The writer of the confession letter makes it sound as if he had an evil plan to stalk and attack Cheri. That he had "one thing on his mind, making her pay" and also the statement " I said it was about time" in which Cheri responded, "about time for what?", and the writer came back with "about time for you to die"
Do these statements fit the reality of the case, especially concerning the knife that was used? If the writer was the killer and went there with the intent to kill Cheri, why bring a small simple knife? He could have used a much more lethal knife, or a knife like the one at Berryessa with tape on the handle, etc.
To me, it sounds as if the letter writer may not have been the killer, or if he was, he made things sound as if he was an evil mastermind when in reality, Cheri gave her killer all that he could handle, which again doesn’t line up with the letter. Cheri fought and wound up getting pieces of her killer(DNA), tore off his watch, etc. The letter writer makes it sound like it was an easy attack and that he had fun, when in reality, it wasn’t.
Just curious to hear other opinions about the letter and reality lining up or not
There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer
It the letter he claims:
-He has killed before.
-The murder was planned.
-He knew Bates since highschool.
-He offered her a ride and she accepted.
I’m willing to bet that all these are false claims. He may have killed animals before, but he wouldn’t offer this info that narrows down the suspect pool if it was correct. I seems like misdirection. RPD would then look for a known killer from CJB class at Ramona High.
Cheri’s killer need not have belonged to her class at Ramona High; he could have been a member of the 1963-1966 classes.
If Cheri’s killer wanted to kill her from the outset, he could have done so much more easily and safely than the elaborate scheme he set in motion. I think he was of two minds about Cheri: a true love-hate relationship. He sabotaged her car so he could talk to her; yet also carried a knife–small, but with a blade sufficient to kill–on his person. Further, in "The Confession"his absurd claim that killing Cheri was easy only exposes his profound concern that he not be considered masculine and in control of his female victim.
IMHO this murder is related to the Zodiac case only insofar as the Z wrote the letter (double postage) and also commented elsewhere about the trouble in Riverside or whatever his exact words were. So it was yet another red herring or false clue by the Z.
Yeah, those details don’t add up. If he was a guy in his late 20’s or early 30’s that attacked couples and random young women alone out of town, then he might have killed before. But if he knew Cheri and he was a guy who was 18 or 20 and lived in the area, then no way he killed before.
That cheesy line about "time to die" is so fake, it makes me really doubt this guy ever killed anyone. But then again, Zodiac said some weird things too, so who knows.
Cheri’s killer need not have belonged to her class at Ramona High; he could have been a member of the 1963-1966 classes.
If Cheri’s killer wanted to kill her from the outset, he could have done so much more easily and safely than the elaborate scheme he set in motion. I think he was of two minds about Cheri: a true love-hate relationship. He sabotaged her car so he could talk to her; yet also carried a knife–small, but with a blade sufficient to kill–on his person. Further, in "The Confession"his absurd claim that killing Cheri was easy only exposes his profound concern that he not be considered masculine and in control of his female victim.
I agree with Dag and would have posted something similar.
That the "Bates Had To Die" letters were written in an obviously distorted script; and the use of multiple carbon copies in "The Confession", suggest that Bates’ killer feared both his handwriting and his typewriter’s print could identify him. Now, this would not concern John or Jane Q. Public, but it definitely would someone whose handwriting or typing might be examined by LE. Such as a student at Riverside City College who had submitted handwritten/typed essays, etc. Further, the lined notebook paper used in the "Bates Had To Die" notes adds weight to this argument.
That’s interesting. Was it ever in the press about the number of generation copies made of the confession letter or law enforcement efforts to track down the typewriter (or whatever) prior to three handwritten letters being mailed? When? Where? Etc. Please.
Anyway, I agree again with dag.
Suze: I remember a posting somewhere that said "The Confession" was the ninth carbon copy. How they came to that conclusion I have no clue. Something I’d like to know is how many spaces there are in "The Confession"’s non-signature. I’ve read there were twelve. Anyone know?
For some reason I think it was glurk that talked about the number of spaces.
Trav concluded 19 spaces based on visual inspection:
An old post by Lapumo indicates one copy shows 13 and the other shows 19:
I lean towards Seagull’s opinion: The number of spaces might not be purposefully intended to disclose the length of a name. – He could have just hit the underscore key until the line seemed long enough.
Soze: Apologies for misidentifying you as "Suze." I’m a geezer, and prone to Alzheimer’s; also, "Suze" struck me as a variant of "Suzie," a nickname familiar to me, and just sort of automatically popped up on my keyboard. However, to be fair, you can call me "Dog." After all, my wife does.
No worries. I don’t offend easy and certainly wouldn’t be offended over something like a screen name. Soze/ Suze/saze/smart@ss (which i can be) is all good.
Trav concluded 19 spaces based on visual inspection:
An old post by Lapumo indicates one copy shows 13 and the other shows 19:
I lean towards Seagull’s opinion: The number of spaces might not be purposefully intended to disclose the length of a name. – He could have just hit the underscore key until the line seemed long enough.
I started to say trav but, again, something told me glurk. Not sure why.