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Jane Doe 205ufca – Lompoc, CA (a connection to Z and maybe "

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An interesting theory I found posed on another site that lead me to the Sandy/Z connection elaborated later in this post:

"On Sunday, August 3, 1969 the body of a murder victim was found by hunters near a quarry on Highway 1, south of Lompoc. The victim’s identity was not established following a lengthy investigation, hence the "Jane Doe" identity.
According to the first officer at the scene, the girl’s body had been rolled over the edge of an embankment, coming to rest about fifteen feet down, some fifty feet from the highway.

She was lying on her left side on a crumpled canvas tarp, her hands bound in front of her with a length of white plastic-coated wire. The plastic-coated wire was submitted to the crime lab for analysis.
(Zodiac bound victims at Lake B with white clothesline. Although not white automotive wiring, it still involves binding with a white ligature of some sort. Perhaps Z discovered wire may work better or only had access to wire at that point).
*i amended the original author’s incorrect assertion that white wire was also used at Lake B*

The lab determined that wiring of that nature "would most probably be utilized in low-voltage-amperage conditions where little or no tension would be exerted on its length and where maximum protection from abrasion and moisture was required, perhaps an auto light system, or small low-voltage lighting equipment."
(According to several Z-experts Zodiac has a knowlegde about car-mechanics etc.)

Examination of the body showed eight deep stab wounds in the middle of the back below the shoulder blade area: two stab wounds at the base of the neck on either side; five stab wounds between her breasts; and a large stab wound under the left breast, which had penetrated the heart.
(The female victim at Lake B. Had simmilar wounds)

A forensic orthodontist, narrowed the girl’s age to fifteen years, plus or minus thirty-six months, noting that she probably died before she reached the legal age of eighteen.
(Many of Zodiacs victims were teenagers)

At 10:30 A.M. on August 6, 1969, the police interviewed a clerk named Roxanne Faught, who worked at a minimart on Highway 101. She’d contacted the Sheriff’s Department after reading about the murder in the papers and reported that on Friday, August 1, she’d seen a young girl who matched the description of Jane Doe. Miss Faught stated that the girl had helped herself to coffee and a doughnut, which she was unable to pay for. Faught paid for them herself, which is why the incident stuck in her mind. Earlier she’d noticed this same girl hitchhiking north, however she was gone when Faught left work at 3:00 P.M.
(Zodiac wrote a day before Miss Faught saw this Jane Doe (in his 3 part cipher letters): I want you to print this cipher on your frunt page by Fry Afternoon Aug 1-69, If you do not do this I will go on a kill rampage Fry night that will last the whole week end. I will cruse around and pick off all stray people or coupples that are alone then move on to kill some more untill I have killed over a dozen people".

Could she have been one of zodiacs victims?"

http://icaremissingpersonscoldcases.yuk … California

Here is her doe network page:

***Important idea I (PinkPhantom!) just had: Didn’t the "Sandy" incident happen around the Gaviota and Lompoc areas? And once he and the 2 thieves left SANTA CRUZ Sandy stabbed his victim (a quarry worker!) to death in Lompoc right? This Jane Doe is listed as possibly having been in that Gaviota area before being found stabbed to death in Lompoc by the Quarry!

"One promising witness account placed Jane Doe at Gaviota state beach in the days before her murder. Investigators pursued that lead, but it too led nowhere.

It’s possible that more widespread media coverage of the case might have turned up additional leads, but a savage murder in Los Angeles soon grabbed the world’s attention. In the wake of that new murder, Jane Doe would fade from the headlines, and the name Charles Manson would become a household word."

Not to mention the Lompoc high school couple that "Sandy" murdered were connected to Gaviota State Beach!


BTW Sandy first met the thieves in Santa Cruz. Sandy claimed when he met the thieves in Santa Cruz that he was from San Francisco. Who knows if his story was valid or if he was instead concealing his identity/origin.

Edited: was alerted by someone that Gaviota Beach is in Santa Barbara, NOT Santa Cruz. A reading had confused me, but the theory still stands. Z and Sandy are the same person and they have connections to or THROUGH Lompoc – where Z would later leave Jane Doe 250UFCA to taunt police. Sandy did initially travel to Lompoc and Gaviota from Santa Cruz though (Ross). Also corrected the original author SuzanneC444’s incorrect assertion that the Lake B murders involved white wire. It was not white wire, but white clothesline. Will edit post accordingly.

Posted : May 31, 2015 6:34 am
Posts: 266
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The couple (Domingos and Edwards) were not taken from Lompoc and murdered in Santa Cruz. They were killed in Goleta which is just south of Santa Barbara about 250 miles south of Santa Cruz. They went to the beach on their own and were killed there. But, the guys that implemented "Sandy" did state they met him in Santa Cruz and traveled with him to Lompoc. The beach the couple were murdered at is called Gaviota Beach but it’s not in Santa Cruz.

Posted : May 31, 2015 2:32 pm
Posts: 7527
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Interesting facts about the bindings being similar to Berryessa,and the Victim being stabbed in the back. The timing is also nice. Maybe Z wanted to see it in t he papers by FriDAY because he was leaving to visit Family in Lompoc area FriNight. You would have to assume this girl was likely a run away, maybe from another state.

Based on the above, perhaps you would want to share this info with Napa Sheriff’s dept? I think it’s a longshot it’s Z related, but it’s worth giving them as perhaps they can compare evidence,etc??? Would you like for me to pass this on to them for you, or if you like, I can give you a contact for them?

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : May 31, 2015 3:11 pm
Posts: 556
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The couple (Domingos and Edwards) were not taken from Lompoc and murdered in Santa Cruz. They were killed in Goleta which is just south of Santa Barbara about 250 miles south of Santa Cruz. They went to the beach on their own and were killed there. But, the guys that implemented "Sandy" did state they met him in Santa Cruz and traveled with him to Lompoc. The beach the couple were murdered at is called Gaviota Beach but it’s not in Santa Cruz.

The kids went to Lompoc High School didn’t they or no? Looked up the school records and thought I found them… Could be wrong. I do realize now that Gaviota Beach is Santa Barbara not Santa Cruz. An assertion I read made me think otherwise. Hm may need to amend the post. Thank you for helping clear this up! At any rate the connection still intrigues me between the murders being centered around Lompoc with Sandy and then Z leaving another victim there.

Posted : May 31, 2015 7:38 pm
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Interesting facts about the bindings being similar to Berryessa,and the Victim being stabbed in the back. The timing is also nice. Maybe Z wanted to see it in t he papers by FriDAY because he was leaving to visit Family in Lompoc area FriNight. You would have to assume this girl was likely a run away, maybe from another state.

Based on the above, perhaps you would want to share this info with Napa Sheriff’s dept? I think it’s a longshot it’s Z related, but it’s worth giving them as perhaps they can compare evidence,etc??? Would you like for me to pass this on to them for you, or if you like, I can give you a contact for them?

Yes please provide any contact info you have. Thank you! I want you guys to help me organize this before I send it off though. Help me correct any mistakes.

How is it such a long shot? Because the UID and case are old? I can see that.

To me It is obvious he left her in reference to a case just years before. He is taunting them in saying "hey I’m Sandy who you guys also didn’t catch back in 1963." The victim shares so many similarities to Z’s victims, was left by the quarry where Sandy left his miner/quarryman years before, and she was killed on the weekend Z vowed to kill lone people or couples. I will always think this was him.

Will send in the info although it probably doesn’t matter bc they will probably write it off amidst all the other BS wannabe connections… I’ve lost complete hope it this case. I Think this was a significant find and hope it isn’t just written off. We know that it was determined by Z investigators that Sandy was indeed Z. So I think this connection MUST be probed if we want to understand Sandy/Z/possibly Ross more. I want to understand Ross’s geographic awareness. It makes sense that his awareness is anywhere between Santa Cruz to Riverside. If anyone here has significant connections to LE that will get this theory/connection looked at quicker and scrutinized fully I would appreciate any guidance you can provide me. I DEFO need to organize this info better before submitting it to LE.

I think it’s so effing silly people insist that Ross HAD to have a car registered in his name when we know "Sandy" would probably just use one for killing and dump it. He hitchhiked and held people up. He used many modes to get around. Z didn’t HAVE to be from SF… In fact I think after Riverside Z learned to not crap where he ate and started to hunt in SF a bigger city where his murders would get more attention. too bad Santa Barbara County didn’t talk to San Fran police about Sandy a little bit more.

Who knows maybe the card Z sent with the miner/quarryman on it is referencing his quarryman killed years earlier in 1963. I think he was taking credit for his old crimes as "Sandy" that LE never connected Z to.

Posted : May 31, 2015 7:49 pm
Posts: 5315
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It’s always good to consider other cases, and who knows, you may be right.

Just to point out…LB was clothesline, not electrical wire. Three of Zodiac’s victims were teens, but the others were older so I don’t think there is anything to that, but that is just my opinion of course. And, one of my biggest concerns is why no mention from Zodiac? Why no "this is me" communication?

Sometimes I think it is hard to fathom there were that many murderers comitting these types of crimes lurking around CA at the time, but there were.

I don’t think it was ever determined "Sandy" was Zodiac, unless I am reading into your post wrong.

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : May 31, 2015 8:39 pm
Posts: 556
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It’s always good to consider other cases, and who knows, you may be right.

Just to point out…LB was clothesline, not electrical wire. Three of Zodiac’s victims were teens, but the others were older so I don’t think there is anything to that, but that is just my opinion of course. And, one of my biggest concerns is why no mention from Zodiac? Why no "this is me" communication?

Sometimes I think it is hard to fathom there were that many murderers comitting these types of crimes lurking around CA at the time, but there were.

I don’t think it was ever determined "Sandy" was Zodiac, unless I am reading into your post wrong.

Please read the link on Sandy where it talks about the authorities connecting Z to Sandy.

Z did not announce every victim. If he did we would have had what was it 37 victims for him to name? I do believe he was that prolific of a murderer and had been doing it for quite some time (teens into his 20’s). He was the Mikado, the Executioner. This was his "talent". I think he in a small chance at some points MIGHT of had an accomplice/companion and have theorized as to who it may be. Besides, I have a feeling Z only wanted to give enough info to take credit for killing, but not get caught. Maybe he only taunted with victims he knew wouldn’t get him caught in the long run. It all was a big guessing game with clues in place where direct confession via correspondence in a Z letter would give up his ID too easy. Perhaps someone saw 205UFCA with Z at Gaviota Beach and Z KNEW this might tie him back to 205UFCA. Zodiac wanted to get caught bc of something clever, not bc some mooch saw a hitchhiker get into his car or saw the hitchhiker hang with him at Gaviota.

And yeah the electrical wire assertion was made by the member on the yuku thread that I quoted. I wondered too if it was wrong bc I thought it was clothesline as well. Thank you. :)

Posted : May 31, 2015 9:22 pm
Posts: 2309
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There has been quite a bit of speculation that Manson Family member Bobby Beausoleil committed the 1969 murder of Jane Doe. You can read a forum discussion about that here-

http://truthontatelabianca.com/threads/ … -doe.2273/

A Google search of Bobby and Jane Doe will pull up more stuff, too.

Author Sue Grafton based her Q is for Quarry book on Jane Doe. I have not read this but was inspired to finally order the book from Amazon last night after reading your post. The book is said to be pretty close to the known facts on the case, I’ll let you know if this is true after reading the book. Grafton did become personally involved with the case after learning about it. She was responsible for seeing to it that Jane Doe had a proper burial. You can read about that and more here-

http://www.independent.com/news/2011/ju … -jane-doe/


Posted : May 31, 2015 9:48 pm
Posts: 556
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There has been quite a bit of speculation that Manson Family member Bobby Beausoleil committed the 1969 murder of Jane Doe. You can read a forum discussion about that here-

http://truthontatelabianca.com/threads/ … -doe.2273/

A Google search of Bobby and Jane Doe will pull up more stuff, too.

Author Sue Grafton based her Q is for Quarry book on Jane Doe. I have not read this but was inspired to finally order the book from Amazon last night after reading your post. The book is said to be pretty close to the known facts on the case, I’ll let you know if this is true after reading the book. Grafton did become personally involved with the case after learning about it. She was responsible for seeing to it that Jane Doe had a proper burial. You can read about that and more here-

http://www.independent.com/news/2011/ju … -jane-doe/

Yeah I’ve looked into the Manson connection, but I’m not so sure I buy it. Lol it’s so interesting IF Z’s victim got credited to the Manson Family. bet that ticked him off and is probably why he went to such great lengths to PROVE he killed Stein not even 2 months later. Will defo read the specific thread you linked me. Thank you!

And Awesome please lmk what you get from the book! How exciting! Thank you :)

Posted : May 31, 2015 9:52 pm
Posts: 5315
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At the time of Jane Doe’s murder, Zodiac was still announcing his kills. It wasn’t until later on he said he would no longer announce what he did.

I am quite familiar with "Sandy" and I know some in LE thought he was the same person who committed the LB attacks, but it was never a proven fact.

Nothing wrong with believing what you believe though. Continue… :)

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : May 31, 2015 9:57 pm
Posts: 556
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At the time of Jane Doe’s murder, Zodiac was still announcing his kills. It wasn’t until later on he said he would no longer announce what he did.

I am quite familiar with "Sandy" and I know some in LE thought he was the same person who committed the LB attacks, but it was never a proven fact.

Nothing wrong with believing what you believe though. Continue… :)

Thanks Tahoe. I’m new to all of this so bare with me while I edit the same post 50 million times bc I screwed up info or accidentally left out something important lol.

Yup I wish they could prove for fact it’s the same person via prints or DNA, but I’ll just take their word for it since that’s all we were given (they have things corroborating the link that they won’t reveal publicly I believe in the link about Sandy).

My point is if "Sandy" frequented Gaviota when finding/killing victims we know he was probably seen there somewhat frequently over time and might have met some locals there. So if Z is "Sandy", he may have been aware that he had enough acquaintances at that beach that saw him with the Jane Doe before she was found murdered and he could be linked.
However, I think he also banked on the fact that she was not a regular to the beach, was foreign, and had no connection to the area. He figured if no one knew who she was they wouldn’t know where she was, BUT a lead did come from Gaviota saying they saw the Jane Doe there and bc of the Manson murders this lead and the story of Jane Doe got put on the backburner. This lead and other potential leads, had the pleas from LE for public assistance continued, could very well have caught "Sandy". :( Maybe "Sandy" (possibly also Z) was aware of the lead via newspaper articles and decided he shouldn’t claim the Jane Doe after the murder. I believe he did claim her before the murder with his FryAug169 threat.

He wanted to see if they could pick up his clues pointing them to their past F up not catching "Sandy" in 1963 IMO. In theory I think the card with the miner on it is him referencing the old quarryman/miner he killed in Lampoc years earlier as "Sandy".

Posted : May 31, 2015 9:59 pm
Posts: 2309
Member Moderator

There has been quite a bit of speculation that Manson Family member Bobby Beausoleil committed the 1969 murder of Jane Doe. You can read a forum discussion about that here-

http://truthontatelabianca.com/threads/ … -doe.2273/

A Google search of Bobby and Jane Doe will pull up more stuff, too.

Author Sue Grafton based her Q is for Quarry book on Jane Doe. I have not read this but was inspired to finally order the book from Amazon last night after reading your post. The book is said to be pretty close to the known facts on the case, I’ll let you know if this is true after reading the book. Grafton did become personally involved with the case after learning about it. She was responsible for seeing to it that Jane Doe had a proper burial. You can read about that and more here-

http://www.independent.com/news/2011/ju … -jane-doe/

Yeah I’ve looked into the Manson connection, but I’m not so sure I buy it. Lol it’s so interesting IF Z’s victim got credited to the Manson Family. bet that ticked him off and is probably why he went to such great lengths to PROVE he killed Stein not even 2 months later. Will defo read the specific thread you linked me. Thank you!

And Awesome please lmk what you get from the book! How exciting! Thank you :)

Here is a picture of a girl who was associated with the Manson Family. Her name is Laura Ann Sheppard DOB 4-4-51 born in Detroit MI. She had an AKA of Julie Roberts.

About five years ago Santa Barbara County LE contacted a few of the Manson websites and wanted to know if anyone had ever been able to track her down. They apparently had not been able to find her. Most of the people associated with the Manson Family used aliases so it is not certain if either the Sheppard name or the Roberts name is even her true name. LE was looking for her to rule her out as being the Jane Doe found at the quarry. As far as I know LE was never able to find Sheppard/Roberts.

She does bear a resemblance to the Jane Doe from Lompoc.


Posted : June 14, 2015 3:32 am
Posts: 556
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The Jane Doe has relatively even spaced teeth and they are in rather decent shape, but notably bucked. I’m not sure Laura’s dentals quite match? She has quite a significant gap. Also the UID’s face shape is very different – longer and thinner. It shouldn’t be something that rules her out, but it’s something to be noted. The UID was thought to of had some some dental care that was foreign and was thought to have ties to another country. They were notably bucked.

It is very suspicious that she was associated with the Manson family and disappeared none the less. Interesting angle for me to research more.

Man wouldn’t it be cool if Z researchers here could figure out who 205ufca was? Maybe search interpols missing persons website for matches even? I’m gonna try.

There is one female with bucked teeth that went missing that caught my attention. She was born in India to a missionary. Even though she has a very Anericanized name, she may have been in India long enough to receive dental care there or even received dental care in many locations abroad through missionary work. Disappeared at 19. Dixie Arensen


Posted : June 14, 2015 3:37 am
Posts: 2309
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Yes, there are differences although that fourth picture of Jane Doe, the one all the way to the right, does look like there is a gap between her two front teeth. Not sure why that is as the other pictures don’t show that. I suppose the recreation of Jane Doe is only as good as the artist is capable of doing.


Posted : June 14, 2015 3:47 am
Posts: 556
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Yes, there are differences although that fourth picture of Jane Doe, the one all the way to the right, does look like there is a gap between her two front teeth. Not sure why that is as the other pictures don’t show that. I suppose the recreation of Jane Doe is only as good as the artist is capable of doing.

Hey seagull I just amended my last post. Please check out Dixie :

Bucked teeth and foreign connections – born in India to missionaries. Disappeared at 19 possible runaway. From Los Angeles, CA.

Additionally more detailed reports about the UID say her teeth were bucked. This link shows a picture of said teeth and description below. Eye colors are different thought and height is off by an inch or two, but it doesn’t rule her out IMO. The teeth and face shape and hair are so similar.


Posted : June 14, 2015 3:51 am
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