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This Chronicle statement is telling, regarding the Badlands card and Red Phantom letter:

On July 10th 1974 the San Francisco Chronicle stated: "Although he never identified himself as Zodiac in either of the latest messages, San Francisco Homicide Investigator Dave Toschi said "There’s no doubt in my mind about either one. I took them to a documents expert and in less than five minutes he told me positively they were in fact written by the Zodiac. He’s trying to slip letters and cards into the Chronicle without being detected. He’s not fooling anybody – no matter what his game is". Yesterday’s letter was dropped into a mailbox in Marin County sometime on Monday. It criticized Count Marco for his "superior" attitude and demanded the column be cancelled. The postcard (previous Badlands card), although received on June 4, was mailed in Alameda County nearly a month earlier, on May 8. There was no explanation for its delayed arrival in the Chronicle offices".

Hi Richard. Yes, I had seen this. Telling, indeed. And what jumps out for me about Toschi’s assessment is the specific phrase:

"He’s trying to slip letters and cards into the Chronicle without being detected."

I mean, what did Toschi actually think – even in his wildest imagination – that Zodiac’s "game" would be in wanting to send letters "without being detected"?

For someone who pretty much has always said "I want to be on the front page, or people are going to die," how does this even…?

“This isn’t right! It’s not even wrong!”—Wolfgang Pauli (1900–1958)

Posted : May 15, 2019 10:54 pm
Posts: 2309
Member Moderator

For another point of view, read these two articles by Mike Cole.


http://zodiacrevisited.com/ten-days-of- … nclusions/

Also, if you haven’t done so, take a look at the envelope for the Red Phantom letter.



Posted : May 16, 2019 9:32 am
Posts: 227
Reputable Member

Also, if you haven’t done so, take a look at the envelope for the Red Phantom letter.


Thanks, Seagull. Now, the envelope certainly would raise an eyebrow or two, I would say.

I think I have seen elsewhere, Seagull, that you have done a lot of work in the past getting the Zodiac newspaper articles together. Do you happen to know off hand if images of any of the earlier envelopes were every printed at any time?


“This isn’t right! It’s not even wrong!”—Wolfgang Pauli (1900–1958)

Posted : May 16, 2019 3:06 pm
Posts: 5315
Member Moderator

Mike Cole is awesome and I have always appreciated his work. I still say, no way was that Zodiac. While the envelope certainly raises eyebrows, I still believe it was some angry woman.

It just doesn’t seem to fit the bill of something that would piss Zodiac off. A man attacking women? Nah…

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : July 18, 2019 12:42 am
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