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I talked to another Lake Berryessa witness, this is what he told me

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I talked to another Lake Berryessa witness, the son mentioned in this police report (I believe most people know his name, but just in case, and to keep him from getting peppered with people contacting him, I redcated it)

He made some very specific statements to me about what he remembered.

1- The entire interaction was at around 100 yards apart, and lasted 30 seconds or less
2- He observed the suspect, and when he saw that he had no fishing pole, gun, or any kid of gear, he immediately felt that the person was out of place
3-He said that the man he saw was having difficulty navigating and moving along the terrain. He felt that he was heavy, out of shape, and that further bolstered his feeling that the man did not belong out there
4-He said that when the man noticed that he was there, he seemed to react to the gun the witness was carrying and turned around and went in a different direction.
5-Overall description 5ft8-5ft10. heavy, overweight, out of shape. He could not remember if he was wearing glasses
6- I sent witness photos of my suspect, William Mac Andrew. He said that the man he saw looked physically like him, face shape, hairstyle, body features, etc- but due to the distance, he could not clearly make out the facial features on the man he saw and could not rule Mac in or out as the man he saw. 
7-Witness got the sense that the man he saw was older, in part due to his trouble physically navigating the terrain he was moving in, he felt that a younger more physically fit person would have not had as much trouble

That’s it! He could not add anything else. Again, it lasted less than 30 seconds and was at a distance of 100 yards, so making a positive ID by the witness of ANY suspect will likely be impossible.

At the end of the day, I think that witness DID see Zodiac. His description of the man he saw does NOT seem to match the guy seen by the female sunbathers- a taller, physically fit guy

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : January 9, 2022 2:04 pm
Russ Thompson
Posts: 268
Reputable Member
Posted by: @morf13

4-He said that when the man noticed that he was there, he seemed to react to the gun the witness was carrying and turned around and went in a different direction.

… Because perhaps the man was himself was ambling around with concealed weapons? The stature of him does fit the Zodiac.

That was too much!

Posted : January 9, 2022 7:18 pm
Russ Thompson
Posts: 268
Reputable Member
Posted by: @morf13

Witness got the sense that the man he saw was older

Makes me think that the young sunbathers [who witnessed the well-groomed man watch them] just saw a guy who liked to ogle young women who sunbathe. Such guys do exist with great frequency without being psychopathic murderers.

Also, that the sunbathers considered their admirer of decent grooming runs contrary to Hartnell’s impression that the assailant looked “low class” due to his dress appearance.

This post was modified 3 years ago 2 times by Russ Thompson

That was too much!

Posted : January 10, 2022 3:24 pm
Posts: 1210
Moderator Admin

I find it hard to believe that there were two men wandering around the shore of Lake Berryessa mere yards apart from each other and both up to no good. Despite the co-eds description of her man as thin, I have to think it was also Zodiac.

The chances of two different suspicious men at that same location and time seem almost too improbable. 

That said, it’s certainly POSSIBLE, but hard to wrap my head around.

“Murder will out, this my conclusion.”
– Geoffrey Chaucer

Posted : January 10, 2022 6:46 pm
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

Who is William Mac Andrew and why did you tie him to the questioning?



Posted : January 10, 2022 7:15 pm
Posts: 1210
Moderator Admin
Posted by: @quicktrader

Who is William Mac Andrew and why did you tie him to the questioning?



“Murder will out, this my conclusion.”
– Geoffrey Chaucer

Posted : January 10, 2022 7:48 pm
Russ Thompson
Posts: 268
Reputable Member
Posted by: @chaucer

I find it hard to believe that there were two men wandering around the shore of Lake Berryessa mere yards apart from each other and both up to no good.

There’s the rub. The likelihood is low.

That was too much!

Posted : January 10, 2022 9:33 pm
Russ Thompson
Posts: 268
Reputable Member

Could be a case where different witnesses describing the same thing come up with surprising different impressions…. it happens.

That was too much!

Posted : January 11, 2022 3:26 pm
Russ Thompson
Posts: 268
Reputable Member

In particular, the various composite sketches of the East Area Rapist / CA Ransacker seemed to depict different people although today we know they all describe one man. And we can even see the resemblance of that man in each sketch now….

That was too much!

Posted : January 11, 2022 4:01 pm
Russ Thompson
Posts: 268
Reputable Member

Neither the ogler nor the stabber was ever identified which indicates that neither wanted to be identified. The ogler of the sunbathers could hardly have missed media coverage of the notorious crime that happened mere hours after he left the exact same Lake Berryessa area. Ergo he must have known that Law Enforcement wanted to speak with anyone who was there that day. But he never came forward.

So, either the ogler was also the Zodiac [and he obviously never came forward to law enforcement], or two different men in the immediate area of the crime refused to come forward to Law Enforcement. Presumably each man would have his own unique reasons for remaining mum about being there?

Likelihood of the person being two different people diminishes in that light.


That was too much!

Posted : January 11, 2022 11:09 pm