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Literal use of the Radians & Inches

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Yes, and his "knowledge of opera" is limited to a Groucho Marx performance.

The point is, I don’t think we should over-state Zodiac’s intelligence or education.

“Murder will out, this my conclusion.”
– Geoffrey Chaucer

Posted : February 28, 2020 8:31 pm
Posts: 567
Honorable Member


Probable fan of Victor Borge as well! (Punctuation!!!!)

Posted : February 28, 2020 9:16 pm
Posts: 1210
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I’m not a math person, but this might be valuable for those who are.

Does the Z32 involve plotting radians using pi?


“Murder will out, this my conclusion.”
– Geoffrey Chaucer

Posted : February 28, 2020 11:28 pm
Posts: 52
Trusted Member

PI * D is the circumference of any circle

C = PI * D

PI = C / D

There are 6.28…. radians in a circle.

3.1417… lengths of the diameter are the distance around the circle.

6.28…. lengths of the radius are the distance around the circle.

So one can equate PI with radians of a half-circle.

For your health: Take iodine and Vitamin D (which isn’t a vitamin) and cut out most simple and complex carbohydrate and move to a Keto diet. Do it over time. You’ll thank me later.

Posted : March 12, 2020 3:55 am
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

What if Z had expressed his radians in inches, such as in a line like this?

It also seems as if Radians can be converted into miles and vice versa, making sense regarding ‘inches’ on a map, too.

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/121 … to-radians

Is it possible to express both, direction (from Mt. Diablo) as well as distance by giving one radian value only?



Posted : March 12, 2020 11:41 pm
Posts: 52
Trusted Member

What if Z had expressed his radians in inches, such as in a line like this?

You may not mean this, but as an example:

A unique solution say (for any value) D=6.28 miles and RAD=6.28 would be a one off, a coincidence. The direction would be the same as 0 degrees wherever you place it in this case.
Starting at the origin and traveling 0 miles to 6.28 miles along 0 degrees would also be 6.28 radians anywhere along the line.

Please clarify if you are taking a different tack.

It also seems as if Radians can be converted into miles and vice versa, making sense regarding ‘inches’ on a map, too.

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/121 … to-radians

Their reference is for geospatial only and does not indicate heading. Distance is the not the same but related because the earths radius is known. Still two knowns needed.

Spherical coordinates which afaik generally use Latitude and Longitude normally in degrees.

Would still be a one off only now you have to have an origin, a azimuth and a heading.

Is it possible to express both, direction (from Mt. Diablo) as well as distance by giving one radian value only?

Yes, by one value but not by one radian value. Anything else would be by coincidence or by choice have equal value.

So not likely either is true.

Comments are welcome.

For your health: Take iodine and Vitamin D (which isn’t a vitamin) and cut out most simple and complex carbohydrate and move to a Keto diet. Do it over time. You’ll thank me later.

Posted : March 21, 2020 12:58 am
Posts: 52
Trusted Member

Per my previous comment here is a graph of R=<

The dist and the angle are equal. R could be in any units inches feet miles kilometers.

There are two constraints Origin and equation "R=<"

For your health: Take iodine and Vitamin D (which isn’t a vitamin) and cut out most simple and complex carbohydrate and move to a Keto diet. Do it over time. You’ll thank me later.

Posted : July 3, 2020 6:13 am
Posts: 51
Trusted Member
Posted by: @cragle

I’m going further down the rabbit hole now.

In the little list letter where in the later cross-hair Z gives the clue about radians and inches. In the earlier one there is obviously his usual tally figure, it is interesting that the large O is directly over radian 4 when imposed on to the Phillips map. So if we imply literal thinking to this maybe the 32 Cipher contains the words Radian and Inch. Along this Radian their are only 3 points that could be a potential site for the bomb:- 1,2,5.

On the original Bomb letter he has 5 crosses around the cross hair symbol, probably just a coincidence.

Plug this into the 32 Cipher and only 1 combination fits the bottom lines:-

4 R A D I A N S 5 I N C H E S

So if we look at this point on the map ?

At the time of his letter the nearby college had recently opened and they were extending the road “Sharp Park Road” to four lanes, meaning that nobody would think twice about an apparent construction worker digging on the road. This also would have been the main road that students used to travel from Pacifica to Skyline college. The topography of the land does look similar to the diagram on the bus bomb letter.

The best fit i have made for the top half of the Cipher in the short time is referencing SPRD (Sharp Park Road) and the reservoir that is on the road Reservior No. 7. Not sure what the 5 at the beginning could signify.

5 S P R D R E S E R V O I R N O 7
4 R A D I A N S 5 I N C H E S

Also using this key with the My Name Is Cipher comes up with the following

E I – C – – – R – – – E R

Coincidentally this is also the area that the Gypsy Hill Killer would operate a few years later.




Looks like you were onto something with the 4 radians and 5 inches.  Most solves of the map and Z32 require a lot of gymnastics, but this one is fairly simple and everything fits right into place.  In my mind it’s solved.



Posted : January 7, 2022 9:24 pm
Posts: 1210
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“Murder will out, this my conclusion.”
– Geoffrey Chaucer

Posted : January 8, 2022 5:15 am
CZ85, CZ85 and CZ85 reacted
Posts: 51
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Posted by: @chaucer





I’m no math genius and this part confuses me.


However, we can’t use individual degrees as a measurement tool, because any number of degrees can fall over the land mass of San Francisco from north to south (and there isn’t enough information on the map to conclude which number of degrees is correct). Therefore, we have to find an angular measurement where only one answer exists.”


Degrees can be used to determine the direction of travel from Mt. Diablo.  Why is it unreasonable to think the supplied code didn’t read x-number of degrees and x-miles? 

If we’re to believe the numerology of the letters used in the code is no coincidence, in that when added up (plus the 17 degrees for mag. N) it equals the 251 degrees that gives us the direction of travel.  Z said the code coupled with the map would provide the location, not just the map.  So really it seems the code gives the direction in both measurements, and concluding 4 radians and 5 inches just because those whole numbers land in SF seems nothing more than speculative.  

I’d say his clues (i.e. the positioning of SFPD = 0 on the arc of his symbol, and the text regarding radians and # of inches) are what truly makes this solution seem absolutely correct.  

Posted : January 11, 2022 8:33 pm
Richard Grinell
Posts: 717
Prominent Member

Hi CZ85, degrees and miles can pinpoint the location of the bomb, but the Zodiac stated that the code concerns radians and inches, not miles and degrees. 

But in regards to the statement “we can’t use individual degrees as a measurement tool, because any number of degrees can fall over the land mass of San Francisco from north to south” – this applies to just the Button letter, before the Little List letter arrived. When you just look at the Phillips 66 Map, miles and degrees doesn’t help you. The Zodiac expected us to solve the bomb location using only what was in the Button letter, and the only way anybody could have achieved that, was to look for an angular measurement where only one answer existed, and look for a distance measurement where only one answer existed. That was 4 radians and MagN and 5 inches, because 4 & 6 inches fell in the sea, and 3 radians and MagN and 5 radians and MagN don’t fall in San Francisco.

But yes, everything can be effectively solved using just the first set of crosshairs on the Little List with the bold circle and SFPD. Once you know the target is SFPD, the bold circle gives you the radians (and MagN), and then 5 inches (using the scale) is the only possible answer in inches that lands inside San Francisco. So, effectively the reasoning to the location of the bomb can be explained in under 30 seconds. The code solution by Druzer just the icing on the cake. 


“I simply cannot accept that there are, on every story, two equal and logical sides to an argument.” Edward R. Murrow.

Posted : January 11, 2022 10:05 pm
Posts: 51
Trusted Member
Posted by: @richard-grinell

Hi CZ85, degrees and miles can pinpoint the location of the bomb, but the Zodiac stated that the code concerns radians and inches, not miles and degrees. 

But in regards to the statement “we can’t use individual degrees as a measurement tool, because any number of degrees can fall over the land mass of San Francisco from north to south” – this applies to just the Button letter, before the Little List letter arrived. When you just look at the Phillips 66 Map, miles and degrees doesn’t help you. The Zodiac expected us to solve the bomb location using only what was in the Button letter, and the only way anybody could have achieved that, was to look for an angular measurement where only one answer existed, and look for a distance measurement where only one answer existed. That was 4 radians and MagN and 5 inches, because 4 & 6 inches fell in the sea, and 3 radians and MagN and 5 radians and MagN don’t fall in San Francisco.

But yes, everything can be effectively solved using just the first set of crosshairs on the Little List with the bold circle and SFPD. Once you know the target is SFPD, the bold circle gives you the radians (and MagN), and then 5 inches (using the scale) is the only possible answer in inches that lands inside San Francisco. So, effectively the reasoning to the location of the bomb can be explained in under 30 seconds. The code solution by Druzer just the icing on the cake. 

Thanks Richard for taking the time.

I get what you’re saying about there being no other whole number possibilities for those units of measurement that land in SF. 

With that line of thinking, then as you say, “The code solution by Druzer just the icing on the cake.”.  Similarly, do we even need the map?

Can’t we just:

1. Pick a SFPD location (because threats towards the cops and city of SF)

2. Cross-reference with bus routes in close proximity (because threat to bomb school bus)

3. Look for embankment along the road with the sun rising on the other side (because of bomb diagram)

4. Start digging

If we’re presuming SF as the location, how many spots could fit the bill?  If we’re not presuming SF, then what confidence (without the code) would we have in it necessarily being 4 radians and 5 inches?



Posted : January 12, 2022 1:36 am
Posts: 1210
Moderator Admin
Posted by: @cz85
Posted by: @richard-grinell

Hi CZ85, degrees and miles can pinpoint the location of the bomb, but the Zodiac stated that the code concerns radians and inches, not miles and degrees. 

But in regards to the statement “we can’t use individual degrees as a measurement tool, because any number of degrees can fall over the land mass of San Francisco from north to south” – this applies to just the Button letter, before the Little List letter arrived. When you just look at the Phillips 66 Map, miles and degrees doesn’t help you. The Zodiac expected us to solve the bomb location using only what was in the Button letter, and the only way anybody could have achieved that, was to look for an angular measurement where only one answer existed, and look for a distance measurement where only one answer existed. That was 4 radians and MagN and 5 inches, because 4 & 6 inches fell in the sea, and 3 radians and MagN and 5 radians and MagN don’t fall in San Francisco.

But yes, everything can be effectively solved using just the first set of crosshairs on the Little List with the bold circle and SFPD. Once you know the target is SFPD, the bold circle gives you the radians (and MagN), and then 5 inches (using the scale) is the only possible answer in inches that lands inside San Francisco. So, effectively the reasoning to the location of the bomb can be explained in under 30 seconds. The code solution by Druzer just the icing on the cake. 

Thanks Richard for taking the time.

I get what you’re saying about there being no other whole number possibilities for those units of measurement that land in SF. 

With that line of thinking, then as you say, “The code solution by Druzer just the icing on the cake.”.  Similarly, do we even need the map?

Can’t we just:

1. Pick a SFPD location (because threats towards the cops and city of SF)

2. Cross-reference with bus routes in close proximity (because threat to bomb school bus)

3. Look for embankment along the road with the sun rising on the other side (because of bomb diagram)

4. Start digging

If we’re presuming SF as the location, how many spots could fit the bill?  If we’re not presuming SF, then what confidence (without the code) would we have in it necessarily being 4 radians and 5 inches?



There would be no use to dig because Zodiac said that the bus bomb was a “dud” and was washed out by all the rain they had recently.

Mostly likely, the bus bomb was more bullshit from a narcissistic liar. The Death Machine was just fantasy. 

“Murder will out, this my conclusion.”
– Geoffrey Chaucer

Posted : January 12, 2022 7:15 am
Richard Grinell
Posts: 717
Prominent Member

Before the Little List letter, we only need the map because it mentions “0 set to MagN” and the positioning of Mount Diablo for our starting point. It was also a map of San Francisco & Vicinity. When the Zodiac Killer sent the April 20th letter with the embankment drawing he wrote “I hope you do not think that I was the one who wiped out that blue meannie with a bomb at the cop station.  Even though I talked about killing school children with one. It just wouldn’t doo to move in on someone else’s teritory”. This to me suggested he had already pinpointed a location with a right-sided embankment, targetting schoolchildren, but in a different territory to the Park Police Station. The wording of Zodiac appeared to suggest intent. The SFPD attribution next to the bold black circle, along with radians and inches narrowed the search to only one area. The confidence of believing it’s 4 radians & 5 inches without the code, stems from the crosshairs and bold circle sitting at 246 degrees, and the attribution of SFPD using the map scale leaving only one possible answer. In terms of the code, I had to weigh up the chances that once “four radians and five inches” was identified and placed in the code from position 9 to 32, what were the odds of the word “estimate” filling position 1 to 8 in the code and not only satisfying the three repeating characters, but having meaning regarding the estimate of 4 radians & 5 inches, which is what Zodiac provided. He was giving us ball park directions (keeping figures whole and simple). rather than creating a code saying “4.085 radians and 4.85 inches”. Plus, once he identified Ingleside PD and the embankment, how likely was it that it would fall squarely on an exact amount of radians and inches. Not very likely. But it was close enough to give us an estimated value for the code keeping figures whole. The message Zodiac left us said “The Mt. Diablo Map concerns Radians & inches along the radians”, not fractions of radians and fractions of inches. The Zodiac Killer’s 408 and 340 ciphers used homophonic substitution and a period 19 shift, simple in nature following an organized and understandable pattern explained extremely well by Dave. The 32 symbol cipher was twice described as a code by Zodiac, not a cipher as he described the 408 in all of his July 31st letters. He also described the 340 cryptogram as a cipher on November 8th 1969. So, bearing in mind the 32 character offering was twice described as a code using 29 unique characters, one could argue that the decoding of the 32 characters relies on a totally different technique to what went before. Hence why I tried the numerical A=1, B=2 approach. When I got 234 and coupled it with 17, it landed squarely over Ingleside PD and the freeway. Whether this last bit is correct, I couldn’t be certain, but I thought it was a consideration at best. I agree with Chaucer the whole thing was probably fantasy, with no intention from Zodiac to ever plant a bomb, but the Zodiac did enjoy a good game and puzzle. So that is what I believe he created. 

The Zodiac stated “The Mt. Diablo Map concerns Radians & inches along the radians”. Concerns means “relate to; be about”. So the Zodiac effectively stated “The Mt. Diablo Map is about Radians & inches along the radians”. Therefore, I don’t understand why we are looking for any solution that doesn’t include the words “radians” and “inches” in the code, irrespective of the code solution presented here. Because that is what Zodiac instructed us to do. I have zero doubt Druzer is correct, but I’m only one opinion and each person has to come to their own conclusions.   


“I simply cannot accept that there are, on every story, two equal and logical sides to an argument.” Edward R. Murrow.

Posted : January 12, 2022 9:24 am
Posts: 51
Trusted Member



Thanks.  Wasn’t that in reference to the first bomb diagram?  Then this was a new one he claimed to bury after people weren’t wearing his buttons?

Posted : January 12, 2022 10:09 pm
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