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"My name is ____" Solution (Take II)

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, Subject: "My name is ____" Solution (Take II)   Tue May 31, 2011 7:33 pm

I posted a proposed solution to this cipher awhile back. After reviewing feedback, and my own nagging doubt about the method and validity, I decided to start over from scratch with a fresh perspective. In doing so, I found a pattern that I believe irrefutably validates my decryption method used to solved the cipher. Please let me know if you have any questions and tell me what you think. Also, I apologize for the quality of the succeeding images as I had them converted from pdf.

, Subject: Re: "My name is ____" Solution (Take II)   Tue May 31, 2011 10:00 pm

Hi z,

Intriguing, yet again, but yes… I do have a question or two. First off, you say:

I will use radian to the seventh decimal place because Pi is taken to the seventh decimal place frequently when discussing the Zodiac case.

Then you proceed to calculate a radian by dividing 360 by 6.28. Why are you truncating 2*Pi to only two decimal places (i.e., 6.28)? Shouldn’t you at least be using Pi to seven decimal places like you suggested? The radian angle, then would be more accurately described as 57.2957804 deg. This converts to binary as 111001.0100101110111000010. If you want to get really technical, the radian angle is actually equal to 57.2957795 when truncated to seven decimal places, converting to binary as 111001.0100101110111000001. This of course would change things a bit.

I admit it’s an interesting methodology, worthy of further investigation, but I’m having trouble getting past this little obstacle.


, Subject: Re: "My name is ____" Solution (Take II)   Tue May 31, 2011 10:45 pm


Thanks for your reply. According to Wikipedia, "for many purposes, 3.14 or 22⁄7 is close enough, although engineers often use 3.1416 (5 significant figures) or 3.14159 (6 significant figures) for more precision." I believe 3.14 is the most generally well known equivalent to Pi. I’m also of the opinion, that the Zodiac referenced 3.14 cryptically through images in his Halloween card which was sent six months later. An example of this would be the skeleton making the "okay" symbol on the front of the card. He is holding up 3 fingers, the "Oh" shape signifies the dot, and the number 14 is written on the hand. So my method was first to obtain the radian figure using 3.14 as Pi. Then, I took the radian figure (in which the decryption is based off) to the seventh decimal place since "Zodiac" can be found in Pi to the seventh decimal.

I also believe I’m correct in using 3.14 as Pi because the pattern that emerges is spot on with the digits found after converting the cipher’s variables into morse/binary. This is done without any manipulation unless you consider assigning the eight-ball variables to 00, which I believe is quite logical.

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: "My name is ____" Solution (Take II)   Tue May 31, 2011 11:18 pm

I cant read the pdf on my cell. what is final result? what is the name?

, Subject: Re: "My name is ____" Solution (Take II)   Wed Jun 01, 2011 12:15 am

My solution is "PENN".

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: "My name is ____" Solution (Take II)   Wed Jun 01, 2011 1:33 am

This looks very good and I can tell you put some work into this, so good for you.

How do we go from a 13 symbol cipher to a 4 letter name? You lost me.

Also, can you point to anywhere Zodiac indicates or drops hints or clues that binary is the key to decode?

, Subject: Re: "My name is ____" Solution (Take II)   Wed Jun 01, 2011 7:14 am


Thanks for your reply. According to Wikipedia, "for many purposes, 3.14 or 22⁄7 is close enough, although engineers often use 3.1416 (5 significant figures) or 3.14159 (6 significant figures) for more precision." I believe 3.14 is the most generally well known equivalent to Pi. I’m also of the opinion, that the Zodiac referenced 3.14 cryptically through images in his Halloween card which was sent six months later. An example of this would be the skeleton making the "okay" symbol on the front of the card. He is holding up 3 fingers, the "Oh" shape signifies the dot, and the number 14 is written on the hand. So my method was first to obtain the radian figure using 3.14 as Pi. Then, I took the radian figure (in which the decryption is based off) to the seventh decimal place since "Zodiac" can be found in Pi to the seventh decimal.

I also believe I’m correct in using 3.14 as Pi because the pattern that emerges is spot on with the digits found after converting the cipher’s variables into morse/binary. This is done without any manipulation unless you consider assigning the eight-ball variables to 00, which I believe is quite logical.

You may very well be onto something, but as AK can attest to, I’m a bit of a skeptic. has all but numbed my mind when it comes to "binary morse", but I think I can get past that enough to give this a well-deserved closer look. Thank you for your effort.


, Subject: Re: "My name is ____" Solution (Take II)   Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:54 am

I’m still troubled by "significant digits." Penn in particular (with his purported genius IQ) would know that the number of significant figures of a multiplication or division of two or more quantities is equal to the smallest number of significant figures for the quantities involved. Therefore, the radian calculation cannot be carried out to seven decimal places if it is a function of a number with only two decimal places (i.e., 6.28). I think Penn himself defined the radian out to five decimal places in his book "Times 17", though I’m not positive. I remember the discussions of the Halloween card and the possibility that "3.14" may be hinted at, but I have a hard time swallowing that Penn would make such a blatant mathematical error when calculating the radian angle. Additionally, you’ve tried to explain the discrepancies between the two binary strings, but it involves a couple of assumptions – not out of the realm of possibility, but a little subjective.

I know I’m coming across as a wet blanket, but I don’t want to discourage this effort. Just offering an opinion from the mathematical/engineering perspective. It’s certainly nice to see fresh ideas and for all I know, this is the correct solution. Thank you for giving us something to think about.


Edit: Penn’s interpretation of the radian angle can be found HERE, where he states:

I submit that the significance of this derives from the fact that the decimalized value of the radian is 57.2958 degrees.

, Subject: Re: "My name is ____" Solution (Take II)   Wed Jun 01, 2011 2:31 pm

This looks very good and I can tell you put some work into this, so good for you.

How do we go from a 13 symbol cipher to a 4 letter name? You lost me.

Also, can you point to anywhere Zodiac indicates or drops hints or clues that binary is the key to decode?

Thanks all for your feedback.

AK – The 4 letter name comes from the only four "differences" found between the binary conversion of Radian and the string of numbers found after converting the cipher’s variables to morse/binary.

I cannot point you to anything specific that I have found, although I believe I have found traces (but I can’t make anything out of them to which I would deem a logical and accurate "solution"). However, if one believes Gareth Penn truly is the Zodiac (and I’m not sure on that myself) then the fact that he was the first (to my knowledge) to employ binary in his decryption methods is the biggest hint for others to do the same.

Also, I think it’s safe to say that after 40yrs of not finding a solution to the ciphers using substitution, and other well-known decryption methods, that something completely different is needed to solve these ciphers, i.e., binary or the like.

, Subject: Re: "My name is ____" Solution (Take II)   Wed Jun 01, 2011 2:45 pm

I’m still troubled by "significant digits." Penn in particular (with his purported genius IQ) would know that the number of significant figures of a multiplication or division of two or more quantities is equal to the smallest number of significant figures for the quantities involved. Therefore, the radian calculation cannot be carried out to seven decimal places if it is a function of a number with only two decimal places (i.e., 6.28). I think Penn himself defined the radian out to five decimal places in his book "Times 17", though I’m not positive. I remember the discussions of the Halloween card and the possibility that "3.14" may be hinted at, but I have a hard time swallowing that Penn would make such a blatant mathematical error when calculating the radian angle. Additionally, you’ve tried to explain the discrepancies between the two binary strings, but it involves a couple of assumptions – not out of the realm of possibility, but a little subjective.

I know I’m coming across as a wet blanket, but I don’t want to discourage this effort. Just offering an opinion from the mathematical/engineering perspective. It’s certainly nice to see fresh ideas and for all I know, this is the correct solution. Thank you for giving us something to think about.


Edit: Penn’s interpretation of the radian angle can be found HERE, where he states:

I submit that the significance of this derives from the fact that the decimalized value of the radian is 57.2958 degrees.

I know what you are saying and I agree with you…if we were doing straight math problems or civil engineering (not trying to be smart). It’s my belief that you have to go off of clues and what you’ve seen in the case. For instance, I think it’s silly that a person would take Pi out to seven decimal places and use a numeric-to-alpha substitution to create a name for himself; however, we can’t dismiss that fact even if it’s silly. So, I saw the two-decimal Pi representations on the Halloween card and felt that was enough "proof" to use two-decimal places in my work.

Let me say this though, if you believe 3.14 is truly not accurate in calculating Radian for this particular decryption method, then by default you are saying that the subsequent radian calculation is also incorrect, and that the unmistakeable pattern between said Radian calculation and the binary/morse conversion of the cipher variables is merely coincidental. To me, that kind of coincidence has to be close to impossible, and is why I think this solution is so solid.

, Subject: Re: "My name is ____" Solution (Take II)   Wed Jun 01, 2011 2:51 pm

Oh, I don’t think it’s "silly"… just mathematically incorrect. And it’s certainly plausible. Hell, this is coming from a guy who spelled "kid" as c-i-d (intentional or not), so anything is possible.

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: "My name is ____" Solution (Take II)   Wed Jun 01, 2011 3:00 pm

Last point first – as for needing something different to solve the ciphers, I agree. I think it is taking mostly the Harden Key as a first step, with the second step a Caesar Code with 0-3-6-9 shifts. See http://zodiackillersite.forummotion.com … e-analysis

I must admit here that I do not think Gareth Penn was the Zodiac. He does not look like the Zodiac, was apparently in the Army in Oklahoma during the Bates murder and most Bates letters and bottom line other than being an eccentric researcher obssessed by the Zodiac case, I have never seen any evidence to point to him as a serious suspect.

But perhaps I am wrong. Looking at the binary code aspect, here is where I have a big problem.

You report the first part of the number string as 0101000.

Then you match 01 to A, 0 to the circled 8, etc.

But it is YOU who say the first digits should be read as "01", then "0", then "10", then "00".

Is it not just as valid to say they should be regarded as "0", then "10", then "100", then "0"?

I have looked at the binary code efforts of Penn, then then Farmer, then you. It seems with a string of "1" ‘s and "0" ‘s you can make them say almost anything you want, all depending on where you draw the cut lines. Do you see my point?

I respect the effort and work you have put into this. I probably won’t offer much more in the way of criticism, because I plead guilty to a major bias at the moment, as the FBI is finally acting on several years of evidence I gave them on my POI in the TM case, and some of what is happening behind the scenes is further increasing my opinion that my POI was the Z. So the 20% of my brain I keep open for other POI’s and other code solutions besides my own has shrunk to 10%!

Perhaps I just don’t understand binary, but I see nothing to indicate Zodiac used it, and it puzzles me how 4 different people (Penn, , Farmer, you) can use binary and get different solutions. It seems to fungible. I just have to tell you IMO you are headed down the wrong path with binary.

But I may be wrong, and my excitement at current events may be clouding my judgement. You have done some serious work, maybe someone will have a different take on it. Maybe you have got something.

I would invite you to check out my work at the link above, and then read thebigZ probability report on my code work.

, Subject: Re: "My name is ____" Solution (Take II)   Wed Jun 01, 2011 3:01 pm

You may very well be onto something, but as AK can attest to, I’m a bit of a skeptic. has all but numbed my mind when it comes to "binary morse", but I think I can get past that enough to give this a well-deserved closer look. Thank you for your effort.


I know what you mean with all the numbers. Many do not like , but I respect anyone that puts a lot of work into this case and uses logic and facts as proof. For instance, I think AK has put together a solid case against TJK through logic, reason and facts.

About the morse/binary conversion. I look at it this way… Typical coding quite often uses numeric-to-alpha conversions against double/reverse/shifted alphabets. My guess is Zodiac ditched that entire concept after the Harden’s broke his first cipher. Using alpha-to-morse/binary conversions against binary is quite difficult to break and very ingenious. You are taking alpha characters and converting to Morse code then you are taking the Morse code and converting to binary where the dots = 0 and the ones = 1. This then allows you to string groups of the converted variables together to create a binary string, which gives the flexibility for the binary string to be interpreted as a mathematical number, or converted back to alpha characters. It’s like compressing a computer file using ZIP and then compressing the output using TAR. I think this sort of encryption/decryption is right up the Zodiac’s alley. Even worse (for the cryptanalyst), is that the coded binary string has the added security of being disseminated (I forget the proper term for this) into different binary/morse groups to be translated back to completely different alpha characters, creating a whole new message.

, Subject: Re: "My name is ____" Solution (Take II)   Wed Jun 01, 2011 3:15 pm

Looking at the binary code aspect, here is where I have a big problem.

You report the first part of the number string as 0101000.

Then you match 01 to A, 0 to the circled 8, etc.

But it is YOU who say the first digits should be read as "01", then "0", then "10", then "00".

Is it not just as valid to say they should be regarded as "0", then "10", then "100", then "0"?

I have looked at the binary code efforts of Penn, then , then Farmer, then you. It seems with a string of "1" ‘s and "0" ‘s you can make them say almost anything you want, all depending on where you draw the cut lines. Do you see my point?

I respect the effort and work you have put into this. I probably won’t offer much more in the way of criticism, because I plead guilty to a major bias at the moment, as the FBI is finally acting on several years of evidence I gave them on my POI in the TM case, and some of what is happening behind the scenes is further increasing my opinion that my POI was the Z. So the 20% of my brain I keep open for other POI’s and other code solutions besides my own has shrunk to 10%!

Perhaps I just don’t understand binary, but I see nothing to indicate Zodiac used it, and it puzzles me how 4 different people (Penn, Grant, Farmer, you) can use binary and get different solutions. It seems to fungible. I just have to tell you IMO you are headed down the wrong path with binary.

But I may be wrong, and my excitement at current events may be clouding my judgement. You have done some serious work, maybe someone will have a different take on it. Maybe you have got something.

I would invite you to check out my work at the link above, and then read thebigZ probability report on my code work.

I honestly don’t have a "case" built against Gareth Penn. The ciphers are what matter to me because they are interesting. I employ logical steps to crack them and if I get a solid solution I post it up. There is really nothing more to it than that. PENN happened to be what I came up with and perhaps it’s coincidental that traces of him keep popping up (in some circles).

I know what you are saying about my binary 01 – 10. I noticed the confusion in my report after I posted it.

Here’s how it works:

The binary conversion of my radian calculation is 111001.0101001100101000110. The "0101" becomes "1010" when reading the string backwards (right to left). The problem is that in my report I discuss two different "ways" of doing this. The first, is to simply re-write the binary number as it appears right to left (ex. 0110001010011001010.100111). Then later in the report, I say to just read the cipher conversions from right to left to match the original Radian binary conversion. The main point is that either the cipher or the original Radian binary string needs to be read or written out from right to left in order to match up with the other string. I will probably re-write my report for simplification and clarity.

Edit: Also, congratulations on your case’s breakthrough with LE. That is always the hardest part. I have done a lot of work on this case (bits and pieces here and there) and I plan on submitting this solution to any LE agency that still has the case open. I believe the pattern that is found is unmistakeable and validates the decryption method.

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: "My name is ____" Solution (Take II)   Wed Jun 01, 2011 3:23 pm

I understand.

My point is this, I will give a binary number string:


OK, now how you read that depends on WHERE you make the cuts.

Is the first cut "0", or is it "01", or is it "010", or "0100"?

Right there using binary you can have 4 different letters, all depending on where you make the cut.

See the problem?

The other problem is, OK, you get "PENN". Is that a clue to Gareth Penn? Maybe. Could it just as well be a clue that Zodiac or someone in his family was from the state of Pennsylvania, often abbreviated as "PENN"? Maybe. Could it mean Zodiac killed someone at PENN State University, like Betsy Aardsma? Who knows?

Z Assay, and thebigZ, and any other people with a facility for numbers, you might want to take a look at this:

http://zodiackillersite.forummotion.com … ates#16119

And let me know what you think, if anything.

, Subject: Re: "My name is ____" Solution (Take II)   Wed Jun 01, 2011 3:33 pm

I have looked at the binary code efforts of Penn, then Grant, then Farmer, then you. It seems with a string of "1" ‘s and "0" ‘s you can make them say almost anything you want, all depending on where you draw the cut lines. Do you see my point?

I respect the effort and work you have put into this. I probably won’t offer much more in the way of criticism, because I plead guilty to a major bias at the moment, as the FBI is finally acting on several years of evidence I gave them on my POI in the TM case, and some of what is happening behind the scenes is further increasing my opinion that my POI was the Z. So the 20% of my brain I keep open for other POI’s and other code solutions besides my own has shrunk to 10%!

Perhaps I just don’t understand binary, but I see nothing to indicate Zodiac used it, and it puzzles me how 4 different people (Penn, Grant, Farmer, you) can use binary and get different solutions. It seems to fungible. I just have to tell you IMO you are headed down the wrong path with binary.

I do see your point about the disseminating binary strings into separate morse/binary and alpha conversions. It’s what makes the binary method so strong (read my post above) and also difficult to crack.

Honestly, I did not read Times 17 in its entirety, but neither Grant, Farmer or myself has used the same decryption method on any one cipher to my knowledge. I know for a fact that Farmer and Grant did not use binary for the "My name is ___" cipher. As far as I know, I’m the first to use this method on this cipher and retrieve such a shocking pattern in the output. One thing I will never do is decipher a code and then create an elaborate back story to try and make things fit. I’m under the impression that if the Zodiac made these ciphers to be crackable without using standard methods, then two things have to be present:

1.) He has to have supplied hints or clues in his letters as to the methods of decrypting the ciphers.
2.) When solving the ciphers there has to be built-in validations that the ciphers are correct, otherwise it would be impossible to know if you are correct.

Also, I’ve read your entire report and think it’s really good. If you aren’t aware, Chris Farmer replied to your cryptanalysis.

, Subject: Re: "My name is ____" Solution (Take II)   Wed Jun 01, 2011 3:42 pm

I understand.

My point is this, I will give a binary number string:


OK, now how you read that depends on WHERE you make the cuts.

Is the first cut "0", or is it "01", or is it "010", or "0100"?

Right there using binary you can have 4 different letters, all depending on where you make the cut.

See the problem?

The other problem is, OK, you get "PENN". Is that a clue to Gareth Penn? Maybe. Could it just as well be a clue that Zodiac or someone in his family was from the state of Pennsylvania, often abbreviated as "PENN"? Maybe. Could it mean Zodiac killed someone at PENN State University, like Betsy Aardsma? Who knows?

Z Assay, and thebigZ, and any other people with a facility for numbers, you might want to take a look at this:

http://zodiackillersite.forummotion.com … ates#16119

And let me know what you think, if anything.

I agree, that is a problem…for people trying to decipher this type of encryption. Although I do use this technique to a very slight degree, i.e., two two-digit strings are combined together and one four digit string is separated, I believe the placement of certain variables within the cipher hint to do this, and that is in my report.

I also agree that PENN could mean a lot of things and I honestly don’t care what it means as I don’t have an affinity for G. Penn being the Zodiac. However I will throw this out there for fun… the cross-hair symbol is a circle with two lines through it. This could represent 110 which equals "G" when converting to alpha from binary/morse. :P

My ultimate goal is to solve a cipher and have it validated as "solved" by the FBI or any other LE agency working the case. Heck, I would be happy enough if the decryption method I discovered was correct, but the ultimate solution was not (so long as they used my decryption method to find the proper solution). If all of this helps capture the Zodiac then that would be gravy, but I’m more interested in my work being validated at this point.

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: "My name is ____" Solution (Take II)   Wed Jun 01, 2011 3:52 pm

Z Assay said:

"1.) He has to have supplied hints or clues in his letters as to the methods of decrypting the ciphers.
2.) When solving the ciphers there has to be built-in validations that the ciphers are correct, otherwise it would be impossible to know if you are correct."

I essentially agree. I think he did supply clues, a BIG one being the "0-3-6-9" he wrote on the Zodiac symbol on the Mt. Diablo map, and repeated clues of 0-3-6-9 which show up on the car door, the 340 code and other letters and codes.

And for point 2, I show what I think are mathematical and other validations which distinguish one and only one right solution out of the multiplicity of names that can come from a Caesar method.

The problem with binary is I don’t see one clue anywhere that this is what Zodiac is doing. And there seem to a large number of ways to read any binary string, and nothing to validate any one solution as the one and only right solution.

Z Assay said:

"My ultimate goal is to solve a cipher and have it validated as "solved" by the FBI or any other LE agency working the case. Heck, I would be happy enough if the decryption method I discovered was correct, but the ultimate solution was not (so long as they used my decryption method to find the proper solution). If all of this helps capture the Zodiac then that would be gravy, but I’m more interested in my work being validated at this point."

Good luck! It is a long, hard road I can tell you that! But keep up the effort.

, Subject: Re: "My name is ____" Solution (Take II)   Wed Jun 01, 2011 11:04 pm

Z Assay said:

"1.) He has to have supplied hints or clues in his letters as to the methods of decrypting the ciphers.
2.) When solving the ciphers there has to be built-in validations that the ciphers are correct, otherwise it would be impossible to know if you are correct."

I essentially agree. I think he did supply clues, a BIG one being the "0-3-6-9" he wrote on the Zodiac symbol on the Mt. Diablo map, and repeated clues of 0-3-6-9 which show up on the car door, the 340 code and other letters and codes.

And for point 2, I show what I think are mathematical and other validations which distinguish one and only one right solution out of the multiplicity of names that can come from a Caesar method.

The problem with binary is I don’t see one clue anywhere that this is what Zodiac is doing. And there seem to a large number of ways to read any binary string, and nothing to validate any one solution as the one and only right solution.

Z Assay said:

"My ultimate goal is to solve a cipher and have it validated as "solved" by the FBI or any other LE agency working the case. Heck, I would be happy enough if the decryption method I discovered was correct, but the ultimate solution was not (so long as they used my decryption method to find the proper solution). If all of this helps capture the Zodiac then that would be gravy, but I’m more interested in my work being validated at this point."

Good luck! It is a long, hard road I can tell you that! But keep up the effort.

, Subject: Re: "My name is ____" Solution (Take II)   Thu Jun 02, 2011 12:35 am

My POI also is knowledgeable about the mathematics you describe so there certainly could be credence to the solution you have after all that work.

I do remember my friend’s parents were very fond of crossword puzzles and he was not.

You’re the older woman who claims to have been stalked/harassed by Kane, correct?

, Subject: Re: "My name is ____" Solution (Take II)   Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:17 am

My POI also is knowledgeable about the mathematics you describe so there certainly could be credence to the solution you have after all that work.

I do remember my friend’s parents were very fond of crossword puzzles and he was not.

You’re the older woman who claims to have been stalked/harassed by Kane, correct?

lol. No that would be Sandy. But this account seems very similar.

, Subject: Re: "My name is ____" Solution (Take II)   Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:23 am

I understand.

My point is this, I will give a binary number string:


OK, now how you read that depends on WHERE you make the cuts.

Is the first cut "0", or is it "01", or is it "010", or "0100"?

Right there using binary you can have 4 different letters, all depending on where you make the cut.

See the problem?

The other problem is, OK, you get "PENN". Is that a clue to Gareth Penn? Maybe. Could it just as well be a clue that Zodiac or someone in his family was from the state of Pennsylvania, often abbreviated as "PENN"? Maybe. Could it mean Zodiac killed someone at PENN State University, like Betsy Aardsma? Who knows?

Z Assay, and thebigZ, and any other people with a facility for numbers, you might want to take a look at this:

http://zodiackillersite.forummotion.com … ates#16119

And let me know what you think, if anything.

I agree, that is a problem…for people trying to decipher this type of encryption. Although I do use this technique to a very slight degree, i.e., two two-digit strings are combined together and one four digit string is separated, I believe the placement of certain variables within the cipher hint to do this, and that is in my report.

I also agree that PENN could mean a lot of things and I honestly don’t care what it means as I don’t have an affinity for G. Penn being the Zodiac. However I will throw this out there for fun… the cross-hair symbol is a circle with two lines through it. This could represent 110 which equals "G" when converting to alpha from binary/morse. :P

My ultimate goal is to solve a cipher and have it validated as "solved" by the FBI or any other LE agency working the case. Heck, I would be happy enough if the decryption method I discovered was correct, but the ultimate solution was not (so long as they used my decryption method to find the proper solution). If all of this helps capture the Zodiac then that would be gravy, but I’m more interested in my work being validated at this point.

I think the biggest problem with a binary/morse cipher is that it is totally unprovable in the eyes of LE. If in fact it is a binary/morse cipher, then Z was well aware that it could not be used against him given the multitude of possible solutions. I don’t think he ever imagined that, with the dawn of the internet, he would keep so many of us "bussy."

, Subject: Re: "My name is ____" Solution (Take II)   Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:38 am

If you aren’t aware, Chris Farmer replied to your cryptanalysis.

Well, I’ve read Farmer’s reply. He dismisses AK’s entire analysis on the basis of finding Penn’s name… sort of… he found "gareth sewell penn zy".

This is coming from a guy who has made an entirely speculative "analysis" pinning Penn and Guy Ward Hendrickson as Z. His theories are so subjective, that they are nearly impossible to follow and border on the ridiculous. But that doesn’t stop him from believing he is too brilliant for words… he recently summed up his abilities as follows:

I should be in Quantico working this case. A mind like mine is truly a terrible thing to waste.

While I have some issues with the Caesar shift analysis, I at least took the time (a lot of time actually) to check it out for myself. Extracting another name using that methodology does not prove it is invalid. AK, maybe you should try folding it up like a fan? Oh yeah, that’s been done already, lol.


AK Wilks, Subject: Re: "My name is ____" Solution (Take II)   Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:49 am

Yeah, following up on what thebigZ said, not to burst his bubble, but Zsearcher produced the GSPenn name two years ago, and I included it in the post I made. Getting a 16 letter name out of 18 letters caesar shifted is not as difficult as getting 18 out of 18. Also, with the TJK name, the shift numbers in THEODORE add up to 33, which is in the name, and the shift numbers for JKACZYNSKI add up to 66, which is in the name. That is NOT true for the Penn name. And I present several other aspects present with the TJK name that don’t occur in any other name. Also, the TJK name occurs in ALL the codes by Caesar shift, which is not true for Penn or any other name.

We should discuss this in my code section!

But I appreciate any one taking a look at my work, and giving criticism or ideas. Thats cool, that is how we learn to give up bad ideas or improve good ones.

My problems with the binary aspect of your proposed solution remain. I think the FBI code unit would have the same problem. Keep working on it, and also ask yourself if it is really likely the one and only intended solution. But you have a facility for math and numbers, check out my post on the number theory and see what you think.


Posted : April 7, 2013 3:46 pm
Posts: 2614
Member Admin
Topic starter

Not my solution. It was posted on the old board, I think by someone named "z_assay". Some time later, they quit the board, which is why the user name did not appear in the messages I copied from the old board.


Posted : July 20, 2013 9:01 pm
Posts: 7527
Member Admin


Where the heck was I when you posted this? I must have been in a coma. Nice job, I want to read this again before I comment further but I strongly believe that the Z tried to make his letter, cards and ciphers have a double or triple meanings behind them when he could. So if the Morse/ Binary solution of “PENN” is correct than:

“JAMES K STEPHEN” under the 13 cipher characters to complete 2 interconnecting Z’s by connecting N-A-M-E would be its visual or artist version to a message. The second message would be: STEPHEN= STEPHANUS on the 4th line, a clue to solving the 1st stage of the Z340.

Another reason I’m happy with Dave’s discovery is this. My “POETS PEN” Z340 partial solution is (68) characters. In Gareth’s TIMES 17 he states that (68) is Morse/binary for: (9)

There’s a JAMES K.STEPHEN in the state of CA. He’s 64 years old. All of the addresses for him are in southern CA

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : July 21, 2013 7:04 am
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
Noble Member

I think it is only fair that I share the original, uncontaminated documental evidence with the members of this site.

Here is the ‘My Name Is’ Cipher as it first appeared when sent to the Chronical:

Now, I think we can all agree, this original letter has in no way been altered or changed by myself or any other 3rd party. And now, I am going to exit the board rather quickly before anyone’s suspicion may result in them asking questions! TTFN! :-)

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : August 20, 2013 5:03 pm