Eye witness testimony is unreliable so that’s probably where most of the discrepancies come from. Not from elaborate disguises at each murder. The mo…
Thanks for the pics! If only there was more print samples from Ross. I’m not sure these help much, one way or the other. edit – The first ‘d’ and ‘t…
So basically Bauer is saying that Zodiac made a bazillion mistakes in the 340 which gives him the liberty to make anything fit His effort is clearl…
Interesting name of site that comes up for one of the main sellers of these watches. Bucherer 1888 Was Zodiac a travelling watch salesman?
I always found it interesting that if you Caesar shift the first 3 letters HER 14 places (Halloween Card) you get ‘VSF’, very similar to the new symbo…
There’s no logic to their solution whatsoever. It’s stupid and all those code guys should be embarrassed in putting their name to that. I could under…
Who knows, could have been anyone. Maybe the dream team should have showed the guy a picture of Ross?
I mean seriously, how much were these guys paid to push this nonsense on the show? I feel insulted
Well first it is not guaranteed that Zodiac is also the CJB killer. But seems quite possible. Second the CJB killer didn’t have to go in the library….
Well it certainly seems like he put some effort into the costume. Which says to me it was more than a simple disguise, a balaclava could have achieved…
Apart from an obvious disguise, I think this was him bringing the Zodiac to life. Where previously he only existed on paper in the letters he wrote. T…
I think the height description rules out Ross, or any other tall suspect. We have Mike Mageau, Brian Hartnell and the Stine witnesses all saying rough…
It’s a shame the letter isn’t a Z, but it’s still interesting that he uses the same type of ‘flourish’ on other letters. I would need to see the whole…
Looks like they have forced something in the top half of the z340 so it also spells out a name on the bottom line. As we already know you can make the…