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Harvey Colliver 196…
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Harvey Colliver 1969-74

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Posts: 415
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Whats it all about?

much ado about nothing i’d guess. alternately, seven levels of decoding secret messages.

Posted : October 2, 2019 5:37 pm
Posts: 1328
Noble Member

I won’t post here anymore

Thank god.

Posted : October 2, 2019 7:03 pm
Posts: 1266
Noble Member

I won’t post here anymore

Thank god.


Posted : October 2, 2019 8:22 pm
Posts: 186
Estimable Member

The admins warned her about posting too much. This is a message board. Apparently you’re not allowed to message too much.

Posted : October 2, 2019 9:52 pm
Posts: 415
Reputable Member

The admins warned her about posting too much. This is a message board. Apparently you’re not allowed to message too much.

come on, there’s a difference between "messaging" and dominating threads with lengthy indecipherable stream-of-consciousness passages. she didn’t invent it, but is one in a long line of people who show up and use this place as their personal notepad.

Posted : October 2, 2019 9:56 pm
Posts: 186
Estimable Member

The admins warned her about posting too much. This is a message board. Apparently you’re not allowed to message too much.

come on, there’s a difference between "messaging" and dominating threads with lengthy indecipherable stream-of-consciousness passages. she didn’t invent it, but is one in a long line of people who show up and use this place as their personal notepad.

I, for one, found all of it interesting. It didn’t make me feel upset. If someone is that passionate about this stuff, and it’s not hurting anyone, I don’t see the problem. She has a lot to say about this stuff. But whatever. If it’s too much, then so be it. I was only relaying the message.

Posted : October 2, 2019 10:01 pm
Posts: 1266
Noble Member

The admins warned her about posting too much. This is a message board. Apparently you’re not allowed to message too much.

come on, there’s a difference between "messaging" and dominating threads with lengthy indecipherable stream-of-consciousness passages. she didn’t invent it, but is one in a long line of people who show up and use this place as their personal notepad.

I, for one, found all of it interesting. It didn’t make me feel upset. If someone is that passionate about this stuff, and it’s not hurting anyone, I don’t see the problem. She has a lot to say about this stuff. But whatever. If it’s too much, then so be it. I was only relaying the message.

Yes, she had a lot to say, but most of it was incomprehensible. She railroaded the thread about your own suspect.

Posted : October 2, 2019 10:15 pm
Posts: 186
Estimable Member

I didn’t feel railroaded and what she was saying made sense to me. I was starting to understand how this type of coding works. I had suspected exactly what she was saying was going on in his documents but I was never able to explain it the way she is able to, seemingly quite easily. But it’s ok. I’m probably a bit bias. ;) :roll: :)

Posted : October 2, 2019 10:27 pm
Posts: 1266
Noble Member

I didn’t feel railroaded and what she was saying made sense to me.

Then you can speak in a different language to the rest of us. Most users on this forum aren’t interested in tedious riddles.

Posted : October 2, 2019 10:30 pm
Posts: 186
Estimable Member

Well, yeah, the riddles were not always understandable. I agree with you there.

Posted : October 2, 2019 10:36 pm
Posts: 415
Reputable Member

I didn’t feel railroaded and what she was saying made sense to me. I was starting to understand how this type of coding works. I had suspected exactly what she was saying was going on in his documents but I was never able to explain it the way she is able to, seemingly quite easily. But it’s ok. I’m probably a bit bias. ;) :roll: :)

i didn’t complain to anyone about her because it’s easy enough to just ignore someone’s posts, but regarding the "coding" stuff – if you can construct rules at will then basically everything in existence can be a code for something else. she’s not the only one who does this, but it’s an exercise in futility. finding connections where none exist, going down a rabbit-hole of "things named something similar to some other thing", "what it all really means", etc. it’s nonsense. if you can’t prove why your "system" works better than random chance then it isn’t a system at all, it’s just finding coincidences and unrelated material and trying to glue them together.

is it possible zodiac left some clues in his messages? sure. is it likely those clues involved "all the roads have to JIG JAG to make up for the curve of the earth and still fit the layout. they really do it in the valley all over. I’m just wondering if any of these murders or where something is moved, allows for this JIG JAGGING and if something is adjusted because of that. wouldn’t that be something"…? no, not at all. that doesn’t even make sense. it’s word salad. if you can’t explain your decoding system in simple step by step directions then it’s not valid.

Posted : October 2, 2019 11:02 pm
Posts: 36
Eminent Member

is it possible zodiac left some clues in his messages?

"Is It possIble…" There are three EYES in there. EYES or "I"s? Three Is is very egocentric. We know the Zodiac was egocentric. Three EYES is all-seeing. "POSSiBLE" starts with "POSS" the same as "POSSess": "Possess Eyeball?" More about EYEs here. And the EYEs of the Skeleton on the Halloween card. This is all beginning to make sense. "Zodiac:" let’s break this down: "Z O.D. I (again) A.C." Did Zodiac overdose? Did he have air conditioning? Do you see what I’m getting at? "Left some clues…" "SOME" or "SOMME?" Is this a reference to The Battle of the SOMME? Are their clues left on a WWI battlefield? There’s a military connection here. "In his messages?" More like: "In his MASSAGES!" He massaged his word magic to hide these clues…

You can do this kind of "deep" code finding in anything. She complained of struggling to organize her thoughts, and when I gave her advice on how to approach it in an organized manner she rejected it. This board is for communicating ideas, but part of communicating is making yourself decipherable.

Posted : October 2, 2019 11:42 pm
Posts: 186
Estimable Member

I understand. You’re right. Thank you.

Posted : October 3, 2019 12:08 am
Posts: 753
Prominent Member
Topic starter

Where’s that post of the news clipping with Harvey’s name adjacent to a gilbert & sullivan article? did i read it correctly when it stated members from the English department were amongst the Actors?

Yes, dyslexia is probably my first undiagnosed language.

Posted : October 3, 2019 7:37 pm
Posts: 753
Prominent Member
Topic starter

oh it’s 4-5 pages back :D

Neat find Morf and thank you.

Typical of Harvey, a coincidental tidbit.

Yes, dyslexia is probably my first undiagnosed language.

Posted : October 3, 2019 7:57 pm
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