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There was a Jim Blodgett in the class of ’57 at Albany H.S.

Not sure if this would be the right guy (says age 65, which would be incorrect), but check out his known addresses. 927 Talbot Ave. That is almost directly behind the Keating address.

EDIT: Says he lived at that Talbot address from 1990-2004. Still, he may have lived there as a kid. Parents could have owned the home or something. Need to find his DOB. As a ’57 grad, he was probably born in 1939, making him too young to be Pigeon Boy.

FYI: from 1944 to 1957 a Bertha I Vacha was listed at 927 Talbot Ave

Thanks, TF. I looked forever to try to find out who lived there in 1947.

A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….

Posted : May 27, 2015 7:26 am
Posts: 1798
Noble Member

Would four streets behind Evelyn Ave. be too much of a stretch? If not, I found a guy who is the right age that lived at 612 Kains Ave. in Albany, but I do not know if he lived there in 1947.

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Posted : July 9, 2015 12:22 pm
Posts: 1798
Noble Member

There was a kid Richard A. Ryken, DOB 6/28/38,he would have been 9 yrs old at time of pigeon story, and he lived at 931 Evelyn, but I cant find any sign of him living in the Vallejo area

Just came across this name in the census as well, and as far as I can tell he was never in the Vallejo area. Most of the hits for him come up as Arnold, CA. and he also lived in Hayward at one time.

Richard Alan Ryken born June 28, 1938 to Charles & Madge (Roark) Ryken.

EDIT: There is a Ricky Ryken originally from Albany that now lives in Hawaii and is an artist. He could be the right guy, but could be the son of the guy born in ’38.

I found a guy born in Albany that had lived in San Fran., was a mechanic and a pilot, went skiing in Tahoe quite often and looked a lot like what I thought Z would look like as an old man. Found a pic of the guy, guessing is from the late 50’s. Throw some horn-rimmed glasses on the guy and who knows? He is a bit far away in the pic, though. This guy died in 2104. Only problem is that this guy and his family were living in El Cerrito in the 1940 census and I cannot place him anywhere near the Keating house. El Cerrito and Albany are very close, but that still doesn’t help. This guy didn’t live all that far from where Paul Stine was murdered, but I’m not sure when he lived in San Fran. A few posts up I posted the name Jim Blodgett for some reason. This guy I’m talking about here has a "known associate" of Keith Blodgett. Pretty uncommon last name I think.

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Posted : July 9, 2015 1:46 pm
Posts: 1798
Noble Member

Looks like Pigeon Boy cut out the shenanigans after the police found out he was the one sending Keating the letters…

A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….

Posted : July 19, 2015 9:00 am
Posts: 556
Honorable Member

There was a Jim Blodgett in the class of ’57 at Albany H.S.

Not sure if this would be the right guy (says age 65, which would be incorrect), but check out his known addresses. 927 Talbot Ave. That is almost directly behind the Keating address.

EDIT: Says he lived at that Talbot address from 1990-2004. Still, he may have lived there as a kid. Parents could have owned the home or something. Need to find his DOB. As a ’57 grad, he was probably born in 1939, making him too young to be Pigeon Boy.

FYI: from 1944 to 1957 a Bertha I Vacha was listed at 927 Talbot Ave

Thanks, TF. I looked forever to try to find out who lived there in 1947.

This is somewhat creepy. In a case I’m helping with in the disappearance of a woman here in Riverside County missing since March one of our POIs has the last name of Blodgett and he is up there in age. Strange coincidence as I had never seen the last name until recently when helping that case. I suppose James Blodgett that lived near Keating would be too old to be the Blodgett we are looking at out here, but maybe there’s a relation? Just strange.

Btw did anyone find out what this Skylark Flag was and looked like? It said it was flown from the boys "loft". So I’m thinking maybe the kid threw the stuff from a his "loft" higher up down into the yard? I’m probably taking the term loft too literally.

Also anyone find more on Bertha? I found SS info on a Bertha l Vacha – only one born in California – and she was pretty old. I guess it’s a dead end probably unless maybe she had a grandson who was 9 and visiting/living with her at the time? Her info is a little ways down at the link.


Posted : July 20, 2015 7:59 pm
Posts: 1798
Noble Member

The link I posted has him as James "Bludgett," but his email address and links I found on classmates.com is Blodgett. Weird.

Check this out. Found this in the 1956 Albany yearbook. He was class of ’56 so there’s a good chance he could be the right age to be Pigeon Boy. His quote really stood out while I was looking through the yearbook. There is a Gerald Kent Shepard born Oct. 1938 who has lived in San Fran., Chicago, Fairport NY, Jacksonville FL, Honolulu and other parts of California, but I’m not sure if he is the same guy.

A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….

Posted : July 21, 2015 8:00 am
Posts: 1798
Noble Member

Are we absolutely sure that William J. Keating was born in 1925? William James Keating that graduated from Albany HS in 1959 (mother’s maiden name Perine) was born in 1941, which would mean that William was only 16 when the younger Keating was born. Sorry, I am really confused and want to make sure we have everything correct. Albany is less than 20,000 people, so I doubt there could have been too many people with this same exact name. I think we would have to assume that the one born in 1941 is definitely the son since we know for a fact he lived in Albany. So we would have to find William J. Keating who was married to a woman whos maiden name was Perine and then find his DOB based on that. Or maybe he was born in 1925 and had a child when he was really young, it is possible.

Here is William James Keating’s senior photo in the ’59 Albany yearbook.

Since we have a possible link between William Keating and Darlene Ferrin, I will throw this out there. Some people think Darlene could have been involved with some sort of drug ring. Well, there was a Michael R. Perine who was busted with a friend in 1971 for transporting $50,000 worth of marijuana. Probably nothing, but might be worth looking into, especially if Michael Perine was related to the woman who was the mother of William James and Linda Marie Keating.

EDIT: What a crazy coincidence… There was a Michael Perine renting a house on Dartmouth and Evelyn in Albany – a block and a half from the Keating residence. Perine set fire to the home in 1916 in hopes to obtain insurance money to keep his family from being evicted and from starving (they were dirt poor). What are the odds of a guy with the same name just happens to live on Evelyn Ave in Albany? Crazy shit!

A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….

Posted : July 21, 2015 2:34 pm
Posts: 556
Honorable Member

The link I posted has him as James "Bludgett," but his email address and links I found on classmates.com is Blodgett. Weird.

Check this out. Found this in the 1956 Albany yearbook. He was class of ’56 so there’s a good chance he could be the right age to be Pigeon Boy. His quote really stood out while I was looking through the yearbook. There is a Gerald Kent Shepard born Oct. 1938 who has lived in San Fran., Chicago, Fairport NY, Jacksonville FL, Honolulu and other parts of California, but I’m not sure if he is the same guy.

Lol either the guy played the field or he was a psycho killer. Either way, creepy quite when taken into a Z context. Willing to bet with that look on his face that he was hunting booty. Lol

Posted : July 21, 2015 7:51 pm
Posts: 1798
Noble Member

Yeah, no matter the context it is definitely creepy. I’m still trying to find info on the guy. An address in 1947 would help, but no luck thus far.

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Posted : July 22, 2015 5:32 am
Posts: 556
Honorable Member

Interesting CJB was born in 1947 around the time Pigeon Boy was 9 and pulling these creepy antics. Just gives me a Better idea of time/context of this event in relation to the Z crimes much later.

Posted : July 22, 2015 8:15 pm
Posts: 1798
Noble Member

Anyone been trying to work on the Pigeon Boy thing lately?

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Posted : November 19, 2015 1:20 pm
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

Anyone been trying to work on the Pigeon Boy thing lately?

No,not me. It’s worth pursuing,because if the threatening letter was sent to the same Family that is very close with Darlene Ferrin’s Brother, that would be very odd

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : November 20, 2015 7:13 pm
Posts: 1798
Noble Member

Anyone been trying to work on the Pigeon Boy thing lately?

No,not me. It’s worth pursuing,because if the threatening letter was sent to the same Family that is very close with Darlene Ferrin’s Brother, that would be very odd

Agreed! But I’m not sure what other angles to take. I have run out of ideas on this one.

A few minutes ago on a toilet not very far, far away….

Posted : December 6, 2015 3:04 pm
Posts: 767
Prominent Member

Just an idea but has anybody looked into the USS Skylark (AM-63) built in 1941-43 by General Engineering & Dry Dock Company of Alameda

Posted : October 24, 2018 4:33 pm
Posts: 767
Prominent Member

I think I have found the Pigeon Boys Address.

Posted : June 17, 2019 11:46 pm
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