You’re not going crazy, it’s a "register mark" used in printing. Used so that printing plates lined up nicely so that the colors come out properly.
(Or used to be!)
That makes me think of the ‘ZODIAC PAPER PRINTING COMPANY’ that Foreigner found in San Fran. Then again, maybe z worked at a newspaper in the print/design dept, and used such a symbol, which could explain why he got excitement from writing to the newspaper
There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer
You’re not going crazy, it’s a "register mark" used in printing. Used so that printing plates lined up nicely so that the colors come out properly.
(Or used to be!)
Either that or Triscuits are Zodiac’s favorite snack food… ZGenesis, I’m afraid you have caught the disease that afflicts many of us around here. The circle cross symbol is probably the most ubiquitous symbol known to man and I really wonder if that wasn’t a huge factor in Z choosing this as his personal symbol. I have to imagine that he would enjoy us thinking about him opening up a box of crackers or encountering the damn symbol in a million other places. The support group meets here every other Thursday night at 7 p.m.
Just for kicks, maybe a thread should be started where only pics of circles with cross hairs can be posted?
Not a bad idea, dude, although a lot of cross/circle sightings are posted in the "Zynchronicity" thread: