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Zodiac versus Zebra
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Zodiac versus Zebra

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I think there are two things that most would agree with in relation to Zodiac….he most likely claimed more murders than he was responsible for and he didn’t like to share the limelight with anyone. With that in mind, I find it interesting to consider Zodiac’s possible reaction (or lack of same) to the Zebra murders of 73/74.

Zodiac reappeared in 74 with the Exorcist Letter of Jan 29th with a huge jump in claimed victims (37). It appears, in keeping with him wanting to be the centre of attention, that he was reacting to the publicity the movie generated and all that went with it and wanted to remind everyone that he was still there.
You wonder then why he was apparently silent on the Zebra Murders that were in full swing since October of 73. This series of murders and attacks were every bit as devastating and frightening as his own and probably more so.

It’s said that these murders occurred in 2 waves Oct 73- Jan 74 and then again April 1 to 16 in 1974. But if we look closer, it was actually 3 waves. There was a five week break in the first series from December 22nd to Jan 28th with 5 shootings taking place
I don’t know whether I’m right or wrong but I just want to throw out these possibilities for consideration :-

1. Zodiac was monitoring these murders and his Jump in alleged victims ( one particular shooting occurring on the anniversary of his first, Dec 20th) may have been an attempt to take credit for some at least.
2. His writing of the Exorcist Letter (posted Jan 29th) was in part his reaction to the Zebra murders starting up again with 5 shootings the previous day. Was he looking to take some attention away by quoting the Exorcist?
3. Following the april 74 series, arrests were made on the morning of May 1st 74. Zodiac writes again one week later with the Citizen letter and for the first time refers to the Zebra murders….no justification for violence…"in light of recent events".
In other words, he waited until those responsible were arrested for the Zebra murders before he mentioned them at all.

I think it’s another indicator that the Citizen letter was Zodiac’s.
In short,I think the Zebra murders got to Z (he wasn’t N0 1 anymore) he wasn’t going to give an credit to anyone else (as he would see it) and then felt he could joke about it when those responsible were caught.
Just thoughts!

Posted : December 18, 2013 12:32 am
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

Richard Hague
Quita Hague
Frances Rose
Robert Stoeckmann
Cathy Sue Pethtel (sometimes referred to as ‘Fechtel’)
Michael Marie Shane (sometimes referred to ‘Shain’)
Paul Dancik
Art Agnos
Marietta DiGirolamo
‘Angela Roselli’ (not her real name)
Ilario Bertuccio

are the attacks/homicides I’d connect to the Zebra murders, all in a time frame of three months only. Classical spree killer. Ronald Tsukamolo & Arthur E. Silva could be two more, but I rather doubt it. An African-American shot Tsukamolo twice in his head with a small caliber pistol (.38/.32?) at point-blank. Similar to Mrs. Shane or Ilario Bertuccio. Besides the assailants appearance, a .38/.32 caliber and 2-3 shots at point-blank are sort of characteristic.

Arthur Silva was attacked by three slim African-Americans, so there is at least a possibility for a Zebra killing, too.

http://books.google.at/books?id=X2q94k8 … de&f=false



Posted : December 18, 2013 2:36 am
Posts: 240
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Apologies QT, I think I get some of your points but would rather not second guess you. Could you write your thoughts on my forehead please :)

Posted : December 18, 2013 5:56 am
Posts: 3583
Member Moderator

I like the timing regarding the Citizen letter and the Zebra murders. Certainly seems to be a good possibility the he was referring to them. Nice one.

Not sure there’s anything much to be read into the fact that he just alludes though. He’s quite the prolific alluder or allusionist eh? eh? lol. If you consider the SLA letter to be real then he’s not beyond more direct references. I mention this because of your comment about him not being No.1 anymore. Whilst that is an obvious motivation for any attention seeking nutjob I’m not sure it was strictly Z’s.

In the ‘my name is’ letter he says he hopes the cops don’t think he blew up the police station and he goes on to say about how it just wouldn’t do to move in on someone else’s territory. The first part, to me at least, implies that he’s particular about, not only his own crimes but one’s he associated with. A protective behaviour even when it comes to just media claims. The second part suggests that he’s aware of other crimes being the work of those responsible and how they probably feel the same way towards them as he does to his own. A sort of immoral ethic or standard or respect.

In that respect I don’t think he feels threatened by them. I’m not saying he respects them, I rather feel he felt he was better overall anyway so it was safe, in his own head, to allow other’s to do their ‘things’ knowing that his was groundbreaking. To accept that there were and always would be other nutjobs active and not just himself.

It’s been a long held belief that Z reacted to what he read in the papers. With the recent thread put together by Tahoe and Seagull and assisted by others. The presenting of the articles printed in the Chronicle relating to Z and in chronological order, this behaviour is becoming more and more apparent. Stark, even in some instances. I think there’s a real insight into Z’s motivations to be found there.

So maybe not threatened, maybe jealous, maybe not. I do think that Z did things for a reason and I wonder. You see Paul Avery wrote a piece about the Exorcist and then a few weeks later We hear from Z for the first time in three years. Were there any Zebra pieces in the Chron written by Paul? I would not be surprised if there were and maybe a reference to Zodiac in one of them? That would be nice but even an article by Paul would be enough for me to consider it and it’s content a motivator in Z writing. To his ‘secret pal’.

I don’t know Chief, he’s very smart or very dumb.

Posted : December 18, 2013 6:17 am
Posts: 1772
Noble Member

So maybe not threatened, maybe jealous, maybe not. I do think that Z did things for a reason and I wonder. You see Paul Avery wrote a piece about the Exorcist and then a few weeks later We hear from Z for the first time in three years…

Don’t recall hearing about Paul Avery’s article about the Exorcist. Can you share details?

Also, how big a gap in time was there from the publication of Avery’s article till the Zodiac Exorcist letter? This hot me wondering of Z was out of town or preoccupied for awhile only to do some catch-up reading upon his return. Just a thought.



Posted : December 18, 2013 8:41 am
Posts: 2309
Member Moderator

The article is here, G !


Jan. 11, 1974


Posted : December 18, 2013 9:08 am
Posts: 1772
Noble Member

The article is here, G !

http://www.zodiackillersite.com/viewtop … =94&t=1193

Jan. 11, 1974

Thanks, Seagull.

That is an excellent resource!!


Posted : December 18, 2013 9:32 am
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

Recently there have been added some more Zebra murders on Wikipedia:

Tana Smith
Vincent Wollin
John Bambic
Jane Holly
Roxanne McMillian
Thomas Bates

Just one day later, Z mails his exorcist letter. Guess it’s just another strange coincidence.



Posted : January 11, 2014 1:52 pm