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Schemes 340

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Hey everyone,

In this thread I will try to explore various secondary schemes (transposition, removal, etc) for the 340, on the assumption that the other scheme is homophonic substitution. For each scheme that I explore I will generate a considerable amount of variants of the 340, on the assumption that some of these may undo or partially undo the scheme explored. For each of these outputs I will also consider 4 orientations: normal, mirrored, flipped and mirrored+flipped (reversed). These will then be ran through my automatic solver and the data generated will be analysed and presented here. Processing many variants does take time, therefore I can only search up to a limited depth for many schemes. This is a problem that may attribute as why the 340 is not solved yet. I just hope to catch a glimpse somehow…

If you have any interesting ideas for transposition, etc, you may mention them and I’ll see that I can fit them in somewhere, I plan to devote about one week per scheme until I run out of steam.


Posted : January 22, 2015 7:30 pm
Posts: 2547
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The first scheme I explored was in the line of an idea Mr lowe expressed. That some of the lines in its entirety may be filler. I generated every combination of 3 removed horizontal lines: (20*19*18)*4=27360 variants, the 4 in there are the orientations which I always consider. I ran them through my program for 20 million keys per cipher, twice. To make sure resulting data wouldn’t differ to much, and it didn’t.

I created 4 test ciphers – generated from p66.txt and r66.txt of my plaintext library – to see if my methods were sound.

The 1st one has a filler line on every 4th line for a total of 5 lines filler. Normal orientation.
The 2nd one has a filler line every even line for a total of 10 lines filler. Flipped orientation.
The 3rd one has its first 10 lines completely as filler. Mirrored+flipped orientation.
The 4th one has line 1, 3 and 5 as filler. Mirrored orientation.

All filler was taken from the randomized counterpart of p66, which is r66 and has exactly the same frequencies.

I’m afraid I must say I ran into multiplicity problems (mostly) and all 4 test ciphers were unrecoverable. But I did recover an earlier test cipher which had 5 lines of filler which I entered manually, at "random". Though, the data generated does have good indications, as will show for the first test cipher below:

list info:
list count: 27360
highest score: 2132
lowest score: 1990
average score: 2048
average ioc: 690
orientation average: 0, 2055 ioc: 689 ‘normal. <—
orientation average: 1, 2044 ioc: 687 ‘mirrored.
orientation average: 2, 2044 ioc: 692 ‘flipped.
orientation average: 3, 2050 ioc: 692 ‘mirrored+flipped.
averages for line removed and difference from average:
orientation: 0
removed line: 1, 2055, -1 ioc: 696
removed line: 2, 2052, -3 ioc: 687
removed line: 3, 2052, -3 ioc: 688
removed line: 4, 2058, 3 ioc: 689 <—
removed line: 5, 2052, -3 ioc: 687
removed line: 6, 2053, -2 ioc: 688
removed line: 7, 2052, -3 ioc: 690
removed line: 8, 2058, 3 ioc: 686 <—
removed line: 9, 2057, 2 ioc: 689
removed line: 10, 2058, 3 ioc: 690
removed line: 11, 2052, -3 ioc: 689
removed line: 12, 2055, 0 ioc: 689 <—
removed line: 13, 2054, -1 ioc: 688
removed line: 14, 2056, 1 ioc: 689
removed line: 15, 2053, -3 ioc: 694
removed line: 16, 2058, 3 ioc: 685 <—
removed line: 17, 2049, -6 ioc: 693
removed line: 18, 2053, -2 ioc: 688
removed line: 19, 2054, -1 ioc: 687
removed line: 20, 2059, 4 ioc: 687 <—

As you can see, the highest average orientation score is normal, which is the orientation of the cipher, this is true for all test ciphers. And for the removed lines, variants which had lines removed that were filler scored higher on average, as indicated by the arrows. This is in large lines true for all test ciphers. But, I don’t want to kill people with data so let’s skip to the 340:

list info:
list count: 27360
highest score: 2099
lowest score: 1971
average score: 2026
average ioc: 757
orientation average: 0, 2022 ioc: 762 ‘normal.
orientation average: 1, 2026 ioc: 755 ‘mirrored.
orientation average: 2, 2032 ioc: 756 ‘flipped. <—
orientation average: 3, 2023 ioc: 755 ‘mirrored+flipped.
averages for line removed and difference from average:
orientation: 0
removed line: 1, 2013, -10 ioc: 766
removed line: 2, 2022, -1 ioc: 756
removed line: 3, 2015, -8 ioc: 767
removed line: 4, 2027, 5 ioc: 763
removed line: 5, 2020, -3 ioc: 764
removed line: 6, 2023, 0 ioc: 761
removed line: 7, 2020, -2 ioc: 767
removed line: 8, 2013, -10 ioc: 763
removed line: 9, 2023, 1 ioc: 757
removed line: 10, 2018, -5 ioc: 760
removed line: 11, 2026, 4 ioc: 763
removed line: 12, 2021, -1 ioc: 761
removed line: 13, 2022, 0 ioc: 768
removed line: 14, 2024, 2 ioc: 754
removed line: 15, 2021, -1 ioc: 769
removed line: 16, 2021, -1 ioc: 759
removed line: 17, 2029, 7 ioc: 758
removed line: 18, 2029, 6 ioc: 759
removed line: 19, 2028, 5 ioc: 764
removed line: 20, 2024, 1 ioc: 763
orientation: 1
removed line: 1, 2018, -8 ioc: 760
removed line: 2, 2032, 6 ioc: 754
removed line: 3, 2014, -12 ioc: 758
removed line: 4, 2031, 4 ioc: 758
removed line: 5, 2021, -6 ioc: 758
removed line: 6, 2028, 2 ioc: 755
removed line: 7, 2028, 1 ioc: 752
removed line: 8, 2011, -15 ioc: 755
removed line: 9, 2027, 1 ioc: 754
removed line: 10, 2028, 1 ioc: 748
removed line: 11, 2028, 2 ioc: 758
removed line: 12, 2032, 6 ioc: 749
removed line: 13, 2020, -6 ioc: 758
removed line: 14, 2030, 4 ioc: 751
removed line: 15, 2029, 3 ioc: 762
removed line: 16, 2025, -1 ioc: 758
removed line: 17, 2031, 5 ioc: 752
removed line: 18, 2026, -1 ioc: 757
removed line: 19, 2029, 3 ioc: 751
removed line: 20, 2026, 0 ioc: 758
orientation: 2
removed line: 1, 2026, -6 ioc: 762
removed line: 2, 2037, 5 ioc: 750 <—
removed line: 3, 2023, -9 ioc: 760
removed line: 4, 2037, 5 ioc: 755 <—
removed line: 5, 2029, -4 ioc: 759
removed line: 6, 2035, 2 ioc: 756 <—
removed line: 7, 2031, -1 ioc: 759
removed line: 8, 2020, -12 ioc: 759
removed line: 9, 2031, -1 ioc: 750
removed line: 10, 2032, 0 ioc: 753 <—
removed line: 11, 2033, 1 ioc: 759 <—
removed line: 12, 2037, 4 ioc: 755 <—

removed line: 13, 2027, -6 ioc: 761
removed line: 14, 2036, 3 ioc: 746 <—
removed line: 15, 2032, 0 ioc: 770 <—

removed line: 16, 2030, -2 ioc: 751
removed line: 17, 2040, 8 ioc: 752 <—
removed line: 18, 2029, -3 ioc: 754
removed line: 19, 2035, 2 ioc: 757 <—
removed line: 20, 2036, 4 ioc: 755 <—

orientation: 3
removed line: 1, 2019, -5 ioc: 755
removed line: 2, 2025, 2 ioc: 756
removed line: 3, 2015, -8 ioc: 752
removed line: 4, 2029, 5 ioc: 759
removed line: 5, 2017, -6 ioc: 760
removed line: 6, 2023, -1 ioc: 754
removed line: 7, 2022, -2 ioc: 756
removed line: 8, 2013, -10 ioc: 755
removed line: 9, 2027, 3 ioc: 752
removed line: 10, 2022, -2 ioc: 750
removed line: 11, 2028, 4 ioc: 755
removed line: 12, 2024, 1 ioc: 750
removed line: 13, 2022, -1 ioc: 760
removed line: 14, 2025, 1 ioc: 749
removed line: 15, 2020, -4 ioc: 763
removed line: 16, 2028, 5 ioc: 757
removed line: 17, 2029, 6 ioc: 750
removed line: 18, 2024, 0 ioc: 758
removed line: 19, 2026, 3 ioc: 756
removed line: 20, 2023, -1 ioc: 757

Flipped orientation scores highest, which is orientation 2. Lines that have an arrow besides it are equal or greater than the average, meaning that the cipher does better without them. Do not forget that the cipher in this case is flipped. I am currently onconcluded about the findings, although note that the highest variant only scored 2099, a solve should start around 2200+. And that the IoC (index of coincidence) sits at an average of 757 which is high. Expected for english is about 667. As I spent more than a week on this I have to let it rest and sink for now and I will move on to another scheme.


Posted : January 22, 2015 8:09 pm
Posts: 1197
Noble Member

Lot a numbers rolling through.. More than warren buffetts bank account. :roll:

Posted : January 24, 2015 3:29 pm
Posts: 2547
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I’m sorry Mr lowe, it was perhaps a bad idea to post all that stuff. :)

I finished a job of 500.000+ transpositions with my program a couple of days ago where I mirrored all combinations of 4 individual lines, horizontally, 4 orientations considered. It is something I wanted to do because the FBI mentioned something about a snake like pattern. A few of these scored a little over 2400 which is somewhat okay but I found the solutions to be gibberish. A good way to check if you think you may have found something is to compare the output with ZKDecrypto, if both programs "agree" on most characters then there may be something there.

What I’m doing is probably a very long stretch but I really want to make progress on the 340.

I have now started on a series of almost 1.500.000 transpositions (another hunch), which I divided into about 60 parts and I will try to do at least one part a day. So it may take months.


Posted : February 1, 2015 9:08 pm
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I’m going through the 340 manually, looking for clues. :)

Symbol "R" seems to be in love with symbol "+" if you consider all directions. Which doesn’t necessarily have to mean something but I found interesting enough to share.

This map shows all instances of symbol "+" colored orange and all instances of symbol "R" colored pink.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/z22dnnbk9x8bb … B.png?dl=0


Posted : February 2, 2015 8:03 pm
Posts: 794
Prominent Member

I admire the tenacity exhibited by you code-breakers! I’d suffer brain meltdown if I attempted your efforts. Question: is it possible to determine whether a code is genuine, or gibberish?

Posted : February 3, 2015 10:06 am
Posts: 334
Reputable Member

I admire the tenacity exhibited by you code-breakers! I’d suffer brain meltdown if I attempted your efforts. Question: is it possible to determine whether a code is genuine, or gibberish?

Honest answer? If it’s solved, then it’s genuine. If unsolved, there’s really no way to know. Heck, if I knew the 340 was crap, my wife wouldn’t be bitching about all the copies of it she finds throughout the house.

Posted : February 3, 2015 1:55 pm
Posts: 2547
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I admire the tenacity exhibited by you code-breakers! I’d suffer brain meltdown if I attempted your efforts. Question: is it possible to determine whether a code is genuine, or gibberish?

I’ve shown in my thread (viewtopic.php?f=81&t=2114) that cyclic homophonic substitution – which the Zodiac used for about 2/3 in the 408 – shows up very clearly in the 340 when you graph the uniques. This is a strong indication that homophonic substitution is one of the encryption schemes. In the same thread I also show the difference between a normal plaintext and its randomized counterpart, this information bleeds through slightly after homophonic substitution. If you encrypt a plaintext and its randomized counterpart with homophonic substitution in the exact same way they are easy to distinguish afterwards. The 340 cannot be compared this way. And even if you find a way to compare it and show for instance that there is a high statistical probability that the plaintext is random, this randomization itself can be attributed to another layer of encryption, or transposition. So then you’ll need to differentiate between different kinds of randoms.

I think it may be possible for the 340, after some intelligence advancements.


Posted : February 3, 2015 5:04 pm
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

I admire the tenacity exhibited by you code-breakers! I’d suffer brain meltdown if I attempted your efforts. Question: is it possible to determine whether a code is genuine, or gibberish?

I agree,you Guys rock. I don’t have the patience for it, and would be popping Tylenols left and right sorting thru those messy ciphers

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : February 3, 2015 6:20 pm
Posts: 2547
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I admire the tenacity exhibited by you code-breakers! I’d suffer brain meltdown if I attempted your efforts. Question: is it possible to determine whether a code is genuine, or gibberish?

I agree,you Guys rock. I don’t have the patience for it, and would be popping Tylenols left and right sorting thru those messy ciphers

For me, at the moment, it is an entertaining lifestyle that fits in with the rest of my life very nicely.

I finally started the big transposition job for my program which I spoke of earlier and included a few more orientations.

The unconfirmed Zodiac 1990 Eureka Card (viewtopic.php?f=73&t=57) inspired me to another idea for the 340, that the numbers on the keys might be the column orders for a 5 column double transposition. Since the 340 is divisible by 5 this can be done. But actually there are two ways to look at it, you can either do or undo the transposition, and undoing it is transposition as well. I assumed he did it, so therefore I undid it.

And I also considered 8 input and output orientations: normal,mirror,flip,mirror+flip,snake,snake mirror,snake flip,snake mirror+flip. With snake I mean reading the rows alternatedly from left-to-right and right-to-left. Together with twice the permutations of 5 elements, it is 8*120*120*8=921600 transpositions of the 340. Making for a total of almost 3 million transpositions for both jobs started which are expected to finish in a day or five. Probably all not very likely but I have to do something with my computers.


Posted : February 7, 2015 6:41 pm
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The 5*68 column double transposition undone group finished. Nothing promising came out of it and I’m glad to get another transposition scheme out of my system.

921600 transpositions processed. Highest scored 4090 (not very high), lowest 3709 (quite low). 0,00147% of the transpositions scored over 4000.


511453: 51423-54132, in:snake, out:snake. (4090,705,340,63)



Posted : February 10, 2015 9:45 pm
Posts: 764
Prominent Member

I have tried changing columns following some criteria, not force of course, but using my favorite suspect.
If you have made a one-time eye, if you want of course !!!

I noticed that the first line of 340, discarding symbols and leaving only the letters left
which is in alphabetical order

EGHIL (anagram of Leigh) and PRTV (which are equidistant letters)
Anyway can not be anything (I’m pretty sure)
But I can not help but share.
this is a link in my blog http://zodiacode1933.blogspot.com.br/2014/08/340-trip.html




Posted : February 10, 2015 10:26 pm
Posts: 764
Prominent Member

In several approaches I have tried, when I have time, with Zkripto as everyone thinks, by the multitude of possible combinations, found "WESTWOOD" and several single words, only researched and learned that Westwood is in addition to a California county is a Neighborhood former San Francisco.
nothing wonderful.
just sharing


Posted : February 10, 2015 10:52 pm
Posts: 2547
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Thank you for sharing your work Marclean.

I think trying out new things with the 340 (whatever they are) and plugging them into ZKDecrypto is a very valuable effort. And I’m very interested in seeing high scoring alterations/transpositions of the 340, 33000+.

Have you seen the MysteryQuest episode where Dan Olson of the FBI cryptic unit gives his view on the 340? It starts around the 8:00 minute mark. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uG2M3NOyCB4


Posted : February 10, 2015 11:32 pm
Posts: 764
Prominent Member

Thank you for sharing your work Marclean.

I think trying out new things with the 340 (whatever they are) and plugging them into ZKDecrypto is a very valuable effort. And I’m very interested in seeing high scoring alterations/transpositions of the 340, 33000+.

Have you seen the MysteryQuest episode where Dan Olson of the FBI cryptic unit gives his view on the 340? It starts around the 8:00 minute mark. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uG2M3NOyCB4

Variations forever, or lead to something or a road without exit.
As it is a hobby as "Rubik’s Cube ", I will play with it.
ps: as in Rubik’s Cube , when a color is formed on one side the other colors if disengage the other side. :D
thanks for the reply and education


Posted : February 10, 2015 11:51 pm
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