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Irregularity of Z’s…
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Irregularity of Z's behaviour

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Yes, the male victims were certainly fortunate to have survived. However you can’t deny that the women were shot or stabbed more than the men. Don’t know if that is a horrible coincidence or intent. Although I submit it is intent,only one person can answer that for sure and he isn’t talking.

My statement was that he was pretty sharp, not a genius. We can engage in semantics here and say that his interest in opera, cryptography and chemistry (and yes radians!) were derived from interests and hobbies and not a reflection of his IQ. That may indeed be true; I am speculating. He was certainly organized and in many ways criminally sophisticated. And yes, he was also very lucky.

I have to agree with you DoctorS about the hate Zodiac has towards women, it was much more than with men. I am pretty sure that he thought Darlene was dead, after the many shots fired at her. She was hardly breathing when the police arrived and unable to speak. (She tried but couldn’t) Zodiac was making sure she was dead,by turning around and firing more shots.
Cecelia was in a state of coma the couple of days she was at Queen of the Valley hospital, unable to talk to anyone at that point. I am sure he thought she would bleed out long before being found. She sustained many more stab wounds than Bryan. There was more of an over kill on the females. I include Cheri Jo Bates as his victim, that was also a vicious over kill.

I think he has had more luck than being some sort of a genius. He became more of a sophisticated killer with each kill. Yet he is very much a coward, it gives him a feeling of power to do what he is doing. I do believe that he has continued to kill and has even taken claim for some of his other murders, but the police would rather think it is just someone who wants them to think it is Zodiac.
He is too much of a coward to give "real proof" that he is still alive.

I read several pages back in this thread , that Linda ( Darlene’s sister) said that Darlene knew Cecelia and that Chris knew Betty Lou.
There is no proof of that ,consider the source from where that came from, I say that is BS! And no cops were at the so called painting party ( Drug party is what it was) Steve Baldino who I know, should be a shamed of himself for the things he has said that are not true.
I do believe that Darlene is the key to the Zodiac case, but to try and tie her to all of the victims is the wrong way to prove it.

Posted : April 11, 2017 12:00 pm
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