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Darlene's address book

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Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
Noble Member

That is why I said straight after the initial comment…

"If, on the other hand, it can be shown that back then it was commonplace to misspell a tenants name and there was almost one incorrectly named tenant in every apartment block, then I will gladly take back my comment."

In other words, if the wrong name often shows up on tenancies, then I would say that of the two options (albeit hypothetical ones) I would say this one is more likely to have been the reason. I was simply using this option above to say I though there is more likelihood that Kane himself lived there than the census people given dud info by another tenant of the block. I am sorry Seagull if you took me to literally be saying "KANE LIVED THERE END OF CASE CLOSED", I though it was rather obvious I was speaking hypothetically.

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : July 23, 2013 4:14 am
Posts: 2309
Member Moderator

The Polk’s Directories were not official in the sense that they were generated by the government. They were meant for private enterprise, for businesses to use. The books were sold only to those who were in some sort business and not available to private citizens. They were a marketing tool. Mailing lists were created from them for instance. They did not have anything to do with census taking which is done by the government once every 10 years and not released to the public for 70 years after being taken.

Usually the Polk’s were published once a year but not always as evidenced by the fact that San Francisco’s 1969-1970 issue was the two years combined. The point was to establish the actual addresses of residences and businesses. Polk’s was not primarily concerned with the name of the person living at a particular address but that a particular address actually existed. So, yes, a neighbor would be asked about people living in close proximity to them.

It could be that Laurence Cave was not home in1966 and a neighbor gave the information as near as they knew it to the canvasser but in the subsequent year Mr. Cave was home and gave the corrected information.

I hope that helps.

There was a person listed in official records as being in the Bay Area named Laurence V Cave, he died in 1975 in San Mateo. He is also listed in various censuses first in Iowa where he was born and later in Santa Barbara County CA where he worked in a hotel.

WC did you read this post I made on the previous page???

The Polk’s Directories were for commercial purposes and have nothing to do with the census. They did not really care if a person’s name was correct as much as they cared that there was a legitimate address that could be marketed to.


Posted : July 23, 2013 4:24 am
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
Noble Member

Yes Seagull, you said…

"Considering that Laurence Cave lived in that particular apartment the three years following 1966 and it is a very similar name to LC Cane I would tend to think that a neighbor gave the info to the canvasser but I can’t be absolutely sure of that."

So when they canvas an Appt. Block with, lets say 47 Tenants, is it standard practise to knock each and every flat door to get the occupants name, and then ask the tenant residing next door for the neighbours name if he isn’t in at the time? I am not asking this sarcastically, I am not American so genuinely don’t know. But I would have though that they would have just gone straight to the Appt. Complex Owner/Landlord if the required a list of resident names.

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : July 23, 2013 5:06 am
Posts: 2309
Member Moderator

Yes, it would be a standard practice to ask a neighbor if a tenant was not home. I realize that you are not American so I am honestly trying to let you know what was done. I remember living at home with my folks and the canvassers coming by wanting the information about who lived at our house. They did ask about neighbors who were not at home, too. We lived in a house not an apartment building though.


Posted : July 23, 2013 5:45 am
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
Noble Member

Yes, it would be a standard practice to ask a neighbor if a tenant was not home. I realize that you are not American so I am honestly trying to let you know what was done. I remember living at home with my folks and the canvassers coming by wanting the information about who lived at our house. They did ask about neighbors who were not at home, too. We lived in a house not an apartment building though.

Ok that is a fair point and I have no argument against it. I just didn’t think that kind of data gathering would take place as it doesn’t over here. I suppose that’s the error I made, assuming the US has similar ways of doing things to the UK. Over here I just never have known that to happen. A person wouldn’t give his neighbours info to some stranger on the door step who has a card he claims is ID, but I think more so, if a neighbour gave my details to a man who knocked his door and asked him for them claiming I was out, and my neighbour supplied him with my Name, DOB, Status, Employment Detail etc, I would go nuts with that neighbour lol.

Anyway Seagull, the context in which I said Kane was the more likely reason for the name change/discrepancy, was not meant as a literal statement, but rather I was saying it in the context of that being more likely the reason for the name difference than the theory of a neighbour being responsible for giving slightly incorrect details. But, now you have told me that it isn’t uncommon for that to occur, I will happily concede that I was wrong in my assumption. But I just want to emphasize the point that I was speaking hypothetically, and was saying in effect "I think there’s more chance Kane would be the reason for the name discrepancy than there would be for some erroneous neighbour." And I do appreciate you letting me know that it is common in the US Seagull all the same :-)

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : July 23, 2013 7:09 am
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
Noble Member

Yes, it would be a standard practice to ask a neighbor if a tenant was not home. I realize that you are not American so I am honestly trying to let you know what was done. I remember living at home with my folks and the canvassers coming by wanting the information about who lived at our house. They did ask about neighbors who were not at home, too. We lived in a house not an apartment building though.

Ok that is a fair point and I have no argument against it. I just didn’t think that kind of data gathering would take place as it doesn’t over here. I suppose that’s the error I made, assuming the US has similar ways of doing things to the UK. Over here I just never have known that to happen. A person wouldn’t give his neighbours info to some stranger on the door step who has a card he claims is ID, but I think more so, if a neighbour gave my details to a man who knocked his door and asked him for them claiming I was out, and my neighbour supplied him with my Name, DOB, Status, Employment Detail etc, I would go nuts with that neighbour lol.

Anyway Seagull, the context in which I said Kane was the more likely reason for the name change/discrepancy, was not meant as a literal statement, but rather I was saying it in the context of that being more likely the reason for the name difference than the theory of a neighbour being responsible for giving slightly incorrect details. But, now you have told me that it isn’t uncommon for that to occur, I will happily concede that I was wrong in my assumption. But I just want to emphasize the point that I was speaking hypothetically, and was saying in effect "I think there’s more chance Kane would be the reason for the name discrepancy than there would be for some erroneous neighbour." And I do appreciate you letting me know that it is common in the US Seagull all the same :-)

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : July 23, 2013 7:09 am
Posts: 628
Honorable Member

People also had different social standards at the time, they generally knew their neighbors and had no reason to be mistrustful of them. And for a person coming to your door and asking for personal information, the worst thing that could happen is that you received a brochure in the mail asking for a magazine subscription. People weren’t committing ID theft and so on like now.

Posted : July 23, 2013 9:04 am
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
Noble Member

People also had different social standards at the time, they generally knew their neighbors and had no reason to be mistrustful of them. And for a person coming to your door and asking for personal information, the worst thing that could happen is that you received a brochure in the mail asking for a magazine subscription. People weren’t committing ID theft and so on like now.

Another good point. I would feel though if asked for my neighbours details as though I have absolutely no right what-so-ever to go giving such personal info to someone I don’t know and that it just isn’t my place to do so. And if I did, I would fully expect that neighbour to be furious. But, maybe it’s a bit of, as you said, the era (swinging Sixties and a time when ID theft probably wasn’t a crime that was a problem, and the internet and online ID fraud & theft were years away, aswell as maybe our cultures are different in that way. Maybe American people are more trusting in general than us Brits?

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : July 23, 2013 11:58 am
Posts: 821
Prominent Member

In all respect, this thread is about Darlene Ferrin’s phonebook, not Larry Kane issues ;)

Hi, english is not my first language so please bear with me :)

Posted : July 23, 2013 3:36 pm
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
Noble Member

In all respect, this thread is about Darlene Ferrin’s phonebook, not Larry Kane issues ;)

And with respect also, I mention the fact that an ‘L.Cane’ was listed as residing in the same apartment block that Deee had listed in her Address book. I would argue that that in itself is well within the subject matter and is not more relevant to post anywhere else other than here in this thread. Lol.

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : July 23, 2013 11:22 pm
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
Noble Member

If others want to stay on that issue for a fre posts then that’s up to them. I am more than used to people reacting negatively to suggestions regarding Cane no matter what they are. If the L. Cane was proven tomorrow to be unquestionably, Kane, then it would be ‘Yes well, ok, it was him. But it’s just coincidence.’ lol.

I would have said the same here if the resident’s listed name read Mr A.L Allen, it’s not so much ‘because it’s Cane I cannot help but post it’, but rather, because it’s relevant to this thread because the name was in the, Ummm, what is it again in the Re: Title? Ohh yes, it was in ‘Darlenes Address Book’ lol

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : July 23, 2013 11:30 pm
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
Noble Member

And just as a final post regarding the issue of the identity of the man listed as living in the same block as the name found of the man in Dee’s address book, here is something I had forgot until double checking.

At Tom’s Site, on the message board, there are comments made by a user that states he has done extensive research and investigation on 217 Eddy as well as 455 Eddy and has obtained the list of names of all residents occupying the appts. in the relevant time period and this is what he states publically. "Hines states Kane was residing at 217 Eddy, however, there is absolutely no record of a Kane, Cane or Klein residing there anywhere near that time period. The only resident that was listed as living in the area as ‘Cane’, was the resident residing in 455 Eddy’. He then goes on to state that he believes that Cane….Yes, the Cane, was actually living at 455 Eddy st, and states "It seems that Cane was not residing at 217 Eddy, but was a resident of 455 Eddy and that he did not live two streets away from Mr Pond who is listed in Darlene’s address book, but actually lived two floors away from him in the same building.’ Now if memory serves me, this user had been speaking to Sandy at the time he said this on Tom’s board, so maybe Sandy can elaborate further on what it is that he actually has investigated and to what extent. And I also want to say that, judging from the users messages, he does not in any way support the idea that Kane is the Zodiac, so this is coming from an independent source.

I will apologize that this thread has now become too focused on Cane, I having remembered this point and posted it, I won’t say another word regarding him on this thread.

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : July 23, 2013 11:54 pm
Posts: 2598
Famed Member
Topic starter


some questions regarding Darlene’s address book..maybe they have been answered before, don’t know:

– Jan Eisen, 903 Ashbury, SF (p.6) – do we know who is this guy?
– Eunice Nalan, 1751 Central Avenue, Albany 5, NY (p.6) – what about this Albany connection?
– Paul Ferrin, 930 Monterey, Vallejo (p.7) – relative?
– Reverend John Zeltin – Darlene had his private address in her address book, why?

http://zodiackiller.fr.yuku.com/topic/5 … Miscellany


Well, it is mainly about all individuals mentioned in the book…such as the four above, nobody any idea? Thx (btw, beachvolleyball near Danube river is f-a-n-t-a-s-t-i-c)



Posted : July 24, 2013 2:46 am
Posts: 5315
Member Moderator


some questions regarding Darlene’s address book..maybe they have been answered before, don’t know:

– Jan Eisen, 903 Ashbury, SF (p.6) – do we know who is this guy?
– Eunice Nalan, 1751 Central Avenue, Albany 5, NY (p.6) – what about this Albany connection?
– Paul Ferrin, 930 Monterey, Vallejo (p.7) – relative?
– Reverend John Zeltin – Darlene had his private address in her address book, why?

http://zodiackiller.fr.yuku.com/topic/5 … Miscellany


Well, it is mainly about all individuals mentioned in the book…such as the four above, nobody any idea? Thx (btw, beachvolleyball near Danube river is f-a-n-t-a-s-t-i-c)


I believe it is Jay Eisen…I think he is an attorney now. (just going off the top of my head)
Paul Ferrin is Dean’s brother.
John Zeltin was much older than Darlene. I don’t know if he was Darlen’es pastor, or if it was someone who went to his church years later. He did live in Vallejo for a while.
Not sure about Eunice.

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : July 24, 2013 3:40 am
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
Noble Member

In my opinion, assuming the tenant was ‘Lawrence Kane’ (as we know him best) then the most likey explanation, based on what we know of him and his use of different names and dob’s etc,

Sea’s Larry Cave died in ’75 San Mateo. Is this the same as Larry Kane? If so, then that’s a good match.

L. Cane I am interested more so in because I know ‘Cane was his actual, official name due to his being buried under that name. As I said, no person with the name’s of Kane, Cane or Cain could be found living at 217 Eddy at all in the resident history records according to info I have seen. The only resident that was able to be found in the entire area that was called ‘Cane’ (Forget the L. initial even), was a resident of 455 Eddy, the same building for which Dee Ferrin had a contact in her address book. The person at Tom’s site who claims to have done reaserch into the area and it’s residents, is of the opinion that Kane did not live at 217, but ‘Cane’ actually lived at 455. Again I point out this is all coming from a person who does not claim Kane is Zodiac, and simply points it out as his own findings. I am not in a position to argue the specific details, I was not the one who did the research but you can still see the claim up at Tom’s site under Kane’s thread

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : July 24, 2013 4:28 am
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