This FBI memo shows that RPD seemed to think that the killer of Bates, and the confession letter were one and the same. Also, they seem to confirm that RPD DID receive a phone call after the murder. I thought I remember them dismissing a phone call?
There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer
I found this 1974-75 mention of the Bates case in the FBI files stating that any prints or latents in the Bates case have never been presented to the FBI for comparison to zodiac’s. If true, that is a terrible, terrible mistake.
It’s on page 140 here- … %2006/view
There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer
I found this 1974-75 mention of the Bates case in the FBI files stating that any prints or latents in the Bates case have never been presented to the FBI for comparison to zodiac’s. If true, that is a terrible, terrible mistake.
It’s on page 140 here- … %2006/view
At that time yes but it does end by stating that they will request handprinting examples and photos of latent prints to do just that. Whether that happened or not is another matter yet to be clarified.
I found this 1974-75 mention of the Bates case in the FBI files stating that any prints or latents in the Bates case have never been presented to the FBI for comparison to zodiac’s. If true, that is a terrible, terrible mistake.
It’s on page 140 here- … %2006/view
At that time yes but it does end by stating that they will request handprinting examples and photos of latent prints to do just that. Whether that happened or not is another matter yet to be clarified.
Okay, I missed that. I asked a Napa Detective last year, and he did not know the answer either,although he did have some notes on a task force meeting that they had held with various jurisdictions,and they had mixed feelings on whether or not Bates was a Z victim
There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer