Zodiac Discussion Forum

Estimable Member
Joined: November 11, 2013 11:59 am
Topics: 7 / Replies: 173
11 years ago
Re: What Did Mike M. Really See?

It’s amazing he even survived…..Given the physical and mental trauma he has had to endure, I’m not sure what he accurately recalls. I’ve heard him …

11 years ago
Re: Why do you think the Zodiac wore the "Hood"?

The use of the symbol and creative elements of his letters in communications makes me think that Zodiac definitely was in a creative field. Possibly …

11 years ago
Re: Caution Z U tube virus

I clicked on a vary new zodiac You tube video and it fried my computer…. beware all it restarted just after loading , sets your restore pt to Aug 2…

11 years ago
Re: Why do you think the Zodiac wore the "Hood"?

I think to both hide his ID,and to look like a super villain I would echo this mostly. Obviously the hood was for disguise. The level or purpose of…

11 years ago
Re: Witnesses to Johns Incident

Found this post by Howard Davis on ZK.com- "This stranger was driving a white(white again!) car possibly a four-door Ford(Chevy?). In the PD rep…

11 years ago
Re: Certainties

I read Hodel’s book recently. There is no way that he was the Zodiac. Hell I don’t even think he murdered Beth Short.

11 years ago
Re: Doom/Stoner Metal

I like My Dying Bride. I’m more of a melodic death/trash kind of guy.

11 years ago
Re: Why do you think the Zodiac wore the "Hood"?

I agree with the super villian thing. There is no other reason he would create something like that unless it was made to instill fear in his victims. …

11 years ago
Re: Mikado letter – a riddle?

There’s a theory that Z’s errors in reciting Koko’s "Little List" are the result of mishearing lyrics on a cast recording. If you believe th…

11 years ago
Re: Manalli — a working theory

Hey morf, thanks. I’m a big fan of your site. Have to disagree on the physical description. Manalli had a big nose, was Italian, and very tall.. thos…

11 years ago
Re: Sunday postmarks

USPS does not deliver mail on Sundays. But postal workers DO in fact work on Sundays. The mail keeps running, it is just that the deliverymen do not…

11 years ago
Re: Sunday postmarks

Quick question. Did they have Sunday mail delivery back in the 60’s? I was born in 86 and I as long as I could remember Saturday was the last day of t…

11 years ago
Re: Missing Malaysian airliner

The Australian PM just announced that the found 2 pieces of debris that might be part of the plane.

11 years ago
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