Been looking for a while and can’t seem to find it. It’s been a while so I don’t recall the details, but basically it was a thread started by someone claiming to be a psychic and that their psychic powers led them to the identity of Zodiac. There was a link posted to a site or some similar site, and the guy’s picture was spot on to the Stine composite. I was wanting to research the guy in the photo, but never got around to it. Does anyone remember this at all or am I smoking crack?
A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….
I don’t believe in monsters.
I think this is it (I lurked on ZK for a long time before I came here ):
I think this is it (I lurked on ZK for a long time before I came here
Yep, that’s the one! Thanks.
A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….
Morf posted this on there:
" I spoke to this Guy’s Family, they NEVER lived anyplace close to Vallejo, SF, etc…. This Guy was NOT Zodiac. As far as comparisons to the sketch, I can think of Guys that look even closer to the sketch(Ross Sullivan), and can be placed in the Riverside Library where Cheri was killed(Ross Sullivan)"
So nevermind on researching that guy.
A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….