I don’t see how they could be certain at all. Unless there is a match, it’s anyone’s guess. Does anyone know what direction the prints were on the d…
Plot twist: What If theres DNA that originated from a female? The twist and turns this case may take is not known. I have a better non-probable plot …
Plot twist: What If theres DNA that originated from a female? The twist and turns this case may take is not known. I have a better non-probable plot …
Yes, it seems he must have hid out in the area somewhere but it seems the dogs would have found him if he were stationary. And surely he had a lot of …
Yes, it seems he must have hid out in the area somewhere but it seems the dogs would have found him if he were stationary. And surely he had a lot of …
What caught my attention was she said that one of those prints had a scar on the print, which reminded me of the bloody cab print. So the same person …
Yes, but why move Johns’ car, and how did he get back to his own car afterwards? One possible reason is that after Johns escaped, she would have repo…
How about this: He was married and, eventually, his wife discovered his hobby. Perhaps due to their economic situation she was unable to report/leave …
Some killers do but not zodiac. Soze I agree. Of course I believe Real (shooter) Z and Chatty LB Z are different people, but when you look at the s…
"Ed – To a nice guy , though quiet he(‘s) a nice fellow." I know people are going to think this is the woolliest post I’ve made so far, but…
I don’t think he cared anyone saw him. SOMEONE saw him that day. He wasn’t driving around with the hood on. I think the hood was for him…not to h…
One more thing and don’t believe Zodiac was the guy that the girls seen in the car at LB. Why the heck get into costume when he would have known witne…
I hope I am posting in the correct thread. I was thinking about Z’s methods of operation. His murders seem to be a hunting expedition. The murders see…