Last seen: July 25, 2022 7:22 pm
"…I hope you have having lots of fun IN trying to figure out…" Expressing the same sentence in Norwegian you would almost certainly us…
Hi, When I first saw the solution to the 340 today, I thought, "Ho-hum. Z did not even tell us his name lol." But then I thought about it…
Mike, Can you say something about how often Walter and other profilers get it right? Naturally such information will be skewed by which cases are act…
I find the attention seeking scenario more likely, but the fact that covert operations has been suggested as what is possibly behind the whole or part…
I agree with Mike that a discussion about an extraterrestrial explanation for the UFO phenomenon is pretty much a nonstarter here. The possibility rai…
This absolutely increases the importance of this event. In particularly the fact that he contacted the newspaper and that the short time period belies…
Hi, In the book, Report on the UFO Wave of 1947 from 1967, KQ is the ONLY credible person out of over 800 reported cases from around the country to h…
I think the significance of this incidence depends on wether the other bystanders observed and interpreted the event the same way as KQ did and why it…