Zamantha, Subject: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Tue Sep 18, 2012 8:02 pm
You Tube, where the interviewer feels he is speaking to the Zodiac Killer.
The interviewer in this You Tube actually contacted Sandy. He came out to
her home to show her the knifes he found. Sandy totally worried me that nite
having some strange guy come over with knifes. I made a phone call to check
on her once and made her do a check in after he left.
I’ll let Sandy tell the story.
Zamantha, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Tue Sep 18, 2012 8:26 pm
You Tube, where the interviewer feels he is speaking to the Zodiac Killer.
The interviewer in this You Tube actually contacted Sandy. He came out to
her home to show her the knifes he found. Sandy totally worried me that nite
having some strange guy come over with knifes. I made a phone call to check
on her once and made her do a check in after he left.I’ll let Sandy tell the story.
This guy lived on Bethel Island. The Coincidence is I have a friend that wants to take me to a home on this extract
same street on Bethel Island, to show me a home where someone thought the Z lived. This is something he learned a few
years back when he went to buy a boat. Out of curiosity I will go see if it’s the same home.
Nin, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Tue Sep 18, 2012 10:16 pm
Who is "Steve"? How did he find "Barry"? Is it possible to get Steve here on morf’s messageboard? Difficult situation with Barry only having 6 weeks to live.. We need handwriting samples, as soon as possible. Barry almost acts guilty of something. But then, we don’t know whether Barry is currently on medication and how much he is connected to reality, just saying.
Sandy, can you get Steve to sign up please?
traveller1st, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Tue Sep 18, 2012 10:48 pm
Here are the knives.
[flash(425,350)] [/flash]
Seagull, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Tue Sep 18, 2012 11:30 pm
I learned about this guy last week and spent Saturday morning checking out some of the claims he made about his suspect.
The first thing that caught my eye was that Captainfun11 said his suspect abused the corpse of his wife. I checked the marriage records and found the suspect had been married four times. I tracked everyone of the women and none of them died before he did. As a matter of fact three of his wives are still living and the fourth died in 2011, the suspect died in 2009.
I wrote a comment asking which wife had her corpse abused as through research I had leartned that all of his wives survived him. My comment was not up very long before he removed it and accussed me of being Tom Voigt. He said in a general comment that Tom Voigt was using varous names to discredit him so he
Another thing that Captainfun 11 said was that his suspect was dishonorably discharged from the service. I learned that was not true. At there are 23 muster rolls for his suspect that show he rose steadily in rank and when he completed his active duty he was admitted to the enlisted reserves.
I then posted a comment to his video saying I was not Tom Voigt and that if Captainfun11 did not have an account with Ancestry he should get one and I told him about the muster rolls. Captainfun11 again deleted my comment and blocked me from commenting further. He changed his story though in his comments with the video and said that his suspect had 20 disiplinary actions while in the service. If his suspect did have that many actions against him he would not have risen steadily in the ranks and they would have been reflected in the muster rolls.
A day an a half later I received a vile email from him. He posted on my youtube channel and the post was forwarded to me in an email. This is his email to me-
AK Wilks, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Tue Sep 18, 2012 11:33 pm
Stay classy, cranky Zodiac hoaxers.
Sorry you had to deal with that Seagull Taco Cat!
Seagull, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Tue Sep 18, 2012 11:51 pm
Thanks AK! I know we’re not immune to the idiots out there but that email was a shocker.
I did learn quite a bit about Captainfun11’s suspect. He was an Oakland police officer for over 20 years and I saw nothing that would lead me to believe that he was the Zodiac. I have all his marriages, wives names, kids etc. plus I ahve a few newspaper articles dating back to 1959 if anyone is interested. Though I don’t see the necessity to drag his name out in public over this.
After that email from Captainfun11 I learned a bit about him, too. LOL Checking records from the Contra Costa County Recorder’s Office I can see that he did buy a home from his suspect. I also learned that he has an order from a southern California court for child support, I guess he fell behind and the courts had to step in to collect it. He says in his comments on his video that he has a wife and children but I also learned that he is registered at at least one dating site! Google Captainfun1269 to find that.
A real charmer…….
Zamantha, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Tue Sep 18, 2012 11:52 pm
Just checked with my source on the guy he heard about, a few years back. Got the address. Now to try to find out if the address is the same as this guy’s POI. I’m aware from what he told Sandy, it’s the same street on Bethel Island.
Sandy will have to report on his visit to her home, but from what she told me he was very nice and polite and believed he had the right guy, like a lot of people do with their POI’s. I have no idea, but found the two different stories about a Z like guy on the same road on a small island….interesting to learn more.
traveller1st, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Wed Sep 19, 2012 12:03 am
I heard enough when the knife video stated they had got blood testing kits off the internet.
Zamantha, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Wed Sep 19, 2012 12:07 am
I heard enough when the knife video stated they had got blood testing kits off the internet.
I know a few good people on Bethel Island….I will ask around and see what I can learn about this guy….good or bad.
It’s a small Island were everyone knows your name…..pretty much so.
tahoe27, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Wed Sep 19, 2012 12:29 am
…I know we’re not immune to the idiots out there but that email was a shocker.
Geesh! I should say so. Ouch. I wonder if his attidude would change if he knew who you were…or weren’t.
Either way, kind of shows someone’s true ways when they post crap like that.
tahoe27, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Wed Sep 19, 2012 12:40 am
I know a few good people on Bethel Island….I will ask around and see what I can learn about this guy….good or bad.
It’s a small Island were everyone knows your name…..pretty much so.
Is it still that way today? My grandparents lived there most of my life. It really grew and last time I was out there I hardly recognized it. Definitely had a small town, country-delta feel back when I was a kid. (miss that)
Any idea how long the suspect lived there?
Seagull, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Wed Sep 19, 2012 12:46 am
Recorders Office records show that the suspect and his second wife bought property there in 1986. He was into boating and belonged to boat/yacht clubs since the late ’60’s. He raced boats on the SF Bay, too.
Daniel Gillotti, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Wed Sep 19, 2012 12:48 am
good one, I was thinking the same thing. :cheers: This is so disheartening; I can’t believe he showed up on that poor guy’s front door grilling him.
When the retired cop said we have a fifty eight something… I’m sure that’s there police radio signal for a crazy loon…
This guy must be Horan’s mythical twin brother :joker: …someone better take those knives away from him before he hurts someone or himself.
Sandy, don’t let a stranger in your home carrying knives… :no:
Zamantha, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Wed Sep 19, 2012 12:53 am
I know a few good people on Bethel Island….I will ask around and see what I can learn about this guy….good or bad.
It’s a small Island were everyone knows your name…..pretty much so.Is it still that way today? My grandparents lived there most of my life. It really grew and last time I was out there I hardly recognized it. Definitely had a small town, country-delta feel back when I was a kid. (miss that)
Any idea how long the suspect lived there?
I just sent out 5 emails to key BI People. I know nothing on the suspect, just interested me since I heard not one but two possible Z stories on the Island.
Yeah, it’s grown…but it’s still small time Delta Town. I go to the island a couple times a month for something. At Christmas time I went to The Scouts Hall to wrap gifts
for the poorer children on the island to have Christmas Gifts. There’s the Marina’s, Boat Docks, Restaurants, and of course it has the bar life. Two of my favorite eateries are on the island. Also about 12 or more of my friends keep their boats berthed there.
Bethel Island (formerly, Bethell) … LskVRa1bWw
Zamantha, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Wed Sep 19, 2012 12:58 am
Seagull, does it show which Yacht Clubs he belonged to?
Daniel G., I agree…I was worried about Sandy that nite! I called her once, and made her check in when he left.
Zamantha, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Wed Sep 19, 2012 1:00 am
Seagull, can you PM me his address & I’ll see if it matches the "other" address I have.
Zamantha, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Wed Sep 19, 2012 1:33 am
Totally, "Off Topic" But this is one of my favorite places to go by boat on Bethel Island.
Shows you some of the water ways & Island in the back ground.
Great view of Mt. Diablo in the back ground.
Sugar Barge Resort & Marina … USC6sDOOfw
Nin, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Wed Sep 19, 2012 6:45 am
Seagull, you never cease to amaze me.. Great research. It’s too bad what some folks are doing to push their suspects. They go to great lengths of accusations based on poor investigation.
Thanks for the video, trav.
Seagull, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Wed Sep 19, 2012 12:16 pm
Barry did not seem to have trouble with interacting with women, he was married four times after all! He did not trade up for a newer model either but stuck to women his own age, he was born in 1935 and his "youngest" wife was born in 1938.
His first wife moved back to her home state of Missouri in the mid ’70’s and it looks like all three of his children also went there around that time. I could find no California addresses for the children, only Missouri.
His second wife still lives at Bethel Island. After divorcing Barry she remarried in 1990. His third wife was a high school classmate of his and I don’t know much about his fourth and surviving wife.
Barry has owned more than one property at Bethel Island.
sandy betts, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Wed Sep 19, 2012 12:27 pm
You Tube, where the interviewer feels he is speaking to the Zodiac Killer.
The interviewer in this You Tube actually contacted Sandy. He came out to
her home to show her the knifes he found. Sandy totally worried me that nite
having some strange guy come over with knifes. I made a phone call to check
on her once and made her do a check in after he left.I’ll let Sandy tell the story.
It was about 8:30pm when I received a phone call from someone asking if I was thee sandy Betts who investigates the Zodiac case ? I told him yes , he said he believed he had some Zodiac evidence and wanted t show it to me. That it was some knifes and a machete , that he found while demolishing a wall in a home he was buying. There was a woman who spotted the knives and yelled OMG that looks like the knife the Zodiac used ! He didn’t know much about the case, so he read on line about it and found my name to call. He mentioned meeting me at Starbucks. I wasn’t up to driving there and told him he could come to my home. As soon as I hung up , I realised that was a stupid thing to do , to invite a stranger who was brings knives with him to my home !
So I phoned Zamantha and told her that if my body was found the next day , here is the phone number and name of the person who called me ( by the way his last name was smith LOL) Meanwhile I got my gun which I keep loaded, and my mace, and put it next to where I would be sitting while talking to this stranger.
Zamantha did panic and said that she would call me in a few minutes to check on me, which she did, and I let her talk to this Mr. Smith guy. He knew some of her friends from one of the clubs she belongs to , so that put us both at ease.
Yesterday Zamantha showed me the video , I had to laugh and say that is the Smith guy who came to my home ! This man is passionate about his suspect, just as many of us are about our own. So I listened to why he felt his suspect was a good one. One being that the man had hid these knives in the wall, the other being he was a ex policeman , and that some people felt that Zodiac was at one time in LE, that he had the red/ brown hair at one time and fit the description of the Zodiac ,some valid reasons I think ? (In fact better than some other poi’s.)
He told me that he wanted to not only show these knives to me, but a video he took of his suspect . As it turned out, I told him that none of the knives he showed me were like the one used at Lake Berryessa, and I didn’t think the man looked like the Zodiac composite.
Poor man had to listen to me tell all about my poi, he ended up leaving at 12:30 am. It was me listening to him for about one hour , him listening to my story for three. He was a very polite and nice man. He offered to help me if I ever need him.
Zamantha met someone else who has a suspect on the same road as this Mr. Smith’s suspect, so we think it could be the same poi ?
sandy betts, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Wed Sep 19, 2012 12:50 pm
I would like everyone to know I didn’t read the thread before posting, it was a link that Zamantha sent me, so I could explain how I knew this Mr. Smith.
This shows you can’t tell a book by its cover for sure !
Now that I have read the entire thread , this man is not the nice man I thought he was . ( I didn’t like that private email he wrote )
Good investigating Seagull !
To add to this post, I just read Smith’s comments and replies about his video, I can see that he became upset with all the negativity thrown at him. When pushed, I would do the same, as would some of you .
But I agree with TV, that he needs to show the handwriting samples , instead of just saying he has been told that the writing samples are a match. He should have also shown the size of that knife that looks like the Lake Berryessa knife, ( it looks like it in the video ) but when I saw it , it was shorter than the actual knife used at Lake B.
When anyone is showing such things it is a good idea to have something like a ruler next to it, or something else to compare to.
Even though I have my own suspect,whom I like much better, I will look into this poi further along with Zamantha. I do enjoy going to Bethel Island, and digging up anything I can, you never know what it can lead to, even some other poi who knows ?
Seagull, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Wed Sep 19, 2012 2:17 pm
Seagull, does it show which Yacht Clubs he belonged to?
Daniel G., I agree…I was worried about Sandy that nite! I called her once, and made her check in when he left.
The information you seek is all in the suspects online obituary! … bLoggedOut
Barrett Wysling
Barrett (Barry) Jean Wysling I Feb. 6, 1935 – Oct. 2, 2009 Resident of Bethel Island Born in San Jose, Barry was the only child of Paul and Etta Wysling. A product of the Alameda, California school system, he graduated in the Class of June 1953. In the years to follow Barry was very involved in class reunions and subsequently formed the Hornet web site that increased communication between alumni. Barry’s next stop was the US Marine Corps where he served a tour of duty as a corporal at 29 Palms, CA. He built the first darkroom while being the base photographer and photo journalist in the Base Special Services Section. The following two years were spent at San Francisco City College studying criminology and another year at Oakland City College where prior to graduation, with an AA Degree, he was accepted as an Oakland Police Officer. In 1957 he started a career in law enforcement that lasted 22 ½ years. At OPD Barry served in many capacities that included Patrol, Jail, Communications, Community Relations, Internal Affairs, Criminal Investigation and his first love, Juvenile, where he did two four year tours. Barry served on the Oakland Council for the Boy Scouts and was Post Advisor and Institutional Representative for OPD. While in the police department Juvenile Division, Barry was Officer Friendly for the Romper Room show on Channel 2, KTVU. Barry obtained two lifetime teaching credentials from the State of California vocational educational department and was accredited to teach Police Science and Family Legal Needs and Responsibilities. Barry assisted the Oakland area Red Cross and trained United States Navy life guards for the Oak Knoll Navel Hospital. In 1978 he retired as a Detective Sergeant in the Robbery Section. Barry is the father of three sons: Michael, Bradley, and Jeffery who live in St. Joseph, Missouri with their families. He has two grandsons: Barrett J. II, and Anthony Joseph (AJ); and a granddaughter Barbara Jean. Upon retirement from Oakland, Barry started a new career in marina management by becoming the Harbor Master of Beacon Harbor on Bethel Island for eight years. That was followed by another seven years as Harbor Master for the City of Martinez. Always active in recreational boating, Barry was the Commodore of Encinal Yacht Club in Alameda in 1972 and 1973, and Commodore of the Northern California Power Cruiser Association in 1977. When Barry passed, he was the oldest member of the San Joaquin Yacht Club of Bethel Island, where he and his wife Marguerite joined in 1969. He was also a member of the International Order of the Blue Gavel. Barry was a member of Alameda Elks Club #1015 for approximately ten years, and was a member of the 1995-96 Contra Costa County Civil Grand Jury. Active locally, Barry spent several years on the Bethel Island Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors and was active in the B.I. Marina Owners Association. His participation included photographing various local events like the Meals on Wheels, Safety Fair and Citizen of the Year, to name a few. Barry concluded his Harbor Master carrier at Beacon Harbor as the widower of Marianne Holmes Wysling. He subsequently sold Beacon Harbor and permanently retired in 2005. Recreationally Barry enjoyed underwater photography in Hawaii where he frequently visited, while house/animal sitting for several friends. He also restored nautical artifacts which decorate the home of the San Joaquin Yacht Club, the M/S Sutter. Recently Barry took the opportunity to host his own "Going Away Bash" by inviting many club members, high school classmates, friends and neighbors to a cocktail party and pot luck at his home. He had long and deep friendships with many, some of whom dated back to kindergarten, including his previous wives, Frances Hazard of Rancho Mirage and Marguerite Lawry of Bethel Island. Most recently care was given by Kaiser Hospice and a wonderful significant other, Penny Givens-Berry, who provided home care which was equal to none. Contributions can be made to Kaiser Hospice.
traveller1st, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Wed Sep 19, 2012 2:23 pm
Nice one Deb. Thank you.
I have some spare paragraph breaks lying around if you want them though lol. Just messing, you know you’re great.
Zamantha, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Wed Sep 19, 2012 3:02 pm
Much thanks Seagull!
I have a Bethel Island friend tapping into more on him right now. I’ll share once I get all the information.
Been & know people at San Joaquin YC (MS Sutter) so that is a help. Also have friends that are in Blue Gavel.
If you should run across his former home address on Taylor Rd in B.I. Please let me know as I want to compare
it to the address of another strange guy on Taylor Rd. as told to a friend seemed Zodiac like. That would save me
a trip to the recorders office. I "think" we have 2 different guys here but both lived on Taylor Rd.
Zincerely, Zam*
Seagull, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Wed Sep 19, 2012 4:00 pm
I have already emailed with Sandy. It is the same address.
edited to add:
Since this suspect was in LE he surely has as many enemies as friends. He no doubt has arrested many people in his 22 year career. These people have families and friends who might be quick to take a side against LE. I would not put it past some people to try to make a cops life miserable because of some misplaced anger.
Steve, who put up the video, has changed his story a few times along the way due to people who have commented about his video and presented different and verifiable information that goes against what Steve presented. This reminds me of KevinB who changed his story more often than he changed his socks! We all know how that is going!
Zamantha, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Wed Sep 19, 2012 5:06 pm
I have already emailed with Sandy. It is the same address.
edited to add:
Since this suspect was in LE he surely has as many enemies as friends. He no doubt has arrested many people in his 22 year career. These people have families and friends who might be quick to take a side against LE. I would not put it past some people to try to make a cops life miserable because of some misplaced anger.
Steve, who put up the video, has changed his story a few times along the way due to people who have commented about his video and presented different and verifiable information that goes against what Steve presented. This reminds me of KevinB who changed his story more often than he changed his socks! We all know how that is going!
The Address’s match up to the one given to me by a different source. I will find his message and post it. So far I’ve received 3 replies. Two are positive, one said he was Odd and gave me the reason why, but I hesitate to post it.
All replies said they would ask around on the guy that did the Video, but they do not know him. One reply said that Barry was a good, well liked man. This contact give me two of his ex wife’s emails. She said she knew three of his wife’s and that they thought the world of him. That he was a kind, generous man, soft spoken and his home and boat docks were spotless. He did like the color, "Blue" When he found out he had six weeks to live, he gave himself a going away party…the theme "Bears Going Away Party" (Bears was his nick name) This was his best chance to see his friends and loved ones. It worked, and was a beautiful day. Lot’s of friends were there including his ex wife’s. A few days later he was gone. She hopes that this gives me some kind of idea that Barry was a good person. My other contact said they knew Barry, he was very involved with the Community & San Joaquin Yacht Club.
tracers, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Wed Sep 19, 2012 5:22 pm
Stay classy, cranky Zodiac hoaxers.
Sorry you had to deal with that Seagull Taco Cat!
LOL! That "stay classy" comment had me laughing for about five minutes. Thanks AK!
This guy sounds very immature.
My speakers aren’t working well and I am having trouble getting everything that is said in the video. If someone has the time, can you provide a summary? if not, it’s okay. I should be getting some new speakers this weekend.
I did read from the comments he said he found knives in a shrine in a wall? Does he know for sure that the knives belonged to his suspect?
I find this guy Steve’s posts hard to understand at times.
Theforeigner, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Wed Sep 19, 2012 6:04 pm
He sure is a pretty damn good match to the Oct 11, 1969 sketch.
Also note the symbol on his cap, it is kind of resemble the shape of the crosshair symbol.
tahoe27, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Wed Sep 19, 2012 6:22 pm
Do you have a date for that photo TF?
Zamantha, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Wed Sep 19, 2012 6:41 pm
Do you have a date for that photo TF?
I can’t answer for The Foreigner, but I would assume 1972/1973 as that is when he was, "Commodore of the Encinal Yacht Club" in Alameda, CA. Or it would be 1977 when he was Commodore of the Northern California Power Cruiser Association.
sandy betts, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Wed Sep 19, 2012 6:51 pm
Who is "Steve"? How did he find "Barry"? Is it possible to get Steve here on morf’s messageboard? Difficult situation with Barry only having 6 weeks to live.. We need handwriting samples, as soon as possible. Barry almost acts guilty of something. But then, we don’t know whether Barry is currently on medication and how much he is connected to reality, just saying.
Sandy, can you get Steve to sign up please?
I think I scared him away LOL. I haven’t heard from him after that night. Maybe I disappointed him, when I told him that none of the knifes looked like the one used at Lake Berryessa ? Or he felt I wasn’t a good investigator, because I didn’t recognise the knife as being the same one he thinks was used at Lake B ?
I plan on contacting him and seeing the house his suspect lived in, then talking more about why he isn’t willing to share the poi’s printing ? I will tell him that you would like to have him post here. He knows I am a friend of Tom’s, that could stop him from wanting to talk to me, who knows, all I can do is give it a try ?
I could sure use him to question people who know the name of my suspect and save me a lot of time trying to figure it out . (It is way too dangerous for me to do it.)
No one else I know wants to do it either. But then I can’t blame them, everyone else who has tried to help me so far ,has been harmed or nearly killed by this guy.
Theforeigner, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Wed Sep 19, 2012 6:52 pm
Do you have a date for that photo TF?
No I don’t have a year for that photo, but I found this newsreport from Jan 1972 naming him "Commodore" just like in the photo, so the photo might be from early 70s, he was born Feb 6, 1935, so he would have been ca 37 years old in 1972:
To find the photo I posted of BW, just google "Barry Wysling " and klick on "images"
sandy betts, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Wed Sep 19, 2012 6:59 pm
He sure is a pretty damn good match to the Oct 11, 1969 sketch.
Also note the symbol on his cap, it is kind of resemble the shape of the crosshair symbol.
OMG, That is the closest picture to the Z composite I have ever seen ! Thanks for finding it TF great job as usual.
Zamantha, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Wed Sep 19, 2012 7:08 pm
He sure is a pretty damn good match to the Oct 11, 1969 sketch.
Also note the symbol on his cap, it is kind of resemble the shape of the crosshair symbol.
OMG, That is the closest picture to the Z composite I have ever seen ! Thanks for finding it TF great job as usual.
Yeah, it’s kinda Spot On! Wow, is all I can say.
1972/1973 ? as that is when he was, "Commodore of the Encinal Yacht. This would of been the Club Hat for his Commodore’s Picture.
morf13, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Wed Sep 19, 2012 7:56 pm
A houseboat makes a good place to use as a hideout- … 576C09.pdf
morf13, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Wed Sep 19, 2012 8:04 pm
Seagull, did you see that his Dad shot himself to death in 1967? I think its his dad,the article is blurry.It was in the 6/27/67 Oakland Tribune
tracers, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Wed Sep 19, 2012 9:21 pm
So he’s a respected member of the community who holds many positions of responsibility and respect and then throws his wife’s corpse around on a blanket and dances around naked with a necklace with pictures of naked girlfriends?
sandy betts, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Wed Sep 19, 2012 9:27 pm
Well Nin, I just got off the phone with Steve, and he wants to join this site. I would like to know more about his suspect. I did tell him that one of our investigators who is very good at what she does, didn’t find a wife of Barry’s dieing before him . He assured me that Marianne Holmes Wysling died 4 weeks after Barry married her. I am guessing that was his first wife ?
Some of you may not be interested in his suspect, but I think that everyone should should be able to write about the information they have . We don’t want to ever miss that missing piece of the puzzle, just because we don’t agree with something someone has to say. He told me he also has a better picture of Barry that looks even closer than the one TF found, that is hard to believe because that one is spot on !
sandy betts, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Wed Sep 19, 2012 9:45 pm
So he’s a respected member of the community who holds many positions of responsibility and respect and then throws his wife’s corpse around on a blanket and dances around naked with a necklace with pictures of naked girlfriends?
I was told that Barry himself was the one who wrote his obituary.
That is a great idea ,I will be writing my own and I will be the great great granddaughter of the Queen of Sheba . And three pages of all the wonderful things I have done for people through out my life !
Seagull, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Wed Sep 19, 2012 9:55 pm
Well Nin, I just got off the phone with Steve, and he wants to join this site. I would like to know more about his suspect. I did tell him that one of our investigators who is very good at what she does, didn’t find a wife of Barry’s dieing before him . He assured me that Marianne Holmes Wysling died 4 weeks after Barry married her. I am guessing that was his first wife ?
Some of you may not be interested in his suspect, but I think that everyone should should be able to write about the information they have . We don’t want to ever miss that missing piece of the puzzle, just because we don’t agree with something someone has to say. He told me he also has a better picture of Barry that looks even closer than the one TF found, that is hard to believe because that one is spot on !
Sandy, someone else who is also researching Barry but does not belong to this site contacted me with information on Marianne. She was his fourth wife, they married Oct. 10, 2002 and there is an obit for her in the Nov. 20, 2002 Contra Costa Times in the name Marianne Holmes Wysling. Her death does not show up in the social security death index at Ancestry, I have no idea why, maybe her name is misspelled in the records or something.
That year of the Contra Costa Times is not available online but maybe you can get a copy of it. How sad to die so soon after getting married.
bentley, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Wed Sep 19, 2012 9:58 pm
dances around naked with a necklace with pictures of naked girlfriends?
Well, he was a Commodore. ‘Cause she’s a brick, house… :joker:
Land sakes, again no hand printing? Knives we got.
Seagull, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Wed Sep 19, 2012 10:18 pm
Here is the list of the muster roll documents that are posted at Ancestry for Barry. As you can see he rose steadily in rank, he did not get busted back in rank at anytime which would have happened if he had as many disiplinary actions as Steve said he had.
J Wysling
Name: Barrett J Wysling
Muster Date: Oct 1953
Rank: E1
Station: Recruits 6Th Rec Trng Bn Ncrd San Diego Calif , Camp Pendleton
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958 about Barrett J Wysling
Name: Barrett J Wysling
Muster Date: Oct 1953
Rank: Private
Station: Recruits 6Thrtrngbn, Mcrdep San Diego Calif
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958 about Barrett J Wysling
Name: Barrett J Wysling
Muster Date: Oct 1953
Rank: Private
Station: 6Th Signal Company Usmcr, N and Mcrtc 2144 Clement Ave Alameda Calif
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958 about Barrett Wysling
Name: Barrett Wysling
Muster Date: Oct 1954
Rank: E2
Station: H And S Btry 2D Aaa Auto Wpns Sp Bn Fmf
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958 about Barrett J Wysling
Name: Barrett J Wysling
Muster Date: Jan 1954
Rank: E2
Station: H And S Btry 2D Aaa Auto Wpns Bn Fmf
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958 about Barrett J Wysling
Name: Barrett J Wysling
Muster Date: Jan 1954
Rank: Private First Class
Station: H and S Btry 2D Aaa Awbn Fmf,29 Palms Calif
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958 about Barrett J Wysling
Name: Barrett J Wysling
Muster Date: Jan 1954
Rank: Private First Class
Station: H and S Btry 2D Aaa Awbn Fmf,29 Palms Calif
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958 about Barrett J Wysling
Name: Barrett J Wysling
Muster Date: Jan 1954
Rank: Private First Class
Station: H and S Btry 2D Aaa Awbn Fmf,29 Palms Calif
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958 about Barrett J Wysling
Name: Barrett J Wysling
Muster Date: Jan 1954
Rank: Private First Class
Station: H and S Btry 2D Aaa Awbn Fmf,29 Palms Calif
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958 about Barrett J Wysling
Name: Barrett J Wysling
Muster Date: Apr 1954
Rank: E2
Station: H And S Btry 2D Aaa Auto Wpns Sp Bn Fmf
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958 about Barrett J Wysling
Name: Barrett J Wysling
Muster Date: Apr 1954
Rank: Private First Class
Station: H and S Btry 2D Aaa Awbn (Sp) Fmfpac,29 Palms Calif
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958 about Barrett J Wysling
Name: Barrett J Wysling
Muster Date: Jul 1954
Rank: E2
Station: H And S Btry 2D Aaa Auto Wpns Sp Bn Fmf
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958 about Barrett J Wysling
Name: Barrett J Wysling
Muster Date: Jan 1954
Rank: E2
Station: Recruits 6Th Rec Trng Bn Mcrd San Diego Calif , Mri Camp Pendleton
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958 about Barrett J Wysling
Name: Barrett J Wysling
Muster Date: Jan 1954
Rank: Private First Class
Station: Recruits 6Thrtrngbn Mcrdep San Diego California
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958 about Barrett Wysling
Name: Barrett Wysling
Muster Date: Apr 1955
Rank: E2
Station: Hq Btry Force Artillery Force Troops Fmf Mri-3 Camp Pendleton Calif
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958 about Barrett Wysling
Name: Barrett Wysling
Muster Date: Jan 1955
Rank: E2
Station: H And S Btry 2D Aaa Auto Wpns Sp Bn Fmf
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958 about Barrett Wysling
Name: Barrett Wysling
Muster Date: Oct 1955
Rank: E3
Station: Enl Vol Res S-Z 12Th Mcrrd, 8 San Francisco Calif
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958 about Barrett J Wysling
Name: Barrett J Wysling
Muster Date: Jul 1955
Rank: Corporal
Station: Hqco Force Troops Fmfpac, Camp Pendleton Calif
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958 about Barrett J Wysling
Name: Barrett J Wysling
Muster Date: Oct 1955
Rank: Corporal
Station: Hqco Fortrps Fmfpac, Mctc 29 Palms Calif
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958 about Barrett J Wysling
Name: Barrett J Wysling
Muster Date: Apr 1955
Rank: Private First Class
Station: Hqbtry Forarty Fmf,Mctc 29 Palms Cal
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958 about Barrett J Wysling
Name: Barrett J Wysling
Muster Date: Jan 1955
Rank: Private First Class
Station: H and S Btry 2D Aaa Awbn (Sp) Fmfpac, 29 Palms California
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958 about Barrett J Wysling
Name: Barrett J Wysling
Muster Date: Oct 1955
Rank: Corporal
Station: Enlisted Volunteer Reserve (S-Z) 12Th Mcrrd, 100 Harrison Street San Francisco Calif
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958 about Barrett J Wysling
Name: Barrett J Wysling
Muster Date: Jul 1957
Rank: Corporal
Station: Enlisted Volunteer Reserve (S-Z) 12Th Mcrrd, 100 Harrison Street San Francisco Calif
U.S. Marine Corps Muster Rolls, 1798-1958 about Barrett J Wysling
Name: Barrett J Wysling
Muster Date: Jan 1954
Rank: Private First Class
Station: H and S Btry 2D Aaa Awbn Fmf,29 Palms Calif
Zamantha, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Wed Sep 19, 2012 11:26 pm
Just spoke to Steve the guy in the Video to get a feel of what he is all about.
He comes across very kind, real & sincere. He fell into this Z case, he didn’t
go looking for it and he is now trying to report his findings. He explained the
time line of his POI to me. He also explained how he came to use the Crime
Scene Clean Up company for the blood testing. <-Made sense, I mean no
police dept is going to take any of us seriously & test any of our possible evidence
for blood. He’s done some good research on this POI. I suggested he write it down
in a time line to share.
FYI, I did get a very negative(creepy) review from someone on the island, Re: Barry.
They are asking around for more information. Also hope to snoop around some more.
I have nothing to gain either way in this. So I will be reporting my findings, the good, bad & any ugly.
Sandy invited him to our site.
Zamantha, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Thu Sep 20, 2012 12:00 am
Found OPD 2008 Pictures. Oakland Police Dept.
tahoe27, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Thu Sep 20, 2012 1:21 am
Please forgive me…..
I cannot look at that man and see him as the Zodiac killer. (I know people change, lose weight, etc. and what the hell do I know?)
Sure the photo back with "Zodiac" glasses looks like the composite, but so would almost any guy you stuck those glasses on…and w/the hat you can’t even see his head. I look forward to another old photo, but photos of guys who may or may not look like Zodiac…I don’t know.
I very much welcome people with ideas and information, but I hope he doesn’t treat people here like he treated people elsewhere. I’d like to give him the benefit of doubt, but so many get rude and offensive when you find flaws in their research. We’ll see.
…thx for the info on the photo date TF.
traveller1st, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Thu Sep 20, 2012 7:23 am
Please forgive me…..
I cannot look at that man and see him as the Zodiac killer. (I know people change, lose weight, etc. and what the hell do I know?)
Sure the photo back with "Zodiac" glasses looks like the composite, but so would almost any guy you stuck those glasses on…and w/the hat you can’t even see his head. I look forward to another old photo, but photos of guys who may or may not look like Zodiac…I don’t know.
I very much welcome people with ideas and information, but I hope he doesn’t treat people here like he treated people elsewhere. I’d like to give him the benefit of doubt, but so many get rude and offensive when you find flaws in their research. We’ll see.
…thx for the info on the photo date TF.
Well said T on all counts.
morf13, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Thu Sep 20, 2012 8:47 am
I would like to his hear more about this guy’s story & everything that makes him believe that his suspect was Zodiac…more backstory on how he came to believe it,etc. He has been accepted as a member here,so let’s hear him out and see what he has to say.
traveller1st, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Thu Sep 20, 2012 9:25 am
I would like to his hear more about this guy’s story & everything that makes him believe that his suspect was Zodiac…more backstory on how he came to believe it,etc. He has been accepted as a member here,so let’s hear him out and see what he has to say.
Absolutely we are all in the the same boat. We will listen to any story because we don’t know what the truth is … yet. We chip away and then start again.
Welcome Steve and thank you for taking the time to pursue what has caught your attention.
traveller1st, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Thu Sep 20, 2012 10:49 am
But we all have to eat humble pie also. I would expect an apology to Seagull and after a thorough review (over time of course) of her excellent work on this case, it should be heart-felt. We all find it easy to get exasperated with this thing, so I understand that, but we should also man up (sorry ladies) when we are wrong or get out of hand.
Just trying to ease tensions before they begin.
bentley, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Thu Sep 20, 2012 11:40 am
Theforeigner, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Thu Sep 20, 2012 12:54 pm
This is the 4th wife who died ca 1 months after she married Barreet (Barry) jean Wysling.
I can´t get to the actual obit.
Web: Obituary Daily Times Index, 1995-2011 about Marianne Holmes Wysling
Name: Marianne Holmes Wysling
Publication Date: 20 Nov 2002
Publication Place: United States
Death Date: Abt 2002
Death Place: Bethel Island, CA
Age at Death: 64
Birth Date: abt 1938
Seagull, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Thu Sep 20, 2012 12:59 pm
TF were you able to find a social security death record for Marianne? I was not but you have been known to come up with the seemingly impossible!
morf13, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Thu Sep 20, 2012 1:10 pm
My laptop which I used to listen to & watch his youtube video has very poor sound quality, and I couldnt hear much at all. Can somebody post the ‘cliffnotes’ of his video & suspect? Thanks in advance.
Hopefully he doesnt come here and pull a ‘Horan’,and he gets along with everybody. Can’t see how most people wouldnt get along with Seagull.
sandy betts, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Thu Sep 20, 2012 1:42 pm
Well Nin, I just got off the phone with Steve, and he wants to join this site. I would like to know more about his suspect. I did tell him that one of our investigators who is very good at what she does, didn’t find a wife of Barry’s dieing before him . He assured me that Marianne Holmes Wysling died 4 weeks after Barry married her. I am guessing that was his first wife ?
Some of you may not be interested in his suspect, but I think that everyone should should be able to write about the information they have . We don’t want to ever miss that missing piece of the puzzle, just because we don’t agree with something someone has to say. He told me he also has a better picture of Barry that looks even closer than the one TF found, that is hard to believe because that one is spot on !Sandy, someone else who is also researching Barry but does not belong to this site contacted me with information on Marianne. She was his fourth wife, they married Oct. 10, 2002 and there is an obit for her in the Nov. 20, 2002 Contra Costa Times in the name Marianne Holmes Wysling. Her death does not show up in the social security death index at Ancestry, I have no idea why, maybe her name is misspelled in the records or something.
That year of the Contra Costa Times is not available online but maybe you can get a copy of it. How sad to die so soon after getting married.
Seagull ,when I was using Ancestry, I found that they didn’t have all of my relatives listed who I know passed away, although they do have a lot of great information, they don’t have everything. I liked Ancestry much better about 5 yrs ago, when I could also get a lot more information on living people.
I was told that Barry knew Marianne was dieing of cancer and that she had a lot of money, of which he ended up with . Even Ray Charles could see what probably happened there ? Very sad for me to even think about, having lost a daughter to cancer, knowing how much victims of cancer suffer for so long before death. What was done to Marianne’s body after she died is appalling to me and something that no one in their right mind could do. I don’t think a sane person could even think of this to make it up ?
Thank you TF for finding her death date, I will get a copy of the obituary dated 11-20-02 and post it. Barry more than likely wrote that one as well .
I will get a copy of Marianne’s obituary and post it.
sandy betts, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Thu Sep 20, 2012 1:56 pm
My laptop which I used to listen to & watch his youtube video has very poor sound quality, and I couldnt hear much at all. Can somebody post the ‘cliffnotes’ of his video & suspect? Thanks in advance.
Hopefully he doesnt come here and pull a ‘Horan’,and he gets along with everybody. Can’t see how most people wouldnt get along with Seagull.
He truly thought Seagull was Tom V using another name. He is very sure that Tom also pretended to be Harry Horton on YouTube, who bashed him badly and his ideas about his suspect. (I have never seen that side of Tom V.) But that is what pushed Steve over the edge. I am sure Steve had a hard time believing me, when I told him that Seagull is a real person a female investigator and not Tom V.
I told him he didn’t have to worry about anyone bashing him here, that it is a none bashing site. That all of us are open to everyone’s theories.
I feel that if we disagree with someone, there is a nice way to tell them why we disagree, without being mean about it.
If Zodiac ever joined a Z forum, I’m sure he would have been banned for not following forum rules. Zam’s/Quote
AK Wilks, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Thu Sep 20, 2012 2:15 pm
Welcome to the site.
Many here look forward to what you have to say.
Now some words of advice you may take them or leave them. Since you suspect is dead, there is no reason you can’t post his handwriting. Several members here – trav, TheForeiegner, Bentley, Morf and others – are very good at doing handwriting comps and analysis. So that is one thing you can do to help us evaluate your suspect.
There are many excellent researchers here. You will get help with your case if you follow the forum rules, which I am sure you will. Also be prepared for friendly skepticism. You are making a bold claim here, and we will want to see the EVIDENCE that backs up the claim.
Very helpful if you can post not just what you heard, but where you heard it, who told you, etc. Better yet if you can post pictures, handwriting and links to databases that confirm what you say.
For example, you said that Barry had discipline problems in the military and was dishonorably discharged. Records found and posted here seem to indicate that those statements are NOT true. In fact it seemed Barry had an honorable record as a Marine and a police officer.
Lots of people like the Mikado play, know about radians and have knives. If you hunt you may have knifes with blood on them. There have been dozens and dozens of suspects who look like the generic sketch and have some circumstantial evidence against them. Yet none were the Zodiac.
What is the hard evidence you have showing he could be the Zodiac? How did you come up with this theory?
If you have a lab report showing human blood on the knives, please post it.
The Zodiac case is fascinating and you are at a forum with IMO the top amateur researchers in the field. Hopefully we can help you in your research, if you provide the evidence and leads.
You can start by posting the handwriting.
Theforeigner, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Thu Sep 20, 2012 2:15 pm
TF were you able to find a social security death record for Marianne? I was not but you have been known to come up with the seemingly impossible!
No I couldn´t find any ss death record either.
But I found thise: … bLoggedOut
Marianne Holmes Wysling
Guest Book
The Guest Book is expired.
Restore the Guest Book
In Loving Memory Of Marianne Holmes Wysling Aug. 3, 1938 – Nov. 15, 2002 A gracious lady who always put others first. She is greatly missed by her family and many friends.
Published in Contra Costa Times on November 15, 2003 … nID=606116
Marianne Holmes Wysling, 64, of Bethel Island, California, operator for 32 years, with her husband, of Beacon Harbor in Bethel Island, died at her residence on Friday, November 15, 2002, following a lengthy illness. A celebration of life is scheduled for after new year’s day, at the family home. Arrangements entrusted to Brentwood Funeral Home, Brentwood, California. … bLoggedOut
Marianne Holmes Wysling
Wysling, Marianne Holmes, 64, of Bethel Island.. Operated Beacon Harbor on Bethel Island. A Celebration of her life at the family home after the first of the New Year. Arrangements by Brentwood Funeral Home, (925) 634-2171.
Published in Contra Costa Times on November 20, 2002 … bLoggedOut
Marianne Holmes Wysling
Marianne Holmes Wysling
Marianne Holmes Wysling, 64 years of age died at her residence on Bethel Island, CA on November 15, 2002 following a lenghty illness. Marianne was a native of Cleveland, Ohio and has resided in Contra Costa Co on Bethel Island for the past 32 years. She and her late husband, Howard Holmes operated Beacon Harbor on Bethel Island for the past 32 years.
Marianne was preceded in death by her Mother, Ruth Connolly on Nov. 9, 2002. Survivors include her husband: Barrette J. Wysling of Bethel Island, Son: Howard ‘Buck’ Holmes of Los Angeles, and Brother: Ronald Owings of Westerville, Ohio.
At Marianne’s request cremation has taken place and there will be a Celebration of her life at the family home after the first of the New Year.
Arrangements by Brentwood Funeral Home. See for online guest book. Donations may be made to the charity of your choice in Marianne’s Memory.
Published in Contra Costa Times on November 20, 2002
Seagull, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Thu Sep 20, 2012 2:27 pm
Thank You, TF!!! I looks to me like you got most of what would have been in Marianne’s obituary in the Contra Costa Times, if not all. Great job as always.
Zamantha, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Thu Sep 20, 2012 2:35 pm
Yes, Thank you T.F. appreciate it.
Pondering, So Marianne and her first husband built a business together for 32 years.
That’s a long time. Then she marries Barry & does the business also go
in his name? I would think it would be solely in her name & then it would
go to her sons.
Seagull, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Thu Sep 20, 2012 2:44 pm
This is just for the record and it regards my comments to Captainfun11’s video. I did not save the first comment I made because I had no reason to believe that he would delete it. After he deleted my first post I did screen save the two more comments I made to the Barry interview video. I did believe at that point he would delete any more comments that I made and wanted a record of them. I was blocked from posting after the second comment shown here. I do not believe that I said anything in any of my comments that would warrant the vile email he sent to me.
I would like to add that the reason I made the "I am not Tom Voigt" comment was because Captainfun11 said in one of his comments that he deleted things because Tom Voigt was messing with him and using multiple user names.
Theforeigner, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Thu Sep 20, 2012 2:45 pm
Thank You, TF!!! I looks to me like you got most of what would have been in Marianne’s obituary in the Contra Costa Times, if not all. Great job as always.
Your welcome Seagull and Zam
Marianne was born Marianne Owings and married Francis R. Hulbert in 1960.
Then Marianne remarried Howard C Holmes June 20, 1970.
Her husband Howard C Holmes died Nov 24 1997
And then she married BJW Oct 10, 2002
And she died Nov 15, 2002
Cook County, Illinois Marriage Index, 1930-1960 about Marianne Owings
Name: Marianne Owings
Marriage Date: 25 Oct 1960
Spouse: Francis R. Hulbert
Marriage Location: Cook County, IL
Marriage license: {4D837152-FDA4-4E0D-8BE5-519714BE5ABD}
File Number: 2589183
Archive Collection Name: Cook County Genealogy Records (Marriages)
Archive repository location: Chicago, IL
Archive repository name: Cook County Clerk
California, Marriage Index, 1960-1985 about Marianne Owings
Name: Marianne Owings
Age: 31
Est. Birth: abt 1939
Spouse Name: Howard C Holmes
Spouse Age: 51
Est. Spouse Birth: abt 1919
Date: 20 Jun 1970
Location: Monterey
California, Marriage Index, 1960-1985 about Marianne Hulbert
Name: Marianne Hulbert
Age: 31
Est. Birth: abt 1939
Spouse Name: Howard C Holmes
Spouse Age: 51
Est. Spouse Birth: abt 1919
Date: 20 Jun 1970
Location: Monterey
California Death Index, 1940-1997 about Howard Calvin Holmes
Name: Howard Calvin Holmes
Social Security #: 549266629
Sex: Male
Birth Date: 13 Feb 1919
Birthplace: Arizona
Death Date: 24 Nov 1994
Death Place: Contra Costa
Mother’s Maiden Name: Carbine
Theforeigner, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Thu Sep 20, 2012 2:47 pm
My laptop which I used to listen to & watch his youtube video has very poor sound quality, and I couldnt hear much at all. Can somebody post the ‘cliffnotes’ of his video & suspect? Thanks in advance.
Hopefully he doesnt come here and pull a ‘Horan’,and he gets along with everybody. Can’t see how most people wouldnt get along with Seagull.
Just a suggestion Morf, plug in some headphones into your laptop and you will be able to hear what they say.
tracers, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Thu Sep 20, 2012 2:58 pm
Good luck with Steve. I hope this doesn’t turn out the way the KevinB, Lafferty, and Horan things did. I am also curious about the handwriting and look forward to hearing what else he has to say. I know some members here will ask the hard questions and do the real research required to determine the validity of Steve’s claims.
sandy betts, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Thu Sep 20, 2012 4:08 pm
My laptop which I used to listen to & watch his youtube video has very poor sound quality, and I couldnt hear much at all. Can somebody post the ‘cliffnotes’ of his video & suspect? Thanks in advance.
Hopefully he doesnt come here and pull a ‘Horan’,and he gets along with everybody. Can’t see how most people wouldnt get along with Seagull.
Just a suggestion Morf, plug in some headphones into your laptop and you will be able to hear what they say.
After you hear the video, it might give you some insight as to what got Steve so upset, by reading the comments and how they were presented to him. And don’t forget Steve thought that Seagull was Tom V. ( that make a difference ) I had no idea until I read up to page 9 and for what ever reason I was not able to read more. Everyone has a breaking point, I don’t think people should be pushed to that point. There are too many people who thrive on pushing buttons, perhaps because their lives aren’t going so well , not sure why ?
We should hear what Steve has to say and then ask questions. Lets not do what was done to Jim Crabtree, there was a lot he was sharing with all of us, before he got upset and stopped telling us about Darlene and their life together , where they lived etc. We missed out on a lot of good information, and a interesting site was shut down because of it.Most people treat others as they are treated. "The Golden rule"
Vallejo Pd said that the case will not be broken by handwriting samples, that even the experts can’t agree on Zodiac’s letters. Steve has some and I am pretty sure I can get some of Barry’s writing myself. It is better to see samples from the late 60 early 70’s to compare to, because a persons writing changes over the yrs , mine has.
sandy betts, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Thu Sep 20, 2012 4:18 pm
Thank You, TF!!! I looks to me like you got most of what would have been in Marianne’s obituary in the Contra Costa Times, if not all. Great job as always.
Thanks a bunch TF , I won’t have to drive to get it, saves time and money, to do something else constructive in the Z case. Great job again !
tracers, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Thu Sep 20, 2012 5:43 pm
Please. What breaking point? Tom asked two simple questions and instead of answering the questions, Steve starting getting personal. Have people actually read the initial comments between the two? I’ll post them. You have to sort of read from the bottom up. Tom asked about seeing handwriting samples and asked Steve to name the handwriting experts, and Steve went off.
IMO, Steve is just using the I Thought MsSeagull101 Was Tom excuse to justify deleting posts and to keep people who ask good questions or point out his flaws from posting.
I’m just asking for you to back up your claims. Obviously you can’t. (Because you’re a liar.)
tomvoigt 1 week ago"We left the handwriting to the experts in that field…"
So you are claiming the "experts" (plural, more than one) matched the handwriting of your suspect to that of the Zodiac? Who are these so-called experts? If you are being truthful, there should be no problem naming them. But we all know you won’t.
tomvoigt 1 week agoAre you Tom a handwriting expert? I think not, so why would I wish to show you anything? You have done exactly what in the last 44 yrs. to actually help find the true killer?
captainfun11 in reply to tomvoigt (Show the comment) 1 week ago
"We left the handwriting to the experts in that field…"
So you are claiming the "experts" (plural, more than one) matched the handwriting of your suspect to that of the Zodiac? Who are these so-called experts? If you are being truthful, there should be no problem naming them. But we all know you won’t.
tomvoigt 1 week agoAnd that’s the exact response I was expecting.
tomvoigt 1 week agoThis comment has received too many negative votes
And that’s the exact response I was expecting.
tomvoigt 1 week agoI thought you were expecting a response about an ongoing investigation or similar BS, did I in anyway respond like that? It might help if you made a effort to be part of the solution instead of part of the problem? You seem a little desperate? If you need a couple hundred just ask, I am not a hater Tom, but, really you should jump onto the winning team, we could use you!
captainfun11 in reply to tomvoigt 1 week agoIf "his handwriting is a match," why not show us? And don’t say it’s because "this is an on-going investigation" or similar BS. Let’s see the handwriting.
tomvoigt 1 week agoThis comment has received too many negative votes
If "his handwriting is a match," why not show us? And don’t say it’s because "this is an on-going investigation" or similar BS. Let’s see the handwriting.
tomvoigt 1 week agoThe difference between you and I is I am not a want-a-be sleuth, I just bought a house, started a remodel and found weapons inside a wall, and in no way was I ever investigating anything! My only hope out is to find closure for the victims and/or there families. You and others have only hampered this investigation with suspects that don’t fit the evidence and facts we do know! Lets see your suspects handwriting Tom? Get a job like the rest of us, and quit asking me and others for money!
captainfun11 in reply to tomvoigt 1 week ago
And from what I can tell, Steve still hasn’t answered these questions?
And that message he sent to Seagull was vile and tasteless, like a few people he lets post on his video page while he blocks people who question him. I will of course be civil to the man, but I am not going to "welcome" someone like that.
Theforeigner, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Thu Sep 20, 2012 7:28 pm
Link to youtube video by Steve/Captainfun11 of the 3 knifes he says he found in a house he was remodeling, and which he claim have tested positive for human blood (not sure if all 3 knifes tested positive?):
Theforeigner, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Thu Sep 20, 2012 7:57 pm
Does anyone know the name etc. of the alleged uncle of BJW that is supposed to have written books about decoding ciphers "nazi strategies" etc ?
I belive that he was named "Hunt" or somthing to that affect.
And does anyone know wheter "Steve" has become a member here yet?
tahoe27, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Thu Sep 20, 2012 8:29 pm
And does anyone know wheter "Steve" has become a member here yet?
Yes. He is registered.
morf13, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Thu Sep 20, 2012 8:34 pm
WOW,I gotta say,finally got a chance to listen to the full video of his suspect being interviewed,and I have to agree,he DOES seem a bit nervous or something.If somebody told me that they thought I was a serial killer, I would tell them to "get the hell out of my face",and slam the door in their face. This guy seems like he wants to see how much they actually know,etc. Could be coincidence,and maybe the guy was being polite etc, but he didnt really dispute what they were saying.
How did this guy become a suspect again? Also,did his Uncle really write books on decoding ciphers?
I for one wanna hear more.
tahoe27, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Thu Sep 20, 2012 8:42 pm
If somebody told me that they thought I was a serial killer, I would tell them to "get the hell out of my face",and slam the door in their face.
Now THAT would cause suspicion.
I think most would actually take on a curiosity. If you weren’t a killer, I don’t think you’d get mad. This guy almost seems bewildered and caught off guard and rightly so.
AK Wilks, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Thu Sep 20, 2012 8:42 pm
My take was different! I saw a frail broken and dieing man who just found out he has six weeks to live. He is confronted by people saying he is the Zodiac with no hard evidence and he laughs and walks away. He does not have the physical or mental strength to yell. I have seen innocent people accused of crimes and they react in different ways.
Anyway perhaps Steve can post the handwriting and tell us how he connects the knives to Barry and what evidence shows Barry was the Zodiac.
tahoe27, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Thu Sep 20, 2012 8:43 pm
How did this guy become a suspect again?
I think it was the knives found in the wall and someone saying they looked like Zodiac’s. Please correct me if I am wrong.
morf13, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Thu Sep 20, 2012 8:44 pm
If somebody told me that they thought I was a serial killer, I would tell them to "get the hell out of my face",and slam the door in their face.
Now THAT would cause suspicion.
I think most would actually take on a curiosity. If you weren’t a killer, I don’t think you’d get mad. This guy almost seems bewildered and caught off guard and rightly so.
He does in a way,but also seems a bit nervous when he brings up Mikado & contacting Vallejo PD
morf13, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Thu Sep 20, 2012 8:45 pm
Going to start a thread in the SUSPECTS section for this guy. Maybe CAPTAIN will start posting in it with more background info.
tahoe27, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Thu Sep 20, 2012 9:04 pm
Going to start a thread in the SUSPECTS section for this guy. Maybe CAPTAIN will start posting in it with more background info.
Maybe put a link to this thread too?
Theforeigner, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Thu Sep 20, 2012 9:12 pm
And does anyone know wheter "Steve" has become a member here yet?
Yes. He is registered.
Thanks Tahoe:)
I do hope he will start posting, I for sure would like to know more about his suspect.
IMHO Mr Wysling’s behaviour in the video was odd.
As I understand it, that encounter Mr Wysling had with Steve, in the video, was NOT the first time he spoke with Steve about the Zodiac issue( i might be wrong though)
morf13, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Thu Sep 20, 2012 9:37 pm
In the video, Wysling mentions that his Dad didnt work at Mare Island. I dont know if he did or not,but in an article in the June 67 Oakland Tribune, about the suicide of Wysling’s Father, it mention-
"Wysling, a retired metal’ smith, is the father of Oakland policeman… …Barrett J. Wysling"
Could have been a metalsmith anyplace,but if he was at Mare Island,then Barry was lying.
Seagull, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Thu Sep 20, 2012 10:06 pm
I think one thing you need to consider about watching Barry on that video. He was a cop for 22 years for the Oakland Police Department, one of the roughest cities in the Bay Area. As a cop he would have been trained to learn as much as possible about a situation without giving any indication of knowledge he might have regarding the situation. To me Barry looked like he was going into cop mode in that video.
Given the state of his health and the literal deadline he was given, just that day, I think he handled himself quite well. How would you react if someone knocked on your door and accused you of being a notorious serial killer? Would you immediately start denying the accusation or would you try to learn why you were being accused and exactly what you were being accused of doing?
Morf, Barry’s father Paul had been a pastry chef in a hotel until WWII began. He, at 43 years old, was too old to join the service but he did contribute to the war effort by working in a field that would aid our troops. He did not work at Mare Island, as a matter of fact Steve changed his tune on that later in his comments and said the the father worked at a base in Alameda. I could not find that the father lived anywhere but Alameda County, first Oakland and later Alameda itself. It is unlikely that the father would have commuted to Mare Island, particularly during war time when gas was in very short supply and was strictly rationed.
morf13, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Thu Sep 20, 2012 11:42 pm
In this vid-
Captain is saying that the knives tested positive for human blood. If thats true, that pretty interesting,and the knives NEED TO BE turned in to police. Maybe it can be compared to Hartnell’s DNA?
Daniel Gillotti, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Fri Sep 21, 2012 9:00 pm
I have to ask…these knives found in the wall…how did this transpire, were you doing the remodeling of the building. When you discovered the secret compartment did you photograph it before you moved anything or touched anything, did you call law enforcement to explain what you discovered.
I really doubt this is the zodiac but you might have evidence of another crime if in fact this is true.
traveller1st, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Fri Sep 21, 2012 9:41 pm
Very excellent questions Dan.
I am putting myself in Steve’s position though and how I would feel confronted by this shrine and I have to say, I would have been all over it, wow what are these, look at this etc. It’s only through listening to everyone on the forums that I would now, in the same position, stop and think, then photograph and then contact LE. Problem is without knowing at that point what you’ve found even alerting LE could be disastrous as if it ends up with an LE who don’t have an open investigation to the Zodiac crimes, these things could just ended up buried in an evidence chain as new match comparisons and may not even be considered for anything older than a certain time unless it falls under a cold case review and then the relevant cold cases to that district would probably be considered first.
I didn’t like hearing that internet testing kits had been used, despite a lab follow up. It all adds to contamination outside of a proper evidence chain. But we all do what we do when we do it and then usually have to it different next time.
Nin, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Fri Sep 21, 2012 10:23 pm
Sorry, but I am drawing a blank now. Who is this individual?? … bLoggedOut
Daniel Gillotti, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Fri Sep 21, 2012 10:25 pm
Point well made, its sad because if these knives were involved in some unknown murder or murders the evidence is completely useless…
Nin, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Fri Sep 21, 2012 10:33 pm
Sorry, but I am drawing a blank now. Who is this individual??
Okay, so he actually died 3 years ago! I was under the impression the youtube video was recently posted and Barry was still alive having only 6 more weeks according to his doc.
morf13, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Fri Sep 21, 2012 11:27 pm
I started a thread dedicated to this POI here- … rrywysling
Hope the Captain will post in it and give us some more background & details
Seagull, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Fri Sep 21, 2012 11:41 pm
I believe the you tube video was recently posted. I have no idea why there is such a gap in time. Was the video, apparently recorded by a television station, was ever aired. It’s odd that we wouldn’t have heard of it before now, if so. And if it wasn’t aired, why did the station make the decision not to air it? I’ve looked through the TV station’s archive but was unable to find it. The archive goes back to 1998 but it’s doubtful that they have every single story ever done archived. Maybe someone else with a little more patience and faster internet speed than I have can find it. Barry died Oct. 2, 2009.
morf13, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Sat Sep 22, 2012 12:30 am
Maybe they never aired it because they didnt want to get backlash from people for accusing this guy of being Zodiac.
Seagull, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Sat Sep 22, 2012 12:49 am
Maybe it’s a question the Captain can answer!
sandy betts, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Sat Sep 22, 2012 2:07 am
I believe the you tube video was recently posted. I have no idea why there is such a gap in time. Was the video, apparently recorded by a television station, was ever aired. It’s odd that we wouldn’t have heard of it before now, if so. And if it wasn’t aired, why did the station make the decision not to air it? I’ve looked through the TV station’s archive but was unable to find it. The archive goes back to 1998 but it’s doubtful that they have every single story ever done archived. Maybe someone else with a little more patience and faster internet speed than I have can find it. Barry died Oct. 2, 2009.
It is my understanding that the reporter was very excited about Steve’s findings and his POI, it was filmed to be put on TV, but due to the fact that Barry was still alive at that time ,the station decided they could be sued, and called it off.
morf13, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Sat Sep 22, 2012 8:55 am
When will the captain be coming aboard the ship? Would be nice to finally hear from him
Luke68, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Sat Sep 22, 2012 11:56 am
My take was different! I saw a frail broken and dieing man who just found out he has six weeks to live. He is confronted by people saying he is the Zodiac with no hard evidence and he laughs and walks away. He does not have the physical or mental strength to yell. I have seen innocent people accused of crimes and they react in different ways.
Anyway perhaps Steve can post the handwriting and tell us how he connects the knives to Barry and what evidence shows Barry was the Zodiac.
And probably high as a kite as well. As soon as someone is given a prognosis like he had, they are pumped to the gills with drugs.
sandy betts, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Sat Sep 22, 2012 12:53 pm
When will the captain be coming aboard the ship?
Would be nice to finally hear from him
He is reading the message board when ever he has time between his two jobs and family life. He wants to get to know everyone, read some of their posts to get a feel of what we do here first. He also would like to know more about the zodiac case in general. He hasn’t read the You tube thread yet, to know what questions we want him to answer. Then he needs Zamantha to have the time to help him get some of his evidence scanned and posted. I did ask him about Barry’s military records, and told him what Seagull had found on Ancestry. He said that Barry had one tour of duty in Vietnam as he told in his obituary and on Ancestry it also shows 20 disciplinary actions against him. He wasn’t able to see what exactly they were.
I did see the one knife again that looks very much like the knife that was used at Lake Berryessa. This was the one that I had felt was a bit too short to be the correct knife. Looking at it again up close, it has the two rivets which I noticed before and is longer than I remembered. It also has a crack on the end of the wooden handle, where the tape that Hartnell said was on the knife. It was speculated by LE that the tape was put on the knife so the killers hand wouldn’t slip. But now I am thinking that it could have been because the handle was weak because of the crack ?
I think he has some pretty good evidence to bring to the table. He has no agenda, so if we can help him with his findings to show either way that this Barry is or isn’t the Zodiac killer, he would very much appreciate it. All I ask is that we do it in a civil manner.
Nin, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Sat Sep 22, 2012 12:57 pm
I think I scared him away LOL. I haven’t heard from him after that night. Maybe I disappointed him, when I told him that none of the knifes looked like the one used at Lake Berryessa ? Or he felt I wasn’t a good investigator, because I didn’t recognise the knife as being the same one he thinks was used at Lake B ?
I plan on contacting him and seeing the house his suspect lived in, then talking more about why he isn’t willing to share the poi’s printing ? I will tell him that you would like to have him post here. He knows I am a friend of Tom’s, that could stop him from wanting to talk to me, who knows, all I can do is give it a try ?
I could sure use him to question people who know the name of my suspect and save me a lot of time trying to figure it out . (It is way too dangerous for me to do it.)
No one else I know wants to do it either. But then I can’t blame them, everyone else who has tried to help me so far ,has been harmed or nearly killed by this guy.
Thank you, Sandy. Did not see your response earlier.
tahoe27, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Sat Sep 22, 2012 1:02 pm
It was speculated by LE that the tape was put on the knife so the killers hand wouldn’t slip. But now I am thinking that it could have been because the handle was weak because of the crack ?
So you think Zodiac was Barry?
I just don’t get it. Some knives are found in a wall, someone says that looks like it could be Zodiac’s and here we go….
Sorry, but if if Captainfun11 claims to not really know anything about the Zodiac case…I’m not sure what to make of any of this?? :scratch:
He said something on his youtube stuff about him being sure this was Zodiac, but if he doesn’t know much about the case then how is he so sure?
I think he could find a few seconds to chime in. We got a lovely introduction.
Seagull, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Sat Sep 22, 2012 1:30 pm
He I did ask him about Barry’s military records, and told him what Seagull had found on Ancestry. He said that Barry had one tour of duty in Vietnam as he told in his obituary and on Ancestry it also shows 20 disciplinary actions against him. He wasn’t able to see what exactly they were.
I posted everything related to Barry’s military service that is posted at Ancestry. There are no disiplinary actions against Barry posted at Ancestry! Others here have Ancestry accounts and could confirm this. Here is the page where I posted the records of Muster Rolls for Barry- … the-zodiac
If anyone can see disiplinary actions in these records please let me know because I just don’t see it. How does the Captain know the records are disiplinary actions if he wasn’t able to see exactly what they were?
AK Wilks, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Sat Sep 22, 2012 1:54 pm
He went from private to corporal in 4 years. That is average to good. i did 8 years in the army reserves and never got past Spec 4! Now looking at the chronolog y I do see some instances were it seems he went down one level in rank but that may or may not be the case. Also a demotion is not really a disciplinary action or a result of major misconduct. I got demoted once for being late to formation. You can get demerits for lateness boots not shined failing a test etc. Overall it sems Barry had an average to good Marine Corps record honorable service and honorable service as a policeman. The big question is how are the knives connected to Zodiac or Barry? There are 4000 unsolved murders every year so what is there to make the knives suggest Zodiac who usually killed with a gun as opposed to the 80000 unsolved murders over the last 20 years?
Seagull, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Sat Sep 22, 2012 2:08 pm
He went from private to corporal in 4 years. That is average to good. i did 8 years in the army reserves and never got past Spec 4! Now looking at the chronolog y I do see some instances were it seems he went down one level in rank but that may or may not be the case. Also a demotion is not really a disciplinary action or a result of major misconduct. I got demoted once for being late to formation. You can get demerits for lateness boots not shined failing a test etc. Overall it sems Barry had an average to good Marine Corps record honorable service and honorable service as a policeman. The big question is how are the knives connected to Zodiac or Barry? There are 4000 unsolved murders every year so what is there to make the knives suggest Zodiac who usually killed with a gun as opposed to the 80000 unsolved murders over the last 20 years?
At first glance it does look like Barry went down in rank but if you look closer you will see that some of the dates are out of order. The first part of 1955 he was a private first class, or E2, but the second half of the year he was a Coporal, E3. The last entry is for the prevoius year. I copied and pasted what and how it was posted at Ancestry and they didn’t quite get it all chronological.
I too wonder why out of all the murders in California, so many unsoved, the Captain fixated on Barry being the Zodiac.
Seagull, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Sat Sep 22, 2012 2:28 pm
I did ask him about Barry’s military records, and told him what Seagull had found on Ancestry. He said that Barry had one tour of duty in Vietnam as he told in his obituary and on Ancestry it also shows 20 disciplinary actions against him. He wasn’t able to see what exactly they were.
Please, tell me where in Bary’s obituary it says that he served in Vietnam? I read the thing three times and then did a word search for Vietnam but nothing about Vietnam is mentioned.
Barrett Jean "Barry" Wysling I ( – )
Barrett (Barry) Jean Wysling I Feb. 6, 1935 – Oct. 2, 2009 Resident of Bethel Island Born in San Jose, Barry was the only child of Paul and Etta Wysling. A product of the Alameda, California school system, he graduated in the Class of June 1953. In the years to follow Barry was very involved in class reunions and subsequently formed the Hornet web site that increased communication between alumni. Barry’s next stop was the US Marine Corps where he served a tour of duty as a corporal at 29 Palms, CA. He built the first darkroom while being the base photographer and photo journalist in the Base Special Services Section. The following two years were spent at San Francisco City College studying criminology and another year at Oakland City College where prior to graduation, with an AA Degree, he was accepted as an Oakland Police Officer. In 1957 he started a career in law enforcement that lasted 22 ½ years. At OPD Barry served in many capacities that included Patrol, Jail, Communications, Community Relations, Internal Affairs, Criminal Investigation and his first love, Juvenile, where he did two four year tours. Barry served on the Oakland Council for the Boy Scouts and was Post Advisor and Institutional Representative for OPD. While in the police department Juvenile Division, Barry was Officer Friendly for the Romper Room show on Channel 2, KTVU. Barry obtained two lifetime teaching credentials from the State of California vocational educational department and was accredited to teach Police Science and Family Legal Needs and Responsibilities. Barry assisted the Oakland area Red Cross and trained United States Navy life guards for the Oak Knoll Navel Hospital. In 1978 he retired as a Detective Sergeant in the Robbery Section. Barry is the father of three sons: Michael, Bradley, and Jeffery who live in St. Joseph, Missouri with their families. He has two grandsons: Barrett J. II, and Anthony Joseph (AJ); and a granddaughter Barbara Jean. Upon retirement from Oakland, Barry started a new career in marina management by becoming the Harbor Master of Beacon Harbor on Bethel Island for eight years. That was followed by another seven years as Harbor Master for the City of Martinez. Always active in recreational boating, Barry was the Commodore of Encinal Yacht Club in Alameda in 1972 and 1973, and Commodore of the Northern California Power Cruiser Association in 1977. When Barry passed, he was the oldest member of the San Joaquin Yacht Club of Bethel Island, where he and his wife Marguerite joined in 1969. He was also a member of the International Order of the Blue Gavel. Barry was a member of Alameda Elks Club #1015 for approximately ten years, and was a member of the 1995-96 Contra Costa County Civil Grand Jury. Active locally, Barry spent several years on the Bethel Island Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors and was active in the B.I. Marina Owners Association. His participation included photographing various local events like the Meals on Wheels, Safety Fair and Citizen of the Year, to name a few. Barry concluded his Harbor Master carrier at Beacon Harbor as the widower of Marianne Holmes Wysling. He subsequently sold Beacon Harbor and permanently retired in 2005. Recreationally Barry enjoyed underwater photography in Hawaii where he frequently visited, while house/animal sitting for several friends. He also restored nautical artifacts which decorate the home of the San Joaquin Yacht Club, the M/S Sutter. Recently Barry took the opportunity to host his own "Going Away Bash" by inviting many club members, high school classmates, friends and neighbors to a cocktail party and pot luck at his home. He had long and deep friendships with many, some of whom dated back to kindergarten, including his previous wives, Frances Hazard of Rancho Mirage and Marguerite Lawry of Bethel Island. Most recently care was given by Kaiser Hospice and a wonderful significant other, Penny Givens-Berry, who provided home care which was equal to none. Contributions can be made to Kaiser Hospice.
AK Wilks, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Sat Sep 22, 2012 2:39 pm
Right. This Barry was in the Marines from 1953 to 1957. Not Vietnam era at all. Maybe there is another Barry Wysling who served in Nam and had disciplinary actions. Also I find it hard to believe Zodiac was a cop with a good record. True a cop would know guns tactis and procedures. But Zodiac seemed to hate cops and want to challenge them. Anyway welcome aboard Capt and I think it is good you are reading info here there is a lot of it. When youu feel more up to speed we look forward to learning more about your story and poi and seeing the handwriting.
Nin, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Sat Sep 22, 2012 2:41 pm
One of his sons: … sling.html
Zamantha, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Sat Sep 22, 2012 3:42 pm
A "little" update on Steve’o aka CaptainFun.
I asked around the Island on Steve, curious to know more about him. All I have received so far are wonderful, positive reports! He is considered a nice, nice, nice man who is very well respected and liked. He also gives back to the community.
Sandy & I also meant with Steve’o last night. I heard his story, saw the knives & yes they are quite large. (One does fit the Z profile, but of course that is my opinion) We spend 3 hours talking. I found his story and how he fell into the Zodiac information quite interesting. Not my place to tell his story, and I’m sure he will share with us in due time. Like Sandy posted, Steve’o is very busy with 2 jobs. He is also a crab fisherman and is getting ready for 3 months of crab fishing.
PS: My impression of Steve, a nice, honest good guy! If he ever made any mistakes in his research, please keep in mind we have all done that! Not that I’m saying he did….but others are looking for mistakes. I also ask can we also look at the positive things and see if any of those pieces fit. Thanks for reading…
Zincerely, Zam :star:
tahoe27, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Sat Sep 22, 2012 4:25 pm
I don’t think anyone is questioning whether Steve’o is a nice guy.
I just want to know what evidence he has to accuse this man of being the Zodiac killer.
Not that he was a cop and likes the color blue.
This man’s face was put on Youtube along with accusations of the man being a brutal serial killer….so let’s have it!
tracers, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Sat Sep 22, 2012 4:55 pm
So "other people are looking for mistakes"? Really? More like they FOUND them when trying to confirm what Steve posted on his YouTube. Seagull has no POI and has always presented the facts. i hope this is not going to turn into another Lafferty situation where people who use critical thinking skills and research the claims and then point out discrepancies are accused of having a hidden agenda or a POI to protect or Tom Voigt to kowtow to. If people didn’t look at things critically and question what they were told about this case and the suspects, we would still be thinking Graysmith got everything right and ALA was the Zodiac.
Sure, let’s have Steve come here and more fully explain his case. But let’s not get on top of people who point out things that may be problematic about what he says by suggesting that people who do so are "picking on" the guy.
Seagull, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Sat Sep 22, 2012 4:58 pm
Looks like we won’t be seeing any handwriting according to a post made by the Captain on you tube.
I am sorry, did you not see my comment about the handwriting sample? I will show anyone who has a poi in this case and I will only show samples in person.( Also, as you know I don’t want spread everywhere) Tom explained what had happened with you, and it opened my eyes to your situation, that to bad! Just keep up your wonderful work on the Zodiac, it will help keep your mind off it. Don’t be mad at Tom for telling me, and I will keep it to myself. Have a great weekend!
captainfun11 in reply to Harry Horton (Show the comment) 5 hours ago
Captain may be a busy man but he seems to have plenty of time for posting on you tube. Honestly, I have no problem where and when he chooses to post. If he doesn’t want to discuss his suspect at this forum that’s his perogitive but why join in the first place?
As for "looking for mistakes" . When someone accuses an otherwise good man who has served his country in the military as well as risking his life as a policeman for 22 years in one of the roughest cites in the Bay Area, your darn tootin’ the mistakes made by the accuser will be looked at. The accuser has offered nothing but mistakes and innuendo to make his case.
Please tell me the good and TRUE pieces of the accusers case against Wysling.
morf13, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Sat Sep 22, 2012 5:30 pm
Good points Seagull
sandy betts, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Sat Sep 22, 2012 7:02 pm
It was speculated by LE that the tape was put on the knife so the killers hand wouldn’t slip. But now I am thinking that it could have been because the handle was weak because of the crack ?
So you think Zodiac was Barry?
I just don’t get it. Some knives are found in a wall, someone says that looks like it could be Zodiac’s and here we go….
Sorry, but if if Captainfun11 claims to not really know anything about the Zodiac case…I’m not sure what to make of any of this?? :scratch:
He said something on his youtube stuff about him being sure this was Zodiac, but if he doesn’t know much about the case then how is he so sure?
I think he could find a few seconds to chime in. We got a lovely introduction.
I don’t know where you got the idea that I think Barry is the Zodiac ? I was talking about a knife that was found in a wall, that supposedly had human blood on it and it looks a lot like the Lake B knife. I explained why the Zodiac may have put tape on his knife. From that you got I think Barry is the Zodiac really ?
It should be obvious to everyone including Steve ,that I believe one of my POI’s is the Zodiac and no one else. I haven’t seen any "good evidence" in "anyones" poi’s except mine. It would take more than a bloody knife found hidden in a wall ,to convince me. But on the other hand ,I am willing to help anyone who asks for help with their POI’s. I plan on proving to him that Barry is not the Zodiac , he wants anyone not just me to show him.
He wasn’t into the Zodiac at the time he found the knives, he was told when he found them that he should see if they could have belonged to the Zodiac . He started looking into the case at that time, what he found were things that started to fit Barry, from what he was learning about Zodiac. He went to VPD to show what he had , they kept one of the knives. And told him that the handwriting wouldn’t matter in the Z case, because the experts can’t even agree on some of the letters. He became discouraged and looked for help anywhere he could find it (That is my understanding). He has read some police reports and a very interesting Zodiac profile, he dosn’t know the case forwards and backwards like some of us, that is why he is asking for help.
tahoe27, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Sat Sep 22, 2012 7:12 pm
I was just messin’ with you Sandy.
morf13, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Sat Sep 22, 2012 9:36 pm
So far,the Captain is ALL SMOKE & NO FIRE. He comes up with a suspect that seems pretty interesting,and generates some attention,but then he keeps things hush-hush,doesnt want to share writing samples, etc…Hmm,where have we heard this before?
Nin, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Sat Sep 22, 2012 9:45 pm
So far,the Captain is ALL SMOKE & NO FIRE. He comes up with a suspect that seems pretty interesting,and generates some attention,but then he keeps things hush-hush,doesnt want to share writing samples, etc…Hmm,where have we heard this before?
KEY.SMITH697, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Wed Sep 26, 2012 6:31 pm
:scratch: Who is this Captain Underpants 11? I saw:shock:that on you tube, I don’t know what to say. :no: It’ just a series of unfortunate events. It’s like one of those Alfred Hitchcock’s Movies.:suspect:
morf13, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Thu Sep 27, 2012 7:38 pm
You Tube, where the interviewer feels he is speaking to the Zodiac Killer.
The interviewer in this You Tube actually contacted Sandy. He came out to
her home to show her the knifes he found. Sandy totally worried me that nite
having some strange guy come over with knifes. I made a phone call to check
on her once and made her do a check in after he left.I’ll let Sandy tell the story.
Added the video here:
[flash(425,350)] [/flash]
traveller1st, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Thu Sep 27, 2012 7:49 pm
Is it just me or does this seem awkwardly scripted?
In real life why would Barry even be giving them the time of day? I know I wouldn’t, no offense to the makers, I don’t know but there’s something about it that doesn’t feel real.
morf13, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Thu Sep 27, 2012 7:56 pm
Is it just me or does this seem awkwardly scripted?
In real life why would Barry even be giving them the time of day? I know I wouldn’t, no offense to the makers, I don’t know but there’s something about it that doesn’t feel real.
Thats what my first impression was. If somebody came up to me accusing me of being a serial killer I would tell them to go f*#! themself, and to get lost. Here, Barry seems almost curious about what they found, almost like he doesnt want to tell them to leave because he might miss out on what they found.
I dont know much about the suspec,t or the accuser(s) whatsoever, and despite asking the Captain to post more here,he has not done so. But my gut feeling is, this was a real and genuine meeting,not staged or rehearsed. People will interpate the meeting the way they see it, and some willl have differing opinions, but personally, I think that Barry acted a bit different then I would have acted. I want to hear more.
tahoe27, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Thu Sep 27, 2012 8:56 pm
It appears it wasn’t the first time they had spoken. He was probably just curious.
traveller1st, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Fri Sep 28, 2012 3:18 am
Yup Morf & T,
Those responses sum it up for me and my thinking as well. Thank you. Was thinking out loud as I watched it again. Getting a feel for it as it is thus far, ie, a video.
KEY.SMITH697, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Fri Sep 28, 2012 12:08 pm
Just like D.P. Who said her step-father was Z, standing on the steps of the news paper in San Fran. That wasn’t:no:the real deal. nOT, SAYING… HE COULD HAVE BEEN A BAD-MAN DOING BAD THINGS. i’M SORRY FOR HER.:bball: Just, thinking out loud again.
Luke68, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Fri Sep 28, 2012 3:21 pm
Baz is off his tits (as we say in the UK). Basically, he’s drugged up to his eyeballs.
the more I watch this, the more supremely irritated i get with the people interviewing him. It’s blatantly obvious they are 100% convinced that Baz is the Zodiac yet, by his own admission, CaptainLovemaker has no real knowledge of the case and certainly no evidence except some knives that may or may not have been Bazza’s plus an uncle who wrote a book on codes. Maybe interview the uncle FFS.
At first my interest was piqued. Now I’m thinking, WTF?
morf13, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Fri Sep 28, 2012 10:08 pm
If somebodyreally found bloody knives hidden inside the wall of the house they just bought, the easiest and simplest thing to do is call the police. Even if this guy wasnt zodiac, the knives may have been involved in another crime.
Seagull, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Fri Sep 28, 2012 10:27 pm
Baz is off his tits (as we say in the UK). Basically, he’s drugged up to his eyeballs.
the more I watch this, the more supremely irritated i get with the people interviewing him. It’s blatantly obvious they are 100% convinced that Baz is the Zodiac yet, by his own admission, CaptainLovemaker has no real knowledge of the case and certainly no evidence except some knives that may or may not have been Bazza’s plus an uncle who wrote a book on codes. Maybe interview the uncle FFS.
At first my interest was piqued. Now I’m thinking, WTF?
I tried to find the Uncle and was unable to do so. The only Hans Wysling I was able to find was in a 1930 census and he lived in New York at that time. At the same time Paul, Barry’s father was married and living in California. The Hans I found was four years older than Paul. Wysling is an unusual last name here and in Europe. Both Paul and Hans did come from Switzerland so they could have been brothers but it doesn’t look like Hans stayed in this country for long. There is a Hans Wysling online that wrote a book, not about codes, but he is much too young to have been Barry’s uncle. I couldn’t find any code book written by anyone named Wysling at least not in English. It could be that he wrote a code book in his native language which I believe was German. Switzerland is tricky, they speak three different languages there.
The Hans I found was born in 1894, no way would he be still alive.
tracers, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Fri Sep 28, 2012 10:50 pm
Has anyone found any proof his uncle wrote code books?
oops Just saw Seagull’s post.
Yes I hadn’t found anything either.
traveller1st, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Fri Sep 28, 2012 11:30 pm
If somebodyreally found bloody knives hidden inside the wall of the house they just bought, the easiest and simplest thing to do is call the police. Even if this guy wasnt zodiac, the knives may have been involved in another crime.
Can’t say it more simpler than that. Get the finger out if you want to suggest proof. Otherwise you aren’t sure and are asking us to use our own time and resources on something that’s just a coincidence.
I’m not criticizing you but we need something to work with. If you don’t have anything, so what, post it anyway, at least give yourself the chance to find out if your on a wild goose chase. Let us help!
Isn’t that fair enough? We aren’t bad people lol. I’m just typing all of this to help. I missed the whole disintegration of the Z-family as it was. All I want is communication, even if it’s nonsense, get it out there man, and we’ll go from there.
We learn together, that’s the point.
tracers, Subject: Re: YOU Tube says he found the Zodiac Sat Sep 29, 2012 12:48 am
Steve wastes his time making silly exchanges on YouTube, yet won’t post here where he has people who want to help him? It doesn’t make sense.
There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer