Last seen: April 7, 2023 7:40 pm
John B. Averitt lists several of the newspaper reports of sniper incidents nearby in place and time to that location, (at video time 05:00) ;
jamesmsv said; "James L. Summer reported, that his son and some friends were at the shack (of Domingos/Edwards) when two bullets were fired at th…
Cragle said; "The developers of Lake of the Pines were the very same company that was responsible for Incline Village." Sorry, Cragle, I kn…
I assume John B. Averitt has seen the police report, or at least discussed it with (former) Detective Bill Baker. Possibly Tom Voigt has seen it, but …
Chaucer stated; "City College is a 5 minute walk from the San Francisco Chronicle". That is wrong. The distance from the City College of Sa…
Chaucer, How did you come up with the placename of Balboa Terrace (a suburb) as a place of interest? And what ‘City College’ are you referring to that…
…"use of ‘cord’ rather than ‘rope’." Cotton sash cord, for instance, could easily be taken as fitting either descriptive term. In refere…
AK Wilks said; …"the killer cut off Edwards bathing suit top to expose her breasts." Wouldn’t you agree this is conjecture? What makes yo…
Richard Grinell said; "He likely folded the August 4th 1969 letter twice down its centre and delivered it to the San Francisco Examiner by hand.&…
Ouch. That almost seems a bit naughty. A ~1.4 GB zip file – I was being slightly humorous about the downloading files part, but I’m quite serious tha…
I guess he’s SOL then. I find it helpful to think about what other things I was doing when I can’t find something – maybe jarlve can narrow it to a ti…
Sure!! -as long as the picture hasn’t been deleted. Simply input into the address bar; then continue to increment the end number by 1 …doing that …
Good searching technique ophion1031. In regards to the ‘KY’, these were a series of cryptographic devices (hardware), e.g.; I very much doubt that ‘…
Quagmire said, in this post about Elizabeth Ernstein; viewtopic.php?f=70&t=4317&p=70364&hilit=einstein#p70313 …"murder of Elizabeth…
Jacob asked; "Anyone know why, or suspect why, it hasn’t been released?" A.K. Wilks communicated with the SFPD about it and the upshot of i…