Zodiac Discussion Forum

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Joined: July 12, 2018 1:59 am
Last seen: December 9, 2021 4:20 pm
Topics: 22 / Replies: 117
Re: Lake Herman Road Video

Interesting find. Someone using the name Zodiac before LHR.

3 years ago
Re: Ep 9 of the Podcast is out

Nice Episode. I like the conversational parts between Richard and Morf. It is interesting to hear each person point of view. Whether in agreement o…

3 years ago
Re: Old Codebreakers Copy Found

Can anyone identify the three "stamps" which appear inside a 1967 edition of David Kahn’s "Codebreakers: The Story of Secret Writing&qu…

3 years ago
Re: Episode 8 is out now

Episode 8 of Zodiac Speaking is out. ‘Mount Diablo, The Mikado, and more Mysterious Mailings’ Throughout 1970, the Zodiac continued to mail taunting …

3 years ago
Re: Episode 7 ‘The Spring of 1970’ is out now

In this video I will explain the meaning of "DES" and the connection to Kathleen Johns.

3 years ago
Re: Episode 7 ‘The Spring of 1970’ is out now

Interesting, but "Why spoil the Game" was part of the Halloween card if I am not mistaken, Zodiac did not add that, so if he was inspired by…

3 years ago
Re: Episode 7 ‘The Spring of 1970’ is out now

I don’t want to sidetrack this discussion with Halloween card stuff, but no there is no direct mention of Nancy in that correspondence. Same day the …

3 years ago
Re: Episode 70 ‘The Spring of 1970’ is out now

On the same evening as the Kathleen Johns abduction, two men, Frederick Beaman and William Horton were traveling on Highway 132, near Highway 33 and I…

3 years ago
Re: Zodiac Killer: Just the Facts by Tom Voigt

The media team is aware of the typo in the ad. The actual book is free of errors… factual, grammatical, etc. Harden is spelled incorrectly as Hardin…

3 years ago
Re: Lake Berryessa Theories

Yes, "probably", "possibly" and "may" do come up a lot, because that is the honest approach when assessing the Zodiac Ki…

3 years ago
Re: Kane found several times

Halloween card + Youtube = nope, not watching… You don’t have to watch to get the gist from what I added.

3 years ago
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