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A Possible Scenario That Explains Some of The Missing Time

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Posts: 433
Reputable Member

I agree with this theory, I think it makes the most sense. The killer told her he had the to the abandoned building and that he would let her in to make a phone call. I agree she was under duress and maybe for the first time in her life, she was an 18 year old girl, not a seasoned veteran, If she thought she was getting a ride home, she would have never left her car that way. Keys in the ign. and windows rolled down. I say this because she had the " presence of mind" to grab her hand bag. I think monarch hit it right-on with his theory. For me, the big question is WHY. What could stirr-up this much rage and hatred in somebody, If somebody can find out the WHY maybe you can do a "reverse trajectory" and find out the WHO.

I think it was most likely an attempted rape, possibly someone socially awkward with women and never had a girlfriend and was
loitering on the campus that evening and saw Cheri arriving and decided he was going to take what he wants so he hatched a
plan to disable her car so he could make his move, and somehow lured Cheri into the alley (to make a phone call ?) then pulled
A knife on her and expected her to submit to his demands but she was having none of it and started fighting back, likely
injuring him and he flew into a psychotic rage and went ape-sh#t on her and killed her.

Posted : September 9, 2019 10:46 am
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

CJB left the library when it closed. In the alley where she was killed were a few buildings out of use, where army guys met the students (as they were not liked to be seen inside or in front of RCC by the profs). She very well could have hung around there with other students/guys. If she had stayed there until all other had gone, she might have had wanted to leave – which Z obviously did not please. And yes, there was a sexual motive (although Z most likely sexually incapable), because it is mentioned in the confession letter.

Thus, no time gap if you consider the youth hanging around for an hour or two.



Posted : September 9, 2019 10:46 am
Posts: 1352
Noble Member

CJB left the library when it closed. In the alley where she was killed were a few buildings out of use, where army guys met the students (as they were not liked to be seen inside or in front of RCC by the profs). She very well could have hung around there with other students/guys. If she had stayed there until all other had gone, she might have had wanted to leave – which Z obviously did not please. And yes, there was a sexual motive (although Z most likely sexually incapable), because it is mentioned in the confession letter.

Thus, no time gap if you consider the youth hanging around for an hour or two.


There is no evidence, or reason to believe, she was in the library after 6:15 PM.

Posted : September 9, 2019 7:59 pm
Posts: 166
Estimable Member

Tom Voigt said above;
"There is no evidence, or reason to believe, she was in the library after 6:15 PM."

From Tom Voigt’s webpage;
Tom Voigt states, [The following information was]…"revealed to me in confidence on Sept. 10, 1999.
My source wished to remain anonymous."

– "At about 9:30 o’clock the night of the murder, a female student passed a man standing in the alley
where Cheri would be attacked just minutes later. Although they didn’t know each other, the female student
and unknown male said "hi" to each other. The stranger was standing in the shadows. It was later determined
that from his vantage point he could have easily watched Cheri’s VW Bug while she was in the library

That sounds like a reasonable reason to me, Tom.
(EDIT 26JAN21: Spelling correction of TV’s surname.)

Posted : September 10, 2019 9:45 am
Posts: 553
Honorable Member

Forgetfulness is something we all develop as we get older. There is no weakness in that.

Posted : September 10, 2019 6:04 pm
Posts: 1352
Noble Member

That was propaganda given to me by Bud Kelly.

Posted : September 10, 2019 8:16 pm
Posts: 433
Reputable Member

Has RPD ever taken a hard serious look at Bud Kelley ? given he is a convicted pedofile and he lived across the street from
Cheri Jo’s high school.

Posted : September 11, 2019 12:42 am
Posts: 166
Estimable Member

TomVoigt said; "That was propaganda given to me by Bud Kelly."

What you place or allow to remain on your website is your business, Tom.

The remainder of the paragraph on that webpage reads thusly;
"It was later determined that from his vantage point he could have easily watched Cheri’s
VW Bug while she was in the library. Several years later, RPD showed the female student
a photo lineup which contained Barnett’s picture. Although she could not identify anyone
in the lineup, she initially had described clothing on the unknown male that matched what
Barnett was wearing the night of the murder.

Although this alleged incident is being used (by RPD) to springboard into an implied allegation against
(pseudonym=)Bob Barnett, there still exists the possibility that the alleged incident did occur.

Do you know if Granville Douglas Kelley Jr is still alive, still in prison or released? Might be
interesting to see if time has mellowed and loosened his tongue, for instance, also if he had
any other names or even other evidence that he ‘took home’, like the alleged CJB diary.

Posted : September 11, 2019 5:05 am
Posts: 1352
Noble Member

Bud’s still in prison and will likely die there. His entire life was a lie.

In the next week to ten days I’ll be updating my website regarding Cheri. It will coincide with my new podcast. Sorry to be a tease.

Posted : September 11, 2019 7:14 am
Posts: 433
Reputable Member

^Look forward to it Tom !

Posted : September 11, 2019 8:18 am
Posts: 1266
Noble Member

Bud’s still in prison and will likely die there. His entire life was a lie.

In the next week to ten days I’ll be updating my website regarding Cheri. It will coincide with my new podcast. Sorry to be a tease.

I can’t be the only one still interested in Bud Kelley as a POI.

Posted : September 11, 2019 4:59 pm
Posts: 5315
Member Moderator

Bud’s still in prison and will likely die there. His entire life was a lie.

In the next week to ten days I’ll be updating my website regarding Cheri. It will coincide with my new podcast. Sorry to be a tease.

I can’t be the only one still interested in Bud Kelley as a POI.

You’re not and it seems like a lot of these guys are "cop" affiliated. Not to discredit the good ones… ;)

They are on the inside, think they have an upper-hand, ego-driven, etc. Then, when you found out something like this with BK? He sure as sh** has a larger history than the girls he went to prison for.

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : September 11, 2019 8:06 pm
Posts: 1266
Noble Member

Bud’s still in prison and will likely die there. His entire life was a lie.

In the next week to ten days I’ll be updating my website regarding Cheri. It will coincide with my new podcast. Sorry to be a tease.

I can’t be the only one still interested in Bud Kelley as a POI.

You’re not and it seems like a lot of these guys are "cop" affiliated. Not to discredit the good ones… ;)

They are on the inside, think they have an upper-hand, ego-driven, etc. Then, when you found out something like this with BK? He sure as sh** has a larger history than the girls he went to prison for.

Bud Kelley took Cheri’s diary home. He lived on the same street as her in Riverside. He fixated Riverside PD on "Bob Barnett" and downplayed any link to Zodiac. Then he’s convicted and imprisoned for crimes against children.

It all rings a few alarm bells.

Posted : September 11, 2019 9:39 pm
Posts: 208
Estimable Member

I’ve always argued that Kelley should be looked into further. Not holding my breath for RPD to do anything of the sort though.

Posted : September 12, 2019 2:47 am
Posts: 154
Estimable Member
Topic starter

Had a thought. Bailey said Ross was always in the quad, smelled bad, and always wore the same clothes. What if Ross was regularly sleeping at one of the annex’s? He would have easy access through use of a key or leaving something inconspicuous unlocked/open. Ross’s living situation at the time is muddy and it’s not hard to believe he would get kicked out of a living situation requiring him to find a place to stay. People in those situations sometimes sleep at their workplaces. Bailey’s description sounds like a guy doing that. I guess we will never know but if Ross was crashing regularly at the library annex he would be solidified as one of the top suspects.

My wish for this upcoming anniversary of this tragedy is cooperation by RPD. Personally, I would very much like to know who checked out CJB’s books for her, if any of them were from the annex (smoking gun if so because the annex shouldn’t have been open), if returned books went through the annex to be reshelved, and what was in her notebook (did she take notes? If so she was working on her paper for at least part of the missing time). I would also like to know if they thoroughly searched the buildings around her crime scene, including the annex and theater.

Posted : October 19, 2020 6:29 pm
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