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would you agree ?

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ace ventura
Posts: 435
Honorable Member
Topic starter

Would you agree that if a code was found that turns the 340 cipher into complete sentences and reads in zodiacs style of the 408 ,threats ,taunts etc.
And does the same for the 18,32,13 and celeb cipher we would have the real cipher code key at last

Posted : January 21, 2016 10:51 pm
Posts: 1197
Noble Member

The simple answer is yes . Of course it will be dissected by the experts but that’s what is needed..
What you talkin bout ace

Posted : January 22, 2016 12:07 am
Posts: 2614
Member Admin

It also depends on how "creative" the decoding process is.

Take Corey Starliper’s solution, for instance. He basically just wrote the sentences he wanted to see then tried to make it seem like there was some sort of encoding system that generated the sentences.

But no, the "encoding system" was his own imagination.


Posted : January 22, 2016 6:33 am
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

I would disagree :twisted: as there are about six different symbols in the shorter ciphers which are not present in the 340 at all. This would somehow means that at least six letters had not been used in the 340 or that Z had used extra homophones in his shorter ciphers (although e.g. 1-7 homophones are available in the 340). And that is quite unlikely the case (why should he’ve done so..more likely that he had used a completely different code for each cipher). Neverthless..the trig FBI also does appear in the 340, so those two ciphers could actually have used the same code.



Posted : January 22, 2016 7:10 pm
ace ventura
Posts: 435
Honorable Member
Topic starter

I would disagree :twisted: as there are about six different symbols in the shorter ciphers which are not present in the 340 at all. This would somehow means that at least six letters had not been used in the 340 or that Z had used extra homophones in his shorter ciphers (although e.g. 1-7 homophones are available in the 340). And that is quite unlikely the case (why should he’ve done so..more likely that he had used a completely different code for each cipher). Neverthless..the trig FBI also does appear in the 340, so those two ciphers could actually have used the same code.


Sooo … you can blindly figure out words and thus sentences or try to here ( with various math formula s …but if you had sentences only missing a letter here and there that would blank you ?

I not sure how any one here is still breathing we were to be dead by the Ebola post in 2015

Posted : January 25, 2016 8:57 pm
Posts: 628
Honorable Member

No also. I don’t think the celebrity cipher is Z.

I assume that you have some such key? I don’t know why you would think that he would’ve used the same key for all those ciphers, otherwise. I understand, many people think that Z32 and Z13 were clues to the Z340, but that is the reason why I doubt it. Without the solution to those ciphers they actually make it harder to solve the 340, not easier.

Posted : January 26, 2016 3:56 am
Posts: 764
Prominent Member

I think, just think, not sure or arguments, that the ZKMF made your code hinting in letters (posting dates, stamps etc) and maybe other codes.
Otherwise, if he made 340, then "coded" random and chaotic way, we are all dead before the solution.
However, I believe that there are many approaches and one of them will arrive to break it.
The sad thing is, is right, this damn or is already dead or too old for ultimate justice of men. :x

Marcelo :)


Posted : January 26, 2016 4:30 am
Posts: 78
Trusted Member

@Ace Bring it on, muh brotha. I’d love to see it!

Posted : January 26, 2016 8:15 am
ace ventura
Posts: 435
Honorable Member
Topic starter

@Ace Bring it on, muh brotha. I’d love to see it!

No plans to post here. Working on Copywrite now

Posted : January 27, 2016 2:08 am
Posts: 628
Honorable Member

Shouldn’t the Zodiac be the one getting the copyright then? If it’s right, then it’s his solution.

I wouldn’t agree that a solution that is not subject to peer review is likely to be correct.

Posted : January 27, 2016 11:10 am
AK Wilks
Posts: 1407
Noble Member

@Ace Bring it on, muh brotha. I’d love to see it!

No plans to post here. Working on Copywrite now

Codes in general are not under copyright law but patent law. In this case an unknown person called Zodiac created the code.

You cannot obtain a patent or copyright for a solution to a code someone else created.

If you do wish to perhaps write a book or some other for profit artistic work (book, screenplay, TV show, documentary) you can protect your intellectual work. The story of how you solved a code, and your explanatory narrative of how you solved it, are arguably subject to copyright. No formal process is needed, though you can mail a copy to the US Copyright Office.

A copyright is instantly created when you publish or post your work. Doing so gives you a legally valid time stamp protection. You can post your narrative and explanation of your proposed solution here, and include at the bottom of the post Copyright 2016 by John Doe. Not to be copied or reposted without permission of the author.

I put such a notice on my proposed code solutions, to protect my intellectual property rights for a possible future book. And they have worked fine. Because this case has living family members of victims, has law enforcement using resources to solve it, and because there is a public interest in solving the case, by catching a living killer or providing closure, I added the following to my copyright notices: "Pursuant to the Fair Use provisions of the Copyright Act, brief quotations from this explanation and narrative may be used without payment or notice for non-commercial purposes such as news reporting, law enforcement, academic study and public discussion."

IF you really have a good proposed solution, you should post it so it can be studied. If others can confirm your work, critique, correct mistakes, maybe add to it and strengthen it, you will be in a better position. If that happens, I would be happy to give you the personal email of the head of the FBI Code Unit.

If you actually have a good proposed solution, post it. There is no reason not to post it. Over the past decade several people have claimed to have solved the 340, but they delay posting the solution, saying it must be kept secret for various reasons. When they do eventually post their solution or share it with others, it is revealed to be incorrect.

So if you really have what you think is a good solution, post it. If you do not want to post it, that is your choice. If so, we do not need any more posts telling us about your solution which you refuse to put up for review and analysis.

By posting my information about ZK, TK & Tylenol with a copyright notice but explicitly allowing Fair Use for news reporting, etc., I got coverage in Chicago, SF and Sacramento newspapers, plus Chicago TV and ABC News national. Nobody violated my copyright. I was able to communicate with law enforcement, provide them with information, and in regards to the Tylenol Killer case and some of the possible ZK/TK Midwest Murders, advance the investigations and make some progress.

In fact by not publicly publishing or posting you run a risk. If someone else comes up with an identical or similar solution, in whole or in part, and they post it before you do, they have established a copyright, not you.

I offer this information to be helpful. Glad to answer any questions. Look forward to seeing your work. By me posting my work, others were able to point out some mistakes I had made. When I corrected those mistakes, law enforcement took parts of my work more seriously and some progress was made.

There have been dozens of books, most do not sell well, and dozens of proposed solutions, none of which have been correct. A proposed solution will only attract some interest if others on a board evaluate it and find it to be correct, and in doing so, set the stage for the FBI to examine it and confirm it’s validity.


Posted : January 28, 2016 7:52 am