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Robert Graysmith speaking about being an Author

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Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
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Just found this recent ‘lecture’ Robert did were he discusses being an author, what makes a good book good, and, uhh, etc. Anyway, I couldn’t help notice that Robert doesn’t mention his best seller ‘Zodiac’, and speak about the brilliant success he had in terms of sales. I have made one rather crutial observation while watching this video though, I noticed that Robert has aged considerably sinse the release of the 2007 hit movie ‘Zodiac’.

I am now starting to wonder weather my interest, or more accurately, My obsession with this case is something I should walk from lol. So if Zodiac is reading this through his Horn Rimmed Glasses then I demand to know your name now!!….Please lol.

But to finish on a serious point, is it just me, or are other’s quite surpprise that a big ‘Reveal’ never came from the death bed of a man who held Paul Stines Wallet and ID in his hand? See that’s whats contradictory about the apparant Personality that Zodiac comes across on paper as having. A man that must me front a center stage, or front page as the case may be. A man that seem to write with huge ego and glee and appears to thrive on holding the city in fear. He seem’s to be the ultimate spoilt brat who is an attention seeker that will go to any lengths for people to notice him, or at least his actions.
Then this man just seems to disappear, as if he’d gone from a conpulsion to get in the papers and cause the focus and news headlines to feature him, to…nothing. If the personality that comes across in the letters is Zodiac’s real personality, and not simply one he invented for the Zodiac persona alone, then it doesn’t really make any sense for this man to go from having a burning need for publicity and attention, and geting it, to just not bothered any more. BTK did go silent for years, but the police set up an operation where they would announce publically that they believe BTK was long deceased, knowing that if he wasn’t, this would be like a red rag to a bull and BTK’s ego would take over his rational mind and would have to communicate informing the police that he is very much alive. Even when NY saw a serial killer not only calling himself ‘Zodiac’, but claiming he was ‘The Zodiac’ of San Francisco, Zodiac seems to have not been bothered by this and simply ignored it.

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : April 28, 2013 2:36 am
Posts: 196
Estimable Member

Chappie, imo, Zodiac didn’t/doesn’t ever want to give up control. If he admitted to anything then he has tipped his hand and risks losing control of the situation. I can’t see that happening (or already having happened).

When in doubt, don’t.

Posted : April 28, 2013 5:37 am
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
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If your terminally ill with, lets say 3 months to live, and you are the Zodiac, this personality that loves nothing more than having the attention of the media forcused around either the things he does, or the things he says in writing, this braggat who seemingly has an ego the size of Jupiter, then why wouldn’t he wan the World to know ‘I am he that evaded capture while being saught by San Francisco PD, Benica PD & Vallejo PD… PS, Must print this on front page’.

I mean When your dead and gone you have control over nothing anymore, death is the ultimate part of life of which we cannot control, cannot alter or change.

I see what your saying though and the point you make is a good one, even though it’s the opposite of what I just said and believe. But even thought they are opposing views, one is as much likely to be true as the other.

Of Course, as Paul Avery once said ‘Did he get cured and get religon?’ Maybe, Possibly, maybe some Priest out there is using the confidentality clause in confession to keep a huge secret. Imagine being a Priest sat in the Confession Box and asking ‘Tell me your Sins, my child’, and then, in a monotone from the other side of the wall comes ‘Forgive me Father, for I have sinned…..This is the Zodiac Speaking…..’ Lol. Na, can’t see that happening myself.

Anyway, none of this is even relevant because he probably dropped dead of a heart attack unexpectedly. :-)

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : April 28, 2013 1:58 pm
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
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I don’t think Zodiac aspired to be a writer/journalist and because he couldn’t make the grade decided to take revenge on society. But, I will concede that the concept you just gave there is a fasinating and possible one. If he did get turned away by the tabloid papers as a colluminist, I think it may not be so much ‘If I can’t write the news, I’ll create it’, but maybe ‘If you won’t publish the articles I write in your papers as a colluminist that way, then you’ll publish my work in you papers this way instead, here’s the first ‘collum’, sent directly to the Editor for printing?

It didn’t seen as though his battle was with the press, nor was his anger directed at them. It was Law Enforcement that he seemed to ridicule constantly and insult regularly. I would say that if anything, he was probably a wanna be cop that probably failed the psychological entry exam and was turned away for being unstable if anything. He didn’t seem to have resentment toward the press, in fact he was often quite jovial and playful with Paul Avery, even the ‘You are Doomed’ halloween card he sent to Avery was a joke style card. I mean even when it was printed that Zodiac was ‘Clumsy, A Liar and latent Homosexual’, Zodiac specifically wrote that he has grown rather angry with Police for telling lies about him. Yes, it was Chief Inspector Martin Lee who had said that to the press, but it was the press who decided to run the story.

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : May 2, 2013 4:54 am
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
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His battle was with the Police, and the only way that battle could be fought in the public arena was through the media. The press was just the ‘Middle Man’ that would allow one side to comment, and then the other party to see this comment, and respond. Like when Chief Lee listed three things things he claimed Zodiac had did stating

1. He is clumsy and allowed himself to be seen by witnesses leaving the taxi cab crime scene.
2. He has left us clues behind such as fingerprints.
3. He is a Liar, he wasn’t anywhere in the park when we were searching.

Zodiac Responded…

1. I look like the description passed out only when I do my thing, the rest of the time I look entirle different. I shall not tell you what my descise consists of when I kill
2. As of yet I have left no fingerprints behind me contrary to what the police say in my killings I wear transparent fingertip guards.
3.. Hey blue pig I was in the park — you were useing fire trucks to mask the sound of your cruzeing prowl cars. The dogs never came with in 2 blocks of me + they were to the west + there was only 2 groups of parking about 10 min apart then the motor cicles went by about 150 ft away going from south to north west

It was Zodiac vs Chief of SFPD Inspectors Martin Lee in some sort of public debate lol. First, Mr Lee speaks for the motion, and puts his position on the record.

Then the Speaker against the motion is given the floor for his rebuttle. Lol. A battle of the wits. Lee says ‘We have this, this and that’ and Zodiac responds ‘No you havn’t, and here’s How you havn’t, Why and havn’t and when you couldn’t’.

I do believe Zodiac had a very large ego that really enjoyed pitting himself against the Top Police Officers in the state of CA, and winning.

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : May 2, 2013 5:18 am
Posts: 367
Reputable Member

I think in his later years, he actually began to be something to someone or even a group of someones. I think by then, the need to be "Zodiac" was no longer an option. The image of the man would come crashing down if anyone ever knew his image as "The Zodiac".

I don’t know about the writer thing, but this is what I truly think happened to Zodiac down the road. I do not believe that death or disability curtailed his need to kill; he stopped killing long before he stopped writing. I feel that whatever demons drove him to kill were successfully exorcised, and that he went on to lead a life that was very removed from his dark past.

Posted : May 31, 2013 8:32 am
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
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I think in his later years, he actually began to be something to someone or even a group of someones. I think by then, the need to be "Zodiac" was no longer an option. The image of the man would come crashing down if anyone ever knew his image as "The Zodiac".

I don’t know about the writer thing, but this is what I truly think happened to Zodiac down the road. I do not believe that death or disability curtailed his need to kill; he stopped killing long before he stopped writing. I feel that whatever demons drove him to kill were successfully exorcised, and that he went on to lead a life that was very removed from his dark past.

I half agree, lol. I would agree with you that Zodiac’s killing rampage wasn’t interrupted by his own death. Had he died suddenly of a heart attack for example, then I would have expected Stines wallet, or the Zodiac hood, or something liked to Zodiac would have been found in the mans personal belongings because he’d have had no time to dispose of them if he just collaped dead. But I don’t know that a person like this can simply become cured and become your average member of society. The ‘Demons’ that exist in the Ted Bundy’s, the John Gacy’s are ones that are almost impossible to kill or cure if you listen to the majority of mental health experts. There have been several instances where serial Killers have asked for the death penalty themselves, telling the Judge "If you don’t impose the death sentence on me and I get out of prison, I will kill again." Others have waved their right to appeal their death sentences in order to be killed because they said they should not be allowed to live, and nor do they really want to because every day they wake up they just want to kill.

I mean take Bundy, he escaped from prison twice and not because he wanted his freedom back for the sake of having freedom, he wanted out of the prison so badly because he was consumed with the desire to kill young women. If You or I were incarcerated, we may wish to escape to obtain freedom and if we did escape, we would keep a very low profile, not do anything to draw unwanted an unnecessary attention to ourselves. Not Bundy, he want out and couldn’t help himself, he simply had to murder regardless of the huge risk of being re-captured.

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : May 31, 2013 4:18 pm
Posts: 5315
Member Moderator

Or maybe, IF one victim was actually the target, Zodiac did what he needed to do and that was the end of that. Play ’em for a little while, then end it.

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : June 1, 2013 3:16 am
Posts: 955
Prominent Member

T., which one of the "ABC" do you think? Start a thread!

Posted : June 1, 2013 12:45 pm
Posts: 5315
Member Moderator

T., which one of the "ABC" do you think? Start a thread!

The brother…lol…just like the book. :) :roll:

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : June 1, 2013 8:30 pm
Posts: 955
Prominent Member

Not going to start a thread then eh? Solved it? :D
I think a thread that said "The Lake Berryessa Killer wrote letters claiming other crimes, even though he didn’t commit them" would be a doozy.
I’d post in it, I promise. :mrgreen:

Posted : June 1, 2013 10:57 pm