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Thoughts on the RH initials on the desk

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Also in the first ciphers, the crossed circle, the zodiac symbol, represented the letter "d", and assuming that zodiac would put significance on this symbol, and assuming that he was fairly egotistical, one could guess that "d" could be the first letter of zodiacs name.

In the "this is the zodiac speaking" documentary fellow offers refer to richard asv"dick", in theory the zodiac symbol being represented by the letter "d" could have stood for "dick hoffman"

Posted : October 22, 2017 4:42 pm
Posts: 794
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A shot in the dark: anyone know if Richard Hoffman had any connection to Riverside?

Posted : October 24, 2017 7:15 pm
Posts: 2598
Famed Member

Recently cross-checked 18,840 surnames in combination with 300 most frequent first names (latter one covering 78% of the population). Resulted in 5.625m potential complete full name combinations. Out of those 5.625m values, only about two combinations with the initials ‘RH’ could be matched to the my-name-is cipher (e.g. ‘RAUL…T.HURT’).

It therefore is quite unlikely that the my-name-is cipher reveals Z’s real name and, simultaneously, ‘RH’ were Z’s initials. As long as Z’s first name wasn’t ‘Raul’, one may therefore conclude that the my-name-is cipher most likely excludes RH as being Z’s initials.

The my-name-is cipher either doesn’t contain Z’s real name or Z’s initials weren’t RH (chance 78%).

No matter if you believe in RH being Z’s initials or in the my-name-is cipher hiding Z’s real name – both at the same time rather doesn’t work out. You may try this by yourself by finding any name with the initials RH, with a total of 13 letters, that matches the my-name-is cipher. It shouldn’t be too easy, though.

So either Z didn’t hide his real name behind the cipher or the initials RH stand for something else, e.g. ‘Ramona High’.

What if Z had not written his own but a potential victim’s initials on the desktop?

Like somehow signalling what he had planned to do with RH (but later decided to kill someone else)?



Posted : October 25, 2017 3:25 pm
Posts: 475
Reputable Member

A shot in the dark: anyone know if Richard Hoffman had any connection to Riverside?

I’m curious as well, because I have been trying to rule out Hoffman as a person of interest in blue rock springs, but have only found further leads connecting Hoffman these other cases, even potentially to riverside.

Did you know that Cecelia Ann Shepard , from the lake berryessa attack, was a student at riverside?
This could be a potential connection between the Cheri Jo Bates case and the Cecelia Ann Shepard case.

(A friend of mine believes that zodiac was obsessed with movies, and that he had actually filmed his attacks, but I discount this notion, though it would explain the flashlight at blue rock springs and the elaborate costume at lake berryessa, as well as the eyes in the tree in the paul averly card, though I feel this is all simple coincidence)

Any way, I am occupied with clearing Hoffman as a suspect in blue rock springs at the moment… did you know that hoffman reported to be in the area just before the murder, then, when he responds by radio telling dispatch that he is on his way to the scene, it only takes him two minutes to get to mike’s side, two minutes! Which leads,me to believe that he never went far from the scene of the murder, he was in the exact area before, most likely during, and after the murder… I was hoping that making my timeline was going to eliminate Hoffman as a suspect, but it’s actually only making him look more suspicious…

I think there is a chance that richard Hoffman was involved in these killings, I also think there is a chance that the "rh" initials could stand for "richard Hoffman", however, it does not matter what one thinks, it matters what one can prove.

Posted : November 11, 2017 7:57 pm
Posts: 1328
Noble Member

A shot in the dark: anyone know if Richard Hoffman had any connection to Riverside?

I’m curious as well, because I have been trying to rule out Hoffman as a person of interest in blue rock springs, but have only found further leads connecting Hoffman these other cases, even potentially to riverside.

If Hoffman shot Ferrin and Mageau, who made the phone call?

Posted : December 12, 2017 8:03 am
Posts: 92
Trusted Member

The desks were stored with some upside down onto each other and the poem was found on a desk stored in such a condition. It has been theorized that the author of the poem wrote it while the desk was in that non-class session state (someone else had this question).

My thoughts on rh are numerous, but I like the idea of the headmaster or principle of having a first name comprised R.H. and the morbid defacing of the writers surface done in his name, that is good theory! T.S. Elliot etc.

My own belief is that the initials are for Ross himself and denote a private planned fantasy of a stage name he at one time was thinking to inhabit. A change from his insecure previous self to a character such as Ross Holmsby or Ross Hatherton, Ross Hightower or Ross Hammerstein….a pen name which never came to pass….until he morphed into Zodiac…..

or maybe it stands for rh blood factor, the poem is about life’s blood draining away from a woman, till she is found, only to die the "next time…"

The author has claimed the work, that much is evident.

Posted : December 15, 2017 8:36 am
Posts: 1328
Noble Member

I wonder if whoever wrote it did so somewhat in the style of one of their favorite poets, and initialed it with the poet’s initials instead of their own.

There is a somewhat obscure poet from the 1800’s named Richard H. Horne, know mostly for his epic poem "Orion". He was considered a tragedian poet, his work tended to be a little dark. He also had a poem titled "Ode to the Mikado of Japan".

https://ia802205.us.archive.org/9/items … rnrich.pdf

Posted : December 15, 2017 9:54 am
Posts: 4
New Member

Has anyone used a site such as Classmates.com to search for possible ‘rh’ matches? I did a quick search and found a couple ‘rh’ +/- a few years of 1966. Not sure how complete of a list this is, but it’s a possible tool. Are there any other sources? Yearbooks, perhaps? -D

Posted : February 10, 2018 8:12 am
Posts: 475
Reputable Member

It’s been a long time since my last posts here, and my views have definitely evolved with my discovery of the evidence.

"Richard hoffman" is still a possibility for the "rh" on the desk in my mind, but I am very open to all other possibilities.
(Curiouscat, I feel I got to "the phone call" in like 3 other threads at this point, so I will spare the readers of repeating it here. )

That "class search thing" is actually a good idea, just find every student who initials are "rh" then do whatever research you can to narrow things down from there, like, look for an "rh" who fits other zodiac prerequisites. Its a long shot, but hey, it might turn up something.

Posted : February 10, 2018 7:18 pm
Posts: 1328
Noble Member

(Curiouscat, I feel I got to "the phone call" in like 3 other threads at this point,

I asked that two months ago, which is one reason I say you are ignoring evidence that clears Hoffman of making the phone call. You won’t even address how you are wrong that the call from Zodiac came in a 12:47 when it didn’t. You know where this is all addressed, what thread, so you can answer there.

Posted : February 10, 2018 9:22 pm
Posts: 205
Estimable Member

Has anyone used a site such as Classmates.com to search for possible ‘rh’ matches? I did a quick search and found a couple ‘rh’ +/- a few years of 1966. Not sure how complete of a list this is, but it’s a possible tool. Are there any other sources? Yearbooks, perhaps? -D

A little while ago I looked through the college yearbooks from 1963 to 1966 for anyone with the initials R.H. or H.R. In ’66 book directory there is Harry Redifer, but no page provided on which he would appear. I have not eyed the whole book in case it’s just a mistake and he’s on some page and the lacking number is just an error. So he’s sort of a mystery person. Here’s all R.H.’s and H.R.’s from ’66 book:

Hendrickson Rich
Hess Robert
Hoyle Robert A.
Redifer Harry
Rush Howard
Ruther Hans
Rutledge Harold

Posted : February 10, 2018 11:39 pm
Posts: 794
Prominent Member

joku: As I understand it, the ’67 yearbook, which would have included Bates, was not published. Ergo, an RH could have registered in the Fall of ’66, and not been included in the ’66 yearbook.

Posted : February 11, 2018 1:48 am
Posts: 1772
Noble Member

Has anyone used a site such as Classmates.com to search for possible ‘rh’ matches? I did a quick search and found a couple ‘rh’ +/- a few years of 1966. Not sure how complete of a list this is, but it’s a possible tool. Are there any other sources? Yearbooks, perhaps? -D

A little while ago I looked through the college yearbooks from 1963 to 1966 for anyone with the initials R.H. or H.R. In ’66 book directory there is Harry Redifer, but no page provided on which he would appear. I have not eyed the whole book in case it’s just a mistake and he’s on some page and the lacking number is just an error. So he’s sort of a mystery person. Here’s all R.H.’s and H.R.’s from ’66 book:

Hendrickson Rich
Hess Robert
Hoyle Robert A.
Redifer Harry
Rush Howard
Ruther Hans
Rutledge Harold

Somebody called Richard L Hendrickson was imprisoned at Old Montana State Prison (relevant, because of the perpetrator at Berryessa, claiming to be an escaped convict from Deer Lodge, Montana). This could forge a connection between the RH on the desktop, the 1966 Riverside yearbook, and Lake Berryessa, but for the fact this guy was in prison sometime between 1910-1955. Has this guy in the yearbook got a middle name.

Posted : February 11, 2018 2:14 am
Posts: 205
Estimable Member

Has anyone used a site such as Classmates.com to search for possible ‘rh’ matches? I did a quick search and found a couple ‘rh’ +/- a few years of 1966. Not sure how complete of a list this is, but it’s a possible tool. Are there any other sources? Yearbooks, perhaps? -D

A little while ago I looked through the college yearbooks from 1963 to 1966 for anyone with the initials R.H. or H.R. In ’66 book directory there is Harry Redifer, but no page provided on which he would appear. I have not eyed the whole book in case it’s just a mistake and he’s on some page and the lacking number is just an error. So he’s sort of a mystery person. Here’s all R.H.’s and H.R.’s from ’66 book:

Hendrickson Rich
Hess Robert
Hoyle Robert A.
Redifer Harry
Rush Howard
Ruther Hans
Rutledge Harold

Somebody called Richard L Hendrickson was imprisoned at Old Montana State Prison (relevant, because of the perpetrator at Berryessa, claiming to be an escaped convict from Deer Lodge, Montana). This could forge a connection between the RH on the desktop, the 1966 Riverside yearbook, and Lake Berryessa, but for the fact this guy was in prison sometime between 1910-1955. Has this guy in the yearbook got a middle name.

No, there’s no middle name for him in the book. But there’s a picture of him in the water polo team. Looks the same age as the other guys so probably born around 1945-47, would be too young to have been in prison.

Posted : February 11, 2018 3:54 am
Posts: 193
Estimable Member

Does anybody have copies of the RCC yearbooks from 1960-65? I haven’t been able to find them online anywhere. I’m particularly interested in someone with the last initial of H.

I believe that the "r" is not the letter originally intended to be written. If one looks closely, it appears darker than the others, as if it is an attempt to change it at the last second.

Anybody have thoughts about that?

Posted : November 5, 2018 10:21 pm
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