Last seen: February 25, 2024 4:37 pm
This is a bit tangential, but there are a few things that always come to my head about her murder. CJB’s death is estimated 9:30pm to 10:30pm. The l…
Beyond just a fixation on the police, Zodiac seems to want validation from societal institutions in general, like the newspaper, or even specialist co…
Thank you traveler. I had a screen shot but for some reason I’m not allowed to upload it because the file is too big. There is some sort of writing …
This is good stuff. Thanks.
Has a Zodiac Beatnik angle been talked about much? I only found a few scattered posts discussing it. Here are some quotes I found on Wikipedia that …
Couple of minor tidbits I ran across today. Deja Vive is about a Beatnik. I discovered today that the originator of the term "Beatnik" was…
This is probably a good time to bump this from a previous entry. For people good at tracking other people down, the people below could tell us if t…
Hi, did we ever have any joy in uploading these. Unfortunately I did ask at the time for the archives but I did not receive them ? PM me with your em…
I woke up thinking about the books for some reason today. Do we know how the books were checked out? From school newspaper articles there seemed …
I appreciate this. Good work!
My leaning is the “Riverside Activity” communication style was an attempt to be deceptive in a different way. That was a personal one of a kind crime…