Zodiac Discussion Forum

Reputable Member
Joined: April 13, 2013 5:12 pm
Topics: 28 / Replies: 212
Re: Dispatcher and the ‘BMA’ description. Really?

I don’t suppose we are ever going to find out now but I imagine the evidence, that made them start with the dogs at the Presidio, must have been stron…

12 years ago
Re: Weapons diagram/presentation

Nice work Trav! It would be interesting to know ( any gun enthuasists around) what handguns work best for what. Would it just be the feel of a parti…

12 years ago
Re: Dispatcher and the ‘BMA’ description. Really?

I wonder at the time the kids rang in to report the crime, if they were asked for/or offered any further description of the perp and whether or not th…

12 years ago
Re: Crime Scene!

The only problem Morph, is that unfortunately, it is what it is at this stage and hard to see where to go from here. It would be great to hear from ot…

12 years ago
Re: Crime Scene!

WC, Scenario 1……Would the drivers door be locked in those circumstances? Scenario 2……same problem? All doors were locked bar the pass…

12 years ago
Re: Cipher On An RCC Desk February 1968

Yes, A.N Other, very informative, thanks for sharing. I wouldn’t expect her murderer to stand out but rather fit right in. It’s interesting to hear th…

12 years ago
Re: Crime Scene!

Smithy wrote:- Wier, can you expand on "they spent so much time parked alongside each other and Z decided he wanted them out of the car" ple…

12 years ago
Re: Cipher On An RCC Desk February 1968

Thanks for the account A.N. Other, I can only echo what everyone else has said. "If Only". I was wondering if you could help out with anot…

12 years ago
Re: Crime Scene!

On the 4th of July: I did not open the car door, The window was rolled down all ready." The section I have highlighted is significant because it…

12 years ago
Re: Crime Scene!

Quite possibly Morph but that,s to infer that the act of getting them out of the car in the first place was down to an error/naviety on his part…sol…

12 years ago
Re: Zodiac’s hood & Symbol.

I Not that I’m correct but when I spoke of progression, it was in the context of the simplest explanation of how and why he moved from one murder to…

12 years ago
Re: Crime Scene!

by smithy ยป Thu May 23, 2013 9:33 am How come he let them out of the car at all? Maybe the most important question of all. They also sat beside ea…

12 years ago
Re: Zodiac’s hood & Symbol.

Trav wrote:- So I guess that what I’m asking is – why should we pick something as significant because it appears different when it appears different…

12 years ago
Re: Zodiac’s hood & Symbol.

It has been a while since I’ve studied the newspaper stories but as I recall, the fact that he left a second male victim alive became an issue then. I…

12 years ago
Re: Zodiac’s hood & Symbol.

I believe there were a few things written at the time (I’ll try to dig them out again) but the big issue was that the male survived again, with the ho…

12 years ago
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