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Possible reasons for zodiac's odd walking style

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Officer Fouke, the officer who witnessed who he believed was the Zodiac around Jackson Street in SF, described Z as having a very distinctive walk. He described the walk as a "shuffling lope". There are many things that can effect someone’s walking gait. An individual’s walking gate can reveal much about them psychologically even. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2922365/

And Via UKSpyCatcher:
"September 27th 1969 three girls spotted the unknown man. On page 396 of Robert Graysmith Unmasked, one of the girls recalled the suspicious character, stating "I wouldn’t say he had a limp, but he favored one leg when he walked".

I’m not sure if any other victims noticed Z having a limp or distinctive walk. If anyone knows, please let me know so I can add it here.

IMO Officer Fouke’s description of the Zodiac almost makes it seem as if the Zodiac had issues maneuvering in his shoes, like his mobility was limited somehow with his feet with the "shuffling" and "loping" at the same time. Are we to infer that Zodiac had his head down and was "shuffling/loping" away very fast when Fouke witnessed him?

I am going to THEORIZE that the Zodiac may have wore different shoe sizes at different crime scenes/attack sites so his shoe print could throw off investigators. I’m thinking "The Usual Suspects". This may help account for the differing size in shoe prints at some crime scenes (if connected, CJB assailant shoe print was between size 8-10 and Lake B print was 10 1/2) and it could explain why he had issues picking his feet up off the ground, let alone with even weight on each foot. Also, his reference in one letter specifically to the "Little List" verse about "Twisted Shoes" interests me. Then again, there are many theories I and others have as to why Z walked the way he did.

Do you have any THEORIES as to why Z may have walked in an awkward manner? Please share with me :) thanks.

*Debates as to whether or not Z even had a distinctive walk are also encouraged as long as they remain friendly and not snarky. Pretty Please respect other posters. If it no longer is fun for you then by all means move on if you wish. *

Posted : June 7, 2015 4:15 am
Posts: 266
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If it was because of wearing a different shoe size I would imagine that he would have trouble with both feet and not just favor one. My guess is either an injury or disease such as polio.

Posted : June 7, 2015 4:20 am
Posts: 556
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Thanks Susie. Polio definitely was prevalent back before the 60’s so I can see it as a strong possibility! Did all the victims describe his odd walking style or just some of them? I need some guidance on this from you guys. :). Researching myself for the time being.

Posted : June 7, 2015 4:22 am
Posts: 5315
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The three girls at Lake Berryessa never mentioned anything about a limp.

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : June 7, 2015 5:32 am
Posts: 556
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The three girls at Lake Berryessa never mentioned anything about a limp.

Thank you. The site I sourced must have been mistaken. I’ll take your word over theirs and remove the incorrect LB info. This is why I need yall!

Posted : June 7, 2015 5:54 am
Posts: 567
Honorable Member

The three girls at Lake Berryessa never mentioned anything about a limp.

Interesting. Did they see him walking or just see him standing observing them? If they saw him walking without a limp, and if the man they saw is the same one who attacked Bryan and Cecelia, then I would think surely he changed shoes when he put on the disguise and was wearing shoes that were the wrong size or had something stuffed in them to either change his height or cause the unusual walk.

Imo, the latter is the case and that would make it easier for Z to blend in at his job without suspicion if he walked normally and everyone was looking for someone with a limp.

Posted : June 7, 2015 8:35 am
Posts: 5315
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The three girls at Lake Berryessa never mentioned anything about a limp.

Interesting. Did they see him walking or just see him standing observing them? If they saw him walking without a limp, and if the man they saw is the same one who attacked Bryan and Cecelia, then I would think surely he changed shoes when he put on the disguise and was wearing shoes that were the wrong size or had something stuffed in them to either change his height or cause the unusual walk.

Imo, the latter is the case and that would make it easier for Z to blend in at his job without suspicion if he walked normally and everyone was looking for someone with a limp.

The girls never described an unusual walk. They did see him walk. He came down in the same manner as the guy who attacked Bryan & Cecelia.

If anyone needs to refresh–via zodiackiller.com: http://www.zodiackiller.com/LBReport8.html

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : June 7, 2015 9:22 am
Posts: 1772
Noble Member

The three girls at Lake Berryessa never mentioned anything about a limp.

Interesting. Did they see him walking or just see him standing observing them? If they saw him walking without a limp, and if the man they saw is the same one who attacked Bryan and Cecelia, then I would think surely he changed shoes when he put on the disguise and was wearing shoes that were the wrong size or had something stuffed in them to either change his height or cause the unusual walk.

Imo, the latter is the case and that would make it easier for Z to blend in at his job without suspicion if he walked normally and everyone was looking for someone with a limp.

The girls never described an unusual walk. They did see him walk. He came down in the same manner as the guy who attacked Bryan & Cecelia.

If anyone needs to refresh–via zodiackiller.com: http://www.zodiackiller.com/LBReport8.html

The murder likely took place at Washington and Maple Street, as he said in the October 13th letter ‘I am the murderer of the taxi driver over by Washington St and Maple St last night, to prove this here is a blood stained piece of his shirt’. there was nothing to be gained by lying here, with the killer shooting Paul Stine at this location, however any control was forfeited when the taxicab, not in park, motioned forward. The killer’s plan of removing items from the victim, particularly the portion of Paul Stine’s shirt, to send to the San Francisco Chronicle, was now in jeopardy. Thinking on his feet, quite literally, the murderer quickly exited the moving vehicle by the left rear door and entered the left front driver door, stepped over the lifeless body of Paul Stine, possibly bracing himself against the front compartment for support, he then pushed against the left side of Paul Stine, to access the vehicle pedals and coasted the taxicab to the next intersection, Washington and Cherry.
When the Zodiac Killer exited the moving vehicle, he may have injured his ankle as his foot planted or jarred on the roadside or quite possibly he aggravated a previous injury. This may explain his unhurried exit away up Cherry Street and the ‘lumbering gait, sort of stumbling along, like a ‘semi-limp’, described by Donald Fouke.
Two weeks prior to this murder, on September 27th 1969 three girls spotted the unknown man. On page 396 of Robert Graysmith Unmasked, one of the girls recalled the suspicious character, stating "I wouldn’t say he had a limp, but he favored one leg when he walked".
Wing-Walkers and Jump boots are designed for ankle support, favored by the military, but why was the Zodiac Killer wearing them. Was it indicative of a military connection or nothing more than a man who chose this style of footwear, to protect and support a long standing foot or ankle complaint, that came under close examination, as he exited the moving vehicle at Washington and Maple.

Posted : June 7, 2015 10:49 am
Posts: 5315
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Where did you get that he may have aggravated a previous injury? There are a ton of "may haves". One could assume many things.

Graysmith had a way of trying to convince people of this "lumbering gait" since he used the term about a hundred times in his book. In the official police report, none of the girls mention anything about the way he walked. It’s certainly up to folks if they choose to believe Graysmith–but, by the time ZU came along there was so much fluff thrown in that is simply isn’t anything I can put a lot of faith in.

We know Fouke mentioned it, but it doesn’t mean Zodiac always walked that way and I think it unfortunate it has become some sort of Zodiac folklore that this man walked around all the time with some sort of gimp and a droopy left eye.

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : June 7, 2015 11:38 am
Posts: 1772
Noble Member

Do you have any theories as to why Z may have walked in an awkward manner? Please share with me :) thanks.

That was a theory. Nobody asked for fact. ‘May have’s’ are theories. If we only went on facts this forum would have ran out of topics a long time ago. If the initial question had asked for facts, then nobody could answer and the thread couldn’t exist.
Quote: I am going to theorize that the Zodiac may have wore different shoe sizes at different crime scenes/attack sites so his shoe print could throw off investigators. I’m thinking "The Usual Suspects".. This is a ‘may have’. The whole Zodiac community relies on theories and ‘may have’s’. That’s called speculation and creates discussion.

‘One could assume many things’. Yes, and we all do it, all of the time. :D

Posted : June 7, 2015 11:48 am
Posts: 5315
Member Moderator

Thanks for clarifying UK. It just wasn’t clear if you were quoting someone or if this was your theory.

I won’t guess as to why he would have been walking in a particular manner. Too many possibilities.

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : June 7, 2015 12:26 pm
Posts: 1772
Noble Member

Yes Tahoe It’s like ‘how long is a piece of string’. :idea: If he was upwards of the age description the possibilities increase. If he was military it could have ‘been an old shrapnel wound’. Either way it didn’t stop him getting away. :roll:

Posted : June 7, 2015 12:41 pm
Posts: 1764
Noble Member

Graysmith had a way of trying to convince people of this "lumbering gait" since he used the term about a hundred times in his book.

Yes. He also had a way of suggesting rather unsubtly that Z was a swimmer, a scuba diver and God knows what else.

The interview with the LB witness (where she mentions that the person “favored one foot”) is a prime example of this “methodology”.

My take on the gait, as mentioned elsewhere, is this: Z was walking downhill. He was in a hurry, not running, but not lazing along either (he knew the cops had arrived at the scene, unless he was deaf). He may very well have tucked the gun inside his waistband. All or even some of the above could explain what Fouke, there and then, noticed as a somewhat conspicuous gait.

There’s no reason to assume this gait was permanent or even that it was a definite limp or impairment. What Fouke describes is a sort-of-something, an impression he got from looking at the guy briefly, nothing more.

There is absolutely no reason to think this gait was something Z went around with normally.

Posted : June 7, 2015 2:16 pm
Posts: 556
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The definition of lumbering is a heavy or clumsy movement.
An example of lumbering is an elephant climbing a muddy hill; a lumbering elephant.

gerund or present participle: lumbering
move in a slow, heavy, awkward way.
"a truck filled his mirror and lumbered past"
synonyms: lurch, stumble, trundle, shamble, shuffle, waddle; More
trudge, clump, stump, plod, tramp, tromp;
"elephants lumbered past"
clumsy, awkward, heavy-footed, slow, blundering, bumbling, inept, maladroit, uncoordinated, ungainly, ungraceful, gauche, lumpish, hulking, ponderous;
"he was a lumbering bear of a man"

antonyms: nimble, agile

Almost seems it just has to do with someone seeming as if they are weighted/heavy and have issue moving fast/picking up
Their feet. Initially I assumed it would be shuffling/bumbling but that might not necessarily be the case (although shuffling is a description of Lumbering). It doesn’t sound like a limp. It sounds like heavy feet.

Posted : June 7, 2015 8:02 pm
Posts: 1772
Noble Member

Ever tried walking with soaked trousers. Now go back 3 minutes.

Posted : June 7, 2015 8:09 pm
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