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Vallejo is west of Benicia not east. The Google map was right in the first place.


Posted : January 5, 2014 11:22 am
Posts: 491
Honorable Member

Perhaps because the map is inverted? On the above map Ojellav is to the east of Aicineb.

Posted : January 5, 2014 11:33 am
Posts: 7527
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Vallejo is west of Benicia not east. The Google map was right in the first place.

Yeah, and Humble Oil was in Benicia, not Vallejo

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : January 5, 2014 1:21 pm
Posts: 2598
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Here is the map reinverted..

American Canyon connections:

– Shiri-Dine Bana lived at 260, American Canyon mobile home park (1979).
– Kerry Hoover was found in 1987 in the bushes near the 30 block of Maria Drive, American Canyon
– Benny Smith, a transient, was found dumped into a culvert pipe only few months later near American Canyon (1987)
– An ‘unidentified teen-age girl’ was discovered murdered in Napa Square, a housing subdivision in American Canyon. There were suspects in the case, but no arrests were made (1988).
– James Adams was found dead in his warehouse in the 600 block of Highway 29, American Canyon (1990).
– Kim Po-Ko was killed in an armed robbery in front of her grocery store at the corner of Poco Way and Broadway/Highway 29 (1991)

Appears as if Owen’s address was somewhere at or near ‘Mini Drive’. Distance to LHR is about 9.5 miles. This is interesting because if Owen had been driving an average of 35 mph, he had arrived only about 15-16 minutes (instead of 19!) later at the scene.

Owen said he had left at 11:00 PM, which actually was 10:55 PM. He could therefore very well have been at the scene sometime between 11:10 PM and 11:12 PM. Stella Borges passes by at 11:13 PM to 11:14 PM, which is exactly a 1-4 minute time window. It is very likely that the Yours and the racoon hunters had already left the scene a few minutes earlier. This because the Yours had passed sometime between 11:00 PM and 11:08 PM (the Yours watch went 7 minutes fast, placing them as well as the racoon hunters to the scene rather at 11:00 PM than at 11:15 PM). This would rule out both, the Yours and the racoon hunters. Owen passes the scene two minutes later, only seconds before Faraday and Jensen get their first warning shot, and only 1-4 minutes before Borges finds the bodies.

Indeed this makes Owen a POI and should his appearance as well as his handwriting therefore be checked out. Nevertheless I think it is quite unlikely that Owen shoots them and later stops to help the police with his witness report. And, opposite to the Yours, he had a reason to be in that area. Although it is still irritating that the Yours have seen different things, with weapons on their childrens’ seat, there is exists the option that the driver of the dark (blue) car had killed Faraday/Jensen.

Therefore we may look at two points a bit closer:

– The Yours had no reason to stop at Marshall ranch. Even if, why did they stop there and afterwards drive back, in the opposite direction, and not continue to e.g. Vallejo? There still is the possibility of a conspiracy between the Yours (Mr. Ed’s, discrepancies in their statements) and the hunters (with Robert Konnelly possibly being the ‘Bob’ Betty Lou went out with before David..and the racoon hunters both lying, which would explain the shell on the passengers side of the car)

– Owen saw a car driving into the opposite direction, however the Yours did not. Well. However they saw a dark colored car at the entrance of Humble Oil. If that car was Zodiac’s, the witness report of the Humble Oil company’s guard is essential: If that car had left sometime between 11:03 PM and 11:11 PM, the time the Yours had passed Humble Oil (assuming 3 minutes driving time from the scene to Humble Oil), this car would have been at the scene sometime between 11:06 PM and 11:14 PM. This is exactly the time frame when the murder must have happened and Owen passing by and seeing such a car plus hearing a shot.

So imo there are only three scenarios left over:

1.) Conspiracy between the Yours and the racoon hunters, making either Robert or Mr. Your a suspect.
2.) Mrs. Your seeing a ‘third man’ with dark clothes, however this scenario is quite unlikely because a second car was seen at the scene (with not enough time to walk back, driving to the scene)
3.) The driver of the long dark colored car (the Yours), possibly the same as the car seen by Owen and the dark blue car seen by ‘Stan’.

In the police report, Stan mentions an ‘Olds, 2-door H.T. 88 (Don) blue in color and a ’63 Chevrolet, Impala, Blue with two persons in it’ that turned of Lake Herman road on to Columbus Parkway heading in the direction of Blue Rock Springs. The Chevy Impala ’63 speedometer indeed is very distinctive, appears to be possibly greeenish in color:

https://www.google.at/search?q=1963+Che … B300%3B225

First I actually wonder, how Mrs. Your could be able to see this speedometer inside the car just by driving by. Second I don’t know what to do with this ‘H.T. 88 (Don)’ part of the police report. Well.



Posted : January 5, 2014 1:37 pm
Posts: 756
Prominent Member

Why in the world was the map image reversed? Why would anyone do that?

"East is East and West is West, and never the twain shall meet," right?

I’m sorry, but reversing a correct map is perhaps not the stupidest thing I have ever seen in this case, but it’s in the top 10.


I don’t believe in monsters.

Posted : January 5, 2014 6:02 pm
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

Owen lived at 1735 Mini Dr at the time of the murders. He also had some sort of connection(I dont know what kind)to Syar Quarry on Lake Herman Rd. Syar was interesting because they used to use TNT for deomolition.

By the way, we had discussed Syar Industries before in another thread, I found at this link below,that Syar Industries owns a golf course in Vacaville:
http://www.ci.vacaville.ca.us/modules/s … entid=1775

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : January 5, 2014 7:22 pm
Posts: 301
Reputable Member

Interesting that if you use googlemaps directions feature and input Lake Herman Road and Owen’s address, it takes a route past BRS.
We know that BRS happened on friday night of July 4th at just before midnight. If Owen left work on that Friday at a similar time to 20th Dec ’68 when LHR occured, wouldn’t that put him driving past a second Z attack site within, say, 30 minutes of it happening?

Check out my website: www.darkideas.net

Posted : January 5, 2014 8:01 pm
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

Interesting that if you use googlemaps directions feature and input Lake Herman Road and Owen’s address, it takes a route past BRS.
We know that BRS happened on friday night of July 4th at just before midnight. If Owen left work on that Friday at a similar time to 20th Dec ’68 when LHR occured, wouldn’t that put him driving past a second Z attack site within, say, 30 minutes of it happening?

I have already thought about that,but there are a couple issues here with that scenario. First, we don’t know if Owen worked that night or not,being a holiday,but then again, maybe the holiday for him would have been the night before, since July 4th started at midnight the night before. Technically, the BRS attack was into July 5,so it’s possible that Owen could have been going to work for the graveyard shift into 7/5. The next issue, is Owen’s shift started at 12 midnight, and he would have been late to work if he was the shooter at BRS. Then again, he was a supervisor, so maybe it wouldn’t be an issue if he got to work late. Somebody working the graveyard shift at Humble Oil would certainly have a great alibi for the LHR & BRS murders. By the time the bodies would be found, they could have arrived at work, and felt they were in the clear.

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : January 5, 2014 8:39 pm
Posts: 1772
Noble Member

She mentioned a man in dark clothing standing next to the your’s car. It is possible that her statement was made as good as she could – seeing two men AND a man in dark clothing. This man, she said, did not move nor talk nor point the gun at them – he just kept staring at her. This man must not necessarily be one of the hunters. She then mentioned to her husband to leave, which he actually did. It is therefore possible, that neither one of the hunters nor her husband had seen this man.

Also it is not stated that Mrs. Your meant this man to be one of the two hunters. Also a number of people she had seen is not mentioned in the police report. Although still some speculation in it, I think it therefore is absolutely possible that Mrs. Your saw this man and even gave it to protocol. With a blue car standing nearby, the driver waiting, it is therefore possible that a man (e.g. Zodiac) was walking from exactly this car to the crime scene, with the intention to keep the car away from the scene.

This is a very good observation, and one that seems to be overlooked. It would seem that this could be a 3rd person at the scene. Your did get scared and tell her husband to "get the hell out of there." This contradicts the idea that she saw two hunters and it seemed like no big deal.

Also like the map. Never been clear as to where everyone was parked and heading in what direction. If the map is correct, the hunters had to cross LHR and were hunting south of the crime scene.

So, when the yours arrived, the hunters were back up at Marshall ranch getting ready to leave (in their truck.)

Is it not possible that there was a third man with, or separate from the hunters in a second car at Marshall ranch? IF that car (Z) followed the hunters out, that would be the exact time he would need to drive up, commit the crime and leave the scene.


Absolutely, how could the Police have missed this? Why did no one pursue the young man standing with the gun?

Posted : January 5, 2014 9:17 pm
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

The reports are written in a confusing way. The ‘young man’ is the hunter, Robert Connelly. There were two hunters, Gasser(in his 60’s)and Connelly(in his late 20’s)

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : January 6, 2014 2:06 am
Posts: 5315
Member Moderator

The reports are written in a confusing way. The ‘young man’ is the hunter, Robert Connelly. There were two hunters, Gasser(in his 60’s)and Connelly(in his late 20’s)

An odd pair. I wonder how they knew each other.

…they may be dealing with one or more ersatz Zodiacs–other psychotics eager to get into the act, or perhaps even other murderers eager to lay their crimes at the real Zodiac’s doorstep. L.A. Times, 1969

Posted : January 6, 2014 5:25 am
Posts: 7527
Member Admin

The reports are written in a confusing way. The ‘young man’ is the hunter, Robert Connelly. There were two hunters, Gasser(in his 60’s)and Connelly(in his late 20’s)

An odd pair. I wonder how they knew each other.

Frank Gasser in photo below,he died in 1971. Somebody stated before on the old forum I think that his Family were bigwigs in Solano county area,and that they had come north from Southern CA,but Gasser was born in Napa and died in the same area as well.

His wife’s obit:
"In 1937 Helen married Frank Gasser. They had a dairy on Springs Road in Vallejo until 1942. They had two daughters, Louise Gasser and Frances Cenotti (Vallejo). They built a home in Napa, then in 1948 moved to Benicia and continued their dairy business. Frank passed away in 1971.
In 1979 Helen married her second husband, Addison Tomlinson, and moved to Escondido until his death in 1994, after which she moved to Napa.She was a lifetime member of Seventh-day Adventist Church"

There is more than one way to lose your life to a killer


Posted : January 6, 2014 5:55 am
Posts: 2309
Member Moderator

Frank had a brother Peter Gasser who was a bigwig in Napa. There was lots of Gasser family land in both Napa and Solano counties. A little something on Peter Gasser.

http://napavalleyregister.com/news/colu … c83b1.html


Posted : January 6, 2014 6:42 am
Posts: 172
Estimable Member

Anyone have a picture of the younger hunter they could pm me? I think I tracked him down to El Cerrito High School….. ’59 ish. Can’t find the yearbook online. Thanks.

Posted : January 7, 2014 5:53 pm
Posts: 172
Estimable Member

Also, while it’s on my mind… anyone know anything about the sheepherder mentioned in the report? Wesher is an extremely rare name in this country. You’d think that would make it easy to find out info on the guy… but no. Also, I’d bet almost all my money (about $1.35) that Bingo wasn’t his real first name.

I’m not saying he is a suspect, far from it. Just wondering who the guy was.

Posted : January 7, 2014 5:56 pm
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