Last seen: November 25, 2021 1:31 am
From a neutral profiler’s view we could equally surmise that Z was bi-sexual or gay and stalked the males rather than the females. After all, the only…
Apart from anything, I’m loving the widow’s peak. Almost every suspect hasn’t had this which is strange considering that Fouke explicitly stated that …
Always had a creepy feeling about this guy, what with him being a bit of social misfit, suffering from serious mental health issues, moving north and …
As a neutral observer without any POI, I see about 6 different sets of witness reports – all of which have an element of doubt about them. About 90% o…
Yes, I do like the idea of "bringing it to life" by using colour, etc for the hair and skin as long as we closely stick to the evidence we a…
I don’t think we’re ever going to find out what Gaik’s travel dates were given that he’s a guy with no criminal background who died a decade ago and w…
I’ll be the first to chime in here with my thoughts. We know that via several different witnesses, the reported estimated age for Zodiac seems to rang…
After a bit more digging, here’s the second witness who put the suspect as about 30:
I can’t remember what each of the ages given were but definitely remember that they didn’t decide on the suspect being in his 40s. I seemed to remembe…
The girls at LB said the guy they saw was about 28-30. Pretty much exactly the same as Mageau, the kids at Presdio Heights and Kathleen Johns (if inde…
I agree that the kids’ description is probably the best. However, this means that I don’t think we can ignore Mageau’s description as although we can …
A certain Edward Wayne Edwards moved to Houston, Texas for a while in the 70s. Edwards also moved to Atlanta, befriended a police official and actuall…
I’m still curious about the fact that out of the numerous pictures of suspects that have been shown to Foukes, he picked out Larry Kane as looking the…
Oh, I’ve most certainly read more than my fair share of real case studies and profiling! You misunderstand me, though. I didn’t say he had no interest…