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Donald Warren and James Phillips

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Posts: 1375
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Quote from Bill R.
You said that, when you were at Don’s house, you mentioned that you were going to Darlene’s house, and Don’s FRIEND got all upset. Right? Is that the story? Maybe it wasn’t the same Donald as Donald Warren X, but you were checking on that, right?

Please show me where I said we were going to Darlene’s house, instead of saying Dee’s house ?
Don Porter was not Donald X. The Lee Proctor or Key that I was told about ,was not a female, he was an adult male who came to Vallejo in 1969 with Carl Key or Proctor, who was also an adult male.
Texas is pretty large and I will bet there are a lot more people with those same names ,who had nothing to do with Darlene or her family.

I am very sure that if the gun was found that was used in Darlene’s murder, the owner of that gun would have been in jail long ago. Darlene and Mike were shot with a 9 mil gun. not the same 9mil used on Paul Stine.

Posted : September 3, 2014 8:15 am
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

1st guy is alive,2nd guy is dead:
James Phillip Flowers Jr. died in 1994 at the age of 44

Mageau stated that his assailant appeared older than him, JPF was same age that time (19). Do we know the other guy’s age?


About the same

My mistake, Flowers was 19 at time of BRS attack,and I mentioned that Donald Warren ______ was about the same age, when in fact he was 24 at the time of the BRS attack.

Gotta double check his address at time of Z murders, but in the mid 50s’, his parents lived at 302 Hobbs Ave, and his Father was in the Army. I will double check there whereabouts in 1969

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : December 3, 2014 4:01 pm
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

I just checked, Jake Wark, who did a lot of great writing about the case, disclosed some of the Suspect’s real names publicly already. Since he did, I guess it’s okay to point it out here- http://www.zodiackiller.com/mba/ala/676.html

"Donald Warren ___" is certainly an unsavory character, and I hope they fully and correctly ruled him out. If you want to name him on this web site, or discuss him here, only do so in the ‘TOP SECRET SUSPECTS’ area.

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : December 3, 2014 4:54 pm
Posts: 1375
Noble Member

I just checked, Jake Wark, who did a lot of great writing about the case, disclosed some of the Suspect’s real names publicly already. Since he did, I guess it’s okay to point it out here- http://www.zodiackiller.com/mba/ala/676.html

"Donald Warren ___" is certainly an unsavory character, and I hope they fully and correctly ruled him out. If you want to name him on this web site, or discuss him here, only do so in the ‘TOP SECRET SUSPECTS’ area.

Don’t you think that he was ruled out by VPD, I am pretty sure that everone listed here was ruled out? Not that there has never been a murder suspect who was convicted after being ruled out.

This may mean nothing to most of you, but the man that Kathleen Johns and I saw , who we both believe was Zodiac, was about 5ft 8, thick chested , stocky ( Not fat ).
He only looked taller at a distance, when I reported him to Oakland PD 1989, I said he was 6ft tall, but when he later stood next to me toe to toe, he was much shorter. His legs are long and give the impression of a taller man. I have long legs and look taller at a distance , but I am only 5 ft 1in. The hood at Lake B made him look about 3 to 4 in taller than he was.

I trust that Mike M. was correct in his first discription of Zodiac, the only reason that yrs later he thought Art Allen looked like the shooter, wasn’t Allen’s size, it was the rounder looking face that the shooter had.
It wasn’t just Pam who said the man in my picture was the man who Darlene was afraid of, her brother Leo and sister Linda also ID’d that picture. (They mistakenly thought his name was Larry Kane) Why not try to rule this suspect out ? Someone has to know who he is and where he is living now. I have two people who saw him in Vallejo, one said he was in construction, the other said that he told him he was a fan of the Zodiac. And yes he looks very much like the guy who lived with Don Porter on Evans St.Vallejo.

Posted : December 3, 2014 9:18 pm
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

Sandy, as I said I HOPE he was ruled out via prints, and not just writing. A couple examples of holes in some reports, It’s noted that Suspect George Saxberg was ruled out via writing, but no mention of prints. Police at least had some interest in James Owen, since they checked his guns, but according to Owen. never asked him for writing or prints. These are a couple examples.

As far as Donald Warren,he’s mentioned multiple times in reports. He was driving around with loaded guns. He refused to name his source in SF that gave him one of the guns. I hope he was ruled out via prints, but no way to know

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : December 4, 2014 11:24 am
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