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The ONLY way Ricky killed them is if he was part of a Zodiac team. He had no way to drive all the way out there, and he certainly had no way to get out to Berryessa, and the person making the calls afterwards wasnt a teenage boy. Its highly unlikely he killed them

Guess he doesn’t look like the Zodiac..is there anything that clearly rules him out, e.g. handwriting, height? I agree that he doesn’t look like the sketch at all and was too young for being Z. Not sure if we can rule him out completely, even as acting alone (well, his father and Mr. Othis left earlier, too).

But another point: Not to forget that Darlene Ferrin had told her sister that she saw someone murdering somebody. This imo was the reason why she was killed months after the Jensen/Faraday. So she may possibly be placed at LHR around 11:14 as well.

Therefore her or Mike’s car could have been seen there (we remember a car seen with two Caucasians). Or she might have been there with someone else, e.g. the mysterious man who gave her presents and was present at the painting party. And if so – does Mike Mageau know anything about what she had seen (he denies to..)?

Another question:
How is it possible that Stella Borges (Medeiros) finds the bodies at 11:13 PM to 11:14 PM, while James A. Owen sees a second car at 11:20 PM and Peggie and Homer Your, too, see the station wagon at 11:15 PM to 11:18 PM, without any bodies lying around?

Let’s assume Stella Borges was later than she actually was aware of, e.g. 11:22:
She saw only one car, so the second car (of Z) must already have left the scene. She further mentioned that no car came into her direction, so the car probably went into the other direction. Two minutes earlier, James A. Owen saw the second car at 11:20 PM, which must then have been only one minute before the murder. This is coinciding with his statement that he had heart a shot. Peggie and Homer Your, however, had arrived at 11:15 PM to 11:18 PM, therefore only 4-7 minutes earlier. Mrs. … reports that they did not pass any other car, however saw a long dark car at the entrance of Humble Oil company, with a guard talking to the driver. At LHR scene they only saw one one car. This would mean that the crime did actually happen sometime between 11:20 PM and 11:22 PM exactly (after James A. Owen saw the second car at 11:20 PM but before Stella Borges found the bodies as early as 11:22 PM).

Let’s assume Stella Borges was actually correct with her time, finding the bodies sometime between 11:13 PM and 11:14 PM:
In that case, James Owen must have been passing by earlier, at about 11:12 PM to 11:14 PM, because he was still hearing the shot. Peggie and Homer Your, leaving the two racoon hunters sometime between 11:05 PM and 11:10 PM would have passed the scene only minutes before Owen and Borges passing the scene, with the crime happening only 2-4 minutes after they passed the station wagon. Mr. Owen stated that just before he approached the scene, a vehicle passed him going in the opposite direction toward Vallejo near Borges Ranch. As he was driving toward the scene, this could not have been Zodiac, because he did not see any bodies when passing by. However it might have been the car of Peggie and Homer Your. In that case, Zodiac was not driving ahead of James Owen, as Peggie mentioned that they did not pass any car and that they did not see a second car at the scene. What could have been, however, is that Zodiac drove behind the Yours car, stopped at LHR scene and then was seen by James Owen. Only seconds later, Owen hears a shot. Owen had left at 11:00 PM, according to his cuckoo clock and possibly was at the scene no later than 11:10 PM to 11:13 PM. According to the racoon hunters it is possible that the Yours had passed earlier (leaving at 11:05 PM to 11:10 PM). And, the yours had seen a car at the entrance of the Humble Oil company. In any case, they had left the racoon hunters earlier than they moved with their red pick-up. They possibly had been driving into the other direction, which is why they did not see the scene.

Let’s assume that none of this witnesses is lying: Then either the time of Stella Borges or the time of Peggie and Homer Your is simply wrong. This could have happened accidentially or by purpose.

It seems to be a fact, however, that the Yours have seen a car at the entrance of Humble Oil company and that James Owen had heard a shot. As no other cars have been seen driving by, the man who talked to the guard at Humble Oil company could very well have been the Zodiac. Also, the dark car is described by both, the Yours and also did James Owen see a second car at the scene.

What is irritating, however, is that James Owen – after driving a quarter of a mile – hears a shot but shortly before, could not see anybody at the scene. I wonder if even James Owen was the driver at the Humble Oil company entrance? To get a clear picture, I should know about where all of these guys were actually living..to better understand in which directions they were going..

A last point: If the Yours had seen Jensen leaning against Faraday’s shoulder, they were not ‘hunted’ with a Zodiac car but had rather already parked there on their own will.

To better understand who went when into what direction, we should collect all points of interest such as the entrance to Humble Oil company, the Reservoir Road scene, Old Lake Herman Road, Borges ranch, Owen’s home etc. to get a full picture of what the witnesses actually had said.



Posted : December 21, 2013 7:52 pm
Posts: 7527
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A couple points to clear up-

Owen said he left his house at 11:00 and got to the scene at about 11:20. His clock was found to be 5 minutes fast, meaning he really left at about 10:55 and got there at 11:14 or so.

Stella Borges said she left her house at about 11:10(going from memory), and that driving the 2and 7/10 miles from her house to the scene, she arrived there at about 11:15. If this was dad on, there was ZERO chance z could have done the shooting and escaped unseen. Here’s where it gets real complicated, Stella’s clock was found to be 3 minutes FAST. That means, she actually left at 11:07 or so,and would be there at 11:12 or so. Obviously,again, no way she got there before James Owen. She saw the bodies,and raced off at a high rate of speed to find police, which she did in Benicia at a gas station. Police indicate that she mad contact with them at 11:25,and that at the speed she drove, she had driven it in 5 minutes or so, which that puts her at the scene at 11:20.

This is the ‘miracle’ 6 minutes in which Z got away unseen. The luckiest guy in the world? I doubt it.

Let’s say for a second, Owen was telling the truth, and he was there at 11:14. He went by the scene, and claims he heard a shot a 1/4 mile down the road, which is basically, almost 11:15, now Zodiac has to be even luckier to get away unseen as the window is even tighter. Zodiac could have did the crime in about 2 minutes, assuming there was no small talk, or BS stories about wanting to rob them,etc. Or, if there was no resistance. If there was BS stories,or resistance of any sort, then maybe deduct a minute off the already small window.

I think what it boils down to is, the window of time between Owen passing the scene and Borges arriving is about 6 minutes according to police, and I think it could have been less than 4. Let’s think how lucky Z was….he arrives just after the hunters leave, and just before owen passes by(the time in between the hunters leaving and Owen passing is also very short). Somehow, by a miracle, not only is Zodiac NOT in the middle of the attack on the kids when Owen passes by, he somehow has managed to vanish and so do the kids. Owen claims he sees nobody around and no bodies. Yet, Owen claims about 30 seconds later, he hears a shot. Evidence shows that the kids were ordered out of the passenger side of the Rambler, and Dave was shot immediately, and Betty as she ran off. So even though Owen saw nobody around, within 30 seconds, the kids are back in their car,and Zodiac appears and orders them out of the car, in time for Owen to hear a shot. It doesn’t add up, while it could happen,it simply seems like a miracle for it to work the way it did.

I think that it is ‘POSSIBLE'(if Owen was Zodiac)that the Hunters left at about 11:10. And Borges found the bodies at about 11:20. That leaves Owen to minutes to arrive, do whatever he wants, take his time, etc. Here’s where he could have messed up, it would be likely that he wanted to place himself at the scene in order to ‘see the killer’s car’, and then place himself ‘away from the scene’ when the shooting started. He would have no idea that Borges was going to pass the scene very quickly after he left.

Another thing, assuming again for a second that Owen was telling the truth, and Zodiac’s car was really parked next to the victim’s, why would Z still go thru with the attack? For all he knew, his car description may have been witnesses or his plate#,etc…lucky for him, Owen saw the Victim’s car, but could only tell that the car was "dark,and lacking in chrome". Pretty lucky,that Owen could give so little info about Zodiac’s car,huh?

For all the reasons above, I think Owen continues to be the most logical suspect until being properly ruled out,and that will likely never happen now. In a way,I wish Borges had gotten there 2 minutes earlier, I think there might not be any zodiac mystery after 40+ years, and some victims would have been saved,but then again, perhaps Borges would have been shot too. I also think it’s worth mentioning, that Borges did not pass any cars on her way to the scene(going by memory,correct me if I am wrong),which means Zodiac likely headed off in the other direction.

One other note: Mr & Mrs Your’s clock was found to be off by several minutes, it was fast as I recall, like 10-20 min or something like that,so they were there earlier then they thought they were.

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : December 21, 2013 11:09 pm
Posts: 367
Reputable Member

Another thing, assuming again for a second that Owen was telling the truth, and Zodiac’s car was really parked next to the victim’s, why would Z still go thru with the attack? For all he knew, his car description may have been witnesses or his plate#,etc…lucky for him, Owen saw the Victim’s car, but could only tell that the car was "dark,and lacking in chrome". Pretty lucky,that Owen could give so little info about Zodiac’s car,huh?

To play devil’s advocate, morf, serial killers, like pretty much all people, aren’t always creatures of logic. If Zodiac’s bloodlust were high enough that night, he probably would’ve thrown caution to the wind.

Posted : December 22, 2013 12:18 am
Posts: 2598
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A couple points to clear up-

Owen said he left his house at 11:00 and got to the scene at about 11:20. His clock was found to be 5 minutes fast, meaning he really left at about 10:55 and got there at 11:14 or so.

Can’t find where it is said that his clock went wrong..Stella Borges’ went 7 minutes, I think. Nevertheless the time 11:14 may be accurate.

Stella Borges said she left her house at about 11:10(going from memory), and that driving the 2and 7/10 miles from her house to the scene, she arrived there at about 11:15. If this was dad on, there was ZERO chance z could have done the shooting and escaped unseen. Here’s where it gets real complicated, Stella’s clock was found to be 3 minutes FAST. That means, she actually left at 11:07 or so,and would be there at 11:12 or so. Obviously,again, no way she got there before James Owen. She saw the bodies,and raced off at a high rate of speed to find police, which she did in Benicia at a gas station. Police indicate that she mad contact with them at 11:25,and that at the speed she drove, she had driven it in 5 minutes or so, which that puts her at the scene at 11:20.

Stella Borges, imo, did not require more than 4-5 minutes to get to the scene. If her clock was 11:10 PM and actually went one unit fast ( http://www.zodiackiller.com/LHRPR19.html ), she actually had left her house at 11:09 PM. To leave the house (with the coat still on), enter the car and driving to the scene makes it no later than 11:16 PM, imo. Like one minute to enter the car, 4 minutes to drive with 40mph towards the scene. Makes five minutes, actually coinciding with the time written on the scene sketch (11:14 PM). Possibly a maximum of six or seven, putting her to the scene at 11:16 PM, but she probably was at the scene a bit earlier than 11:20 PM, imo.

It means that Owen, having left at 11:00 PM or earlier at 10:55 PM, was about 5-10 minutes later at the scene, hearing the shot at sometime about 11:05 PM to 11:14 PM.

This is the ‘miracle’ 6 minutes in which Z got away unseen. The luckiest guy in the world? I doubt it.

Let’s say for a second, Owen was telling the truth, and he was there at 11:14. He went by the scene, and claims he heard a shot a 1/4 mile down the road, which is basically, almost 11:15, now Zodiac has to be even luckier to get away unseen as the window is even tighter. Zodiac could have did the crime in about 2 minutes, assuming there was no small talk, or BS stories about wanting to rob them,etc. Or, if there was no resistance. If there was BS stories,or resistance of any sort, then maybe deduct a minute off the already small window.

I think what it boils down to is, the window of time between Owen passing the scene and Borges arriving is about 6 minutes according to police, and I think it could have been less than 4. Let’s think how lucky Z was….he arrives just after the hunters leave, and just before owen passes by(the time in between the hunters leaving and Owen passing is also very short). Somehow, by a miracle, not only is Zodiac NOT in the middle of the attack on the kids when Owen passes by, he somehow has managed to vanish and so do the kids. Owen claims he sees nobody around and no bodies. Yet, Owen claims about 30 seconds later, he hears a shot. Evidence shows that the kids were ordered out of the passenger side of the Rambler, and Dave was shot immediately, and Betty as she ran off. So even though Owen saw nobody around, within 30 seconds, the kids are back in their car,and Zodiac appears and orders them out of the car, in time for Owen to hear a shot. It doesn’t add up, while it could happen,it simply seems like a miracle for it to work the way it did.

True, as if Z had waited for Owen’s car to pass by before leaving the car.

I think that it is ‘POSSIBLE'(if Owen was Zodiac)that the Hunters left at about 11:10. And Borges found the bodies at about 11:20. That leaves Owen to minutes to arrive, do whatever he wants, take his time, etc. Here’s where he could have messed up, it would be likely that he wanted to place himself at the scene in order to ‘see the killer’s car’, and then place himself ‘away from the scene’ when the shooting started. He would have no idea that Borges was going to pass the scene very quickly after he left.

The hunters could have passed the scene at about 11:10 PM to 11:12 PM.

Another thing, assuming again for a second that Owen was telling the truth, and Zodiac’s car was really parked next to the victim’s, why would Z still go thru with the attack? For all he knew, his car description may have been witnesses or his plate#,etc…lucky for him, Owen saw the Victim’s car, but could only tell that the car was "dark,and lacking in chrome". Pretty lucky,that Owen could give so little info about Zodiac’s car,huh?

For all the reasons above, I think Owen continues to be the most logical suspect until being properly ruled out,and that will likely never happen now. In a way,I wish Borges had gotten there 2 minutes earlier, I think there might not be any zodiac mystery after 40+ years, and some victims would have been saved,but then again, perhaps Borges would have been shot too. I also think it’s worth mentioning, that Borges did not pass any cars on her way to the scene(going by memory,correct me if I am wrong),which means Zodiac likely headed off in the other direction.

One other note: Mr & Mrs Your’s clock was found to be off by several minutes, it was fast as I recall, like 10-20 min or something like that,so they were there earlier then they thought they were.


Posted : December 22, 2013 12:27 am
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

I will check the times and accuracy of the clocks later tonight. Off the top of my head, Owen assumed he left at 11:00, but really left at 10:55 since the clock he was going by was 5 minutes fast. Borges clock was found to be 1 or 3 minutes fast(forget off the top of my head),so she left 1-3 minutes sooner than she thought. The hunters, I agree, likely left at about 11:08-11:12, remember, they sat in their truck for a few minutes waiting for it to warm up before they left. I tend to think it was likely 11:08-11:10

Break these times down:

11:08-11:10, Hunters leave

11:14(if Owen is telling the truth)he passes the scene

11:14-11:20,Borges find the bodies.

For these times above, that’s why Owen is such an interesting person of interest. Zodiac would have had to miracled his way next to the Rambler just after the hunters left,and before Owen got there. Then,he miracled his way out of there just after Owen left,and Borges found the bodies. The timing is so,so tight,andZ would have had to be extremely lucky. Again,it’s a wonder that either Owen(if he was not zodiac)or Borges did not happen to pass by as Zodiac was shooting the couple.

Borges is the most interesting of all witnesses perhaps, because she was confident what time she left her house. The crime scene is 2&7/10 miles from her house,so at the speed she was driving, she knew what time she would have passed the scene. On top of that, her clock was fast, and she really got there earlier. I think it’s possible,she just missed, within seconds, Zodiac exiting. The reason they think she must have really got to the scene a full 5-6 minutes later than she thought,was because she supposedly made contact with Pitta at 11:25,after driving at high speed, and when police went back to the scene driving at high speed,it took 5 minutes,so they assumed she had found the bodies 5 minutes before at 11:20. That’s where some of the confusion came in. But I wonder, cops racing back to the scene may have driven faster back to the scene then Borges drove away from the scene to find them.

She said that Betty was ON HER SIDE when she saw her. Zodiac said that Betty was ON HER SIDE in his letter. When cops got back to the scene, Betty was FACE DOWN. I am no forensic or medical expert, but the only thing I can think of is that after she was shot,she wound up lying on her side, and she died after Borges went for help,falling over face down.

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : December 22, 2013 1:44 am
Posts: 172
Estimable Member

What about Pierre Bidou? Did he pass the crime scene like he claims, and see nothing on the way back from a drug bust?

Anyone have any newspaper clippings on the drug bust?

There was a drug bust that night, right? One with a whole bunch of weed, for that point in time?

Surely (don’t call me Shirley) that would have made the papers.

Posted : December 22, 2013 2:26 am
Posts: 172
Estimable Member

Was the Borges house 2.7 miles from the crime scene?

I thought maybe I cleared that up. Maybe that guy I posted about was a liar and that wasn’t where the houses were located.

Posted : December 22, 2013 2:29 am
Posts: 172
Estimable Member

Let’s assume that none of this witnesses is lying: Then either the time of Stella Borges or the time of Peggie and Homer Your is simply wrong. This could have happened accidentially or by purpose.

They were both off. Their clocks were wrong. Peggy was off by 7 minutes(page 27 of police report on TV’s site). Stella by 1minute(page 19 of police report on TV’s site).

Posted : December 22, 2013 3:20 am
Posts: 2598
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I will check the times and accuracy of the clocks later tonight. Off the top of my head, Owen assumed he left at 11:00, but really left at 10:55 since the clock he was going by was 5 minutes fast. Borges clock was found to be 1 or 3 minutes fast(forget off the top of my head),so she left 1-3 minutes sooner than she thought. The hunters, I agree, likely left at about 11:08-11:12, remember, they sat in their truck for a few minutes waiting for it to warm up before they left. I tend to think it was likely 11:08-11:10

Break these times down:

11:08-11:10, Hunters leave

11:14(if Owen is telling the truth)he passes the scene

11:14-11:20,Borges find the bodies.

For these times above, that’s why Owen is such an interesting person of interest. Zodiac would have had to miracled his way next to the Rambler just after the hunters left,and before Owen got there. Then,he miracled his way out of there just after Owen left,and Borges found the bodies. The timing is so,so tight,andZ would have had to be extremely lucky. Again,it’s a wonder that either Owen(if he was not zodiac)or Borges did not happen to pass by as Zodiac was shooting the couple.

Borges is the most interesting of all witnesses perhaps, because she was confident what time she left her house. The crime scene is 2&7/10 miles from her house,so at the speed she was driving, she knew what time she would have passed the scene. On top of that, her clock was fast, and she really got there earlier. I think it’s possible,she just missed, within seconds, Zodiac exiting. The reason they think she must have really got to the scene a full 5-6 minutes later than she thought,was because she supposedly made contact with Pitta at 11:25,after driving at high speed, and when police went back to the scene driving at high speed,it took 5 minutes,so they assumed she had found the bodies 5 minutes before at 11:20. That’s where some of the confusion came in. But I wonder, cops racing back to the scene may have driven faster back to the scene then Borges drove away from the scene to find them.

She said that Betty was ON HER SIDE when she saw her. Zodiac said that Betty was ON HER SIDE in his letter. When cops got back to the scene, Betty was FACE DOWN. I am no forensic or medical expert, but the only thing I can think of is that after she was shot,she wound up lying on her side, and she died after Borges went for help,falling over face down.

Those police reports really have a huge potential to find suspects..

Peggie Your about the red pick-up truck (racoon hunters):
‘When they turned around into the Marshall Ranch, Mrs. Your reports they saw a red pick-up truck with wooden board sides parked in the field about twentyfive feet in. At this time the car was facing out to the road. She stated there were two white male adults in the car, one of them was twenty-five to thirty years old, and had a stocking type hat or cap over his head, a three-cell flashlight and a hunting jacket. Mrs. Your reports that they did not pass any other car at the area and only the station wagon was parked at the Pumping Station entrance.’

Then she states to having seen Jensen/Faraday’s Rambler with the front end heading East. This, btw, is not the crime scene, imo. The pump station should be near Water Way, east of Reservoir Road, while the U-type road on the scene sketch, with its fence, looks rather to be going towards the police shooting range. But anyway, she states that she saw two Caucasians, one starting to sit upright / putting his hands on the steering wheel as they drove by. But now:

‘She states her husband drove on to the bottom of the hill and turned into the road way on the right side, going into the Marshall Ranch. She states as the car got to the gate, she saw a tall WMA approximately 28 years dressed in dark clothing, standing by the gate on her husbands side of the car (the left side) approximately six feet from the car. He had a gun in his hand, it had a long barrel. A red pick-up truck with white wooden sides was parked about 40 feet ahead of their car. She stated a WMA who appeared to be an old man got out of the truck and shined a flash light into their car.’

Can you see?

In one statement, she claims that two men were sitting in the car. And in the other one, he is standing 40 feet away from his red pick-up truck, right next to their car.

This certainly doesn’t fit together.



Posted : December 22, 2013 1:52 pm
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

The reports are written in a confusing way. The two caucasions she saw in the car were Faraday & Jensen. The guys with the guns,the two man,were Gasser & Connelly, the racoon hunters

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : December 22, 2013 2:04 pm
Posts: 2598
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The ‘two Caucasians’ are mentioned twice. Once by William about the passengers of the blue Valiant (or similar), and a second time by Peggie Your about Jensen Faraday. In her police reports, however, she refers twice to the red pick-up truck. It is only in the last sentence of the previously posted (first) passage that no other cars had passed and that the Jensen/Faraday Rambler was still at the same spot.

But with regard to the red pick-up truck she obviously stated:

‘When they turned around into the Marshall Ranch, Mrs. Your reports they (!) saw a red pick-up truck… She stated there were two white male adults in the car.

In the car. And in the second part of the police report:

‘She states her husband drove…into the road way on the right side, going into the Marshall Ranch. She states as the car got to the gate, she saw a tall WMA approximately 28 years dressed in dark clothing, standing by the gate on her husbands side of the car (the left side) approximately six feet from the car… A red pick-up truck…was parked about 40 feet ahead of their car…’

40 feet ahead. This is a discrepancy.

Either Gassner/Connoly were in the car, 40 feet ahead, or one of them was standing next to her husband, only six feet away, ‘as the car got to the gate’. Both together doesn’t match.

Except if there was a third person, but she did not mention them to be three. So either she is lying or the police officer made an error. But actually I think he did not, because Peggie Your states that only one (!) person had left the car:

‘She stated a WMA who appeared to be an old man got out of the truck and shined a flash light into their car.’

It could be that there was just a misunderstanding (‘in’ or ‘at’ the car). The first one mentions only briefly that the two men were in the car. Nevertheless she was able to give a description of his clothing etc..so I rather believe the second story is what actually happened.

It appears as if the racoon hunter was still at his car when Homer saw him and was already close to the gate when Peggie saw him. The older one then got out of his truck.

Homer Your in fact might have seen it right:
‘…a red pick up truck that had wooden sides. A man was by the truck, he shined his flashlight into the Your car.’

He did not mention the second man leaving the car. Or did he not differ between the two racoon hunters? But he sees a man standing by the car. The second hunter exits the car, but Homer does not mention it or at least it is not written in the report. According to him, the man standing by the car shines his flashlight into their car.

Again, a discrepancy: He sees only one man by the truck. This man had a flashlight and did Peggie describe the younger racoon hunter having a flashlight and a gun.

Wild west games. Racoon hunter walk to the gate to open it. The Yours arrive, both see the truck. The younger racoon hunter exits or has already exited the pick-up truck, stands with the gun and shines his flash light into the car.

Another discrepancy:
In the report on page 16, she mentions that the younger racoon hunter (28 yrs.) stood next to her husbands side of the car. ‘He had a gun’. Later she states that an old man got out of the truck and shined a flash light into their car.

In the report on page 12, she mentions that one of them was 25-30 years old and had a … three cell flashlight and a hunting jacket.

So the only possibility is that both were inside the truck, then the younger left the truck with his gun but gave the flash light to his older hunting companion. He gets out of the car (therefore Peggie Your’s statement is still FALSE as she was the one who mentioned that there was already a man standing with his gun close to the gate!) and walks with his gun towards the gate. The older racoon hunter exits the car, shines into the car, and the Yours leave the scene.

It is impossible to combine: The younger man was standing with his flashlight close by the gate or he was inside the car with the possibility to give the flashlight to his companion.

The older man did have a flashlight to shine into their car or he did not. Or both of them had flashlights, but then the Yours did not mention.

Or according to Homer, the man standing by the car had a flashlight, but then he was not close to the gate when the Yours arrived.

Discrepancies. Or one of them has never been at the scene. But the flashlight cannot be with the younger hunter (Peggie Your) standing next to the gate and with the older hunter who exited the car (Peggie Your) at the same time.

And if the younger hunter had the flashlight, he was not sitting in the car when Homer saw him shining the flashlight into their car.

Not to forget that the Yours were connected to Mr. Ed’s diner, too.

She mentions to leave, the racoon hunters just stare at them. Only 1-5 minutes later, after driving the car out of Marshall’s property, they close the gate and leave the scene.

I don’t know what’s going on there, but Peggie Your’s statement can impossibly be correct. A reason could be that there were three months between the two police reports (one made in March 69′, the other one in December ’68).

But I think there is enough inaccuracies to reinvestigate the Yours as well as Ricky Allen Burton to get additional information. ‘Checking the pipes’, by the way, is the most suspicious part of it (dirrty, dirrty..and they even had their children with them..).



Posted : December 22, 2013 5:14 pm
Posts: 3583
Member Moderator

Ok enough.

You don’t think that Zodiac couldn’t operate within such a small window? Then I’m sorry, you just don’t get what we are capable of. Look at the san diego bank robberies in the early 90’s concerning the suspect ‘Hollywood’. Right to the bitter end this guy was a ghost. Even escaping the FBI when they were sure they had him, during a shootout.

It’s not always so cut and dried. And you have to remember that Zodiac most likely knew that. He was operating on a level where he felt secure. In regard the san diego crimes. At one point LE were suspecting that it was one of their own. In the end he turned out to be an actor. Complete with stage makeup.

I don’t know Chief, he’s very smart or very dumb.

Posted : December 22, 2013 5:46 pm
Posts: 2598
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Ok enough.

You don’t think that Zodiac couldn’t operate within such a small window? Then I’m sorry, you just don’t get what we are capable of. Look at the san diego bank robberies in the early 90’s concerning the suspect ‘Hollywood’. Right to the bitter end this guy was a ghost. Even escaping the FBI when they were sure they had him, during a shootout.

It’s not always so cut and dried. And you have to remember that Zodiac most likely knew that. He was operating on a level where he felt secure. In regard the san diego crimes. At one point LE were suspecting that it was one of their own. In the end he turned out to be an actor. Complete with stage makeup.

Personally I do think Z did stop there for only 2-4 minutes. Enough to get out of the car, start shooting, walk around his car, force them to get out (why passenger side??), shoot David and Betty Lou (why Owen hearing only one shot?) and getting the hell out of there. Then driving Lake Herman, turning right to the North or heading towards Benicia. The times are inaccurate and at least two police reports include lies or inaccuracies for sure (Ricky Burton and Peggy Your).

Without additional reports (e.g. as mention in the list), for example from the guard of Humble Oil company, or additional witness information (re-investigation) this crime will not be solved only by those reports, imo.

And finally we got at least 2-3 people carrying weapons up there during that night (Yours, Gasser/Connely) and or including them – Zodiac. Possibly also Owen had a gun. Unsolvable without additional information, imo.



Posted : December 22, 2013 5:56 pm
Posts: 3583
Member Moderator


I don’t mean to be disrespectful to the opinions offered. I just wanted to sound dramatic lol. I’m a fool , I admit it, Still, look into the process that the Hollywood crimes offer. I found them insightful and candid and possibly relevant?

I don’t know Chief, he’s very smart or very dumb.

Posted : December 22, 2013 5:58 pm
Posts: 2598
Famed Member
Topic starter

Huhuuh…and I got another question:

Why did Peggie and Homer Your actually stop at the gate of Marshall’s ranch at all?

Checking the pipes you wouldn’t do there, would you? With the kids in the car, there is no reason to stop for lovers’ lane issues..so why did they stop there? No pipes there either..



Posted : December 22, 2013 6:35 pm
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