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Scorpion Code – Rea…
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Scorpion Code – Real? A Hoax? Or By The Zodiac?

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AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
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AK Wilks, Subject: Scorpion Code – Real? A Hoax? Or By The Zodiac?   Sun Mar 28, 2010 1:46 am



tahoe27, Subject: Re: Scorpion Code – Real? A Hoax? Or By The Zodiac?   Sun Mar 28, 2010 3:29 am

Not feelin’ it as Zodiac at all.

morf13, Subject: Re: Scorpion Code – Real? A Hoax? Or By The Zodiac?   Sun Mar 28, 2010 7:20 am

Not feelin’ it as Zodiac at all.

I agree….I dont see it

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Scorpion Code – Real? A Hoax? Or By The Zodiac?   Sun Mar 28, 2010 1:51 pm

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Scorpion Code – Real? A Hoax? Or By The Zodiac?   Sun Mar 28, 2010 1:57 pm

There are so many unique symbols, and so few repeats, it would be vary hard to come up with a proposed solution that you could have a lot of confidence in.

In any event, AuthUser gave it a try and here are his two possible proposed solutions.


Possible Solution #1:
(Note: "YY"=wise)(also, "THAT" was implied, imo)

Possible Solution #2:

As I stated earlier, I don’t believe that these are correct and even if they were, they’d be almost impossible to prove unless some note was included with them (that we don’t know about) that included one or more of the key words or phrases.

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Scorpion Code – Real? A Hoax? Or By The Zodiac?   Sun Mar 28, 2010 2:12 pm

The phrase "HI Remember me" rang a bell to me. A letter stating it was from "The Zodiac" started off by saying "Hello its me". Somewhat similar. The FBI said that the author of the confirmed Zodiac letters could NOT be ruled out as the author of this letter which took credit for some of the Atlanta Child Murders.

Other messages from Zodiac or in this series included one on an ad that had been sent witin newspapers in Chicago, Harrisburg PA and Northern Florida. Another one asked for a message to be put in the Washington Post classifieds saying "Daniel Please Call Home".

morf13, Subject: Re: Scorpion Code – Real? A Hoax? Or By The Zodiac?   Sun Mar 28, 2010 2:50 pm

AK, what year again was the Aardsma letter postmarked from Atlanta???

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Scorpion Code – Real? A Hoax? Or By The Zodiac?   Sun Mar 28, 2010 3:16 pm

Was it 1977?

I know it was on George Washington’s birthday but I can’t find the year in my notes.

i thought it was 1977?

Nin, Subject: Re: Scorpion Code – Real? A Hoax? Or By The Zodiac?   Sun Mar 28, 2010 10:46 pm

Easter 1979


AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Scorpion Code – Real? A Hoax? Or By The Zodiac?   Sun Mar 28, 2010 10:58 pm

I was told by a very good source the letter said "here’s a present for Washington’s Birthday. You never did catch that guy that killed that c–t in the library", and that it was postmarked on or near Washington’s Birthday.

If it was 1979, be it February or March, that is interesting because the first Atlanta Child Murders happen in the early Summer of 1979.

Meaning either the real Zodiac or a Zodiac copycat and/or the Atlanta Child Killer was in Atlanta at the same time as the Aardsma letter writer.

The possible link between all that activity and this Scorpion letter is prettty thin, but those openings of "Hello its me" and "Hi remember me" do have a slight similarity of content, tone and style.

The code writing on the Scorpion letters also looks like the writing on the "three little kids" possible Zodiac letter, and someone sent in a letter saying that unless forced "bussing" was stopped, he would kill "three" more black boys in Atlanta.

Quagmire, Subject: Re: Scorpion Code – Real? A Hoax? Or By The Zodiac?   Fri May 14, 2010 12:32 pm

I always thought that the Scorpion ciphers were written by Dahmer.

AK Wilks, Subject: Re: Scorpion Code – Real? A Hoax? Or By The Zodiac?   Fri May 14, 2010 6:12 pm

Never been identified who wrote them, if they are real or a hoax.


Posted : April 7, 2013 3:59 pm
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member
Topic starter

Thanks to Doranchak for doing a great job transferring all of these threads from the old site to here. They look really great.

I have always had a bit of interest in these Scorpion Codes. Probably a hoax, yet a fair degree of work went into these. Could it possibly be Zodiac? I would like to see it solved.

Has anyone looked at these and attempted a solve?


Posted : April 8, 2013 4:44 am
Posts: 955
Prominent Member

AK, as you very correctly said "There are so many unique symbols, and so few repeats, it would be very hard to come up with a proposed solution that you could have a lot of confidence in."
I agree. From the first one the "S", backward "L", filled "R", upside-down "V" and one of the divided boxes look to be about it, at first pass. Not enough.
The second one looks like soup. I don’t believe these give us any chance of "guessing right".

The Zodiac’s 408 substitution cipher – without too many mistakes and homophones in – was easy meat, really. The 340 is a different beast, but still gives us some hope, since looking at the enciphered symbols still shows some vestige of language and some "might-be’s".
Not these.
They’re vaguely reminscent of the 340 and 408, yes, but in my opinion not by the same author.

On the bright side, almost anyone can "solve" them? :)
Oh. Which may not be a good thing. A thousand Starlipers blooming. Ho hum. :(

Posted : April 8, 2013 1:54 pm
Posts: 756
Prominent Member

Yup. I’m with smithy on these. Just as an example, take a piece of paper (with no message in mind) and write out some several hundred characters / symbols / figures until you fill up the page.

That’s not a cipher, it’s a drawing, LOL. And I believe that’s what we have here. And I HAVE looked at these. That’s no moon, it’s a space station!


I don’t believe in monsters.

Posted : April 8, 2013 2:02 pm
Posts: 3583
Member Moderator

Yup. I’m with smithy on these. Just as an example, take a piece of paper (with no message in mind) and write out some several hundred characters / symbols / figures until you fill up the page.

That’s not a cipher, it’s a drawing, LOL. And I believe that’s what we have here. And I HAVE looked at these. That’s no moon, it’s a space station!


Best description ever!

The styling of it with a title and subtitle even reminds me of those 70’s posters where your face was made up of characters. A piece or art as you say. So if this is a space station does that make the 340 the asteroid field where the planet used to be?

As for it being Zodiac. Well despite it looking nothing like him, as previously mentioned, it’s "the wrong K" as Wallace & Gromit might say.

I don’t know Chief, he’s very smart or very dumb.

Posted : April 8, 2013 6:26 pm