leo, Taurus and Sagittarius. Scorpio and Sagittarius are very strong aspects within his chart! I feel a Saturn or Jupiter in Aquarius. A STRONG water element, but where it lays within his chart, Idk.


He would sometimes wear thermals, or layers of clothing. It’s like doubling up the clothing, even in warmer weather. Two shirts or pants? Also, he would grease his hair at times. Also, a smell of a cheap cologne, compared to today’s colognes for men anyway.

He knew a J name, James or Jim, Jimmy. Also a D name, Daniel, David? I get a strong “D”. Also a Randy or Randall! Absolutely a Randy or Randall. I’m thinking the R name, Randy worked at a shop of some sort. A mechanic, maybe? It’s vague to me, BUT IT IS THERE!

The Zodiac walked into the police department at some point between 1968 – 1972. He was not recognized. He did it for spite, or to test the police. I feel he was there with another person, who had to take care of business at the police dept. He tagged along with someone he knew. I’m not sure which police department, but it was around the SF area. I’m not familiar with SF, and can only tell you what I feel and see.

I feel like there were TWO people, that actually KNEW or had a good idea who the zodiac was, but didn’t say anything for whatever reason. It was his friends, coworkers. A couple of people that knew he was the Zodiac.


paul stine

I feel like Paul Stine knew him, or recognized him from somewhere before. Maybe he picked him up before at the same or another location. Nevertheless, he KNEW him! He didn’t know he was the Zodiac, but he knew as the person away from his secret life.

Also a name or place of Terrance, Terrace, Terrence??? It’s a Terr sound. The place has a “Terr” in it.

my name is

Within the Zodiac Letter, I feel as though the THREE 8’s within the circles are meant to be like that of an “8 Ball”, meaning it could mean anything. It’s almost as if it’s a “Hahaha, you’ll never figure this out! Shake the ball again!” IMO, it’s three letters, that are the SAME! Whether that be three S’s, A’s, L’s, etc. It could be three Eight – balls used in a game of pool. Nevertheless, he was trying to be funny, yet dark with what was going through his mind. I feel the upside down Aries symbol, could actually be two letters combined to make ONE symbol.

Note: It’s almost as if, the initial plan was to draw out three small skull heads or X’s. Instead, he made them a small “8-Ball”. I get that feeling he did some rethinking. I do feel the code holds water. It isn’t just some gibberish. I feel if the three 8’s were solved along with the upside down Aries symbol, I call it. The code could be broken.
However, I do feel, that the number of these letters are NOT the same number of his name. It’s rather more complex than just that!

Anyway, I feel he’s somehow connected to a ranch, flat lands, desert – like area. It could be somewhere he went as he was growing up. I feel a ranch, or some type of home, where he stayed mostly alone in solitude. A very remote place. An older man was around him at the time as well some days, as if he would come by and then take off again. Maybe a traveler.

I get TWO months, that are significant around the Zodiac Killer: July and November. Maybe his birthday or time of death. Something significant with those two month. March is another significant month, but not like July and November!

The letters S, L and K are very significant. I believe these are initials of family members he grew up around. Not unless it’s a big part of his name. Also, I feel THREE syllables.


Someone he knew in SF, he would hangout with them, and a big J is an initial with that! I’m a good 95% positive.

There’s an old building, that he would stay at or visit. He was there allot. It was a few stories at least! It was a good size complex. I feel it was around two miles away from water. It’s in SF, no doubt. I also feel, that he left something there, that could actually give him away, or at least lead someone to find, it was him who was the Zodiac! I feel something he left there deliberately, yet hid it really well. There are two boards around where he hid whatever it is I feel. Maybe a key to his codes, or a picture. Something of value and a BIG clue to the very cold case! I feel it will be found at some point in the future, but by mistake! It’s not that anyone is looking for it, UNLESS they have a good idea where I’m seeing.

I also feel he was at a place, that relates to the name Mount Pleasant.

Also, I feel an old house, where there’s a circular, maybe stained glass window. It’s circular indeed! And it’s a medium – sized window. It’s a very old and crumbling house or building. The walls are wood, and there’s paint, that looks to be peeling. Zodiac would spend some time in here, sitting and thinking.

I also feel a camping area, that he would sometimes go to. It was like a place to reflect.


He used Self – service laundry (Laundromat) sometimes. It’s off to itself, off a highway or dark road. It could be at someone’s house, but it looks like a place where several machines are against the wall.

He had a connection to New York. Albany, Syracuse, Binghamton. A city in Upstate, not NYC. Being from Upstate NY myself, I feel a strong connection.I don’t feel Buffalo or Rochester. More like CNY or Eastern.

He lived in a house not far from a club at one time. He walked there, so was in walking distance. (If he didn’t live there, he hung out there allot) It’s a long – looking house, light colored.

I feel like at one point, he lived underground as well, or a place where it wasn’t too light. I can see light fixtures hanging down. It’s kind of shabby. An underground studio, or warehouse?

He took a type of medication at some point. I feel like it’s a tranquilizer, or a medication that calms one down. I know it wasn’t Klonopin or Xanax, or even Ativan. It’s an older Benzodiazepine, such as Librium or Valium. I also feel Haldol. A strong sedative, hypnotic – like pill. I’m feeling prescription, not so much street drug with this one! WHATEVER IT WAS, HE LIKE TO TAKE IT. It’s a CAPSULE, whatever it is. Looks similar to these:



I also feel he knew a Jeff. I can hear him say the name “Jeff” as he talks. The voice I’m hearing him say it in, is similar to the voice of Chris off Family Guy. Not hardly that low. Loud, yet very broken and slow. It’s hard to explain how he sounded. It’s a distinct voice, that’s for sure.

I feel like he knew, or at least depended upon a woman who he met through a hospitalization. Her name was Trish, Patricia, Pat. He would talk or consult with her. It’s a big P name!

At one point, he would drive between two different places. One place, being in SF and the other, north of the city. I feel like it was somewhere upon a hill or near a mountain. Somewhere, where the roads wasn’t level. It has allot of curves in it. As I’ve stated, I’m not familiar with SF, but I do feel this. It wasn’t just a small drive either, it was a good one – two hour drive.

The Zodiac had a light brown, dirty blondish hair. It’s like there were highlights in some way. It wasn’t all just ONE color! A dirty blond, brown I would call it. It wasn’t very dark, but not exactly light either from what I can see. He had curls when it was longer, but when he cut it, more like a butch, buzz type cut. A crew cut would be the correct term after seeing it, and then googling it up. I’m not too familiar with what hair styles are named, but by the looks of it — a crew cut. As I said, sometimes, he would let it grow a little longer, before having a barber to cut it for him. He does wear glasses, but I feel like there’s many times, he would also not wear them. He was a very silent type around people at times, yet depending on mood. When I say mood, I don’t mean a small change, it would be a complete 180! PS, I do see a small widow’s peak, when it was shorter.

I do feel like his hair was longer during the Lake Berryessa murder, but he had it cut not too long after. I don’t think he had it cut to hide his identity. I feel he would’ve had it cut anyway, regardless if he was a killer or not. He had a bone for good hygiene. I know that sounds a little tacky, but that’s what I feel.


He liked dark colors, such as brown, red and so on…

He grew up around a Kevin or Calvin.

As a youth, he liked a certain sport: Baseball, football, so on. Also, he was a bit athletic. He could swim! I feel like he could’ve got a trophy at one time for something. He had allot of energy, regardless of his hidden side and ego.

I feel he also had an argument about money. I feel a travel, agreement and some kind of plan with that. It’s as if he wanted to move away from the area he was at, at the time I see it, and two other people were involved, because I feel an agreement there!

He grew up around FOUR men. I feel they were in his home as a youth and teenager, at least until 14 – 15 years old: A father or older brother, there was a younger male and an older male as well. They were around him allot. I’m almost certain, that one of the men’s name starts with a M. It’s a Mark or Markus. Nevertheless, an M! The Zodiac as a youth and teenage years, felt that people put him on the back burner. I feel these four men around him didn’t treat him equally as anyone else. Allot of mixed emotions with these four men and the Zodiac as a youth!

Not only at home, but at school, in the class and bus . . . people treated him pretty bad and bullied him at times. He was what you called a back burner guy. No one wanted him around, until they needed something. Also a “Betty” around him. Either school or home!

nine of cup

On the back burner!


At one point, I feel he worked for a woman — yard work? — landscaping maybe? Whatever it was, it was outside, and the woman had a daughter, whoever she was. He had a deep desire for her, even though she was a little younger, or approximately his age. They had to go to school together, or at least, the same generation. It’s vague to me, but it’s there!

I feel at one job, he had a dispute. It’s as if he felt underpaid! That’s the feeling I get. And of course, there was a conflict.

I feel like, in one of the murders, he KNEW the woman. It was one of the murders he committed, where a male was around as well. He felt she owed him something, but it’s like, she wouldn’t give into him.

He killed a female at night, that put up a struggle. She appears to have some age on her. 35 – 55 years old. I feel he killed her within the past, before the murders around SF, and the letters were ever written. Again, it was nighttime, and I feel with a metal bar or knife. It was with something metal, NO DOUBT! Whether or not, the murder was found out — Idk. As I feel, there were other murders committed, that hasn’t been found out or solved, that the Zodiac did.

He had a relationship with a female, where it fell apart for him. He was blindsided by her, and thought she wouldn’t do him wrong, but I feel she found someone else! Someone else came into the relationship. It’s a young relationship triangle. She broke it off with him, or at least he got that impression. It took a turn for the worst in his mind! He felt he had to get revenge. With this situation, I feel a S or C, also a B and D. Maybe, it’s an anagram of names, initials, where he murdered them. They’re all women. See, he had hidden motives, and the woman I’m seeing KNEW he did! The numbers 2, 10, 15, and 6 are around one of these murders. Idk what the number means: Maybe a SSN, BD, Time of death? I question what exactly I’m seeing myself.



zodiac killer

At some point, I feel a feeling, as if another man was behind a murder with the Zodiac. I feel, this man comes into the Zodiac’s life from his work, study, money? The man was a controller! He was behind the murder, yet Zodiac was in on it as well. I feel both had a part killing someone, and that someone they killed, was a female. There was a conflict, but it ended with death. I feel an L in the female’s name, and also see a “bird”. Bird meaning, that she had a pet bird, a symbol of somewhere they murdered her? A picture of a bird, or maybe it’s around a nest of birds in the forest. To note: I’m aware of Donna Lass’s death, but I’m not sure that’s what I’m seeing.

… It possibly could be, but why am I seeing a bird? I feel like a bird is a symbol of where maybe this female is buried, or it’s an omen of what’s around her death at the time.


I feel the Zodiac died years ago, and I’m not certain of the exact time. I feel a 6 and a big 7! Could it be 1976? 1977?… OR, is it the time of his death? 7:00? It very much had a 6 or 7 around the time of his death. It could also mean June or July as the sixth or seventh month. I feel though, his murdering and doom wish came to a dead end BEFORE his death! Nevertheless, he’s dead! And I know, that someone could say, “That’s too vague!” It’s what I feel though, a SIX AND SEVEN!


Here are some other things I felt concerning the Zodiac:

He stopped at convenient stores, ate allot of junk foods: Candy bars, chips, and so on. He had allot of junk food in his home. He was one of those, the types to eat peanut butter straight from the jar. OR, he would eat food out of cans! The room I’m seeing in this vision, it looks like a teenager’s room to me. It’s messy and papers are scattered everywhere. Allot of dark areas in the home. I see wooden walls, dark wood or paint.

He was also the type, where he lived out of his vehicle for a while. (I’m not sure, the dark – colored car I’m seeing is his or someone else’s). He has allot of smelly clothes, laundry detergent, wrappers, papers, milk bottle and other trash. There’s also some small gadget or machine, and I’m not sure what it is. It kind of looks like this:


It’s actually a little smaller, I believe, tossed in the backseat. It’s also broken, it looks like. It has TWO cylinder, metal pieces near the top, and one is crooked. Idk if it belongs to the Zodiac, or maybe someone else’s?

At one point, the Zodiac wore a small mustache. It wasn’t too thick, but he shaved most of the time. I say this, because I can see him shaving in the mirror.

I feel he played cards with a few buddies down at the “Springs” or there was a spring or small – like river wherever I’m seeing. Maybe, the place is called “Something Springs”.His favorite suit was SPADES!

He stayed somewhere for a short time. Wherever it was, there’s a big town or city below. It had to be upon a mountain or hill. I can see lights below, and it’s allot of lights, not just a few. It’s actually kind of a “classy” place.

He would sometimes wear cowboy boots. I feel he did within his older years, not as a young man.

States he was in or visited:

California (Of course), New York (More so Upstate than NYC), Hawaii, Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska, I see allot of flatland and ranches.

Oregon, Washington. I also feel Canada at some point in his life, but he wasn’t there too long!

Nevada, Colorado, and also a place, that seems to be more “Spanish”. Spain, Mexico or Texas?

He was also in some other country, where he visited a city or town, that started with a P!

At some point, he lived east of SF, and would travel in and out of the city.


He was at the library on several occasions. An “M” name was with him, or around him at the library. It could have been a friend, or a man that would talk with him, albeit, he was around either way. Matt, Matthew, Michael? It’s a common M name used in that era, and still used today.

There was a diner, restaurant or cafe, the Zodiac would sometimes sit at. It was smack in SF. It was by himself, and sometimes — with a friend. I feel like this happened in the early and mid 60’s. Years like 1963, 64, 65 and 66.

I do feel, that the Zodiac wrote poetry and short stories, if you want to call them that. He would sometimes try to piece together how he felt, but his words were always a gibberish. I call it “WORD SALAD” :

Here’s an example:

The dog walked down

the street/

and he loved to eat

for the trees had to feast

there’s a beast!

Note: I’m not saying he wrote the desktop poem, but it’s possible!

All that I have blogged here, is what I felt from the Zodiac, using the best of my psychic ability. And, I know SOME people cringe and don’t put much stock into a psychic, but I’m pretty positive a good 80-90% of this, is correct! It was rather a draining, yet exciting experience for my abilities.

One final note for this post:

I feel like the Zodiac was watching Bryan and Cecilia from afar that day on Lake Berryessa. I’m not sure from where, but he watched them for a few minutes before going into the shallow wood to change into his clothing. I also feel, there was someone that day, that indeed seen him before changing. It was two girls. I also feel, that after he left, he headed to someone’s house. It could have been a friend or family member. There was something, he had to return or talk to them about. It’s almost like an appointment. Of course, they had no idea. I feel like they didn’t know he was the Zodiac. Even though, he stopped at a few places along the way, he was going to someone’s house.

One thing I’m trying to feel into, focus on, is whatever happened to the costume he made. If I see a vision, or get a positive feeling. I will add this in here on my blog.

Posted : April 13, 2016 7:57 am
Posts: 49
Trusted Member

For what it’s worth, this is what I felt from the Zodiac Killer:

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Personally, I don’t outright dismiss the possibility that psychics could be right in their predictions in some cases. But I have yet to see anything remotely convincing when it comes to establishing something like a foundation for this sort of thing.

I don’t know the details of your own prediction (the old man in the pond), but if you knew the terrain (so to speak), were aware of this pond, and aware of the man’s particulars, it would seem like a reasonable enough thing to – well – predict, or presume: Many people drown themselves, after all. To you, who believe in your own ability, it would naturally seem like a real, valid connection: You predict, or see (I don’t know precisely what shape it takes – a vision of some kind?) that the guy is in the pond – and right enough, that’s where he turns out to be. To a non-believer, however, there is no necessary connection: You simply happened to go with the right prediction – which isn’t remarkable in itself, depending on the precise circumstances.

I know people are skeptic, you don’t have to be psychic or a deep thinker to know this. It is nothing new by all means. LOL, believe me, I’ve had my share of skeptics to come to me for a reading, and many will test you. I know they’re going to do it before they do it.

LOL, it’s perfectly normal for you to be a skeptic. After all, the psychic ability isn’t about knowing everything, it’s about perception. It’s normal for anyone to believe only what they see without deeply thinking about it. It’s a perfectly normal human emotion to be skeptic, even about things they can’t understand or see.

It doesn’t bother me, or I would’ve given up a long time ago. See in life, you can’t care what other ppl think about your gifts or whatever it is you do. If you did, you’d give up on many things.

I think many ppl think, that psychic ability is about mysticism and so on, but it isn’t. Let’s throw the fake Sylvia Brown and her ilk out of the equation. Psychic ability is about feeling, perceiving, visions and deep understanding. That’s just it. It is not connected to any magical world, that the media will have you to believe. Everyone is psychic to many degrees btw, if they wish to open those doors within their minds.

Hard to put into words. It is something, that ppl would have to experience to believe. All I can tell ya.


Posted : April 13, 2016 8:03 am
Posts: 643
Honorable Member

If a person is truly psychic, what would be cool would be to focus on something tangible – provable. For example, instead of focusing on things that aren’t too helpful, like birds of some sort being somewhere near something, maybe focus on the person, his location, his hiding place (where he might keep his guns, hood, bloody shirt, writings.)

A psychic saying they feel that Z was troubled, or feeling some emotion… that doesn’t get us anywhere. I too can guess at his personality. But if a person could actually "see" things in a paranormal way, and could come up with something substantive, that would be great.

Posted : April 13, 2016 12:08 pm
Posts: 57
Trusted Member

Hello Levi,

Could you sense anything about his ethnic identity? Was he perhaps of Irish, Scottish or Welsh stock? Did you have any perceptions about his size? Was he ever afraid that the police were on to him?

I’m neither a believer or disbeliever in these psychic discussion. I do feel that much of it is the bunk but I have enough of an Irish-Celtic belief in arcane things that makes me believe that their are some people who have a rare ‘third eye’ or a ‘second sight" or a connection to some bleary dimension that the rest of us can’t see.

Oddly enough, I do believe Zodiac died, circa 1975.

Posted : June 9, 2016 2:02 am
Posts: 93
Estimable Member

I recently found something about the Zodiac and a psychic called Vanessa Hogle, in here – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8sM5WSvNKY (skip imediatelly to 1 hour and 43 minutes and listen)

She claims that Zodiac was a police officer, and she says his last name was "Sanchez", and was 29, almost 30 years of age (she does not says if he was 29 during the time of the killings or when he died). She also claims the he killed himself with a bullet to the head, while he was still in service. Another of her claim is that the unsolved cyphers did not had a solution, and where created on purpose for people to waste their time on them. The host of this show, Norene Sampiere Balovich, says her husband was a former police officer in San Francisco and she said in the podcast that she would look into it, but I dont know if she ever did. (Maybe someone could contact her?)

The host did recently an interview with Mark Hewitt, who released a book about the case. (here – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1B8ywHI97A )

Well, I am personally very skeptic about psychics and "remote viewing", and there are some red herrings (I dont think the "greatest minds in the world" looked into the Zodiac unsolved cyphers; also, she claims she knows Zodiacs last name, but she cannot remember BTKs real name?) – but she indeed gave a last name, age, profession and how he died. Could someone do a fast search on the net and see if they can get something about police suicides on 1974 or after? (I would do it myself right now, but I am not from the US and Im not an expert with internet searching names, in comparison with many people here on the forums ;) )

Probably some of you might discard this, but it is of my opinion that any claim should be looked into and investigated (then again, she is not claiming that "aliens did it") :P .

Posted : May 15, 2017 2:03 pm
Posts: 266
Reputable Member

I found the name of an office that drowned on Jan 23rd, 1974 (Not sure where the 1974 came in the last post) that had the name Sanchez. He actually had two last names and to be honest he fits the round face and heavy set description. He was a California State officer and from what I read he downed in a CA Aqueduct. He was only 32 years old. I am in no way saying this officer had anything at all to do with the murders and found nothing about him outside of the his photo and cause of death. I’m hesistant to post the name and photo because I have no reason to believe he was anything other than an honorable police officer. I could only find one place that listed a CA location and that was Sacramento, but it doesn’t say if that was where he passed or where he was from. You can look up Sergeant Elias Sanchez Enriquez to see his picture. Keep in mind the last letter was received six days later so he would have had to plan ahead. And this is coming from a psychic that agreed with the host that the police gave him the name based on the symbol and we know that’s incorrect. I will post the picture of enough people want me to, but let’s keep in mind that this "psychic" is the only reason his name came up.

Posted : May 15, 2017 11:40 pm
Posts: 93
Estimable Member

I found the name of an office that drowned on Jan 23rd, 1974 (Not sure where the 1974 came in the last post) that had the name Sanchez. He actually had two last names and to be honest he fits the round face and heavy set description. He was a California State officer and from what I read he downed in a CA Aqueduct. He was only 32 years old. I am in no way saying this officer had anything at all to do with the murders and found nothing about him outside of the his photo and cause of death. I’m hesistant to post the name and photo because I have no reason to believe he was anything other than an honorable police officer. I could only find one place that listed a CA location and that was Sacramento, but it doesn’t say if that was where he passed or where he was from. You can look up Sergeant Elias Sanchez Enriquez to see his picture. Keep in mind the last letter was received six days later so he would have had to plan ahead. And this is coming from a psychic that agreed with the host that the police gave him the name based on the symbol and we know that’s incorrect. I will post the picture of enough people want me to, but let’s keep in mind that this "psychic" is the only reason his name came up.

Nice find, Susie. ;) I mentioned 1974 because that is the year the last confirmed Zodiac letter was received. And you are right that the psychic agreed with the host that the Zodiac was named by LE, which is in fact not true.

But here is one of this coincidences which we often find: Officer Enriquez died by drowning on the Jan 23rd of 1974 – six days latter, we get the Zodiacs "Exorcist Letter", where he quotes the lyrics of the song Tit-Willow from the Mikado, about a bird dying of a broken heart and falling into a "billowy wave".

In here, it states that the investigation to his death came to the conclusion that he "apparently slipped" – http://www.zoominfo.com/CachedPage/?arc … e=Enriquez

On the "Reflections for Sergeant Elias Sanchez Enriquez" page, a retired police officer states that the circumstances of his death were "unusual", and I have to agree with that.

Could Officer Enriquez have been one of Zodiacs so-called "fake accidents"?

Posted : May 16, 2017 5:35 pm
Posts: 49
Trusted Member

This is an older post of mine. Yes, I do dwell in the mind, as I’m into psychology and nursing. Many ppl don’t believe in psychics, but we all have the ability, imo. It’s definitely there! We have to exercise it, in order to feel, sense and perceive what’s around us.

I’m sure there’s been a time, that you felt something or knew something was JUST going to happen. That’s the part of our prefrontal cortex, that tells us this information.

I use tarot cards and just concentration, and then interpret what I perceive. Psychic ability is just perception and what vibe is the strongest. You’re not going to get everything right on the money, but at least a good 85% is a really good reading.

Psychic ability isn’t some super power, it’s just what perceive and feel about a situation or whatever you meditate upon.

I do know for certain, that the Zodiac Killer traveled around from a town to town kind of pattern. I also think he slept in his car sometimes, as he sometimes had nowhere to go. I’m pretty positive.

Btw: I think his ethnicity was Irish.

Just my senses about him. Someone else may feel something differently. It’s all good concentration and exercise for the mind.

Posted : May 10, 2019 11:05 pm
Posts: 49
Trusted Member

I recently found something about the Zodiac and a psychic called Vanessa Hogle, in here – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8sM5WSvNKY (skip imediatelly to 1 hour and 43 minutes and listen)

She claims that Zodiac was a police officer, and she says his last name was "Sanchez", and was 29, almost 30 years of age (she does not says if he was 29 during the time of the killings or when he died). She also claims the he killed himself with a bullet to the head, while he was still in service. Another of her claim is that the unsolved cyphers did not had a solution, and where created on purpose for people to waste their time on them. The host of this show, Norene Sampiere Balovich, says her husband was a former police officer in San Francisco and she said in the podcast that she would look into it, but I dont know if she ever did. (Maybe someone could contact her?)

The host did recently an interview with Mark Hewitt, who released a book about the case. (here – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1B8ywHI97A )

Well, I am personally very skeptic about psychics and "remote viewing", and there are some red herrings (I dont think the "greatest minds in the world" looked into the Zodiac unsolved cyphers; also, she claims she knows Zodiacs last name, but she cannot remember BTKs real name?) – but she indeed gave a last name, age, profession and how he died. Could someone do a fast search on the net and see if they can get something about police suicides on 1974 or after? (I would do it myself right now, but I am not from the US and Im not an expert with internet searching names, in comparison with many people here on the forums ;) )

Probably some of you might discard this, but it is of my opinion that any claim should be looked into and investigated (then again, she is not claiming that "aliens did it") :P .

It’s perfectly normal for ppl to be skeptical of psychics or, really, anything that can’t be observed in full physicality. It’s totally acceptable for ppl to be skeptical in a world where there’s so much bullshit.

I started out helping a sheriff in my hometown, as I told him there would be a murder near a river or creek (hadn’t yet happened). That following few months, there actually was a murder that took place in a home off a river. It was a vague prediction, but it was true. Was it just a guess or coincidence? Perhaps. Perhaps it was just a coincidence I heard the sound of water and a few gunshots as some sort of auditory hallucination while meditating.

I, myself just tell what my senses pull up for me to absorb. I honestly don’t care if I’m right or wrong, as it’s all practice and exercise for the mind.

Posted : May 10, 2019 11:31 pm
Posts: 353
Reputable Member

It’s not skepticism, it’s being realistic. No one can predict the future, no one can guess things and facts out of the blue. I’m sorry to be so bold but that is the truth, plain and simple.

Posted : May 12, 2019 12:31 am
Posts: 49
Trusted Member

It’s not skepticism, it’s being realistic. No one can predict the future, no one can guess things and facts out of the blue. I’m sorry to be so bold but that is the truth, plain and simple.

Thank you for your insightful and intelligent post. Whatever should the world do without you.

You’re such an open – minded and thoughtful person outside your own box.


Posted : May 13, 2019 7:15 am
Posts: 353
Reputable Member

You’re welcome.

Posted : May 13, 2019 10:17 am
Posts: 60
Trusted Member

It’s not skepticism, it’s being realistic. No one can predict the future, no one can guess things and facts out of the blue. I’m sorry to be so bold but that is the truth, plain and simple.


I’m sure this Levi is a nice fella. But it’s odd he can see 873 different things about the Zodiac, including names he says, that he eats peanut butter right out of the container, what is house looks like, that he sleeps in his car, names of people he is friends with, specific things he’s done (walked into a police station with a friend, just to toy with the police)……but what CAN’T be "felt" or "seen" is the Zodiac’s face or his name.

I do have an open mind. More so than most. When I started reading the physic’s post I actually got out pen and paper and said "OK, let’s see I can connect any dots here with all this information." But none of that happens even though the post is several paragraphs filled with "visions." OK, so we know he eats candy bars and junk food and has a friend named Ted. And he might be Irish.

It’s just hard to believe that a psychic can see SO much about this guy’s life, down to names he often says, his eating habits, what is car is like……but nothing actually important to identifying him.

And and if this true, why doesn’t reverse-engineering work? Use that psychic ability to study the dude he went to the police station with. Use that psychic ability to "feel" all the things Cheri Jo Bates went through, we know she spent some time with her killer. Same thing with the other victims. Use that psychic ability to research the dude that the two police men stopped and let go after the Stine killing.

And…..do readings (or whatever you call it) on all the known suspects. Mentally delve into ALA’s life…..Gakowski…..Sullivan……..pull up 100 random feelings about them. Surely if they were a serial killer, those "feelings" would burst through at some point. Instead of feeling that ALA liked to eat Tuna fish sandwiches and he had a friend whose name started with B, surely his spirit (or whatever) would be strong with feelings about murder and all the people he killed (if he is Zodiac).

If I was born with psychic ability…..the real ability to do this……my entire life would be dedicated to solving crimes. Especially missing person’s case involving children. I couldn’t justifying chilling and watching the new Adventures movie when I could be out saving the lives of some poor kidnapped four-year old child. If you truly had this ability, wouldn’t you be pushing it to the limit and searching for every missing child possible?

Posted : May 15, 2019 7:08 pm
Posts: 60
Trusted Member

It’s not skepticism, it’s being realistic. No one can predict the future, no one can guess things and facts out of the blue. I’m sorry to be so bold but that is the truth, plain and simple.

Thank you for your insightful and intelligent post. Whatever should the world do without you.

You’re such an open – minded and thoughtful person outside your own box.


"t’s perfectly normal for ppl to be skeptical of psychics or, really, anything that can’t be observed in full physicality. It’s totally acceptable for ppl to be skeptical in a world where there’s so much bullshit.

I, myself just tell what my senses pull up for me to absorb. I honestly don’t care if I’m right or wrong, as it’s all practice and exercise for the mind."

Lol. You say you don’t care if you are right or wrong….and that it is perfectly normal for people to be skeptical. But then you get mad at this guy for saying he’s a skeptic. Weird.

But more importantly, and this is a serious question. Hopefully you can respond without sarcasm or insults. What strikes me absolutely fascination about your entire statement is "I honestly don’t care if I’m right or wrong"……if you don’t care if you are wrong, then what’s the point and why should people take your readings seriously? You don’t care if your visions are wrong.

If you don’t care if your visions are wrong, you are basically saying that it is all just some guesses on your part and everything you say should be taken as such. "I feel the zodiac was Irish….but I don’t care if I’m wrong about that." When you attach that statement to the end of every item you posted…….then what exactly is the value of the info you are sharing?

I don’t mean that as an insult. I guess I’m just confused as to why anybody should care about your vision of the Zodiac, when you literally say that you don’t care if everything you posted is wrong.

Am I missing something?

Posted : May 15, 2019 7:16 pm
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