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Zodiac identified…..
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Zodiac identified… 😀

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As for LAV it is short for Light Armored Vehicle and maybe Zodiac rode one in the armed services.

Posted : August 10, 2013 11:36 pm
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Dont forget that the Zodiac underlined the word in the name PAUL AVERY to appear as LAV. A clue? Foreigner had a real good theory a while back. She thought the reason he underlined it like that was to make it read as PAUL AVE. There was a Paul Ave in SF, and on the corner of it was a business called the ‘Zodiac Paper Company’. I thought that was a real good theory, and we chased it a bit, but came to some dead ends. I suppose that the LAV could be a clue of some sort,that Zodiac was taunting the police with. Maybe his initials? Maybe his first name was Paul, and his last name started with LAV. Somebody also pointed out that there was a Lunar vehicle with those initials LAV, and Zodiac used a lunar related stamp on that letter. I guess the possibilities are endless,but he certainly wanted to draw attention to the LAV for one reason or another

Scotch tape and the Paul..crosslinked it with the 1964 Ramona High yearbook, the one with the nice Z drawings in it. Here is a list of all ‘Paul’s in CJB’s 1964 yearbook:

Paul Thomas Burdett 48, 38, 149
Paul George 57
Paul Bolsted 109
Paul Edwards 106, 97
Paul Falcom/ner 97
Paul Fuentes
Paul Whitcomb
Paul Barbaro 122
Paul Vought 122
Paul Adcock 124
Paul Knight 97
Arthur Paul Soto

Something else, also related to Paul:

http://rhetoricalspring2011.pbworks.com … ll%20Paper
Don’t know if it is true that Darlene called her stalker ‘Paul’, but if it was true I’d say it sort of confirms the idea of Z’s first name being Paul.



Posted : February 2, 2014 5:59 pm
Posts: 7527
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QT you are making two assumptions here, one that the letter is really from z, and one that the info about the tape is not a bogus clue for purposes of misdirection. By the way, why did you choose the 64 book and not look at 65 or 66,etc!

There is at least one suspect named Paul in the unredacted police reports, but it doesn’t match any names on your list

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : February 2, 2014 7:16 pm
AK Wilks
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Or it could mean VALery.

Or a dozen other things


Posted : February 2, 2014 8:40 pm
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QT you are making two assumptions here, one that the letter is really from z, and one that the info about the tape is not a bogus clue for purposes of misdirection. By the way, why did you choose the 64 book and not look at 65 or 66,etc!

There is at least one suspect named Paul in the unredacted police reports, but it doesn’t match any names on your list

Z may have resided in both, Riverside and Vallejo area. If Z killed and had known CJB, he might be present in one of her yearbooks. I chose the 1964 first because it is the one with the Z symbol drawings in it. Who is this Paul in the unredacted police reports? Is there any thread about him? thx



Posted : February 2, 2014 9:34 pm
Posts: 7527
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The Paul I mentioned was one of hundreds of suspects….Paul P. His name is in the unredacted police reports I have.

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : February 2, 2014 10:40 pm
Welsh Chappie
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Speaking of the LAV angle, there is something, or someone more specifically, that has contacted me recently to ask me to do something which, in every day life for most of us, is a completely normal and non-suspicious request. However, after doing a search online I realised that this request seemed to have a sinister motive underlying what looks like an everyday request. I can’t, or don’t want to say too much here, but the person in question has a lot of things that seem to link to Z.

I have never before, in the years of researching this case, felt the slightest concern about anyone or anything relating to this case but I don’t mind admitting, this person has managed to get my attention. If anyone want’s to know the details and could assist in conducting further checks on this person, please PM me.

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : February 5, 2014 4:46 am
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Scotch tape and the Paul..crosslinked it with the 1964 Ramona High yearbook, the one with the nice Z drawings in it. Here is a list of all ‘Paul’s in CJB’s 1964 yearbook:

Paul Thomas Burdett 48, 38, 149
Paul George 57
Paul Bolsted 109
Paul Edwards 106, 97
Paul Falcom/ner 97
Paul Fuentes
Paul Whitcomb
Paul Barbaro 122
Paul Vought 122
Paul Adcock 124
Paul Knight 97
Arthur Paul Soto


Paul Thomas Burdett may be ruled out, not only because of not having a round face but because he had died in 1970 (source is ‘The Ogden Standard-Examiner › 31 March 1970 › Page 26)


Posted : February 16, 2014 11:03 pm
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Possibly unrelated to the case, however there is another ‘Paul’ mentioned in the 1965 Ramona High yearbook..

The first name ‘Paul’, in general, is written on the lower lid of a scotch tape. This Paul went to CJB’s school and appears to be rather round-faced with a crew cut during that time. Most interestingly and according to peoplefinders, he can be placed to the following locations:

Chico (near Redding, Santa Rosa)
Elk Grove and Folsom (near Sacramento)
Napa (via Alicyn Mary G.)
San Mateo (via Alicyn Mary G.)
San Quentin

His last name appears to be of Irish origin, however there is no immediate match regarding the ‘my name is’ cipher. Relatives of him appear to live in Fairfield and San Diego. Appears as if Alicyn Mary G. is his wife (placed in Napa, now Chico) and Alvin O. G. his father and Shirley Elizabeth G. his mother.
http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cg … d=84616969

http://www.peoplefinders.com/p/thomas+g … r/chico/ca
http://www.intelius.com/results.php?Rep … ode=AVRBSF
http://www.prolicenses.com/licenses/cal … on/6613936

Alicyn Mary G. can also be placed to Mountain View (e.g. Joy M. Hungerford or Martinez/Rodriguez).



Posted : February 16, 2014 11:37 pm
Posts: 7527
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I would highly doubt he is a viable z suspect:

’69 Tom Goughnour (’70 M.A.) has been appointed by California Governor Gray Davis to the position of chief deputy warden at San Quentin Prison. Tom has been promoted on numerous occasions within the California Department of Corrections over the past 23 years but began his career as a correctional counselor at San Quentin in 1980. He and his wife, Alicyn Abramson (’69), live on the grounds of the prison with a spectacular view overlooking the Bay area.

I think he is or was Warden of San Quentin.

By the way, he is the 1st guy in the photos of the 3 men,right? Not the guy that resembles the sketch,the 3rd guy.

The lesson is, just because somebody came to SF area from Riverside does not automatically make them a viable suspect. I am going to remove your posts mentioning his name, but you are welcome to keep digging on your own

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : February 17, 2014 7:41 am
Posts: 2598
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I would highly doubt he is a viable z suspect:

’69 Tom Goughnour (’70 M.A.) has been appointed by California Governor Gray Davis to the position of chief deputy warden at San Quentin Prison. Tom has been promoted on numerous occasions within the California Department of Corrections over the past 23 years but began his career as a correctional counselor at San Quentin in 1980. He and his wife, Alicyn Abramson (’69), live on the grounds of the prison with a spectacular view overlooking the Bay area.

I think he is or was Warden of San Quentin.

By the way, he is the 1st guy in the photos of the 3 men,right? Not the guy that resembles the sketch,the 3rd guy.

The lesson is, just because somebody came to SF area from Riverside does not automatically make them a viable suspect. I am going to remove your posts mentioning his name, but you are welcome to keep digging on your own

Hi Morf..

appears as if you are right regarding the 1st/3rd guy, on page 153 there is another picture of him – not a very good match to any of the sketches..

In fact I try to not mention names and rather simply extracted some piece of the 1965 yearbook wo mentioning any…sort of a collection of all ‘Pauls’. This one is the only one known to me who is connected to Riverside and also had ties to the Napa (and Visalia etc.) area. Chico, btw, is next to Paradise, too.

Him being a prison warden is interesting and imo doesn’t make him a suspect, nor rules him out being a possible poi.

update: checked 3 pauls at polytechnic high (cooley, johnson, hitt), all appear not to match any sketch at all.



Posted : February 17, 2014 11:12 am
Posts: 7527
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Keep digging, any of Cheri’s fellow schoolmates living in the SF bay area may be of interest, until we find something that would seem to rule them out,as in this case

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : February 17, 2014 6:47 pm
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Ok…two theories:

1st theory (the boring one first):
In the ‘I am in control‘ letter of 1978, the author – possibly Zodiac – mentions ‘But maybe you play chess with me’. There also is a ‘Jean Knight‘ in Darlene’s address book AND is there also a ‘Paul Knight‘ in CJB’s yearbook. ‘Paul‘ because of the phrase ‘I have may name on the bottom of the lid with the scotch tape‘. ‘Scotch‘, however, is a brand and is/was the company’s origin, ‘Saint Paul, Minnesota‘ printed on the bottom of their scotch tape housing lids:

2nd theory (my favorite best sketch ever):
I checked again the 1965 yearbook of Ramona High regarding any faces matching the Zodiac sketch. In fact there are some Pauls, one of them is Paul Thomas B.. His picture is not at all a match, however there is another (!) picture of him in the yearbook that looks completely different. There, he is only named ‘Tom B.’. ‘Burdetting’ this, I made a comparison of those random (~) pictures, this is what I got:

Come on, tell me that one of those theories is working out..think the protruding lower lip + lower right eye + heavy rimmed glasses + classmate of CJB is indeed a nice one. If we can place this guy to Vallejo area, we’ll get some fun with him, I guess.



Posted : September 1, 2014 7:40 am
Posts: 334
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No offense, but too many people look like that generic sketch for me to get excited anymore. And I seriously doubt any letters after 1974 are legit.

Posted : September 1, 2014 5:27 pm
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No offense, but too many people look like that generic sketch for me to get excited anymore. And I seriously doubt any letters after 1974 are legit.

Well I wouldn’t be too sure about that. Not only that there were a few letters in 1978, but there were even some in 1987 that might rather more doubtful. This is one of the 1978 letters, so everybody can get his own idea of it:

Anyway, I didn’t mean to go into letter discussions so one might think the ‘Paul’ could be a solution or one might not. What I do think, however, is that Z had known both, Cecilia Shepard & Cheri Jo Bates. Possibly Darlene Ferrin and Paul Stine, too. Not the first one who starts with personal threats (‘Bates had to die’) and later went into the ocean of anonymity.

The questions I’m currently asking are:

– Is there any connection between those names (Paul of the Scotch tape lid and/or eventually any chess figures, such as ‘King’ or ‘Bishop’ – in detail e.g. ‘Jean King’ of Darlene’s address book) and Zodiac.

– Can the Paul Thomas B. of Ramona High, from the CJB surrounding, who appears to be a very good match to the Zodiac sketch (at least to me) be placed in the area of Vallejo / SF / Napa / Sacramento / Walnut Creek / Modesto / Lafayette / Santa Rosa / Pleasant Hill?

Btw, the ‘B’ site of Darlene’s address book is actually missing, as are other some sites. However: You are definitely right that some people appear to look similar to the sketch, especially with those wonderful glasses.. :geek:



Posted : September 2, 2014 1:15 am
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