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Posting locations
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Posting locations

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Apparently we know the exact location of two mailbox sites from where Zodiac posted letters.

1. Taraval and 23rd ave
2. Lombard and Van Ness ave

At a glimpse both are busy intersections and both serviced by cable car….(which may in itself be enough for Z)

I understand Zodiacs need to move around but is it possible there are deeper connections that brought Z here, perhaps through work ( similar businesses) and/or something else related to names etc.

Taraval in particular is interesting…logan high school and library across the road…also just beside a police station. McCoppin park right across the road also..a hang out for students back in the day ( rough area at the time too) The was a shooting there in the late 60’s.
Just wondering if connections are worth exploring!

Posted : January 13, 2015 9:34 pm
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McCoppin Square

" Another full two city blocks stretching from Santiago to Taraval from 22nd to 24th Ave. Although the Parkside library was a frequent destination for everyone in the neighbourhood, there seemed to be an unwritten rule, that the area behind the library, its patio, was exclusively Lincoln High School territory. Judging from appearances the area was a drinking and smoking lounge for many at Lincoln. Alot of the Sunset District parents did not like their kids hanging out there. A late 1960’s shooting in the square solidified their resolve that. except for the library itself the entire area around the Lincoln campus was off limits for their kids unless they went to school there."

Posted : January 13, 2015 9:51 pm
Posts: 857
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The 2 mailbox locations are:

-Taraval by 23rd (12 blocks from Toschi’s house)

-The SE corner of Van Ness and Union.

*But we don’t know for sure if this is true or just a rumor*

I think this is all just a rumor because:

-Most envelopes have postmarks, meaning they were processed at a postal facility.
Doubtful a postal worker recognized a letter at the street box and then had it possessed.

-The only two letters without postmarks appear to be the Pines card and the SLA card.

-In this video at 1:33:15, Sherwood talks about how the Pines card was found in the post office:

Posted : January 13, 2015 11:23 pm
Posts: 857
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Also, in this video at 1:38:

Tom talks about how the (Van Ness and Union) mailbox is next to a hobby shop.
The shop in question is "Chan’s Trains and Hobbies."

If anyone has a 1969 or 1974 SF phone book, it would be interesting to see if that shop was there back then.

Posted : January 14, 2015 3:54 am
Posts: 262
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Apparently we know the exact location of two mailbox sites from where Zodiac posted letters.

1. Taraval and 23rd ave
2. Lombard and Van Ness ave

At a glimpse both are busy intersections and both serviced by cable car….(which may in itself be enough for Z)

I understand Zodiacs need to move around but is it possible there are deeper connections that brought Z here, perhaps through work ( similar businesses) and/or something else related to names etc.

Taraval in particular is interesting…logan high school and library across the road…also just beside a police station. McCoppin park right across the road also..a hang out for students back in the day ( rough area at the time too) The was a shooting there in the late 60’s.
Just wondering if connections are worth exploring!

Wier, is it your understanding that this mailbox information can be confirmed? There does seem to be some who are confident that this information can be verified.

Posted : January 14, 2015 9:33 am
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by Paul_Averly » Tue Jan 13, 2015 2:23 pm

The 2 mailbox locations are:

-Taraval by 23rd (12 blocks from Toschi’s house)

-The SE corner of Van Ness and Union.

I haven’t seen or heard any reference to Union Paul . On the video you linked Tom says Lombard and Van Ness.

Murray wrote:-

Wier, is it your understanding that this mailbox information can be confirmed? There does seem to be some who are confident that this information can be verified.

I have no inside information Murray, only what’s been posted elsewhere. Nor do I know how the information came to light, which is why I began by using the word "apparently".
There does seem to be some confidence behind it though. I’m sure others can get that info.

Posted : January 14, 2015 7:54 pm
Posts: 857
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I haven’t seen or heard any reference to Union Paul . On the video you linked Tom says Lombard and Van Ness.

-There is no mailbox at Lombard and Van Ness.
-There is no Hobby Shop at Lombard and Van Ness.

*There is a mailbox and (was a) Hobby Shop a few blocks down at Union.

@ 1:38:

Posted : January 14, 2015 10:16 pm
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-There is no mailbox at Lombard and Van Ness.
-There is no Hobby Shop at Lombard and Van Ness.

*There is a mailbox and (was a) Hobby Shop a few blocks down at Union.

@ 1:38:

Apologies, we seems to have crossed wires here. I mentioned Lombard and Van Ness after seeing it posted elsewhere. I also watched the video and Tom Voigt clearly says
Lombard and Van Ness.

"The other mailbox is at Lombard and Van Ness. I don’t think we’ll have time to hit that, its on the east side, it;s right outside what used to be a hobby shop, I think they went out of business a few years ago!

Perhaps Tom got mixed up

Posted : January 14, 2015 11:08 pm
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Posted : January 14, 2015 11:24 pm
Posts: 262
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(Taking into consideration the fact that the letters might not be proven to have originated from these two mailboxes):

From my memory of living there, Taraval/23rd Ave and Van Ness /Lombard (or Union) are not really near each other, so it is difficult to posit that both are near Z’s home. They could represent home and work. They could also be part of a plan to attempt to appear as though the letter writer resided in SF, to throw LE off track.

Just riffing on what this might indicate, if true…

Posted : January 15, 2015 11:02 am
Posts: 273
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When I receive a letter from Napa it is post marked from Oakland on the envelope.So—-I do not see how we can narrow down what mail boxes letters were sent from.Just wondering……..

The Best Mystery Is An Unsolved Mystery….

Posted : January 15, 2015 6:48 pm
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Posted : January 16, 2015 12:36 am
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Not trying to narrow down postboxes bMichelle just working off the ones we think we know. A long shot for sure but it’s interesting perhaps to wonder why he chose these particular sites….if there are connections between the two…..if Z chose them for convenience or some other reason. They are seven miles apart in very different parts of the city but they also have things in common, such as being major intersections serviced by cable car. Also why these as opposed to post boxes in "quieter" areas? Interesting also to consider these in relation to the other sites ( Murder scene and taxi pick up point) and perhaps how he got to Mason and Geary in the first place.

Posted : January 16, 2015 12:45 am
Posts: 857
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Z probably lived downtown and picked these boxes because they were not very close to his home.

-The Taraval box is off the L line, he could have easily taken it from downtown.
http://www.sfmta.com/sites/default/file … k=vYH70c6l

-The Van Ness one is on a major thorofare, he might have just been driving by and dropped off the letter.

*Again, we don’t know for sure that Z used these mailboxes.

Posted : January 16, 2015 1:14 am
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

The 2 mailbox locations are:

-Taraval by 23rd (12 blocks from Toschi’s house)

-The SE corner of Van Ness and Union.

*But we don’t know for sure if this is true or just a rumor*

I think this is all just a rumor because:

-Most envelopes have postmarks, meaning they were processed at a postal facility.
Doubtful a postal worker recognized a letter at the street box and then had it possessed.

-The only two letters without postmarks appear to be the Pines card and the SLA card.

-In this video at 1:33:15, Sherwood talks about how the Pines card was found in the post office:

Very interesting…fbi caught the letter before it went into the cancellation machine..why? Because lacking a stamp?



Posted : January 22, 2015 2:43 am
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