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Paul Avery

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ace ventura
Posts: 435
Honorable Member

The FBI has a dozen man /woman team full time known as the serial killer task force and it is their job full time . it takes alot of $$$ and time to investigate . I think SF assumes he is dead .
i just said a network might redo a indepth story as it is so popular here now ( crime dramas ) you cannot turn on a TV late at night with out some slim fasion model type trying to have it all and solve a murder and apprehend him,her by herself.

Posted : August 6, 2013 6:51 pm
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
Noble Member

The FBI has a dozen man /woman team full time known as the serial killer task force and it is their job full time . it takes alot of $$$ and time to investigate . I think SF assumes he is dead .
i just said a network might redo a indepth story as it is so popular here now ( crime dramas ) you cannot turn on a TV late at night with out some slim fasion model type trying to have it all and solve a murder and apprehend him,her by herself.

I’m not against any network doing another Zodiac episode, in fact i’d be first in line to watch it. I meant that I would rather one law agency investigate it than a show if those were the options. And yes, the FBI have a serial killer unit, but they aren’t likely to be looking into the Zodiac case when they have dozens active Serial’s at large throughout the United State…. Z isn’t high on anyone’s priorities list.

I just hope that this case doesn’t fade away into obscurity from Law Enforcement’s perspective. The case isn’t in danger of losing all interest from the general public, I just hope there is at least someone out there in LE with sufficient rank who hasn’t forgotten this case and it’s victims and will some day give the case one more shot at solving and re-activate it.
Yes, the identity of the person behind the letters is something we are all intrigued to find out. If curiosity killed the cat, then Zodiac is responsible for the deaths of countless feline’s.

I’ve often though about how it would be if tomorrow the SFPD called a press conference and announced they had discovered Z’s identity. As much as I want to know what method was behind all that madness, I’ve though about how it would be if there was no ore mystery anymore. Once you are given his name, you research him as best you can and find out everything about the man but wat then? Once you know everything, that’s it. Time to shut down tmessage boards, replace them with articles dedicated to the man who was ‘Zodiac’. We won’t need this site anymore, theories, opinions and speculation are no longer required. When I think of this case being solved in those terms, there is a very large part of me that selfishly wouldn’t want it that way because I don’t know what I would do if this site closed and further research, digging and investigation was no longer needed, I mean I suppose i’d have to take up golf :-(
Anyone else kinda feel like that? Not satisfied with his name still unknown and long to know who he was, and yet if you did, would decide you don’t want it like that now because there no more mystery…. Or is it just me?

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : August 6, 2013 8:38 pm
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