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"Beale Cipher Three" test cipher

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This is just a test to see if Jarlve (or anyone) can solve. It’s similar to Beale cipher #3
It should be solvable, I think. Any mistakes are mine. It was hard to format it so it lined up.

 24  10  78  41  27  11  55  72 105  88 101   9  51  47 108  24  55  56  76  61 103  59 105  10
 38  74 118  98  21  46  79 115 117  61 113  15  56 106  89  41  79  53 118 122  92 111 106  67
 35  58  96  43  29  72  43  25  36 117  90 114  65  34 117  44  80   5 105  41 120  70  78  38
105 108  91 118  58  31  92 100  74  44 123  92  19   2   7 101  80  62 108 112  79  89  89  93
 73  68  55  38  59  45  34  50  41 117  53 114   9  39 104 121  24 109 100  88  96 116  97  85
117  65  37  72  29  92  74  25  46  49  24 115  49  87  79  53 118   9 120  77  68  65  46  63
120  50 118  36 116  54  43  72  68  97   1  79 111 116   6  70  52  53  99  89 119  25  52  59
 27  94  66   2  88   8  33  26  74  17  83  92  67  35 123 112  29  79   1  30 121  22 103  92
 29  96  87  44  95  42  24  47  22  66  81 106  42 104  63  74  97 116  21  59  85  80 121  22
 21  62  20  14 121  28  63  19  85   9  83  36   8  40   8  67  73  76  65 122  61  84  43  94
 35 105  79  91  51  38 119  20  61  30   8  52  26 115  11  90  54  50  44  45  46  15  24 115
 54  73  13  53 118 105  36  13 114  83   5  54  38  36 104   9 108  61 103  81  51  42   9  59
 44  82  56  41  60  14  57 122  74  84  91 118  49  57  11  64  54  55  28  69  43  91  16  80
121  22  81  68  19  38  37  53  55  58   4  79  38  20  78  47 112 110  72 111   2  53  92  98
 85   8  88  59  71  50 113 121  21  47  68  64 123  32  94  87  11  72  89  14  39  52  51  19
 56   2  34 104  62  73 123  90 107 105  41  13  53  44 123  36  34  16 106  68  55 108  73  84
 77  99 100  94  88  29  72  71  57  99   3  23 121  80  52   8  31  99  27 123  86  49 110 120
122  99  27 122  65  25  34  50  87 103 109  65   2  62  57  26  97  88  11  52  49  86  58   7
 51  65   9  18  71  87  11  66  52 113  75 114  17  84 118 121  86   2  88  40  94  67  67  93
 21 109  66  17   2  77   8 111  33  92   3  40  62  22 110  35  93  85  81  93  72  72  70  36
 40  94  19  85 106  62  81   2  76  39  70  61  83  20  67 103  36 110   7  22 123 120 111 103
  7  99 118  30  64  95  85  17  11  73  42  34  25   7  40 107  82  74  28  44  78  18  97  13
 34 109  83 120  50  58  88  99  27   3  52  53  34  14  96  43  21  92   4  58 100  12  78  18
 74  37   7   9 102 120   3  46  94  96  66  14  47  73  72  24 120  42  97  30 108 119  94 101
 26  63 102  60  45  40  71  85  72  49 123  40  11  60   1 105  39  16  24 115  72  24  48  19
  9  77  20  30  26  62 101


I don’t believe in monsters.

Posted : September 20, 2015 6:59 pm
Posts: 179
Estimable Member

Ok, I’ll bite. 🙂


It was actually a fairly simple cipher, took only 1 restart. The hardest part was reworking my solver to accept 123 unique symbols, as there are not that many printable ASCII characters.

Posted : September 21, 2015 3:09 am
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I TOTALLY screwed up on this. I guess I keep bad notes, I assigned the number of homophones based on the count of unique numbers instead of the count of distinct numbers. Moral of the story for me is keep better notes and don’t make ciphers when tired.

And double-check my own work, LOL.

I’ll do another (correctly!) soon. Sorry about that.


I don’t believe in monsters.

Posted : September 22, 2015 7:49 am
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Here’s the new one. This time, it should be 618 characters, with 264 distincts, and the same multiplicity as the Beale three.
Also, the bulk of it is a list of names, just as Beale three was claimed to be. This should be MUCH harder.

  85  20 184   6 242  28 206  25 100 253  75 172  48 176  75 173 114 215  16 230 172  31 124  24 158 164
  61 210  98 250 183 158  86 123  27 234  68  40 172 260  35 221 258  61  66 153 117  80 176 166 132 263
  93  43  73 140  53 188 245  58 131  18 149  56  78 132 102  63 118 188  74  62 116   2  85  10 222 142
  15  38 164 161  52   3 202 203  71 167 220 145   4 227 259 227 158 247 157  82   4  17 225 254  37 236
 186  61 249 999  55 222 104 221  68  91 248  12 140  23  35 146 150 155 224  58 228 128  82  86 251 170
 114 124  50  11 231 139 164  27  64   7  47 104 208  64  48 172  19  72 184 241 169  31  29 147 209  28
  22  60 248 186  39  58  37  51  83 210 224  93 107 229 263 104  32 177 103  44 233 226  80 173 113 214
  66  44  26 224 245   5  73 257 211  49 115 159  22 157 154 112  16 217 243 197 216  46  36 234 148  13
 154  63 152 221 224 132  65  22 182 182   9  78 261 116 174 110  90 179 999 131  23  70 174 105  19 188
 256 114   9  76  99 221 136  60 205  59 219  19 248 179 129  97  89  31 250 242 138  52 123 250 168 249
  26 187  78  26 173  66 122 162   8 250 163 228 116  69 134 246 208 200 191 117 111 111  92  66 189 127
  92 190  98  45 232 245 115 213 184  93 255 134  77  68 111  47  78 203  38 174 119 110 223 136 232  95
 139  60 183 183 180 201 111  55 128 211  30 230   4 213 140  23 110 183 225 170 114  66 257 200 101  86
 144 160  62  81 244  73  70 156  21  39  56 250 116  92 194 153  55  55 137  47  43 200 194  47  78  94
 173 123  37 252 151 106  21 175 213 238 115  24 177 225 162  85  92 177  31 112 194 193  47  61 241  56
   4   6  37 247  50 159   9 231 100 234 196  96 262 104  61 108 153 204 233 192  60  62 132 184  20  46
 262  58 246 224 237  94 107 151  14  18 207  33 168 201 180  87 136 147 116  11 246 226  91  99 126  86
  29 165 130 107 157 211  86   2 252  84 218 183 127 189 171  85 227 100  98  93  48   7 196  92 125 236
  63 135 236  66 199 252 166 155 133   3  61 143 118 156 141 215 230  14 249 179  84 195 186 156  45 164
 158 205 108 221  55  79 148  99 239 202  55 231 232 230 131 150 999  40 107 249 104 177 202 162 175  98
  46 254 107 206 106 264  74  70 100  25  42 249 236 232 114 125 165 115 131  51   9  61 210  70 240 247
 133  25  68 117 252  56   9 160 122 229 250 177  41   4   2  82   4 207  67 119  54 238 197 151 172  57
 121 999 133 210  44  82 235  73  25  75 239  83  45  63 105   6 154 233 124 127 164 128 261 161 195 129
 240  39 212 236 125 120  93  68  47 168 176 220  26  97  86 112 157 185 208  31


EDIT: For every "1" in this cipher, I replaced it with "999" I could have used any other number, but I used 999.

I don’t believe in monsters.

Posted : September 22, 2015 10:47 am
Posts: 756
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I have to apologize publicly to Jarlve. I thought his program was messing up on my cipher, when it was myself messing it up. :oops:

That said, I still think this one is going to be a difficult solve, and I wish everyone the best. I think this one might be hard, but I keep getting surprised.

It really is (mostly) a list of names, and that should be difficult for an n-gram based solver. I hope. Maybe.


EDIT: "won’t be fooled again" might be a hint. or clue. or not.

EDIT 2: The first person that solves this will get a Rubik’s Cube mailed to them, from me, for free!! Prizes! LOL.

EDIT 3: I will need a perfect solution, though. There are NO misspellings in the plaintext :)

I don’t believe in monsters.

Posted : September 22, 2015 1:14 pm
Posts: 2547
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Thanks, but unnecessary. :)

I’m going to make (a serious) attempt at cracking it without cribbing. Could take a couple of weeks.


Posted : September 22, 2015 2:07 pm
Posts: 756
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Thanks, but unnecessary. :)

I’m going to make (a serious) attempt at cracking it without cribbing. Could take a couple of weeks.

I gave too many hints already, LOL.

And I LIKE my Rubik’s cube. I have it JUST the way I want it. I doubt you will win, AH-HAH-HAH-HA!


EDIT: No time limit here. The first person to solve this wins my perfectly lubricated Rubik’s Cube. I only do this "smart-ass" snarky routine because I want to see the solvers improve. And I like to try to be funny. I WILL keep my word, though. Of course I will!

EDIT 2: This is open to everyone. I think this one is going to be hard to solve, but I’ve been wrong before.

I don’t believe in monsters.

Posted : September 22, 2015 2:12 pm
Posts: 756
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I’m going to give a hint here. The first letter of the cipher is "H"


(I probably should not give hints. I am making it too easy.)

EDIT: Some people have stated that Beale #3 is too short to contain a list of names, but I list 35 of them. Just saying.

I don’t believe in monsters.

Posted : September 23, 2015 12:12 pm
Posts: 179
Estimable Member

I might have to officially give up. Know when to hold ’em, know when to fold ’em, as they say. 🙂 I don’t think I’ll be able to solve it without hints, and with hints that would be a bit like cheating. The main reasons I couldn’t crack it is its high multiplicity combined with the fact that it’s mostly a list of names. Even if you didn’t use really rare names, they will likely be under-represented in the N-grams corpus (i.e. won’t appear very many times), and combined with high multiplicity, which translates to a high degree of freedom of which letters go where, the solver will much likely try to plug common words instead of proper names, and will not get the correct solution. The fact that you have 264 unique symbols in the cipher didn’t help either. A byte (8 bits) can only hold 256 values, so I would have to rework my solver to handle 16-bit values to be able to process more than 256 uniques. Which shouldn’t be too hard, but it will take some time, and I would have to maintain 2 separate versions, as working with 16-bits is slower (probably not by much, but still). So it’ll be a special case version just for this cipher, as I would keep using the faster 8-bit version for most ciphers. So instead, I combined 8 pairs of symbols that only appear once in this ciphers, to be the same symbol for each pair, to bring the number of uniques down to 8-bit territory (264-8=256). Which is like introducing 8 typos in the plaintext, so it didn’t help either. The end result is that I ran my solver for about 14 hours since yesterday, and it didn’t get to anything readable. Maybe it was able to recover small fragments of the plaintext, but being a list of names, I’m just not recognizing it as plaintext. So I’m here to admit that you definitely fooled me, well done! 🙂

Posted : September 23, 2015 9:24 pm
Posts: 756
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Yeah, it’s probably unsolvable, but you never know. ZKDecrypto also uses single bytes, so it can’t handle this one either. I just thought a really difficult challenge would be interesting, since you guys seem to be solving everything else.

I don’t really want to give hints, but I will at least say that all of the names given are "related" in a way, so if someone gets one or two of them, and sees what I was going for, they could probably work out the rest. Maybe. It’s not JUST names either, there is some regular text in there also.

I’ll eventually give the solution at some future time, since that might even be of help too.


I don’t believe in monsters.

Posted : September 24, 2015 10:08 am