Last seen: February 25, 2024 4:37 pm
Khys: I’m excited about your recent find re RCC info. I’ve been interested in the Bates case since ’91, and have a POI who attended Ramona High when C…
5) Tidbits pt. 2 and Finishing Thoughts * The March 26 1964 Tiger Times article Patton Party Held reports that the Gamma Nu sorority and the Gamma Io…
4) Tidbits pt 1 * The 1965 Nov Dec Nightimes has an article "Night Students Aid Opera". Apparently a class could be taken where the studen…
3) Library and (Harvard) Annex pt. 2 … continued … In 1962 they started to annex nearby buildings. Three it appears (called Princeton, Yale, and th…
2) The Library and the (Harvard) Annex pt.1 There are a lot of articles throughout the years on the library. For what it’s worth, the head guy (Bac…
1) Articles reporting on the murder of Cheri Jo Bates – Tiger Times Nov. 4th, 1966 "Police Still Lack Clues in Murder" – Nightimes Nov Dec…
Why did no librarian remember her if she checked out books? Was there a self check out?
Just gonna drop here that there are YMCA addresses at the time very near several of the possible drop locations of the letters as surmised by excellen…
Yo yo yo – managed to find a list of mental health outpatient clinics in San Fran in 1966 and wouldn’t you know these possible drop off locations have…
I agree. I’m for contacting her and putting a photo lineup in front of her if she’s willing. It needs to not just be photos of Ross.
This is a pretty interesting. The stranger’s story has some similarity to how The Most Dangerous Game begins. I too would be interested in a photo l…
What’s the source for these? Is there a link?
I second that you don’t beat yourself up Tom. If Zodiac is still alive I’m sure he’s not in the dark that DNA could out him at any minute and if he i…
Posted this elsewhere but the girl on the couch in this 1969 Presidio video at 3:42-43 looks a good bit like Donna Lass. Not sure if it means anythin…