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Darlene's address book

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Don’t trust what Graysmith said about who was at the so called "painting" party. That information was given to him by Darlene’s sister. She was desperate to tie every name she had heard and connect it somehow to Darlene, including Art Allen’s brother Ron.
Buzz Gordon was one of the people named as being at that party. I asked him if that was true? He said he only went out with her once and was never at her home. He is one person for sure who was not there. (The painting party was a drug party) I doubt any of VPD would have been there!

I met a young woman at Mark G Hewitt’s book signing of "Hunted" ( About the Zodiac case)in Napa on the 21st of this month. She told me that her father and mother were at the painting party and that they knew Darlene very well and hung out with her.
That they saw the man in the gray suit at that party and then again later at the wharf in Vallejo.

Her father lives in WA the mother passed away a couple of years ago. She also mentioned that her father once owned the gas station where Zodiac made his call. I said was that the station in Vallejo? She said no it was the one around the corner on Main street. I said that was a car wash. The woman who was with her claimed to be Melvin Belli’s niece, she looked to be in her late 70’s. I gave the young woman my email address and phone number to give to her father and asked that he contact me please. Have not heard back as of today. If this guy saw the suspect twice he could be a valuable witness.

Posted : January 27, 2017 11:50 pm
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

TF quote:
Sure wonder how/why DF knew this criminal???

She found those types exciting and apparently entertaining? Remember what Mike M said he told her about being a criminal? He said that she liked that and that was when they became close.
I believe that it was one of those bad guys who knew her and killed her, because she knew too much about him/them, just Like Toni Anstey. I was told by one of Vallejo’s bad guys that she knew too much and was up north pushing up daises. (Meaning dead) That was before she was found murdered up north.
The person who said that to me was Don Porter, he was a part of the drug and counterfeit ring in Vallejo during the late 60’s. He was also the one who mentioned the name Dee and how he had to stop by her home to pick up something or drop it off, I don’t remember which it was and I don’t remember what the house looked like.
If only I could be hypnotized, who knows what I could recall ?
If we could get a hold of the missing pages of that address book, the name of her killer could be there? ( A lot of if’s in this case)

Posted : January 28, 2017 12:51 am
Posts: 22
Eminent Member

Don’t trust what Graysmith said about who was at the so called "painting" party

Thanks Sandy but if Pam was the one who gave Graysmith the name of Jay for the painting party, how did she come up with that name if Dee didn’t actually know Jay ?(as Jim said in the old zig boards).

Here is quote of Jim talking about the address book entries of Jay and Susan.
"Dee absolutely never knew Susan Alexander. Impossible. Some of those other entries with my friends is completely disconcerting to me… one, especially, I probably didn’t even know the guy’s address… I knew the building by sight… couple doors off of Haight St… so I never had the occasion to write or even memorize his address… His was just a place to hang and talk… he was a law school student…. How that address ever came about is just a total mystery…"

The reason I am curious about this is Jim said he had no contact with Dee since he signed the divorce papers in 67. When the police questioned him in 70 he said he didn’t even know she was dead. There are three things that suggest that he may have be lying.

1.) When Dee’s mother was questioned about Jim she said she had not seen him since Dee’s funeral, where he as seen sitting in the back with a pregnant woman. Jim was in fact married to a woman at that time that was pregnant. Jim lived in Santa Cruz at the time, and his wife was unknown to Dee’s family. It would be quite a luck guess by Dee’s mom that Jim was with a pregnant woman.

2.) Graysmith quotes Dee’s friends Bobby Ramos and Bobby Oxnam one in the yellow book the other in unmasked, they both believed that the gifts she was getting from Mexico in 69 were sent from Jim who was in Mexico at that time. If Jim and Dee had no contact since 67 why would they think it was Jim sending the gifts from Mexico? Jim in the Zig boards confirmed that he was in fact in Mexico in 69. How did Dee’s friends in Vallejo know Jim was in Mexico in 69?

"I did make a trip to Mexico in 69, but completely unrelated to Dee, whom I hadn’t seen since I left Vallejo, except for a moment to sign divorce papers…
How she ever got the names of my friends in her address book is a complete mystery to me… I never told her about any of those people…. hell, I’m starting to wonder if I was being followed… you guys have me paranoid all of a sudden…" (He is referring to Jay and Susan)

3.) If Jay was Jim’s friend and Dee didn’t even know him, why was Jay listed as being at the "painting party" in 69?

This leaves us with the question, if Jim was actually still in contact with Dee right up until her death, why would he deny it?

Z is the master of distraction.

Posted : January 29, 2017 8:47 pm
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

Why would he deny it? Because Jim Is a liar that’s why. Why did he say that he didn’t know Dee had died ,when in fact he was seen at the funeral ? If Dee was receiving gifts from Mexico and Jim was there at that time, I doubt it was coming from some stranger living in Mexico. Was he lying about not knowing that she was murdered, because he was allegedly involved somehow? Why else would he feel the need to lie about it? Even if Darlene somehow made friends with Jay and put his address in the address book , that doesn’t mean he was at the painting party. If by chance he was , It really wouldn’t matter, that certainly wouldn’t make him a suspect unless he was the one in the gray suit. Pam didn’t know the name of that man, so it wasn’t Jay. Pam said that Gyke was there and that when she went to his home after Dee’s murder,she told me me that she met him for the first time.(Go figure)

Posted : January 29, 2017 9:43 pm
Posts: 22
Eminent Member

I agree Sandy. I think these are important points. Saying he didn’t know that Dee was dead, if he was in fact at her funeral is foolish as clearly LE would see the contradiction in the reports. Then again, he did say that he was not the "unknown man" in the photo with Dee, when clearly it is him…

Please, if anyone has ever made contact with Jay or Susan from the address book I would very much like to know what they said. I think it could be important. If Jim remained in contact with Dee up until her murder the reason he denies it could be important, and Susan or Jay might have some information about what the heck is going on here.

It’s also curious that when Jim looked through the address book on the Zig board that he said the only two names he recognized besides his own, his parents, was Jay and Susan. Because according to timetoresearch, when emailing Rosalind Herkommer (who is also in the address book and was a member of the Church Of Satan) Barry Woodward and Jim were good friends that would often double date while they were living at the Harcourt residence in 65. I suppose after all these years Jim might have not recognized Barry’s name in the address book.

Z is the master of distraction.

Posted : January 29, 2017 11:43 pm
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

I think that Jim has a "selective" memory loss. I was told that there was a black robe ( Like what was worn at the Church of Satan) in Dee’s closet, that Jim got her into going to that church.

I met Anton’s ex wife and his son at one of the task force meetings we have at Zkiller.com. They were very interested in the Zodiac.
It so happens that I met someone who was still going to that church in 1990. I was looking for Kathleen Johns and found one, but it wasn’t thee Kathleen that we know about.

She asked to see my suspects picture and said she was pretty sure he went to her church. That was when I found out she and her husband belonged to the Church of Satan !
I must have looked somewhat like the road runner with all the dust I kicked up as I got the heck out of Dodge!

Posted : January 30, 2017 4:59 am
Posts: 22
Eminent Member

Sandy, who told you that it was Jim that got Dee going to that "church"?

Z is the master of distraction.

Posted : January 31, 2017 2:31 am
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

Sandy, who told you that it was Jim that got Dee going to that "church"?

Dee’s sister Pam, she was also the person who told me about the black robe.

Posted : January 31, 2017 7:22 am
Posts: 22
Eminent Member

Hmm. I read about the black cloak in the yellow book, and it certainly seems that the rumours about Dee being involved in the occult all come back to the time she spent with Jim. Pam, Bobbie Oxnam and Bobbie Ramos all insinuated that Jim was involved in some sort of cult or occult. Later his Skip Stone would say the same thing. Buzz Gordon, who I know was a friend of yours Sandy, when interviewed also mentioned Dee being involved with the occult with a guy she traveled around the country with, and had trouble leaving the group and had threats were made against her family. Buzz says this is before Jim, but clearly Jim was the man she traveled around the country with. He also said it was the same man that followed her around Vallejo. (Hard to say if he meant the guy that was stalking her, or if he was referring to the brief period where Jim lived in Vallejo with Dee.)

I have not run across anything specific though. Jim said he was with The Diggers (lots of crazy cults had connections to them), and he seems to have strong connections to Buddhism. I know the address given in the police reports when they went to pick him up in Boulder Creek, was for a time The Satori Conference Centre (Satori is a Buddhist term) and then the home to a cult called Christ Circle run by a guy named Arthur Hempel. There are some very scary stories about Hempel and his group, but he didn’t start the cult until 1974, four years after Jim was there. That address BTW is Rout 1, Box 521, Boulder Creek. Not the Ben Lemond address from the infamous Blackwell Postcard.

After he was questioned by LE in 1970, he went and lived in Tipi in Ashland Oregon and then in another Tipi in Salt Springs Island in British Columbia Canada. If he was ever a member of a cult the locations may be a clue to what cult it was. I have not been able to connect the dots to any specific cult and wonder if when these people that new Dee referred to the occult, that could be any kind of spiritual type thing that wasn’t Christian that seemed weird to them. Who knows? If anyone has any more information about that I sure would like to hear it!

I guess we have gotten way off topic from the address book… sorry.

Z is the master of distraction.

Posted : January 31, 2017 8:21 am
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

You have a lot if very good information , thank you for sharing. I also had a address for Jim in Boulder Creek when he applied for a business license . I wanted to see what his handwriting was like, to see if he wrote in the address book. It was hard to know for sure.
He did how ever change his middle name on that license from Douglas to Dixon.

Posted : February 1, 2017 7:36 am
Posts: 22
Eminent Member

Sandy, I looked into the James Dixon Phillips living in Boulder Creek, who still lives there today. He is not the same Jim. Just a coincidence that he lives so close to where JC lived in 1970. I am 100% sure about that. JC has not lived in that area since 1970 as far as can tell. This is the Jim Dixon Phillips that lives in Boulder Creek. He has nothing to do with the case. https://www.linkedin.com/in/james4dphillips

I have verified it through numerous sources. He is married to M. Weeks. It’s important I think that this is clarified. This incorrect information had been posted as fact for years.

Z is the master of distraction.

Posted : February 1, 2017 7:29 pm
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

Thank you for clarifying that !
I did see thee Jim Phillips in person around 1995-96 at the Santa Cruz library , there is absolutely no doubt it was him. I went up to him after seeing him glaring at Ed N and myself looking up what ever we could in the city directories about him. I asked him if he was Jim Phillips , he said in a gruff voice NO!
But I had his graduation picture on me and I knew he was in fact the same person. He had the same shaped face, blue eyes, nose, space between his two front teeth. He was dressed like a hippie with shoulder length reddish wavy blond hair. (Which was very different than his grad. picture with a dark crew cut) but it was him.
Ed wondered how he could have known that we were there? We were at the assessors office earlier that day and asked for any property owned by him. As it turned out ,the person I asked was a friend of Jim’s. The assessor didn’t give me his address because he said it was closing time.
He knew we were headed to the library , because I asked him where it was and must have phoned Jim to tell him we were asking about him. It was easy to find us at the library, I had bright red hair at that time and Ed N was 5 ft 6in.
Jim waited outside at closing time ( 9pm I think? It was dark.) We saw him standing at the bottom of the stairs, Ed told me not to worry that he was a black belt in Karate and held my hand as we went down the stairs. Jim came towards me and looked as if he was going to grab me ,then put his hands down. We went past him and into the car. I drew a picture of how he looked right away,I still have that drawing. It was later that I found the address which was wrong, with M.Weeks. There were a few Jim Phillips in the Santa Cruz area at that time, one owned a surf shop, one was a well known Artist.

Posted : February 1, 2017 10:30 pm
Posts: 22
Eminent Member

That is a really creepy story Sandy! So he obviously painted connections in the Santa Cruz area.

Z is the master of distraction.

Posted : February 2, 2017 8:55 pm
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

That is a really creepy story Sandy! So he obviously painted connections in the Santa Cruz area.

Yes It was him for sure and like Skip Stone had said, the guy is very scary !
I am alleging that he knows who killed Darlene and why.

Posted : February 2, 2017 10:51 pm
Posts: 50
Trusted Member

My apologies if this has been discussed before, but I find the handwriting on the top of page 8 to be somewhat Z-esque. It’s clearly not Darlene’s, and in my (very non-expert!) opinion, it looks similar to both the "SLA" letter and the bizarre Jim Crabtree "Blackwell’s" postcard. What I find particularly striking is that the same letters (n, r, e) are capitalized in both the Crabtree postcard and the address book entry. The "y"s are also very similar. I’ve made a little comparison image: the red box shows letters from the Crabtree postcard. Not identical, sure, but conceivably written by the same person?

Posted : March 10, 2019 11:15 am
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