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I’ve had this one filed away for some years now, and thought I’d post it here. It is a challenge from Phreaknic, which is a hacker conference in Nashville, TN that I have attended a few times. I haven’t worked on it much, but thought that maybe some of the folks here might want a diversion, since it – should, at least – have a definite real solution.
Interested to see what some of the cipher folks here think of it, if anyone wants to take a look. Despite what the "instructions" at the bottom say, I do not think this has ever been solved, or any solution released.
PNvOOOJOOOJojjoO joyojoyOJOYyYjYOjOyNNoN ynonJooy jJjN yJjNOYonynoNJJjNnJonjJjnjnOyOO OnjnoyOOOYnnojOoYnoONoJOnnjONNN JJJNOyonoNJnOOJoOOynjJJOOYNYOjnnoO oYonjyooNYOjJNjjjOOYNNOOOYonJYOo onoYjYonOyoJjoooYnJjJyooJyoONyOnjyONo yOyJnJjjNoojNonyYOnNnOoOyonJOojo ooOyJOjnj YonNooYjyonoJOnoOOyoOOnnJ OnJYoNoOONNOOYJjjnyojNyjjYJjjNNo oynjOn nOOYJyoyjoOYJjJnyoJN jJjnnjojnOOjNnJjnoOOoyonYNoYYno YNnJJ jOJnnnoNjjoYoJONONO YnNONjjjnONonOJOyoOoNooonOno Njjj nNJoyjJjnoYONyjonN NoYJjjn oNo nonOnNjoyjJjnnjOy jOonJjJ nn yonjJoYjJoyoYonN OOojjjn JOJNnOoyjNOyoNO YnnoNjj jNjnJnjjjYYNjnJ yjYJOJY nJonjJjnNOOOono jNNOooN onjOONnooyJOOnJ YOJJnjN JJJNooOyoOonjjO yOnonon ONOooyjOOnJNoNn JONYOJN nnOyOjoYjoONjYO NjjjNNN ONYNOnJnoyOYonJ jOyNooY onoNnjoYJyOyNnO yoyONjj jnyYoNOyonOnoYJJjNJnO NnoOyjoOyjOonOOOYJy ONojOYjyoNooonjoOynJOyJJJnjnO NJO ONJOoNoyoNOjoNoJoNjjJnoOOyJyOnOyonJJjnoyoNnOOyj jJnyJJNnNOnNOoyJoonOnoYnjOYJJJnoJoNjjOYJnONJjjNONO yjYoYnoOyjJjnjnOYjooyjJjnYJjnYnonjJoyNooYjNoONNjjj ojNONONyNONNJoyyooNjNOYNOOYjnoNOnoyjyooJjjnnYONoj oNNjononoYJYoOooojoOOJoJjoojoYoJOYOJOYXoYoJoYOjO yO JjOoJOJOoojooonYjj jyJjJyjnjYjjjnJYnnoy YnOyyNonNyojONojynOjOn onoNonO jOJJNjJyNjjNOonj NOnyyoN YYOnNjjNynjNJYOO NyOYoNO yJYoonnOJJnjyjyO oJyoonN ooNyojJnjOnNonJN OjynojN nooonoJjnjYNnOoJ YojJnjJ OyooJyOyJnoYnnOj jnjjJYj JjyjNOyjNjYJNONO yJyojjn JYYNOjOYoyjyojjN joOnooj nONNyOJjnjnOYjJJ yJoynjJ jyJyJyjnYNjjjnJn OnojoYO YJYOjJnjnOyoJYNOn OYOJJnjjjYoOyNONyNOoonONNYojJNjjy NOjY NOOJNooNyojjNJyJYo YOnjyJNojOnOYYnoOynOnjJojjnjyJYOJOyoyoNonJYo jYNojJ njjNNojONONOnoJjnJY jyo YJyojJNjjonoJnnOoONoOOoONynJOjyOyJNOYnnojynoYoyOyJYoOJno jJnjnNyoJnNoNONOnjyo jJNj YJYOJNNoYoYOoJNooNyONOyonoNoJYNOjjNjjOyojjNjNYnojyNoJjNjYo yOYOYOOONoYoYOjONoJjN jynNooO NOoynjYnNoJnyOJNNonjyOoJnonoYoJJNjonYojnyOoYNoJNnOYjyojjNJ nJYOYONOnOyOOjNONJnoJj NjnJnOnN YojJNJooNonjYOnjYOJjnjJynOnOnOOnnOYyNOJJNJOoNoONnOOnnOnOyO JjNJONYOnoNonYnOYjOOjJNJNynjoYNonNYO JJnjYj yOjNNoYOjOJJNjyyyJNjnONONO oJnojjyOOOYOyOYoJjYoOonooJYOJjnJNO yONJyo YnNOjjNjNnYonj nooJnOnnyoJjnjNJjoJJNjoOyoNOYOJ jyOOn NOjJ NjjnyOoynOJyNOyNNoJjnjyOyoO nnono nOnYnojnNooYnoOnNooOOO OyoJ oYoJOyojjoOJOjo OojOOIII The PhreakNIC XIII code FAQ: Q) What is this thing? A) It's a puzzle. Solve it. Q) What kind of puzzle? A) It's a coded message. Or possibly series of messages. Q) What kind of message(s)? A) It's set of instructions, which ultimately decrypt to vanilla ASCII text. First person to crack the code and follow the instructions wins a nifty prize. Yes, the instructions are in English, not Spanish, German, Japanese, Klingon, Elvish, etc. Q) Do I need a computer to crack the code? A) Nope, it uses traditional WWII & pre-WWII cipher methods that can be decrypted with nothing more than pen, paper & brainpower. Q) How long do I have to solve it? A) Until PhreakNIC XIV; if no one has cracked it by then, I'll reveal the solution. Q) Is this some sort of regular event? A) Possibly. I created a code puzzle like this for the PhreakNIC v2.0 program booklet & it became an annual event for a few years. This is the first new one I've done in 6 or 7 years. I'll do more for future PhreakNICs (and other cons as well) if requested. Q) Are any of the earlier codes available? Since we might get hints & clues by examining them? A) Yep. Go here: Q) Will you give me a hint to get me started? A) I already did. Have fun! ~~jonnyX
I don’t believe in monsters.
Posted : October 25, 2015 11:17 am