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"Little List" – Groucho Version

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There is no doubt Zodiac used the Groucho version.

Zodiac heard "As Some Day it May Happen" quite often in order to memorize it, but, it is apparent he went by memory and not the written word.

Many thought Zodiac made up some of the lyrics to suit him and his potential victims, but that is just not the case.

Here is my best transcript Groucho version of "As Some Day it May Happen":

As some day it may happen that a victim must be found
I’ve got a little list I’ve got a little list

Of society offenders who might well be underground
and who never would be missed who never would be missed

There’s the pestilential nuisances who write for autographs,
all people who have flabby hands and irritating laughs.

And all children who are up in dates and floor you with ’em flat,
and all persons who when shaking hands shake hands with you like that.

And all third persons who are spoiling tete a tetes insist,
they’d none of them be missed they’d none of them be missed.

There’s the banjo serenader and the others of his race.
and the piano-organist, I’ve got him on the list.

And the people who eat peppermint and puff it in your face,
they never would be missed, they never would be missed.

And the idiout who praises with enthusiastic tone,
all centuries but this and every country but his own.

And the lady from the provinces who dresses like a guy,
and who doesn’t think she dances but would rather like to try.

And that singular anomoly, the girl who’s never kissed,
I don’t think she’d be missed, I’m sure she’d not be missed.

And that nisi prius nuisance who just now is rather rife,
The judicial humorist, I’ve got him on the list.

All funny fellows, comic men and clowns of private life,
they’d none of them be missed they’d none of them be missed.

An apologetic statesmen of a compromising kind,
such as eh what do you call a thing-a-ma-bob and a like-wise, ah never mind.

And a tut tut tut and whats-his-name, and well, well you know who.
Ah the task of filling up the blanks I’d rather leave to you.

For it really doesn’t matter whom you put upon the list, for they’d none of them be missed, they’d none of them be missed.

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : April 3, 2013 9:36 am
Posts: 955
Prominent Member

Nice to have, thanks Tahoe, and yes I too agree that this is the version he quoted in the letter of July 26th 1970, which may be found here (amongst many other places, of course). http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Zodiac_Killer_letters

Whether he quoted it from memory, or just wrote it down as he was listening to it, is open to debate, I think.
Personally, I believe he wrote the lyrics while listening to the song repeatedly, since had he momorised it he might have thought through some of his "mistakes" a few times and made some corrections. I’m thinking of the wretched mess that is "And all third persons who with unspoiling take thoes who insist", and the serious mangling in "… the lady from the provences who dress like a guy who doesn’t cry and the singurly abnormily the girl who never kissed" – where missing lyrics destroy the metre completely.

But this is conjecture of course. The important thing is no, I don’t think that the Groucho version being the source is debatable. ;)

Posted : April 3, 2013 2:39 pm
Posts: 240
Reputable Member

Hat’s off Tahoe, this didn’t register with me until this tonight. There can hardly be any doubt that you are correct. Still need to give it thought and wrap my head around the possible implications, but undoubtedly, you’ve discovered something that brings us a step closer to the Zodiac.
Very nice find!

Posted : April 24, 2013 6:54 am
Posts: 955
Prominent Member

Wier, when the guy’s arrested – or properly accused "post mortem" – a copy of the soundtrack will be found amongst his possessions. That’s about it, I think. It’ll be a tiny bit of extra corroboration.
Meantime, I’m sure Tahoe wouldn’t want to take credit for finding this herself, since the connection was noticed some time ago – but she certainly deserves full credit for making sure it stays public, and bothering to type it all in! :D

Posted : April 24, 2013 10:46 am
Posts: 1772
Noble Member

This ties in nicely with the possible depiction of Groucho Marx in the 1990 Christmas card.

Posted : April 24, 2013 12:38 pm
Posts: 5315
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Meantime, I’m sure Tahoe wouldn’t want to take credit for finding this herself, since the connection was noticed some time ago – but she certainly deserves full credit for making sure it stays public, and bothering to type it all in! :D

It was me, it was me! Lol

Seriously, I don’t remember how it came about. I first started posting about the Groucho version in 2007 at the zk.com message board when I bought the NBC/Groucho recording on CD.

If I had discovered it elsewhere, I would give credit where credit was due. I had never seen it typed out anywhere, and had really not seen it discussed. Not to mention…even Graysmith didn’t notice. In his book, he thinks Zodiac made it up to suit himself…"the girl who never kissed, etc."

When you read it along with Zodiac’s version…it’s pretty much a given.

Here in 2007 I asked about the Groucho version since I had never seen it discussed. Nachtsider mentioned he had the Groucho "I’ve got a Little List" song…which led me to buy the CD. Once I listened to it, I knew. :)
http://zodiackiller.fr.yuku.com/topic/1 … ers?page=2 (other posts in other threads too)

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : April 24, 2013 7:33 pm
Posts: 33
Eminent Member

Just so it’s here in this thread as well. I found my G & S book and the ‘girl who’s never kissed’ line is apparently unique to the Groucho version. The book has the ‘lady novelist’ one. I goofed. :oops:

– – – – – – – – – – – – –
Formerly Clovis.

Posted : April 25, 2013 2:56 am
Posts: 838
Prominent Member


Try this one from Martyn Green, Ko-Ko Emeritus.

He says, "the girl who never kissed," as well.



Mike Rodelli

Author, The Hunt for Zodiac; 3.9 stars on Amazon and
In The Shadow of Mt. Diablo: The Shocking True Identity of the Zodiac Killer, a second edition in print format. 4.3 Amazon stars and great Editorial reviews. Twitter:@mikerodelli

Posted : April 25, 2013 8:06 am
Posts: 1375
Noble Member


Try this one from Martyn Green, Ko-Ko Emeritus.

He says, "the girl who never kissed," as well.



Thanks for that link Mike, I never get tired of hearing the songs from the Mikado, I have gone to see it twice. It is good to know that it was done before by Martyn Green in the early 50’s. Zodiac could have seen that one first ?

Thanks to Tahoe for typing out Groucho’s version.

Posted : April 25, 2013 11:30 am
Posts: 955
Prominent Member

It was me, it was me! Lol

You’re right, I was wrong! It was you! You’re part of "Z" folklore! :lol:
If only LE had known in 1969/70 huh? They could have saved some shoe leather.

Posted : April 25, 2013 6:57 pm
Posts: 196
Estimable Member

Here’s a link with interesting comments about the Mikado, Groucho, and the Zodiac. Some posters here posted at this link back in 2009: http://www.zodiackillerfacts.com/forum/ … f=64&t=308

When in doubt, don’t.

Posted : April 25, 2013 7:56 pm
Posts: 838
Prominent Member


I’ve never seen it live, only the 1939 version on VCR tape after I got interested in this case. But to date myself, when I was 11 I went to see a play with my mom, "Arsenic and Old Lace," at my church in NY. The next production was listed as being "The Mikado." I recall pronouncing it as "The Mick-a-doo." I had no clue, LOL! When we got out of "Arsenic" that night my uncle told me that the three astronauts had died in the Apollo capsule fire while it was on the launch pad. I still remember that night. (And BTW, this is the type of memory I believe people who lived in PH would have about the night of the Stine murder. That is why I found Mr. X’s inability to say where he was, especially when AP spoke to him that night, to be both strange and evasive. It is difficult to imagine a law-abiding citizen not recalling being spoken to by the police on such a famous night. I have been pulled over by the police on four different ocasions while driving over the past 40 years. I can vividly remember each encounter. [So obviously none of them was for DUI, LOL!])


Mike Rodelli

Author, The Hunt for Zodiac; 3.9 stars on Amazon and
In The Shadow of Mt. Diablo: The Shocking True Identity of the Zodiac Killer, a second edition in print format. 4.3 Amazon stars and great Editorial reviews. Twitter:@mikerodelli

Posted : April 25, 2013 11:51 pm
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

Mike R ,LOL very funny.
You are correct , that is suspicious that Mr. X couldn’t remember what he was doing that night. Is there any way he slept through all that noise at the park ?
I hope someday you will get to see the Mikado , it is good for anyone interested in the Zodiac case to see at least once. Ricardo took me to the one in S.F. last yr ,done by the Lamplighters, which is the same group that we believe Zodiac saw. I was able to talk to Wm Neil the Mikado, after the play and wanted to know if he was in the Opera back in 69, he told me he was . That was exciting !

Posted : April 26, 2013 7:28 pm
Posts: 5315
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:shock: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mu4YAQxMrYc

Yet ANOTHER version. Wow.

"…and anyone and everyone whos ever made me pissed…I’ve got them on the list.."

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : April 26, 2013 8:23 pm
Posts: 955
Prominent Member

Yes – every version should be different, in theory, since every KoKo should bring his own flavour to the role.
There’s one with Eric Idle from Monty Python in out there somewhere too I’ve seen (unless that’s the link, sorry, I didn’t look) and loads more……
All supports your theory very nicely. ;)

Posted : April 26, 2013 10:19 pm
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