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Who's your favorite suspect(s) and why?

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I’m not surprised you uncovered little on RH,z. Let me serve up odds-and-ends I uncovered. You’ll remember, Cheri Bates lived on Via San Jose. well, one of the addresses RH and his wife lived at in San Jose was Morrill Avenue. Morrill, as you’ll remember, was the State of CA graphologist who linked the Bates case to Zodiac. I wrote RH’s wife (these were pre-computer days) and asked if she might have any info re Bates. RH’s wife did not reply–the first, and only, person I approached in my investigation who stonewalled me. At her 1963 Class Reunion in ’93, she talked extensively of her mother and children but said nary a word re her husband who, according to my computer search, was still alive at age 71. I find her reticence re her husband, quite interesting. After all, her fellow reunionists would have known her husband and, presumably, been interested in him. (Apparently he didn’t attend the Reunion).
Something else I’ll pass on, although it’s hearsay. A female cousin of Cheri Jo’s told me, in a phone chat, that she–the cousin–had gone outside her house one evening and was attacked by a masked man who attempted to strangle her. "He would have killed me," she said. "But, lucky for me, someone came out of the house, and he ran off."
Since RH remained in Riverside until 1968 or so, I suspect he got an AA or AS degree from RCC, and transferred to San Jose State University. But, this is not as important as I once thought. The fact that his fiancee was a librarian assistant at RCC’s library almost certainly means he was familiar with the library anyway, and likely spent time in it, waiting for his fiancee to get off work, or just visiting her.
I wish I had more info, but I destroyed my records after my wife, exasperated by my obsession with Zodiac, threatened to leave me.

lol Dag. I can empathize with you. My wife hid some of my Ripper books because she thought it was weird. She promptly returned them when I suggested then that we should stop watching Dateline and all the other true crime shows she loves!! Ha

…a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma

Posted : March 9, 2018 12:51 am
Posts: 653
Honorable Member

You want to solve it, you need to be more aggressive. My sense is most forum participants don’t want to actually solve it.

Posted : March 9, 2018 1:19 am
Posts: 40
Trusted Member

My sense is most forum participants don’t want to actually solve it.

What gives you that sense?

Your dad is not the Zodiac.

Posted : March 9, 2018 3:02 am
Posts: 433
Reputable Member

Avery will probably castigate me, but let me once again promote my POI:
1. He has the initials, RH.
2. He attended Ramona High during Cheri Jo’s freshman year.
3. As did Dennis Highland, RH played football for Ramona High.
4. Cheri Jo lived around the corner from the girl that RH dated, and eventually married.
5.After graduating in 1963, RH enlisted in the Navy reserve, and was on active duty from about August, 1965 until August, 1966. He was stationed in SoCal.
6. Before her marriage to RH in September, 1966, RH’s fiance was a librarian assistant at Riverside Community College.
7. After his marriage, RH and his bride lived in Riverside.
8. In 1970, Rh and his wife were listed in the San Jose, CA telephone directory. RH listed as "student".
9. RH graduates with a degree in Graphic Design (1971?). As of 2018 he is approximately 71 years old, and lives in Oregon.
Avery suggested I establish my own thread. I prefer not to, as I’m 78, and involved in extended family matters. So, every so often I advance my POI in hopes that LE will take note.

is your suspect’s initials RJH or RAH ?

Posted : March 9, 2018 8:58 am
Posts: 475
Reputable Member

I’m not surprised you uncovered little on RH,z. Let me serve up odds-and-ends I uncovered. You’ll remember, Cheri Bates lived on Via San Jose. well, one of the addresses RH and his wife lived at in San Jose was Morrill Avenue. Morrill, as you’ll remember, was the State of CA graphologist who linked the Bates case to Zodiac. I wrote RH’s wife (these were pre-computer days) and asked if she might have any info re Bates. RH’s wife did not reply–the first, and only, person I approached in my investigation who stonewalled me. At her 1963 Class Reunion in ’93, she talked extensively of her mother and children but said nary a word re her husband who, according to my computer search, was still alive at age 71. I find her reticence re her husband, quite interesting. After all, her fellow reunionists would have known her husband and, presumably, been interested in him. (Apparently he didn’t attend the Reunion).
Something else I’ll pass on, although it’s hearsay. A female cousin of Cheri Jo’s told me, in a phone chat, that she–the cousin–had gone outside her house one evening and was attacked by a masked man who attempted to strangle her. "He would have killed me," she said. "But, lucky for me, someone came out of the house, and he ran off."
Since RH remained in Riverside until 1968 or so, I suspect he got an AA or AS degree from RCC, and transferred to San Jose State University. But, this is not as important as I once thought. The fact that his fiancee was a librarian assistant at RCC’s library almost certainly means he was familiar with the library anyway, and likely spent time in it, waiting for his fiancee to get off work, or just visiting her.
I wish I had more info, but I destroyed my records after my wife, exasperated by my obsession with Zodiac, threatened to leave me.

Wow, thanks for all of the information.

Since I was given this individuals name my interest has been piqued, and dag has managed to find information which I likely never would have been able to locate.

Thanks for keeping us posted, ill keep digging around as well, and of coarse ill share anything I find here first.

Posted : March 9, 2018 6:27 pm
Posts: 653
Honorable Member

Sounds like you have a guy who spent time at the library and didn’t come to his 40th high school reunion. Anything else?

Posted : March 9, 2018 11:00 pm
Posts: 794
Prominent Member

Xcaliber: Did you read my original post?

Posted : March 10, 2018 4:21 am
Posts: 653
Honorable Member

Dag, I read them both and they were interesting, but maybe I’m naive – I just didn’t see anything that jumped out.

Posted : March 10, 2018 5:02 am
Posts: 794
Prominent Member

Perhaps you’re not familiar with the Bates case. If you were, the info I’ve supplied would jump out at you.

Posted : March 10, 2018 6:09 am
Posts: 653
Honorable Member

Fair enough!

Posted : March 10, 2018 6:41 am
Pettibon Junction
Posts: 258
Reputable Member

At the moment, Larry J. Lowe. He lived in Vallejo at the time of the murders, fit the general description of the Zodiac, seems to enjoy publicity (appeared on the History Channel documentary last year), and was connected to suspected victim Donna Lass. Most importantly, he’s never been subject to a full probe by law enforcement and thus hasn’t been ruled out like many of the usual suspects proffered. Granted, there are still a lot of unknowns regarding Lowe, but I believe he warrants further investigation.

"There are such devils."
-The Pledge

Posted : March 23, 2018 3:25 pm
Posts: 418
Reputable Member

They’re a lousy bunch of suspects, I almost feel like a kook just for looking at them. But some of the circumstantial evidence does capture the imagination, and therein danger lies, but I’ve already been sucked in.

Normally I don’t much like circumstantial evidence, the unreliability of eyewitness testimony, the clumsy pseudoscience that is handwriting analysis, the highly subjective nature of criminal profiling.

But my reasons for thinking these methods lack accuracy isn’t because I don’t for example believe that people have distinct facial features, or writing styles, or personalities. The reason I think these methods are poor is because of incompetence. Most eyewitnesses are just lousy. I’m sure there are some great hand writing analysts and profilers, but I think it takes talent and there’s no objective way of working out who’s any good at it other than their track record.

But when it comes to this case things are different. There is an unusual wealth of eye witness testimony, and unusual wealth of writing to analyse. There’s also a great deal of consensus when it comes to opinions about Zodiacs personality. I know some might disagree, but even on this forum, despite all the debate, the overwhelming thing I notice is just how much people actually agree on Zodiacs basic traits. I think the simple reason for this is that he was so prolific and egotistical and his desire for fame drove him to create a persona that at least somewhat resembled a perhaps idealised version of himself. What good is it for an egotist to become famous as someone that in no way at all resembles them?

Sometimes celebrities complain about being misunderstood, also a lot of them have "stage persona’s", but is this really the same as being unrecognisable? A neighbour may not now that the man living next door is violent and abusive. Does that mean that no one knows that this man is abusive? Or is it more likely that this particular neighbour is just a bit thick. If said I was searching for a celebrity and I didn’t know his name and all I knew about him was that he was famously arrogant and so I asked a person who might know him, "Do you know the name of that arrogant rock star who prances about on stage?", and let’s say I got lucky and this person is a personal friend of the man I’m looking for and they responded "You must mean Morrissey? Oh, he’s not really arrogant, just insecure, but yes I know him". Now I was wrong in my perception of this imaginary celebrity, but despite that this personal friend had no trouble perceiving how others perceived him, they knew who I meant.

This is why I believe that whoever he is he simply must possess at least some of the personality of his persona. Some serial killers turn out to be boring, but those ones usually don’t write letters, or they just seem boring when we see them in handcuffs on the tele. If he only wrote one dry dispassionate letter I would say, fair enough he could be any old joe blow.

That’s why I want to know more about Ross Sullivan. Sure he’s probably just another Gaik. Just another mildly interesting character who captures the imagination. But in this case, under these circumstances, I believe when the SF Police searched for the Zodiac by visiting the theatre district they had the right idea. In other types of cases this could be a very silly thing to bother doing. I believe that this case is unusual in that the quantity of subjective evidence is so large that it trumps the subjective nature of that evidence, thus making enquiries based on personality profiling unusually worthwhile.

Much like the Unabomber I think this case actually does have a chance of being solved through profiling, due to the large quantity of writing and the ostentatious nature of the Zodiac.

Posted : February 17, 2019 4:16 pm
Posts: 186
Estimable Member

Mr. Colliver – born 12.7.1925 died 2.23.2009

Why? He lines up perfectly to the known facts of the case and many of the theories.

I’m not a theorist. What I know is based on facts and I have proof.

▪His motive was understandable (Loss of eye sight due to medical experimentation by the Army when he enlisted in 1944).
▪His location. Was born in Chicago, first generation Italian American. Moved to California as a child and grew up in and around Oakland, CA.
Graduated from SF State in 1957 and became a linguists professor. ▪His teaching career led him to seek employment in Southern CA. Specifically Santa Maria and Lompoc ( http://www.santamariasun.com/cover/1528 … -murders-/)in the early 1960’s. He also worked for Idaho State for a few years in the 1960’s ( https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.onlyin … er-id/amp/).
▪Photos found near the body of the Huntington Beach Jane Doe in 1968 ( https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.ocregi … ictim/amp/) are of my suspects Step-sons (Edward Wayne Beardens sons, alcatraz inmate #62).
▪Film cases found hidden in his rafters of his garage had the Zodiac Symbol written on them.
▪He lived and worked in San Francisco on and off throughout the 1950’s, 60’s, 70’s. Moved to Pleasanton CA in 1972, where he lived til he died in 2009.
▪Collected comic books.
▪Wrote constantly. Thousands of documents showing his anger at Government, law enforcement, women.
▪Very talented artist. Portraits, comic strips, nudes, diagrams.
▪ High genius. His IQ was 186.
The most obvious of all the evidence was his personality and lifestyle. He had no friends. He was very angry most of the time but would welcome a trusted visitor. If he didn’t know you or trust you, you were his enemy. He would threaten to shoot you if you came to his door unannounced. Also, his house was a mess. Filled with papers, journals, handmade gyms that resembled mid evil torture devices, printing presses, large commercial printers, recording studio devices. One small television. A radio. A few clothing items in his closet. One or two pairs of shoes. He always wore his boots. A cap. His walls were bare, except for 2 hand drawn portraits of President Roosevelt. He had lots of old books, violins. Many tools, drafting tools, wood working tools, axes. He was a loner. Not once did I see him have a friend visit in the 36 years I knew him. Only his mother and their caretaker before me.
▪He admits to being the FBIs most wanted on tape.
▪ Very egotistical, believes he was some sort of pharoah or Samson from the bible, admitted to believing he would go to paradise after death on tape. He believed his words created a word magic strong enough to cast spells of sorts.
▪Constantly wrote to politicians, newspapers, attorneys asking for help for his situation. Was always turned away.
▪Failed marriage siting emotional cruelty.

If anyone would like to see any documents pertaining to anything I have stated regarding this man, just let me know. I am open to sharing what I have. There’s so much more too. This is only the tip of an iceberg of information I have. Thanks for reading!

Posted : February 19, 2019 12:58 am
Posts: 1352
Noble Member

Sounds like you should have an abundance of his hand printing. How about share some?

Posted : February 19, 2019 1:11 am
Posts: 186
Estimable Member

Sounds like you should have an abundance of his hand printing. How about share some?

My pleasure, Mr. Voigt…

https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1dlujvx2zsi4 … tHEYa?dl=0

Posted : February 19, 2019 1:41 am
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