Vasa croe , do you think that the 4 on the halloween card could be a lazy J ?
Which 4 are you talking about?
4-TEEN. It’s the way it’s written ? Maybe?
4-TEEN. It’s the way it’s written ? Maybe?
I have thought about the 4-TEEN being written in brand code but don’t think the 4 is anything but a 4. If in brand code it would be 4 bar T E E N. My reasoning for this is that it is in all caps as brands are written.
On a side note, I am also searching for a match on the eyes from that card as eyes are used for brands as well.
Brand language is a massive language with 10’s of thousands of symbols.
My biggest challenge is not having access to every livestock brand book I would like to have access to. If I had the actual books this would be a lot quicker to search. Unfortunately they are not all available online and there are probably more than 50-60 books I would like to get.
Remember it’s z ..always a twist with z, always cryptic.. Lazy J bar T ..the een thrown in to not make it easy? With a good copy of the card you would be able to see which strokes were laid first to make the (J or the 4) remember this is his thing!!!
Excellent find..speechless. New theory: Z was a farmer.
Couple more I was able to find in the 1900 Utah Brand Book….these have been fairly elusive for me….the filled square and filled triangle.
And a few more…..these are from Arizona 1916 as well…..
And finally another one that has been elusive….the reverse Q how Z wrote it…all others I have found have not had a straight line for the Q like the one….
This one is brilliant, I still remember when we had discussed about the ‘anchor’ symbol possibly coming from marine activities..
Couple more I was able to find in the 1900 Utah Brand Book….these have been fairly elusive for me….the filled square and filled triangle.
And a few more…..these are from Arizona 1916 as well…..
And finally another one that has been elusive….the reverse Q how Z wrote it…all others I have found have not had a straight line for the Q like the one….
This one is brilliant, I still remember when we had discussed about the ‘anchor’ symbol possibly coming from marine activities..
Well thank you. I am convinced of the ranch connection. There are too many exact symbols for it to be on accident or by chance.
Remember it’s z ..always a twist with z, always cryptic.. Lazy J bar T ..the een thrown in to not make it easy? With a good copy of the card you would be able to see which strokes were laid first to make the (J or the 4) remember this is his thing!!!
Interesting…i will have to look at it closer tomorrow and compare to the brands I have saved out to see if it could be a connected brand.
The problem with a lot of the brand research is the changing of hands of a brand. Once someone retires it or sells it then someone else picks it up if they want it.
I wish there was a US brand book available that covered all brands from the beginning in all states, or an easier way to search them such as a tineye or Google images type of engine where I could just load his cipher in and have it find all close matches with brands.
Google …."Search by image". i have used it in the past .. it throws up a lot of unrelated stuff.. but it works OK
The best way to do it would be to do a line drawing on white paper (no clutter) take a photo with i phone load on to google image search and add text to assist, along the lines of cattle branding or ranch
just tried it without much success..
Yes , if it is as you say ,then I think it is news worthy. To me it looks like a fork in the road to determinding where to invwestigate .
If "my long dead roomate said once he was the zodiac killer" and others even more frivolous ,can be a news story, why not something with substance such as this .
firing off an email to the link to a news source would be a good idea IMOOk…guess it couldn’t hurt. It isn’t like I have all the time in the world to search for a connection daily anyways so why not get a lot of people searching? Any suggestions on a particular person to send a link to?
If you pull up google news and keyword zodiac killer it shows newspapers,tv stations recent articles with the reporters email usually .
there was a recent one out of Yakima WA which was about the anniversary of a local couple s book,. about seeing a man watching parked makeout pt cars ,then chasing him because he must be zodiac back in 88. See my point ?
A member here- kevin in cal- would be a good start too, but good luck with him .
Well….here is one I wasn’t expecting but was secretly hoping to find…I present to you SLA….
From New Mexico…..
And a couple more from NM
But doesn’t it show the owner of that ‘brand’ as Sara L Allsup?
Making a Zodiac ‘connection’ here might be reaching a bit, methinks.
I don’t believe in monsters.