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Tuolumne & Springs Phone Call

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Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
Noble Member

For what it’s worth, I also think Z lived within a pretty close proximity to that Springs & Tuolumne phonebooth. I think he likely went home, parked his car, stashed his guns, etc. Then walked to the phonebooth, I think it’s possible he lived within a 1/4 mile of that phonebooth

It makes logical sense that either he lived close by, or knew someone else that did because the shooting was initially reported to LE at 12:10am by a member of the public, yet Zodiac doesn’t call to announce the crime until 12:40, a full half an hour after the initial call to report it. Considering the distance from BRS to Tol & Springs is only 4 to 5 miles away and can be driven in 7 to 10 mins depending on traffic, then he’d have to have gone somewhere off the streets you’d think until he makes his phone call. I can’t imagine he drove around in circles aimlessly or simply parked up on a roadside or in a parking lot for 30 mins waiting, for no real reason other than because he wanted to, to phone police.

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : February 22, 2014 9:14 pm
Posts: 5315
Member Moderator

I know some have mentioned Zodiac sticking around SF to watch what was going on, so why not do the same in Vallejo? I do think he was very familiar with Vallejo, but question if he actually lived there at the time. Could be he just went to Denny’s. :)

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : February 23, 2014 12:11 am
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
Noble Member

I know some have mentioned Zodiac sticking around SF to watch what was going on, so why not do the same in Vallejo? I do think he was very familiar with Vallejo, but question if he actually lived there at the time. Could be he just went to Denny’s. :)

Yes Z stuck around the area of Pacific Heights but whether that was through his own choice, or due to being surrounded & trapped, he didn’t wait for half and hour, or any amount of time for that matter, to then make a phone call bragging.

Why would Zodiac, if hanging around near to Blue Rock crime scene for 20/25 minutes after he actually shoots Dee & Mike, then go and make the call at Tol & Spgs Rd? If he was there or close enough to see the Parking Lot at BRS then he’d already know that Cops had already responded to the scene and thus, pointless and not necessary to call and give specific directions.

Although then again, having said that, I’m sure Nancy said that when she took the call from Z and he said "I want to report a double murder. If you’ll go one mile East on Columbus Parkway to the public park, you’ll find kids in a brown car…" and Nancy said she interrupted him, or attempted to at this point by replying "Yes, Sir, we already have reports of a shooting in that area, can I get your name and where your at?" At that point the caller ignored her request and continued by telling her "They were shot with a 9mm Luger…"

So Nancy told

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : February 23, 2014 5:59 am
Posts: 1772
Noble Member

This phone call is Zodiac’s first confession. Catholics give confession. The Zodiac Killer would know then how long to stay on the
phone before it could be traced. The operator said it sounded like he had rehearsed his speech, not allowing her to interrupt. I wonder
if he timed himself at home. None the less, it is his first confession. Unless you believe he also killed Cheri Jo Bates…

Posted : February 27, 2014 9:31 pm
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
Noble Member

This phone call is Zodiac’s first confession. Catholics give confession. The Zodiac Killer would know then how long to stay on the
phone before it could be traced. The operator said it sounded like he had rehearsed his speech, not allowing her to interrupt. I wonder
if he timed himself at home. None the less, it is his first confession. Unless you believe he also killed Cheri Jo Bates…

Confession is the wrong term. One may confess to a crime either because he is suspected and being questioned about it, or out of remorse and guilt. The caller never actually identified himself over the phone with his trademark opening line "This is the Zodiac Speaking" as he does in the majority of letter he writes to take credit for the crimes. He’s calling police to simply brag about his latest work and direct them to the location.

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : March 7, 2014 3:18 am
Posts: 273
Reputable Member

I’m not sure Z had his persona figured out by July 5, 1969, to announce himself as "This is the Zodiac Speaking"….He doesn’t use that term until his August ’69 letter. He may not have thought of writing about his deadly deeds to the media, or taunting cops, or his personal name "Zodiac" until later in July. One thing Z mentions about the phone booth conversation, and the witness who was passing by, he says as I recall that when the phone rang after Z had hung it up, that it brought attention to himself and his car to the witness. So it sounds like Z’s car was right there by the phone booth for the witness to perhaps see.

Posted : March 7, 2014 10:32 am
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
Noble Member

I’m not sure Z had his persona figured out by July 5, 1969, to announce himself as "This is the Zodiac Speaking"….He doesn’t use that term until his August ’69 letter. He may not have thought of writing about his deadly deeds to the media, or taunting cops, or his personal name "Zodiac" until later in July. One thing Z mentions about the phone booth conversation, and the witness who was passing by, he says as I recall that when the phone rang after Z had hung it up, that it brought attention to himself and his car to the witness. So it sounds like Z’s car was right there by the phone booth for the witness to perhaps see.

Well he had created his identity as ‘Zodiac’ by Sept. 27th complete with the crosshairs logo that he wore on his chest at Berryessa. He phone’s and gets through to Dave Slaight on Sept 27th and once again does not say he’s Zodiac, only that "I want to report a murder…. No, a double murder."

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : March 7, 2014 12:39 pm
Posts: 7527
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Topic starter

I’m not sure Z had his persona figured out by July 5, 1969, to announce himself as "This is the Zodiac Speaking"….He doesn’t use that term until his August ’69 letter. He may not have thought of writing about his deadly deeds to the media, or taunting cops, or his personal name "Zodiac" until later in July. One thing Z mentions about the phone booth conversation, and the witness who was passing by, he says as I recall that when the phone rang after Z had hung it up, that it brought attention to himself and his car to the witness. So it sounds like Z’s car was right there by the phone booth for the witness to perhaps see.

If he did send the Bates letters, which I think he did, there are little Z looking symbols on them, so he may have created that character a couple years before

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : March 7, 2014 3:29 pm
Posts: 1772
Noble Member

"I’m the one who did it." All the Zodiac does is continually tell us he is the killer from this point on. I don’t know how it could be anything other than confession. In the Catholic Church the confessions are anonymous, with the priest sitting in a booth behind a screen, and he is not to know
who you are. But you are still confessing your sins. Zodiac also felt justified in his killings, there were reasons he picked the victims. But he had to
tell us over and over "I did this." This would lead us back to those that believe the "Confession Letter" is sent by the Zodiac Killer. Not all of my
conjecture fits my POI by the way. And after all this, what do we get? The first letter and the 480 code, so jammed packed full of clues and information
it’s not even funny. In fact, the last line of the 480 has yet to be solved, god only knows what it says…

Posted : March 7, 2014 8:50 pm
Posts: 273
Reputable Member

If he did send the Bates letters, which I think he did, there are little Z looking symbols on them, so he may have created that character a couple years before

So true Morf. That symbol looks like a lazy "z", an "m" maybe. I recall looking up I think it was in chemistry symbols, maybe not, but wherever it was there was a symbol that the sign-off also looked like. Z in ’69 and thereafter anyway I think always used a Capital Z, which the Bates signoff doesn’t really look like, but who knows. It was almost like the writer wanted to write a signoff, but didn’t want it to be clearly ID’d. Some have suggested it looks like the initials of that kid at Ramona HS who proclaimed himself to be the Zodiac in the earlier 60’s. I don’t know. I always looked at it as a Z, but then others brought up other possibilities, and maybe they’re right

Posted : March 8, 2014 5:09 am
vasa croe
Posts: 493
Honorable Member

I’m not sure Z had his persona figured out by July 5, 1969, to announce himself as "This is the Zodiac Speaking"….He doesn’t use that term until his August ’69 letter. He may not have thought of writing about his deadly deeds to the media, or taunting cops, or his personal name "Zodiac" until later in July. One thing Z mentions about the phone booth conversation, and the witness who was passing by, he says as I recall that when the phone rang after Z had hung it up, that it brought attention to himself and his car to the witness. So it sounds like Z’s car was right there by the phone booth for the witness to perhaps see.

If he did send the Bates letters, which I think he did, there are little Z looking symbols on them, so he may have created that character a couple years before

I would tend to completely agree with his coming up with the symbol years before. Z seemed to have a lot of imagination and was somewhat OCD. I know from experience that I have doodled certain symbols that I "feel" for years. Could be he had some odd attraction to a certain letter or symbol since his early adolescent years.

Posted : March 8, 2014 5:20 am
Posts: 273
Reputable Member

One Who Knows…..

"I’m the one who did it." All the Zodiac does is continually tell us he is the killer from this point on. I don’t know how it could be anything other than confession. In the Catholic Church the confessions are anonymous, with the priest sitting in a booth behind a screen, and he is not to know
who you are. But you are still confessing your sins. Zodiac also felt justified in his killings, there were reasons he picked the victims. But he had to
tell us over and over "I did this." This would lead us back to those that believe the "Confession Letter" is sent by the Zodiac Killer. Not all of my
conjecture fits my POI by the way. And after all this, what do we get? The first letter and the 480 code, so jammed packed full of clues and information
it’s not even funny. In fact, the last line of the 480 has yet to be solved, god only knows what it says"…..

But who does the Priest confess anonymously to, the media perhaps? A ‘Z line’ that has always stuck out to me is…."I look totally different when I do my thing"……..Does that mean that he makes himself up when he "does his thing", or did it mean he is in a makeup outfit normally (like a Priest), and he dresses down when doing his thing? I remember Ms. John’s saying the guy had all these kids clothes in the back of his car. What man might drive around with a bunch of kid’s clothes in the back of the car? A dad? Not likely dad’s usually made kids take care of their clothes, and not trash up their cars. But a Priest might be involved in a clothes drive. Who is best qualified to put people at ease in stressful situations?

Posted : March 8, 2014 5:48 am
Posts: 334
Reputable Member

A ‘Z line’ that has always stuck out to me is…."I look totally different when I do my thing"……..Does that mean that he makes himself up when he "does his thing", or did it mean he is in a makeup outfit normally (like a Priest), and he dresses down when doing his thing?

Yes, apparently Z was a master of "discise." He could vary his hair color/length, weight, height, and MO at will. So much so, that one might never assume it could possibly be the same person committing murder, except for letters saying so. Now, I’m not going to go all "hoax theory" on everyone, but it’s possible there are a couple murderers out there who think the "Zodiac Killer" was the greatest invention since sliced bread. I’m not saying there was no Zodiac or that he didn’t commit murder, but I find it difficult to take a purported serial killer at his word, especially when he claims 37 victims. Maybe Z cheated at golf too.

Posted : March 10, 2014 4:31 pm
Welsh Chappie
Posts: 1538
Noble Member

Speaking of Zodiac’s claim that he wore a disguise and that he only looked like the composite when he ‘did his thing’, I was wondering earlier in the week whether this disguise went further than simply his hair and facial features. I wondered whether he wore something under his Navy Blue ‘Derby’ type zipper jacket that gave the impression to anyone glancing at him walking by of being a stocky, thick set, barrel chested bloke when in reality underneath he was quite slim?

I only wonder this because Bryan Hartnell said in an interview, and I’m paraphrasing him here as I don’t recall his exact words, something along the lines of: "He looked like a big, heavy guy. But then again, he had one of them jackets on that was thick and made him look that way. For all I know, he could have been a thin guy under it."

Also, Fouke describes the suspect he saw as having rust coloured pleated trousers that were ‘Baggy at the rear.’ Again, makes discerning an accurate weight for the guy just that bit more difficult. Hartnell said the Zodiac would have to be at least 220lbs, possibly even as much as 250. Fouke said 170 – 210lbs.

I know the thought of zodiac wearing something to appear stocky is one that will make a few eyebrows raise but we are talking about a guy who tells us that he could not have left fingerprints at Paul’s Cab because he wears transparent fingertip guards and "all it is is 2 coats of airplane cement coated on my fingertips — quite unnoticeable + very effective." This statement was made by him as though this is completely normal, and every day hundreds of people in the Theatre District are hailing cabs with cement dripping from their fingertips as they prepare to pay for their ride with a led projectile to the drivers head.

"So it’s sorta social. Demented and sad, but social, right?" Judd Nelson.

Posted : April 1, 2014 6:16 pm
Posts: 5315
Member Moderator

I doubt the night he attacked Mike & Darlene and made this call he wore a disguise. It was late, he made sure they were alone and his plan was to kill them.

But, Mike did live and described his build…in a t-shirt.

While weight in lbs. might be difficult for some, describing them is something else. Beefy, heavy build. Not fat.

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : April 1, 2014 9:17 pm
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