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A message from one of the Sunbathing girls stalked at Lake Berryessa

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One of the sunbathing girls from Lake B being stalked by the mystery guy chimed in and sent me this, and she talks about some of the Zodiac suspects and whether they may have been who she saw:

Hi Mike, Yes I am THAT ******* a possible witness to the Lake Berryessa killer. I guess maybe some statute of limitations has expired because I’ve had a few people contact me. My identity and testimony at the time was under the agreement of secrecy as for years I was in fear of being identified and at risk. Obviously that criminal must be long dead by now.
You didn’t name the photo of the man you sent. And of course, 50 years on, I don’t know. There are several photos I have been sent that look like the man I saw. Yes the photo you included very much looks like the man I saw, but your photo shows him quite heavy, and the man I saw was thin. (This was in response to photo of William McDuff Andrew)
A Frenchman has ‘identified’ the killer as Lawrence Kane, and the photo is similar to my identikit but I don’t feel it’s him. There is a 1950s photo of Arthur Leigh Allen, and that 50s photo is very strongly similar to who I saw. 
Photos of Gary Francis Poste show no resemblance.
So there’s no real answer I can provide. The man I saw stalked 3 of us girls and followed us to the lake. We sunbathed on the cove right next to where the killings took place, and left an hour or so before the attacks began. The man followed us to the shoreline and observed us from the trees. That’s about all I can offer.
Good luck with your research!”

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : December 2, 2021 3:57 am
Jpduff, Druzer, traveller1st and 12 people reacted
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As unreliable as witness identifications are at the time, who can place any stock in one 50 years later?

Posted : December 2, 2021 7:43 pm
Posts: 1210
Moderator Admin

This is an amazing coup finding this witness. I agree that her statements are not rock solid but should provide enough general information to be useful. Moreover, her description seems to add credence that the man she saw was in fact Zodiac. 


“Murder will out, this my conclusion.”
– Geoffrey Chaucer

Posted : December 5, 2021 7:22 am
Jpduff, morf13, Jpduff and 3 people reacted
Russ Thompson
Posts: 268
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Notably the witness message reads, “the photo you included very much looks like the man I saw, but your photo shows him quite heavy, and the man I saw was thin.” Zodiac was referred to as stocky or somewhat heavy set by all eyewitnesses to my knowledge.

Perhaps this witness means that in comparison to the photo presented, the person s/he saw at Berryessa looked thin..?

Or it could indicate that the stalker was just another creepy guy at the park, not Zodiac, and more interested ogling in college-age, sunbathing women?

That was too much!

Posted : December 6, 2021 5:09 pm
Druzer, Druzer and Druzer reacted
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I find it incredibly unlikely that two creepy dudes were stalking women at the exact same time at the exact same location. 

“Murder will out, this my conclusion.”
– Geoffrey Chaucer

Posted : December 8, 2021 2:20 am
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Posted by: @chaucer

This is an amazing coup finding this witness. I agree that her statements are not rock solid but should provide enough general information to be useful. Moreover, her description seems to add credence that the man she saw was in fact Zodiac. 


I actually felt more confident that the man she saw was NOT Zodiac. She made it a point to say that the guy that was watching them was in good shape where as she described Mac’s pic as heavy (although she thought his general look was similar) Zodiac was described as bulky and heavy like Mac 

This post was modified 3 years ago by morf13

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : December 8, 2021 11:59 pm
Druzer, Druzer and Druzer reacted
Russ Thompson
Posts: 268
Reputable Member

@chaucer Yes it seems such a remote coincidence… but maybe it was a just an excitable guy watching some sunbathers? It’s a distinct possibility per this witness’ recollection. 

I second Morf’s suggestion that the person these witnesses saw might not have seen Z. Just some zynchronicity.

That was too much!

Posted : December 9, 2021 9:33 pm
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

I mean this is  bizarre because of two things:

1) The “man” could be described way better.
2) What made you send pictures of Poste instead of serious candidates of this case? (Leonard Bates, John Everett Jr., Paul King of Vallejo etc).


This post was modified 3 years ago 3 times by Quicktrader


Posted : December 10, 2021 9:17 pm
Posts: 1210
Moderator Admin
Posted by: @morf13
Posted by: @chaucer

This is an amazing coup finding this witness. I agree that her statements are not rock solid but should provide enough general information to be useful. Moreover, her description seems to add credence that the man she saw was in fact Zodiac. 


I actually felt more confident that the man she saw was NOT Zodiac. She made it a point to say that the guy that was watching them was in good shape where as she described Mac’s pic as heavy (although she thought his general look was similar) Zodiac was described as bulky and heavy like Mac 

Could this be more attributed to a confusion between “blubbery fat” and “beefy”? Perhaps by using the word “thin” she means that he wasn’t obese. Also, the sketch of the LB guy looks like a big guy to me and not someone “thin”. 

“Murder will out, this my conclusion.”
– Geoffrey Chaucer

Posted : December 13, 2021 6:27 pm